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Realistic or Modern Gangland 2025

"I wouldn't be surprised. But when a cornered dog is threatened, they will surprise many people. As for the Six and Gunma, they worked so well together so well in those robberies. It would be a shame if we had to handle them like we did the Devil's Arm. A stern talk should set them straight. Le'Mar first? or someone in the Gunam?"

"Spain huh? That sounds like it'd be real nice." Johnathan chuckled and finished up his whiskey. "Real expensive trip though, unfortunately."

'Vincent...I found our guy.' He sent the message as quickly as he could.
'Be careful. If you're near him, try and eavesdrop. If not, just watch him for a while.'

Santa slammed his fist down on the bar and looked at the bartender in fury. He began spurting out words in Spanish, so it's clear he was saying something about John. He looked furious, though. The bartender put up a good argument before Santa stood up and stormed off, his glass in-hand as he did so. The bartender sighed and leaned forward onto the bar again. (@Axel1313


".. It was Le'Mar that carried out the attack. We'll talk with him first, but that'll come in time. For now we wait." He said, and then flicked his sunglasses on and lied down in his sun lounger. Adrian stood up from his own and went over towards Rick - he was about to climb up onto the chair he was sat on, but Nick stopped him. ".. Hey. You. Your father's busy - Come and sit with me." He said, doing his best to get Adrian out of Rick's hair for a minute so he could continue going through the documents. Adrian did just that and kept the towel wrapped around him while he walked to Nick's chair and lied down beside him - soon enough, Nick's own son came over and lied down on the opposite side - Nick shut his eyes and smiled while the three of them baked in the sun. Rick had noticed over time that the only points where Nick seemed truly happy was when he spent time with their sons - they didn't have much time for them, but they loved them all the same. Even though Nick was often the one who had the final word in things, there were points in time where he looked as if he sometimes stopped enjoying the job he had. (@Beowulf)
James sits back down in his chair, bouncing his leg up and down restlessly. He turns to look at the blonde still sprawled out of the floor. He nudges her once again with the toe of his shoe and is surprised that see groans and rolls over. At least she's alive.
(Avid. We'll advance things to the next day now. That way everyone involved here can be part of it. @Icefox11)

After the first day, the target of The Gunma was dead, and The Six were far better off. They had James stay overnight in the base of operations, but in the morning, Le'Mar came to see him, wherever he may have been. The upstairs part where they had him staying was clean, unlike the downstairs area - there wasn't any smell of drugs or alcohol up there either. Le'Mar walked into James' room and took a deep breath.

"Jaxon told me you did good yesterday." He said boldly. (@AvidElmV2)
Johnathan jumped when Santa slammed his fist down on the bar and began arguing with the bartender. He was going to ask what that was all about as soon as Santa left, but decided against that. "I'll uh...I'll take another whiskey please."

'I'll try....if he doesn't scare the crap outta me first and if I see him again around this place.' He quickly responded to Amari's text.
".. I'm sorry about that... I don't think that man's a fan of Americans..." He muttered to him before turning and pouring him another whiskey. He gently set it down in front of him and then sighed. ".. I'd recommend staying away from him, for the record." He added. (@Axel1313)
"It's alright...some people are just like that." He glanced back over his shoulder for good measure. "And believe me, after that little outburst alone I definitely plan on staying as far away from him as possible....wonder why he even came over here like that in the first place?"
James was lying on his bed, inspecting the guns he took from the Death's Disciples. He sat up and look Le'Mar with a smile on his face. "Is that so?"
"He came over here for a drink and to try and get in on other people's business. Americans in this joint are usually bad news to those guys - Must have thought you were some big-time detective, or something." He chuckled a little. Oh, if he only realized the bitter truth behind his joke. "He gets people like that bothering him all the time here. I mean, you would if you're a former terrorist, wouldn't you?" He chuckled again. (@Axel1313)


