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Realistic or Modern Gangland 2025

"Thanks. And I guarantee that they would be in good hands." He gave a grateful nod and took a sip of the piping hot beverage. It was more than needed seeing as he did not look much better off than Amari. A bright smile decorated his face as George reached out for a handshake. He took no time in returning it. "Why, It's nice to meet you George."
"Nice to meet you, too." He grinned and then went back towards his father even more. Amari chuckled a little and ruffled his hair.

".. Run along. Go find your brother and play with him, or something. I'll call you when breakfast's ready, okay?" He said, George smiled at him and nodded before hopping back up again.

"Okay, dad." He said; he waved a goodbye to Johnathan as he rushed by him and shot down the hallway to go upstairs. Amari leaned back in his chair and sipped his coffee with a long groan.

"Christ, these kids tire me out... Did you have the same experience as a parent?" He asked with a sigh. (@Axel1313)
"A little." He chuckled. "My girls are only going to be three soon. So all I really have experience with is them waking up fussy, most of the time in the early hours of the day. Or crying all day because they want their mommy and getting in to stuff they're not supposed to. Being a parent has to be the most exhausting job."
"Yeah, the people that ain't parents underestimate us. When you're as busy as us, and work, I think you start to realize that life's got it in for you." He chuckled in a light-hearted manner and gulped down some of his coffee. ".. There may be a bit of a problem with this Mexican cartel. I fear that they're going to make advancements on us - we haven't done anything wrong, but since the treaty was broke, I think they're picking what appears to be an easy target." He explained. (@Axel1313)
"If they only knew what we were really dealing with they'd think we're superhuman." He joked. "Anywaaaay. That doesn't sound good at all, but uh. Treaty?" He looked up at him curiously. "I hate to ask, but I'm afraid I've got absolutely no idea what that treaty thing is. To be honest, never even heard a there being one until now."
Amari sighed. "You know what, call me by my first name. Vincent. It'll make things easier, but if you're around other colleagues, call me 'sir', or 'Mister Amari'. Anyway..." He slurped some more of his coffee. "Basically, the treaty was a plan devised by The Black Sun a few years back - All gangs, families, syndicates, cartels - everyone. They all signed it. Including myself - that stopped our war with The Deserted, and me and one of the leaders actually became good friends after that, would you know." He chuckled a little and then took a deep breath. "I remember the night we were there, holy shit. The main man of The Black Sun - Or I assume he was the main man as he gave the speech. The two that were there looked exactly the same. But regardless, he spoke of a 'better country' and 'a better life' - he pointed out how no one was getting at each other's throats at the gathering. Why? Because every last one of us was there. Every gang on the poor side was there to meet." He shook his head and looked around the kitchen.

