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Realistic or Modern Gangland 2025

"Yeah, we'll book a meeting right now. They refuse, then we force our way in." He grinned and whistled off to the others. "All of you! You guys go around the back! Soon as you hear shit goin' down, make your way in!" He instructed, he then tapped the back of Holow's arm. "You. With me." He said with a nod. He had his M4a4 tucked behind a leather trenchcoat. It was hidden away well enough, and as the coat was buttoned up, there wasn't much chance of it being revealed right away. He lead her into the main doors - they all got some funny looks from the people there, a lot of them being Asian. They didn't do anything, though. He walked with her to the front desk. ".. Yo. We need to speak to the five-star-fuckin' Lieutenant on top level. Pronto." He said, the woman behind the desk shook her head.

"He's currently very busy. Please, take a seat and I'll have someone to come and see to you." She said, Le'Mar was hesitant, but he nodded and ushed Holow over to the leather seating area where he got her to sit down; he sat with her.

".. We need to play this out cool... This might be a trap, but if we get in without shootin' right away, our job might just be easier." He muttered. (@Icefox11 - I'm afraid I'm going to bed. I'll see you tomorrow)
It felt like the temperature in the room dropped ten degrees. "Yeesh....that's unfortunate, but it definitely sounds like he deserved everything he got....drugs, alcoholic, abusing people...definitely a messed up guy. Least you don't have to worry about him anymore."
"Oh yeah. He did." He sighed and then took a gulp of his whiskey. ".. What about you? Do you have any brothers, sisters, kids of your own?" He asked quietly as he stared down into his glass and swirled the liquid around for a minute. (@Axel1313)
"Two little girls, twins." He smiled sadly. "Their mother took them with her when she left the city, she didn't want em' growing up in a place like this...can't blame her with that." He took another sip of his whiskey. "At least they do visit now and then, usually on Christmas or my birthday."
He smiled softly. ".. I see. I'll be honest - I'm not a big fan of the way women deal with things..." He sighed. ".. My wife always threatened to take my boys away from me. Always. Said that they were better off in some apartment downtown, but that was just to piss me off. I knew she always thought about going to the rich side with them, but she stayed because she 'loved me'." He chuckled sadly and then gulped the remainder of his whiskey down. "That love was what got her killed, it seems." He sighed again. "When she died, I didn't know how to react... I had to kids crying on my shoulders - the fact that I was going to be raising a newborn by myself was daunting, and right there and then I lost my ability to cry over... anything. My two oldest sons are six and ten, so it hit them harder than it hit me." He explained. (@Axel1313)
"That must have been so rough..." He downed the rest of his whiskey in one gulp. "I'm at least glad that she asked me before she left. Asked if I was really okay with her leaving with the girls. I didn't want her to go, but told her to anyway. Told her that I didn't want them to get involved in any of this mess or be around such a messed up neighborhood. I also told her that as soon as I got this all sorted out and everything paid off I'd ask her to marry me. Unfortunately...I sorta...never mentioned how deep I was in with you guys either, so she just thinks it'll be a few months."
"Well. If we work hard enough, I'd say a few months would be an accurate target range." He smiled at him, winked, and then poured himself another drink. "How much profit you looking to make?" He asked in a quiet tone. (@Axel1313)
"I honestly have no idea. I was just hoping to do whatever I can to pay it all off and then start worrying about earning a nice fat paycheck. And the sooner I can do that the better."
"I sure hope you're right about that." He chuckled. "I'd give anything to see my girls again and finally settle down. Nice house, nice neighborhood and no worries. It might just be a dream in this messed up world, but a guy can sure hope can't he?"
He took a deep breath and the swooped down the rest of his whiskey, taking a sigh thereafter. ".. Maybe you'll get into the rich side with them. I don't know." He said. "I don't owe you anything, but from one father to another... Once your debt's paid off, I'll help you get property up here with them... I know it's hard to try and keep the family happy, and I never had help, so if you need it, I'll be willing to lend you that hand." He said with a soft smile; he reached into his wallet and pulled out a photograph before setting it down on the bar in front of Johnathan. ".. That's my boys, there." He smiled. The picture showed three boys, all of them with black hair - the two eldest were sat on the couch, and the eldest one there was holding a newborn baby. ".. I ain't all about killing and making money, as you can see." He said. (@Axel1313)
He looked up at him with a grateful smile. "That'd be so great sir, I can hardly even wait to be able to tell them that we have nothing else to worry about. I have no idea how I'd pay you back though." He chuckled. His smile only widened when he showed him the picture of his boys. "Aww, how precious. They're all the spitting image of you boss. My girls take after their mother more than me." He dug through his wallet for the small picture he had of them. Two little blonde babies with the biggest toothless smiles you could imagine, all dressed up in little sundresses. Their mother, a petite blonde woman, sat behind them, hugging them close. "Trust me boss, I know that all too well."
".. Yeah, I hear that from people a lot about them looking like me." He smiled. "Your girls are sweet. I'll make it my mission to ensure you get reunited with them... You won't have to pay me back." He sighed softly but smiled. (@Axel1313

