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Realistic or Modern Gangland 2025

He laughed a little. A little fish. That sounded pretty cool. He wrapped the towel around himself and quickly dried off his body and his hair. It took him a few minutes, but his skin was dry and eventually his swimming shorts came to the point where they were just damp. He carefully folded the towel up and put it back down on the wall. ".. Should I stay and dry off more? Or should I come in?" He asked him, looking up at him with puppy eyes. There wasn't any water dripping from him. (@Axel1313)
"I think you should be good. Ya look dry enough to me." He opened the door for him. "You should go get out of those wet clothes quickly though. Looks like the guys at the door are dressed for business." (@DrTrollinski )
"Thank you, Mr. Amari. I am Rick, this is my brother Nick. We come bearing gifts, of course." at this he produced the bottel of champagne (sp). "And the one that is now in the bathroom my son, Adrian, and this here is my nephew, Nathan."

(@DrTrollinski )
".. I see... It's a pleasure." He hesitantly shook Rick and Nick's hands and then shook Nathan's as well.

"Nathan is my son, if you couldn't guess." Nick said. Amari nodded.

".. Can hardly tell you apart..." He said - it was intended as a joke but there was a lot of truth behind it. He seemed a little nervous. George walked through the back door with Johnathan - he was still in his swimming shortd, but he was mostly dried off. He looked at Rick, Nick, and then at Nathan. He wasn't too sure on whether or not they were nice, but he still smiled. ".. Let me introduce you--.. This is my second eldest son." He said as he walked over and put a hand down on George's head. "George." Amari forced a smile. George had the same mannerisms as his father, which will become evident shortly. ".. George, son... This is Rick, Nick, and this is Nick's son - Nathan." He said, George smiled.

"Hi." He said simply, he shook the hands of the three of them. Soon enough a toilet was heard flushing and Adrian emerged from the bathroom and joined them all - he went over and stood beside Nathan.

Nick spoke. "This is my nephew - Adrian." He said, Amari shook his hand as well, as did George. Amari cut in once again.

"Well, gentlemen... This is a friend of ours - Johnathan." (@Beowulf, @Axel1313)
"Do you mind if we send our boys off with your's? I doubt what we will soon talk about will be something they will enjoy listening to. Oh, and I have three other presents for you. One for each of your children." Rick replied after shaking the two's hand and giving the third man a weighing look. So, this was the man Amari was tying strings around. He might have to tie a few himself before this meeting was over.

(@DrTrollinski )
"Nice to meet you Sirs." He gave them both a polite nod. "You need me to do anything else while I'm here boss or just hang around while you guys talk?" He asked curiously.

((@DrTrollinski . Sorry if it takes me a while to respond. Notifications out the wazoo and then Spiderman stopped by to say hello. sudden chaos..))
Nick picked up the box with the RC car in it and handed it to the young boy. George took it up and inspected it. He gasped in surprise and grinned.

"Cool! Thanks!" He smiled at them both. Amari shared no such joy.

"George... Why don't you show Nathan and Adrian your room...?" Amari suggested as he rubbed the back of his neck.

"Sure!" George smiled.

"Before you play, take some dry clothes into the bathroom and get changed, okay? You'll get sick if you leave those wet shorts on." Amari said, George smiled and nodded again.

"Okay, dad. C'mon, guys! I've got loads of cool stuff to show you." He said to the two children. He dashed down the hallway and Adrian and Nathan hesitantly but eventually followed at the same speed. Soon enough, more footsteps came down the stairs and an older boy appeared in the kitchen.

"Johnathan... I hate to be a pain, but if you could prepare some coffee for the gentlemen and then run some juice up to the kids, it'd be appreciated." He said. He looked at the boy who entered who was near enough jaw dropped at the sight of Nick and Rick. "Nick, Rick... This is my eldest son - Joseph." He said. (@Axel1313, @Beowulf)
"Nice to meet you Joseph."Rick said as he nodded at the boy sense they were tk far apart to really shake hands. "Now, shall we have a seat somewhere?" he asked Amari.

(@DrTrollinski sorry it's short, but it's getting late over here. So, guten nacht as the germans say.)
"No problem Boss." He grinned. Walking back off to the kitchen to start up the coffee. He then poured several glasses of juice for the boys and headed upstairs to deliver it to them. Thank God for all those year as a buss boy. He didn't even spill a single drop. He then headed back downstairs and poured all of them a fresh, hot cup of coffee. ((@DrTrollinski . it's only 10pm here, but I can wait until tomorrow. Noapte buna my friends!))
Joseph, a boy who appeared to be around the age of ten, stepped forward and quickly shook the hands of both Rick and Nick. He looked struck with awe.