There was a brief silence while he sipped some more of his coffee and looked off down the hallway. ".. I think it was The Devil's Arms that broke the treaty. They hit up some bank that a black gang was doing, along with the Asian guys - everyone dead except them. They took the money and fucked off, and now everyone's going to war because someone ruined it for everyone..." He sighed. (@Axel1313)
"I see." He listened intently as Vincent explained it all. Making a mental note of what went down to cause all of this and who was involved. "Yeesh...what idiots. All of the tension they've created between the gangs now because of they're stupid decision." Johnathan sighed and took a sip of his coffee. "So, that means we've got The Deserted to worry about now. Any ideas as to why they've targeted us? I know you said it's because they think we're an easy target, but why start a war again?"
".. The same reason a child asks for new toys. They get bored of what they already have." He said in a stern and cold tone. The way he said it could make anyone shiver, and he looked very sincere when he spoke. "Old habits die hard, John... We had a habit of shooting at each other a lot. It's safe to say that my men did the most damage over time..." He sighed and finished off his coffee. ".. It wasn't me that ordered it... but... my men sometimes got so angry at what The Deserted did - they blew up a school in our territory once, the bastards. Thankfully, we were tipped off and the whole school was evacuated beforehand, but that goes beyond the point... Men that work for me, men that keep their names hidden - they had young children, and a family, some of their kids went to that school." He paused for a moment and stood up - he went over and set his cup down in the dishwasher. ".. My men went crazy. They rolled up into their hometown, and they blew everything away... they killed families, workers, innocents, men like you and I, children like mine and yours..." He slowly shook his head as he walked over to the patio doors and stared blankly out across the large lake at the back of the house. "All of the men that brought that pain on those people no longer work for me. They're gone. I threw them to the wolves, because it infuriated me... That was the one thing me and the leader shook hands on at the treaty night. We agreed that there'd be no more slaughter." He explained in a quiet tone. (@Axel1313)
The thought of men slaughtering innocent lives like that made his blood run cold. "How sick...they got bored and greedy so they pulled crap like that. The Deserted may have been absolute low lifes for blowing up a school on your turf, but that's no excuse for sinking to their level." He set his cup down on the table with a light thunk. "Do you think things are going to get even worse than that now?"
"Of course they are. They're going to take revenge..." He sighed. ".. They're going to make us experience what my men put them through. The worst part is, I have no idea when or where they're going to start." He sighed and slowly sat back down. The sound of someone running down the stairs was heard, and soon enough a child - older than the first one, must have been about ten or so - came walking into the kitchen. He was still dressed in his PJ's like the other kid was.

"Hey, dad..." He said, he shot his eyes to Johnathan but didn't say anything.

"Ah, hello... Son, meet Johnathan, a friend of mine." He smiled, the boy turned to face him and held out a hand just like the younger boy did.

".. I'm Joseph. Pleasure to meet you." He gave a soft smile. (@Axel1313)
"I'm gonna go out on a limb and say that that was the reason you wanted me to do some research on them? To see if there were any tip offs to when they're going to enact this revenge." He went silent again and smiled as another one of his boys came into the kitchen. "It's a pleasure to meet you too Joseph." He reached out to shake his hand.
James walks around the warehouse three or four times. By now he had only seen two entrances that seemed reasonable to him: the front and the back. He decided that he would go through the back. Flank the men inside the warehouse. He took time to think his plan over. This also gave him time to about what Jaxon had told him. If I die and you live, you get shot in the fuckin' head. He didn't want to have to babysit Jaxon, but he also didn't want to die. Even if he didn't like him, Jaxon was his responsibility.... for now anyways. He turns to Jaxon and waves for him to follow. James walk to the back of the warehouse and tries to open it silently, just enough for him to peek inside.
Joseph turned to Vincent and looked at him. He muttered some words in Italian but he was quickly cut off.

"Don't be rude. We have a guest here." Vincent snapped. He sighed.

".. When's breakfast gonna' be ready?" He asked.

"Soon. I'll make it soon. Go and keep your brother busy for me, okay?" He said, Joseph nodded and then smiled at both him and Johnathan before walking out and going back upstairs. ".. Sorry about that." Vincent said to Johnathan. "He has a habit of doing that - take no offence. He speaks Italian in front of a lot of non-speakers without realizing how rude he's being - he doesn't know any better." He smiled at him and sighed. "And yeah, in response to your question, that's the reason I asked you to look things up." He said. (@Axel1313)