DrTrollinski said:
".. Yeah, I hear that from people a lot about them looking like me." He smiled. "Your girls are sweet. I'll make it my mission to ensure you get reunited with them... You won't have to pay me back." He sighed softly but smiled. (@Axel1313)
"Thank you so much sir, but I really feel like I should." He rubbed his chin in thought. "How about this. I'll pay ya back by working as hard as I possibly can for ya? Any job, big or small. You name it, I'll do it."
"That does sound like a fair deal." He smiled and held his hand out for a handshake. ".. Keep workin' for us, and maybe one day you'll be more than just a foot soldier. Most people that start off where you are get pushed around by the other guys, but don't worry, that ain't gonna' happen to you." He smiled. (@Axel1313)
"Agreed." Rick replied. You could only do so much, yet you still weren't a god. Bullets were one of those things that had a nasty habit of reminding people of that. "I will park at least a block away, safer if two perhaps. Then it is a simple as walking up and pulling the trigger."

"Mhm. So we say. Due to our authority we can get in there and to the top floor without effort. Just remember, The Black Sun balaclavas must be worn as we go in. That'll show that we mean business." He paused for a minute and looked out of the window. A police car soon saw them and turned on its sirens, but soon after seeing what was painted on their car, they ceased and drove off - even the police feared them. Most of the time. "Who am I kidding. Whenever we leave the safety of our grounds we mean business, but the masks will help leave a more ominous impression." He said. (@Beowulf)
"I'll be fine boss. I may have been sloppy and run like a coward on that first job, but I assure you that I'm much tougher than I look." He grinned and reached out to shake his hand. "Those guys won't be pushing me around too much."
"I have faith, Johnathan." He slowly rose up from the bar and took a deep breath. ".. There's one thing I want you to do before you go to bed tonight - I want you to look into the cartel of 'The Deserted', or 'La Desierta' - I've got a bad feeling about those guys as their operations are beginning to get dangerously close to us. They're Mexican and Latino - Find whatever you can on them - members, guys they've got in prisons, their primary zones of operations-.. Anything." He instructed, stretching his back as he stood up. (@Axel1313)
James stands on the corner where the member of The Six he had met told him to be. He scanned the streets up and down looking for a car of sorts. He checked his watch and checked the time. A couple minutes afterwards he saw some one pull up to the sidewalk he was standing on. He didn't wait for them to fully stop before opening the cars door and getting. He closed the door with one thought on his mind: The initiation has begun.
The man that had come to pick him up was the underdog of the boss. The boss was out on some sort of hero quest, and had left this guy to him. He took one glance at him in the rear-view mirror and grimaced in disgust. He was completely mind-blown that the boss was letting white guys join an Afro-American street gang, but whatever, it wasn't like he could change it now. The task he'd assigned them to carry out was simple.

".. 'Ey, snowflake... What's your name?" He asked in a rough tone as he reached down to the dashboard and picked up his aviator shades. He slipped them on and continued driving. (@Icefox11 - Can you get a reply up for our side of the RP?)
"We always leave an ominous impression. Putting on these suits is ominous enough, or should be." Rick said before continuing on in silence. When he found a good spot, he pulled over and parked. Even though he did not feel like he should put on those masks, he still grabbed one, waiting until they got closer to put it on.
James stares out the backseat window, watching cars and neon signs turn into a blur. He finally looks at the mirror in the front staring the man directly in the eye. "James. And your name is?"
"Mhm." He said simply as he tucked the gun into his jacket and then stepped out of the car. He held the balaclava in-hand and didn't slip it on until they got up to the main doors. Once it was on, he took one look at Rick and smiled under his mask. ".. Ready, brother?" He whispered, his hand rested on the surface of the door. (@Beowulf)


".. Jaxon." He said simply, he then sighed in spite and sped up the car. ".. We're going for some operation of some Rusky mu'fuckas. Death's Disciples, or some generic bullshit. Me and you walk out alive, you pass, if I die and you live, you get shot in the fuckin' head, if we both walk out alive but fail to complete the objective, we both die, get the drift of things?" He asked. (@AvidElmV2)
He nodded and turned back to the window. He didn't have much to say to this Jaxon character. This was business. There was no time or room to make friends. To be honest, James just didn't trust this man. And he suspected the man felt the same way about him.

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