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Realistic or Modern Gangland 2025

"Simple. We ask him to a meeting at his house, for him to feel more at ease. Then, we take the children along and make a good enough excuse for why they are their. Simple things really. And since his children are home schooled, they will be their. Whether they become friends his still a mystery. If not, no harm done."

".. Mister Amari has a history of paranoia and depression... Do you really think a visit from The Black Sun is going to help him feel any better? What if he blames his wife's disappearance on us?" He asked. "Maybe we should go in disguise, but--.. Then it won't work. Jesus... We need to tell the kids not to give away our names, or anything about us... Or they do, and Amari gets threatened with death if he tells anyone. That's your choice, brother." He said. (@Beowulf)
"I don't think the bail records show anything other than how much this guy can get away with.....there's gotta be something else on him too."
".. I don't know. I ain't a lawyer. If I was, I'd be enjoying a vacation in Spain." He chuckled. "Maybe if you find who's been bailing him out, you might get a bit closer to what you're looking for. I don't like the guy either, okay? I don't have dirt on him, though." (@Axel1313)
James goes into the glove compartment and pulls out a theater mask. It showed trauma . He shows it to Le'Mar in confusion. He shrugs and puts it on.
Le'Mar pulled one out and quickly slipped it on. It was a Guy Fawkes mask. ".. I think I need to hire someone else to do my mask shopping." He sighed as he looked into the rear-view mirror. He realized how stupid he looked. The mask barely fit his face. (@AvidElmV2)
"Then we do our best to calm him. Have a nice drink, come in unarmed, take the first drink of the wine, everything. Let him know that we mean him no harm, and that we have done nothing. If anything goes sideways, we leave." he said as he put his glasses back on. "And he would certainly not expect anything, considering we would have two kids in tow."

".. True. An alliance with one of the strongest mafias would certainly be beneficial to us, as that could have a very positive side effect on both us and himself whenever it comes to relying on each other for assistance." He thought for a moment and then smiled. "We have a plan. When is it going to take place?" He asked. (@Beowulf)
"Soon. We could organize it now and do it tomorrow. Or we can give him time to prepare if he is so paranoid. I vote the latter. Do you want to tell the boys about the up coming trip, or should I?" Rick asked as he gathered up the papers and got them in line.

".. Organize it for tomorrow, indeed... And you can tell them." He smiled. "They should be upstairs somewhere - They probably got changed out of their swimming shorts by now, so they're probably in either of their rooms." He said. (@Beowulf)
"That's alright, I'm just running my mouth really. I may just have to check out that who's paying his bail thing. It'd be great to know who to really look out for." He chuckled. "And get to know in case I ever need bailed out for something."
"Yeah, I get you, man. Just watch yourself if you're going to be poking around in their business - They've done some gruesome shit, and I'd hate to see that happen to my number one customer, eh?" He gently nudged his shoulder and chuckled. (@Axel1313)
James gets out of the car and walks into the jewelry store. Once he walked in, he got strange looks from the customers. He could hear them murmuring Who is this guy and Whats going on? He walks up to the counter and stares at the cashier.

"May I help you sir?"

"Take everything out the register."

"Excuse me?"

"Take everything out of the fucking register. Now."

"Sir I'm gonna have to ask you to leave."

"Open the register and-"

"Sir, leave or I will have to call the-"

James pulled a glock from out of his waistband.

"Open the damn register!"

All of a sudden alarms blared out and the cashiers face flushed. Jame's worst nightmare came true. The cashier had set of the alarm.
Where was Le'Mar? He didn't go in there with him. Did he set him up? No. A minute later Le'Mar came charging in with an M4A4 in hand; it was painted black and grey in wide zebra stripes. He ran up to the cashier and shoved the gun in his face. "Get the money in the bag right now, motherfucker! We got two minutes before the police get here, and if they get here and I don't have that money, I'm blowin' your fuckin' head off." He snarled at him, the barrel pressed against his head. He looked at James and sighed. ".. Despair. Get as much jewelry as you can carry." He ordered. (@AvidElmV2)
James moved the customers out of the way and smashed through the glass with the butt of his gun. He put jewelry on his arms and neck while putting any ear rings in his hand. After awhile he walked up to Le'Mar with all the jewelry he could carry.
"Will do. Thank you for seeing it my way." he said as he got up and headed towards the house. "Boys? Where are you, i need to talk to you." he shouted once he was inside. He was already headed up the stairs when he heard their reply.