".. You--.. You guys are The Black Sun..." He said. He looked more envious than scared.

"Indeed." Nick muttered.

"That's awesome..."

Amari interrupted. ".. Son, when in the world did you learn about The Black Sun?"

"Oh... It was on the internet. There's leaked pictures of you guys, and everything like that! Aren't you guys like the Illuminati?" He asked. Nick ran his eyes across to look at Rick. (@Beowulf)

While Joseph was talking to those two, Amari stood up and went to Johnathan's side to talk to him. ".. When you took the drinks up, was everything alright? Like, nothing funny was happening, no?" He asked in a whisper. Amari was just overreacting. George had gotten changed into clean clothes, and when Johnathan delivered the drinks, he was showing Nathan and Adrian around his room and getting out some toys that they could play with. (@Axel1313, @Beowulf)
"Everything was just fine. George was in clean clothes and getting out some toys for all of them to play with." He whispered back. Not quite sure why Amari was so concerned about that. "Looked like they are going to be preoccupied for quite a while."( @DrTrollinski )
".. Alright. Yeah... Sure..." He looked around and took a deep breath. ".. Keep an eye our for me, eh? And if the baby starts crying, please take care of him... I don't think the boys are the only ones who are going to be occupied." He said. (@Axel1313)
"Sure. I can do that while you have your little meeting." He smiled and pat him on the shoulder. "And relax Boss! I'm sure they don't bite. They're only here to talk anyway, right?"(@DrTrollinski )
((I will be busy from about...3-8pm central time tonight. Hanging out candy to the kiddies who visit the dorms.))
Rick looked at the older boy, Joseph. "The internet often lies. I do hope you learn that lesson now rather them later." Being compared to the Illuminati, that was new. He didn't want to do anything to the lad, but a veiled threat would have to be done.

(@DrTrollinski )
Joseph sat down. He seemed more intrigued rather than scared, unlike his father. ".. I know the internet lies, but--.. They've got pictures of some big treaty that happened a few years ago, or something. One of you guys was talkin' there, and all the people that come up with the theories say you control everything on this side of the city and the only reason someone reaches fame here is 'cause you guys let it happen. Is that true?" He asked, smiling in anticipation.

".. Joseph--.." Amari muttered. He sighed and shook his head. He'd let them deal with this. (@Beowulf)
"Theories are often alwrong as many times as they are right, especially with little proof." he told Joseph. "And let's say what you find on the internet is true, don't you think you should tread more lightely."

(@DrTrollinski )
".. Well--.." He thought about it. ".. No...?" He guessed, one eyebrow raised. ".. Why would I get in trouble if it wasn't me that put it on the internet? Wouldn't it be the person who investigated it all that would be the one to get in trouble for it?" He asked.

Nick looked across to Rick and shrugged very discreetly as if to say. 'He has a valid point'. (@Beowulf)
"Touche." he said, and ignored the boy. "Amari, shall we discuss what we came here to discuss?" But in the back of his mind, he couldn't help but think he had been bested by a kid. And if that little runt put it on the internet, he would go missing for a couple of days.

Nick picked up the RC Helicopter and handed it to Joseph. ".. Here you go, kid. Enjoy it. Stay off the theories... They can be dangerous." He said, Joseph took the helicopter and grinned.

"Awesome! Thanks, guys!" He smiled and then ran off.

".. I'm sorry about him. He gets carried away sometimes... When he was six he used to get up at seven every morning... He's very--.. Lively." Amari sighed. (@Beowulf)
"I'd say." Rick said as he took a seat (assuming there are chairs here). "I do hope you have been well these last few years. Somethings have been going on with the other organizations." here he paused in case Amari wanted to say anything.

".. I know. I know." He said, sighing. ".. The Deserted have been planning terrorist attacks." He said, sighing once again as he took a sip of his coffee. (@Beowulf)
"We can only do so much. That is why we came to you. We will visit the Deserted, and put those rabid dogs down. Together, we can also get a lot more donw then we can apart." Taking his sunglasses off, he looks at Amari. "Tell me, what do you say about what I've just told you?"

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