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Realistic or Modern Gangland 2025

".. I think it happens to all of us. If you think George is lively, you should have seen Joseph. Christ, I remember he'd usually get me up at seven, every morning, when he was George's age. I wish I had the same energy as well, but if I didn't have an alarm for the mornings, I probably wouldn't wake up until about midday." He laughed a little. No more than a couple of minutes later, George came sprinting by them and out of the back door - he ran across the patio and over to the pool where he jumped straight in and created a loud splash. Vincent watched him do this.

"Now imagine that, but twice as bad. That was Joseph." He chuckled and rubbed his forehead. (@Axel1313)


(It's Adrian xD )

Nathan and Adrian both hopped in and buckled up their seat belts. Once that was done, Nick hoped into the front passenger seat and patted Rick on the shoulder before turning back to look at the two boys.

"You two got everything?" He asked, Nathan looked at him.

"Yes, daddy..."

"Are you sure? You're both ready to go?"

"Yeah." He replied, both he and Adrian gave him a grin and he nodded and then looked back to the front.

".. Off we go, brother." He said. (@Beowulf)
Pulling out, he made as straight a line as possible in the city. He had the nagging feeling that Adrian or Nathan had in fact forgotten something, or he had. "Brother, were are the gifts?" he asked before they were to far away from the house.

He sighed. ".. Turn around." He said. He waited for Rick to drive back to the house and park up, and for the last time, he asked the two boys if they needed anything before he came back. Nathan needed to pee, so it was lucky that they turned around after all. He took the boy inside and let him go to the bathroom, while he himself went and got the gifts they'd gotten for Amari's boys. He waited by the front door for Nathan to return, and then lead him out to the car once again. Nick put the gifts on his lap in the front, and once Nathan was strapped in, they were all good to go once again. Now, they'd forgotten nothing, and they were back on the road to Amari's place. (@Beowulf)
"Oh geeze.....I feel for ya Vincent. " He gave him a friendly pat on the shoulder. "Hey, if only you could convert that energy into a power source and sell it. You'd be swimming in cash and never have to work a day in your life ever again." (@DrTrollinski )
"I knew it." Rick said as he warched the father son pair walk into the house. "You sure you haven't forgotten anything?" he asked Adrian one last time before he saw Nick exit the house and wait for his son. "Going once. Going twice..." he trailed iff at the end as the two got back into the car. Knowing they had everything, he drove off towards Amari's house.(@DrTrollinski)
"Eh, don't worry about it." He chuckled. ".. It helped to keep me on my toes, you know what I mean? Sure, it was stressful, but looking at the kids now..." He shook his head and laughed. "It may have worn me down, but it was worth every minute. It's amazing what children can teach you - I've learned some things from them that I never even knew before I had kids." He shrugged. "It's just one of those things." He smiled. When he heard about the 'not working' thing he raised one eyebrow. ".. Johnathan... Look at the house I live in and the car I drive. You think I work?" He chuckled. "Unless you're referring to The Dicciano Family, of course." He added. (@Axel1313)


It was only ten minutes into the car journey that Adrian leaned forward and tapped Nick on the shoulder. Nick looked in the rear-view mirror at the child and saw that he looked rather uncomfortable. He sighed. He knew something was up.

".. What's wrong, Adrian...?"

There was a long pause. ".. I need the bathroom..."

"What?! I thought you went before we left...?"

"Nuh-uh... I didn't need to go then, and I was only brushin' my teeth." He frowned. Nick sighed and rested his head against his seat.

"It's too late to go back now. You'll have to wait." He said, with a whine Adrian leaned back in his seat and crossed his arms, his head bowed. (@Beowulf)


DrTrollinski said:
"Eh, don't worry about it." He chuckled. ".. It helped to keep me on my toes, you know what I mean? Sure, it was stressful, but looking at the kids now..." He shook his head and laughed. "It may have worn me down, but it was worth every minute. It's amazing what children can teach you - I've learned some things from them that I never even knew before I had kids." He shrugged. "It's just one of those things." He smiled. When he heard about the 'not working' thing he raised one eyebrow. ".. Johnathan... Look at the house I live in and the car I drive. You think I work?" He chuckled. "Unless you're referring to The Dicciano Family, of course." He added. (@Axel1313)

It was only ten minutes into the car journey that Adrian leaned forward and tapped Nick on the shoulder. Nick looked in the rear-view mirror at the child and saw that he looked rather uncomfortable. He sighed. He knew something was up.

".. What's wrong, Adrian...?"

There was a long pause. ".. I need the bathroom..."

"What?! I thought you went before we left...?"

"Nuh-uh... I didn't need to go then, and I was only brushin' my teeth." He frowned. Nick sighed and rested his head against his seat.

