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Realistic or Modern Gangland 2025

Holow chuckled a bit at his rant, plus his driving. "Calm down a little bit. Sure, that was one chick. There are plenty of fish in the sea Le'Mar." She said, shrugging as she crossed her arms over her chest. She took one finger and twirled it around her lock of hair. "I have meet some fine women who would love a man like you. Needless to say their all dead, but, still. It's the thought that counts.
"Sir." He greeted him with a nod. They were right on time as expected. The fully black limo with heavily tinted windows was a surprise though. "It's all been taken care of just like you asked. I left little evidence, gun was wiped clean of prints and disposed of and junkie is no longer a problem of yours."
"Heh, we'd have to wait and see on that one." He smirked again and shook his head, eventually slowing down his speed to around sixty MPH. ".. It's highly unlikely that I'm gonna' find myself another girl who's so attracted to stay by my side, but hell, we'll have to wait and see." He added. ".. Just so you know, when we hit this place up, we're gonna' have quite a few of these fuckers waitin' for us - they don't leave any generals or whatever this guy is unguarded, you feel me?" He explained. (@Icefox11)


He snickered faintly and then lifted his hat off to reveal a head of black hair. He looked him in the eyes - he had blue eyes, a darker blue, but there was a fire within them. He didn't look happy. "All doors kicked in, blasted, shotgun shells everywhere, your blood, a bullet casing from the gun I gave you, and a stiff that fell from twenty fuckin' floors onto a resident's car. Please. Tell me, in what fucking world, is that 'little evidence'?!" He demanded, his hands shaking for a moment. (@Axel1313)
Holow nodded, letting a smile slide onto her face. "Never did I say that I knew the job was easy." She said. She gaze a cocky grin as she saw his speed. At the least there where no police around. "And don't get yourself to down, something will come. Eventually." She promised, letting go of her strand of hair.
".. I'm aspiring to get into the rich zone, hell, life's good over on that side - Just wait and see, Holow." He chuckled a little and then went full-throttle again. He didn't care if there were any police cruisers around. He could lose them, and a lot of them chose not to mess with his car - The Hornet - when they saw it speed by. The only time he'd really get pursued was when he'd committed a serious crime. Still not caught, evidently. ".. There's gotta' be somethin' that'll get us over there. We just need to figure out what it is." He smirked as his brows furrowed; he slammed the handbrake back and then harshly turned the driver's wheel; with a screech and the smell of burning rubber, The Hornet drifted roughly around a sharp turn and the wheels spun on the road for a moment before the car shot off again. (@Icefox11)
Johnathan's blood ran cold again. He had no idea about any of that. After he pulled the trigger it everything became a blur. "I uh....I'm sorry sir. "He rubbed his arm nervously. " I didn't even know about all that...I just kinda shot and ran." He smirked sheepishly.
".. You shot and ran..." He looked around while slowly nodding. He pulled out his own gun and cocked it. ".. I could shoot and run right now, and everyone would be none the wiser." He stared into his eyes with a taunting death-stare and then took a deep breath. ".. As much as you've fucked up... I'm not going to kill you." He tucked the gun away and then leaned back. ".. Initially... I planned to wipe quite a large chunk of debt away from your name, but due to your mistakes, your debt now stands at one million, four-hundred-and-seventy-five-thousand dollars." He explained, looking around. "You still have a lot to pay off." He smirked. (@Axel1313)
"Ya don't say?." He let out an exasperated sigh and rubbed the side of his face frustratedly . That was practically taking nothing off of his debt! At this rate he wasn't going to have it paid off until he was in his grave. "Look, it was my first time ever killin' a guy....you're lucky I even got the job done at all! And without having the cops on my tail." ((@DrTrollinski))
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Yes, brother. Let us go and plan something fitting for TDA. Shall we go after one of their hitmen? I know they have a couple lying about somewhere." he said as he got up and followed Nick (or Rick, whichever one.) to their lower levels. Of course, the hitmen TDA usually use know what they are doing, most of the time.

