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Realistic or Modern Gangland 2025

He finished the rest of his second glass in on gulp and nodded. "That should be easy enough. I'll look up some old police reports and go digging through some of their backgrounds." He stood to clean up the glasses. "I'm no hacker, but I'll manage and get you as much info on them as I can."
"Wonderful, I look forward to it." He smiled. "When you're wandering the streets I recommend that you keep your eyes open for any Mexican-looking people following you. You've most likely been seen with me by one of them already, so if that happens, get out of there and call me as soon as you can. I'll have someone run a car by here tomorrow in case you need to make a quick escape." He said softly as he began walking towards the door. ".. Have a nice night, Johnathan." He added. (@Axel1313)
"I'll make sure to keep my eyes peeled from now on and keep your number on speed dial. I won't let my guard down even once while I'm out." He gave a small salute before going back to cleaning up the glasses. "You have a nice night too Sir." He smiled and waved as Amari left.
Within another ten minutes they turned up at a small warehouse on the edge of the city. ".. This is the place. Apparently they've got some sorta' gun shipment stashed away here. There's only a few guards, from what I've heard, so gettin' in there should be easy enough - we ain't takin' the front route, but it ain't my job to coordinate this plan. That's yours." He said as he turned the car engine off and stepped out, looking at James as he exited as well. "Lead the way, snowflake." (@AvidElmV2)
James opened the cars door and stared at the warehouse for awhile, formulating a plan of sorts he turned to Jaxxon and raised an eyebrow. "No guns?" He shook his head and walked to the back of the warehouse without waiting for an answer to his question. He was looking for a back door.
He pulled one two revolvers and handed him one. "There. Gun." He said sternly as he held the other one at his side. "If we do this right, we won't have to worry about using these too much." He said in observation while watching over James' every movement. He was examining him and making sure he was doing things right - even if he did things wrong, he wasn't going to step in and stop him. (@AvidElmV2)
"Ready, brother." he said, putting on his balaclava and waiting to open the doors in unison for that extra something. Once opened, he strode ahead of Nick, some simple sibling rivalry to get the first kill. Or get shot first, whichever happened. Walking up to the person at the counter, he smiles behind his mask and says, "We have a meeting with someone at the top floor." He was trying to bluff his way completely here, and hoped his brother could back him up when and if needed.
Nick stared at the man behind the counter from behind his glasses. The man took a look at the balaclavas and gulped. He knew that he'd be killed if he let them up there, but he also knew that he'd undergo something far worse than death if he tried to double-cross these guys. He broke out into cold sweats and shakily stood up.

"Y-yeah--.. Yeah, right this way." He gulped as he walked from behind his desk and lead them through to the back of the building where he used a keycard to summon an elevator. It was there within thirty seconds. ".. You can access the top floor directly from here... W-.. would you like me to notify them that you're on your way?" He asked shakily, Nick shook his head and hit the button, muttering something as the doors slowly shut.

"We only need a minute." Were his words, then the elevator started travelling upwards. (@Beowulf - Can you reply to TBoTE as well, when you can?)
"No, this is more of a surprise meeting." he told the man as the doors shut. Now in the elevator with only his brother, he took out the uzi and prepared it. "We may not even need that long." he told him, making sure that a bullet was going to be in the chamber as it should be, which it was. "How long do you think a bullet will take to travel across the room?"

(@DrTrollinski )
Galin moved quickly not wasting time on any of the sailors that looked like they were of Japanese descent or had black stripes on their shoulders. They really did make it too easy sometimes he thought to himself grinning. About halfway down the dock Galin spotted a poor wretch who he believed would serve his purposes. Coming closer Gain took another look realising the man was even worse off than he had originally thought. The man’s clothes could barely be called rags and he was so grimy it took Galin a second to realise the guy was white. Not wasting another second Galin cut to the chase. “400 to drop me a few miles out at a position of my choosing,no pick up required, and no questions asked”. Galin’s voice was hushed but contained enough malice to make sure the sailor understood that turning down his offer would be a serious.
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Kora kept her head held high. She looked like she would belong here, among everyone else, except for the clothes that had dragons on the bottom. It was one of her favorite outfits. It was spunky, yet flexible. She smiled and nodded to the receptionist, sitting comfortably in one of the seats, crossing her legs. "Whatever you do, act like you belong. Sit strait, hands out of your pockets." She advised, sitting up so that she had a good vantage point of the entire room.