"It's too late to go back now. You'll have to wait." He said, with a whine Adrian leaned back in his seat and crossed his arms, his head bowed. (@Beowulf)
(@Beowulf, @Axel1313)
"They sure do have a way of teaching you a lot." He chuckled. "And yeah, that's kinda what I meant. None of the other gangs would ever be able to catch up with you and give up." He joked.(@DrTrollinski )
"Eh, who knows." He smirked. ".. We should talk about this Manny Esperelda. We don't know if he's a terrorist himself, but we know one thing, their line of explosives need to go." He said. (@Axel1313)
"I'd deem him one seeing as he's funding the guys who use said explosives and bailing them out constantly." He grimaced. "I'm no expert on anything like this, but I'd say the best thing to do would be to deal with those explosives first. That'd put a real dent in their plans."(@DrTrollinski )
".. I vote to just blow the warehouse up. Trigger the explosives and ka-bam. We're fine. It's isolated from the rest of the city, so the most it'll destroy is one side of another warehouse. We need to make sure that civilians are clear of the blast, though. We should have some guys pose as an evacuation team, and then that would be us sorted, wouldn't it?" He grinned and began gently tapping his fingers on the table. (@Axel1313)
"Sounds like the best plan. It's quick, in and out and as long as we're thorough in checking the area nobody should get hurt." He rest both elbows on the table. "And it solves a large chunk of our problems too...for now. As long as La Desierta don't try anything."(@DrTrollinski )
".. That's what I'm worried about. I've been planning something, and there's one guy that I'm going to take care of myself. A few friends of ours know some Lieutenants that work to make sure Manny's dirty work is covered up. Next week, like planned, I definitely need you to come and babysit from about... Midday time, I'd say. Think you could do that for me?" He asked. (@Axel1313)
"Which one? Number 1 or number poo." he asked, getting ready to pull over if he had to. But until then, he put his foot down just a little bit more.

(@DrTrollinski )
".. Two..." Adrian muttered shyly, Nick chuckled.

"Ah, that's fine. If it was the first one I'd be angry, because you either need to go or you don't with that. As for number two, I think you'll find that that can hit you at random times. Just hang in there, Adrian. We should be at Amari's house soon." He said. (@Beowulf)
"Ah, well I hope things go smoothly on your end with that." He drummed his fingers lightly against the table."I can most certainly watch the boys for you next week. I've got nothing planned for quite some time."(@DrTrollinski )
"I find that either one tends to sneak up on you." Rick said as he pushed the car a little faster. "But, as Nick said, we should be there soon. And, if I'm not wrong, that is it right up there." he said as he pointed to a rather impressive manor, similar to their own in it's security and remoteness.

"I think that's it, yes. Gated estate, guards... That's Amari's place." Nick smiled and looked over at Adrian again. ".. How you holding up?" He asked. Adrian looked uncomfortable and he was moving his legs about a lot.

".. I really gotta' go..." He whimpered. Nick reached back and patted him on the head.

"Hang in there for a couple more minutes." He said. (@Beowulf - @Axel1313 - I'll give you a post once mine and Beowulf's characters arrive.)
Pulling into the driveway, he parked and unbuckled. "Alright, we're here. Now stay close until we can find the bathroom." he said as he held out his hand for Adrian to take. Walking up to the door, he both hammers on the door and rings the doorbell.

Adrian took his hand while literally dancing on the spot. Nathaniel held Nick's hand. The guards at the gate instantly opened up the gate for them when they saw The Black Sun logo on their car. They didn't want to, but they did.

Vincent looked at Johnathan. ".. Shit... I think that's them. No guards called them in, I--.. Shit... Go out the back and get George in from the pool, will you? There's a towel out there - make sure he doesn't come in here too wet." He said as he walked off towards the door and slowly creak it open. He almost shit himself when he saw the two suited men standing there in front of him. His face flushed of color when he saw the two kids standing there as well - What the hell was going on?

".. Uh--.. Hi...?" He said, gulping. He looked at Adrian who was pretty much dancing around on the spot. The other child seemed fine, though - the freaky thing was that both children were identical, and both men were as well. If not identical, they were very similar. (@Beowulf, @Axel1313)
"Before we get down to buisness, where might a bathroom be?" Rick asked right away, nodding to Adrian dancing at his side. "I do hope you don't mind that we brought our boys along. Buisness can get rather tomultuous (big word I probably spelled wrong) especially in our line of work, as you should know." he continued and pushed his way through the door.

(@DrTrollinski )
"I'm on it." He nodded and stood up to go get George. "George! Your pops says ya gotta get out of the pool now!" He called to him. "There are some guests here so hurry up please."(@DrTrollinski )
(Tumultuous :) You almost had it.)

Vincent looked down at the dancing boy once again. He wasn't clutching his groin in discomfort, so it was obvious that this was a little bit more urgent. He nodded slowly and creaked the door open, and then closed it over once they'd all stepped inside. He was lost for words.

".. Please, mister! I gotta' go real bad now! I'm not gonna' make it" Adrian whimpered to him. He was on the verge of crying. Vincent gave a sigh under his breath and then nodded.

".. Right this way..." He choked. He lead them all through to the kitchen area and then pushed open a door to a small half-bathroom that was connected to the kitchen. Adrian instantly ran inside, slammed the door shut, locked it, and then got down to business. Meanwhile, Vincent looked the remaining three over and walked them away from the bathroom door so that the boy could have his privacy. Nathaniel simply greeted him with a shy smile and wave as he half-hid behind Nick's leg. Vincent shakily motioned his hand over towards the table in the kitchen beside the double doors which lead out into the back yard. ".. Please--.. Uh... Take a seat, my friends--.. I... I'll prepare you some drinks. What--.. What would you like?" He asked. He was trying not to crack but it looked like it was too late for that. He felt his shirt getting damp with sweat, and sweat was really building up on his forehead as well. (@Beowulf)


George popped out after diving under the water. Water poured down his hair and face and he quickly wiped it away as he swam to the edge of the pool and leaned onto it. He was a good swimmer for a kid. ".. Oh... Okay..." He said, he held out a hand towards Johnathan so that he could have some help climbing out - there was a slope at the shallow end of the pool that he could walk up, but this would save time. The towel was on the wall right behind Johnathan. (@Axel1313)
Johnathan took his hand and hoisted him out of the pool with little effort. "You're practically a little fish aren't ya?" He teased and tossed the towel at him. "Make sure you're nice and dry. That was your pop's orders." (@DrTrollinski )

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