"I'll make sure to sleep with the lights on and a gun under my pillow." He joked. "Well. I should probably get going now. It was nice talkin' to ya and thanks for the drinks. I'll see ya around." He winked and slid what he owed onto the counter, along with a rather generous tip.
When the sirens came close, the cashier handed him a bag with the money stuffed into it. He struck the cashier in the head, grabbed the bag, and then dashed out of the store with James and literally pushed him into the car. He'd need to get the plates changed, but that was doable. He sped off instantly after throwing the bag of money onto James' lap and didn't stop. He was flooring it, full-speed, making sure he was well out of the way of any police cars. He had one stop to make in the ghetto. A good friend of his ran a car service station where he offered resprays and plate-changes. That was where they were headed.

".. Nice work." He coughed as he tore the mask off of his face. (@AvidElmV2)


They were in Nathaniel's room. When he got into the room he saw the soggy swim shorts of the two boys in the center of the wooden floor, and the two boys were dressed in their pajamas and snuggled up in bed together - they were watching one of the most recent Disney movies that had come out in movie theaters, and had also come out on Blu-ray DVD, which was what they were watching it on. It was quite a cute sight, and they both looked quite tired despite it being so early in the day.

"Hi, daddy..." Adrian muttered quietly as he looked over Nathaniel and at Rick.

".. Hi, Uncle Rick..." Nathaniel gave him a tired smile and wave. (@Beowulf


"Any time. See you around." He said softly, and then went back to wiping off the bar again. When Johnathan got close to home, he saw a car that was parked outside the apartment complex he was staying in.


(1970 Chevrolet Chevelle)

A man in a suit was stood beside the car. When he saw Johnathan approaching he smiled but kept his hands linked behind his back. (@Axel1313)
James jumps out of the car and takes off his mask. "Thanks." He draws in a quick breath of relief. He constantly walks around in a circle. He was, once again, restless.
"Hey there!" He greeted him happily. His eyes instantly snapped to the car though, completely confused. "Uhhhm..what is this, exactly?" He looked it up and down. "Am I bein' taken somewhere again?"
"Hello boys." he said as he poked his head through the door. "You two enjoying that there movie?" he asked as the rest of him followed into the room. Not really waiting for an answer, he goes and sits on the edge of the bed. "Would you two like to come with us on a little buisness trip? There will be other kids there." he said, trying to bribe them into coming along.

(@DrTrollinski )
He drove the car into the garage and hopped out of it as well. "Yo!" He called out. "Mart! You around?!" He yelled In question. He looked at James and sighed. "Take a seat." He said to him. (@AvidElmV2)


The man pulled a key ring from his back pocket with a single key attached and handed it to him. "No, sir. I was told to deliver this car to you." He said. (@Axel1313)


Adrian looked at Nathaniel and smiled. "Yeah, we wanna come." Adrian said before hugging Rick tight. (@Beowulf)
James sits down and groan's. He tosses his mask on the floor and looks to Le'Mar. He continues to move around.
"Nooo. You're just pullin' my leg! You gotta be!" He stared at him in disbelief. There was no way that this car could be his now. "I can't believe it....there's no way I did anything to deserve somethin' like this."
A man busted out through the door and Le'Mar explained how he wanted a black stripe added down the center of the car, and how he wanted a plate change as well. They were safe from the cops in here. "You okay, James?" He asked. (@AvidElmV2)


"Negative. Those were my orders from Mister Amari himself." He said softly, linking his hands in front of him. (@Axel1313)

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