"Yeah." He looked at the crates of the guns. ".. And judgin' by the fact that the guns are in good shape, the drugs ain't fake, and Jaxon ain't dead... I'd say you did alright as well." He gave a half-grin and exposed several gold teeth in one shot. The rest of his teeth were a pearly white, though. This guy was built like a tank - 6ft 3", and muscles that showed clear steroid abuse alongside strenuous bodybuilding. He had the right amount of fat and muscle for the size of him, but the fat didn't show. At all. (@AvidElmV2)
James stood up and threw the guns on his bed. He looked up to Le'Mar with a blank, serious expression on. Was James happy? Yes. Was he gonna show it? No. He had to make a good impression, and being the giddy white boy was gonna make everyone in The Six hate him. Being the only white male in a and filled with 'Afro Americans' was gonna be tough.
".. I guess I can only say one thing." He held out an open hand for a handshake - he held out his right hand. His ring finger and index finger both had a gold ring on them and there was a tattoo of something that trailed up his arm but James was unable to see what it was. It was covered by the sleeve of a black near enough skin-tight sweater. Le'Mar was bald as well, typically - his facial hair was the five o'clock shadow which was also developing into a goatee, but not fully yet. (@AvidElmV2)
James grabs Le'Mars hand and shakes it. One thought passed through his head. A thought he had been waiting for all his life. I'm on the road to respect. "Now what?"
"Well," Le'Mar dropped himself down onto the bed that almost cracked under the sudden weight that was put on it. ".. The guns and the drugs are a big opener for us. Money will be flowin' out the ass once we sell that on, and that means we can move to some place which is a little nicer than what we have now." He said, eventually spinning himself around and lying down. (@AvidElmV2)
James nodded. He stood there for awhile. "So.. Is there anything you need me to do? I'm always glad to help." He backed up to a wall and leaned on it. he went into his pocket and pulled out a pack of cigarettes and a lighter. He pulled a cigarette out of the pack and put it into his mouth. He took his lighter and lit the cigarette. James looked to Le'Mar and held the pack out to him. "Want one?"
"I suppose you are right with that. If I was in that position I'd be on edge too." He chuckled. "But how on earth do I look like some big time detective?" Laughing he motioned to his rather ratty appearance. "I look more like hoodlum than anything."
"Pff... Sure." He shrugged and took one of them from the box, followed by sticking it in his mouth. He flicked out a silver zippo lighter from his pocket and flicked the top of it off - a bright flame ignited and rose up to a point. He held it under the cigarette and lit it before puffing on it. The silver lighter had a little silver skull molded onto it - he slipped it back into his pocket and then looked around. ".. I don't know. We need to make money, somethin' other than selling those guns and drugs... Ideas?" He asked. (@AvidElmV2)

"The ones who don't look like the suspect are usually the biggest suspects there are, ese." He said, smiling. He looked around the club for a moment and noticed a group of The Deserted gathering up right at the bottom near the area that lead into the private dance rooms. It looked a bit fishy, but not dangerous just yet. (@Axel1313)
James took the cigarette out of his and puffed out a cloud of smoke. Ideas ran through his head. "Maybe we could run a racket? Or maybe we could get payed for protection?" He was still thinking of a couple more ideas if Le'Mar didn't like those.
".. That sounds good to me. After the stunt we pulled killin' that Asian fucker yesterday, they'll be out for blood. We should start extorting people for some cash - that'd make quick and easy money. Best place to start is on a Casino, I'd say." He said. (@AvidElmV2)
James nodded and took tapped his cigarette, dropping ashes onto the floor. "So, who's my partner for this mission?" He tossed the cigarette on the floor after awhile and stomped it up with his shoe.
"I am." He said, he shoved the cigarette down onto the window sill to extinguish it. ".. Get some guns, just in case. We'll get the casino and then we'll hit up a small place for some pocket change." He said. (@AvidElmV2)
James went over to his bed and picked up two pistols, tucking them into his waistband. He adjusted them so no one would know they were there before pulling his shirt over guns and looking over to Le'Mar. "Let's go."
"We'll take my car." He smirked and then walked him out of the room and outside. He walked down the alley a little further and revealed a car that was probably worth more than the building the gang was situated in. It was a 1970 AMC Hornet - Ironically, painted a yellow-gold sort of color. ".. Hop in, we'll make a move." He said as he jogged over to the driver's seat and then slipped on his trench coat that was held over the back of the seat. (@AvidElmV2)
James to takes a moment to admire the car before jumping into the passengers side. "So Casino then hold-up, right?"
"Guess I can't argue with that logic, but still! Singling a guy out like that isn't really fair." He joked. "Especially since I just came here to have a good time like everybody else." Taking a sip of his whiskey he glanced back at the growing group in the back.

((Might be slow responding. Have just one bar of WiFi connection.))

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