He followed him inside with his revolver at the ready. He stayed back and let James get on with it - he wasn't getting involved in case he really needed to. ".. Remember, we're lookin' for the guns, that's all. And some drugs for bonus points." He added on with a curt nod. 
"Ah, it's alright. Colette pretty much does the same thing. Especially when she's irritated." He chuckled, remembering all of the times he'd gotten a stern lecture in French in front of others. "I hope there's something in what I found that helps you out with that. There's nothing I would love more than to help prevent a tragedy like that from happening again."
".. Yeah, I'd rather go over there myself and talk to him, but I've got a feeling I'll get shot down if I do." He sighed a little and then opened up the folder. ".. Let's see some of the stuff." He said, sighing. "Johnathan, while I do this, can you get everything I need to make pancakes from the cupboard?" He asked. (@Axel1313)
It's definitely risky. You'd have to set up a meeting that involves talking only, no weapons allowed." He finished up his coffee and put the cup in the dishwasher. "Sure, but how about I make things even easier for ya and cook them for you? I'm a fairly good chef, unless your boys are super picky about how they like their pancakes."
"They won't care. They'd eat raw flour if they had to." He chuckled a little and continued flicking through some of the pages. "They like 'em with syrup, by the way..." He said softly, his tone was more quiet because he was focused on reading. (@Axel1313)
James peers into the warehouse to find five men in the warehouse .Two of them were standing in front of the warehouses front entrance while another two were looking at the crates filled with guns. Good thing we didn't go banging on the front door, he thought to himself. The only man that was isolated from the rest stood a few feet in front of the back entrance. The man stood between two stacks of cargo crates that nearly reached the ceiling. James pulled his revolver from his waistband and kissed the chamber. He then opened the door slightly more so that he and Jaxon could slip in undetected. From there he wrapped his free arm around the mans neck and exchanged his revolver to the other hand before covering the mans mouth so he couldn't make any noise, and dragged him behind the crates. He signaled for Jaxon to go behind the other stack of crates before someone noticed what was going on.
Jaxon did exactly that. He went behind the other crates and glued himself to them - metaphorically speaking, of course - he watched every move that James made and almost seemed to look at him in a judgmental way - so far he seemed impressed by how he'd performed. He had his revolver out and at the ready just in case things went bad. (@AvidElmV2)
"With appetites like that bet you can't wait until they reach those teen years." He laughed. Setting to work cooking a pile of pancakes for the boys. "Kids liking sugary things? I neeever woulda guessed. I'll make sure to make them with em with extra syrup then."
"Heh... Can't wait, can't wait." He chuckled and continued looking through the pages. Something caught his eye. He saw that there was a document that told him of someone in The Deserted who was recently released from prison. He was the man responsible behind the school getting destroyed. He gulped and gently scratched his chin while he thought to himself - he was worried, because he knew that something had to be done about it before it was too late. (@Axel1313)
James draws in a deep breath. So far so go he supposed... He looked to Jaxon and nodded. He assumed Jaxon knew what would happen next. Lets hope these guys aren't well equipped.. He put his hand that had the revolver in it and started to count by putting his fingers up and mouthing the words. 1........2.......3. He then ran from out behind the cargo crates shooting everyone in sight, hoping that he would catch the men by surprise. The whole time, he was also hoping that Jaxon would back him up.
Johnathan quieted down so Vincent could focus on scanning through the documents. As he worked he set some orange juice out for the boys if they ran down again. It would hopefully keep them quiet while he finished up the pile of sugary pancakes for them. "You want any more coffee Boss? Or some bacon and eggs? Might as well get it for you now while I've got the stove heated up and everything out."
Jaxon did indeed run out there and start shooting; a lot of the men tried turning around and getting back at them, but by the time they'd done that, they had already hit the floor. Most of them were dying or dead, and now they had a short frame of time to act. ".. Alright, grab the shit and let's haul ass!" He yelled to him; he ran over and sealed two boxes of drugs before picking them up in his arms and making his way toward the back exit. The most James could carry now would be two gun crates. (@AvidElmV2)


".. Well. How very generous of you..." Vincent smiled warmly for a moment while he scanned over the documents. ".. Yeah, bacon and eggs would be great right now." He said. They could both hear the boys laughing and slamming around upstairs, so it showed that they probably wouldn't be coming down for a little while longer - oh well, at least they could have the orange juice with their breakfast that way. The sun was beaming in on Vincent and on the table, but the brightness didn't put him off of reading. (@Axel1313)
James drops the man that was originally breathing, grabs what he can and gets moving. Including the guns from the dead. Waste not, want not. He takes the crates to the car and puts them in the trunk before jumping in the back seat.

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