(@DrTrollinski )
"Alright! Time to get crackin' on this." Johnathan popped his knuckles and headed to the small office space in the apartment. It didn't take long for him to get comfortable. Taking a shower, getting into some clean clothes. Then of coursse tossing files and notes all over the desk, making some coffee and making a make shift frame to set the picture of his girls in. Then settled in for a long night of research.
Amari returned to his vehicle and sat down in the back. He sighed to himself and bowed his head. ".. Take me home." He muttered.

"Gladly, sir." The driver replied, the driver then went ahead with pulling away from the complexes of apartments and went towards Amari's manor. Amari took his phone out and texted Johnathan something.

'Text me with any information you find. I'll be on a secure line' was what the text message read. (@Axel1313)
Johnathan nearly jumped out of his skin when his phone went off. He was already getting completely focused on his given task. He fumbled around a moment before flipping it open to reply. 'Got it Boss. I'll send anything of interest your way asap.'
"The bullet in these sub machine-guns travel at approximately eight-hundred miles-per-second." He said softly as he pulled his own gun out and loaded it. They didn't know where the main man would be, so they'd probably have to do a little bit of shooting before they actually got to him - the higher-ups in this family were always well guarded. (@Beowulf)
"Should not take that long then." he told him before they reached the floor they wanted. "Shall we?" he asked looking at his brother and pointing his uzi straight armed at the elevator doors.

(@DrTrollinski and don't forget Axel and Ice.)
The sailor looked at him and instantly snatched up the money. ".. Of course. Come with me. You don't want to get seen." He said softly, he then lead him around the back of all the storage containers until they got onto the dock; he got him into a fishing reefer and then quickly sped away from the docking area. "Where do you need to go?" He called out in question from the driver's pit. (@Icefox11)


An email popped up in the corner of Johnathan's screen while he was researching. Upon clicking on it, there was the title and message displayed in his browser.


What are you doing?

Sender: N/A

He aimed the MP5 at the door. "Of course." He grinned. The doors slowly slid open and they saw nothing. It was an empty floor, for the most part. There was an electric fire in a part of a wall by the windows at the far side, but in the surrounding area there were no people or guards. There wasn't even the sound of talking or the sound of a TV. ".. Do you think the people downstairs warned them?" Nick asked quietly as he stepped out of the elevator. (@Beowulf)
"Hmm?" Johnathan looked up from jotting down a few notes when he heard the notification. What was this about? He stared at it curiously for a moment before responding:


Who want's to know?

Sender: N/A

Someone who's curious about your association with The Deserted. You seem to have quite a fond interest, don't you?

Sender: Building

Building? Who the hell is 'Building?' (@Axel1313)
"What the? Building?" He scanned the email several times to make sure he had read that right.


I don't think that's any of your business. Why are you so interested in what I'm looking up?

Sender: N/A
[who's the one asking questions?]

Hm... Many things, many, many things. Who is it you work for? This isn't the first time I've been through something like this.

Sender: Window

Window? That's a new one. (@Axel1313)
"Perhaps, the fire does not look like it had time to spread. Whether it was started on purpose is debatable. Shall we go pay the man at the counter a visit again?" he asked, disappointed he couldn't shoot something. As he spoke, he was searching the apartment, looking for anything hidden.
[What's your deal pal?]

Again, I don't think that's any of your business. I don't know what your game is right now, but you're not getting anything from me.

Sender: N/A
(It's an electronic fireplace. It holds no danger. I didn't make that very clear, sorry.)

"No... Let's take a look around." He said as he lead him to the left and into two small office rooms. There was nothing in them. He lead him to the right side of the building where there were two more offices. The first one was empty, but the second one was not. There was there target sitting at a desk in there. Nick smiled.

"Ah... I see we've finally found you." He said. The man froze. (@Beowulf)



You'll regret this. I can assure you.

Sender: The Final.


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