(@DrTrollinski )
".. We need to go after one of the men responsible for the bank ambush." He said as he lead Rick out of the room and downstairs; they went into an elevator behind the stairs that was locked with a passcode so that the kids couldn't get down there, even if they needed to. He punched in the four numbers and then went inside with Rick, followed by pressing the button on the pad to go down to the lower level. This is where they kept everything, from their enchanted bullets, guns, suits, armor, intel, super-computers - they kept the most secret of things down here. "We'll go for the main man first off. That'll put a dent in their economy. The question is, do we run in guns blazing, or do we take him from a distance?" He asked as he walked down the long hallway with him. (@Beowulf)
"A higher member would be well guarded, possibly so well protected we could not get through. But with the right amount of fire power, they will fall like dominos. But range is much simpilar, then again it js rather hard to leave a pasting impression, a single shot is quickly forgoten. I would say, as you put it, guns blazing would suit them well." As he said this, he was inspecting the weaponry appropriate for a larger than average assault. "The next question would be appropriate rituals, if any, and runes, angain if any."

"Just the way I like things. We can send a message to both The Six and The Gunma this way. They've turned on each other since the bank ambush. If they get sent a message as well, there's a chance that they'll stop the conflict - we need to make sure that those two know it's us." He said as he punched in a code to a metal door of one room after they'd walked down to it; the door quickly slid open to reveal their armory - they had hundreds of guns that went up either side of the wall - there were numerous of each model as well. ".. Take your pic, brother. I leave you to decide their fate today." Nick said. (@Beowulf)
Holow smiled. "Oh I know. I went to school smack dab in the middle of it. All those privileged kids with Ferrari's and I didn't even own a bicycle." She said. But just as she was about to say something about his inquiry when he jerked them around the corner. She placed her hand on the front and side of the car, bracing herself. "Geeze, you gonna kill me." She joked.
"Trust me, it ain't me that's gonna' get you killed." He chuckled a little and continued speeding off down the street. A couple of minutes later they arrived in the downtown area outside a highrise building. ".. Here we are. Motherfucker's gotta' be close to the top floor in here. We'll try and sneak in without gettin' noticed - try and book a meeting, or somethin'." He sighed and turned the car's engine off. (@Icefox11)
(Don't forget Axel, @DrTrollinski )

"Thank you, brother." Rick said, giving Nick a polite and thankful nod of his head. Now looking over the various weapons, some of which were from the rick side, he begins to ponder which to use. Something inconspicuous, easily hidden in a pocket. But at the same time, it would need to pack a punch. A high rate of fire would be a plus as well. Narrowing down his search, he goes to where the correct guns were. Mostly side arms, he looked hard at the display of magnums and pistols. Then his eyes fell on something, and his face lit up. Reaching out, he picked up an uzi. "A classic. High rate of fire, sufficient stopping power. With the right attachments and rituals, as well as a few rune bullets, a formidable weapon."
(Shit. I missed his post, sorry.)

"From now on, you work for me. Any money you make, I get a big cut of. You continue to break your back for me until that debt's gone, or I'll shoot you right here." He snarled and then looked out of the window. "This is very profitable, and it can be for you as well." He said with a soft sigh and continued to stare out of the window. (@Axel1313)


He went and grabbed a H&K MP5 and then tucked it into his jacket. He smiled and picked up several magazines of regular bullets and then some ritual bullets as well. "This should be just fine." He smiled at Rick and then gave a nod. (@Beowulf)
"Alright....not like I've got any other choice now anyway. I just hope that you leave me enough money for everything else I need to pay for." He sighed and leaned back in the seat. Today was turning out to be more stressful than ever. "So what now? You gonna drop me off at my apartment? The job is done and I gotta get this lead outta my arm sometime today."
".. Hell no we're not dropping you off. Do we look fuckin' retarded to you?" He snapped. "I've organized a property for you not far from the estate I live on. Your expenses will be paid there; a nice little apartment, two bedroom, two bathroom, you're highrise and you've got an overview of the city from the balcony. You've got room service, and all that, and seein' as it's in the upper district with us, you'll be protected. I know it sounds crazy that I'm givin' you this shit, but do not underestimate me. You try and screw me over and your life will come to a grizzly end due to the involvement of a couple of blow-torches and some pliers." He sounded genuine in all his words. As time progressed, the limo slowly moved from the more scummy area into the more upper-class area of NYC. This may have been the poor side of the USA, but there was still the rich and poor divided in this place. (@Axel1313)
"Then shall we?" asked Rick. But he didn't wait for an answer, not really. This time, he led the way. They were headed to the garage, which was on a higher level then the armory. Once they reached it, the sight they saw would be a classic car man's paradise. "I shall let you choose, brother." Of course, there were more 2013 sport cars in the selection as well.
He scoffed, he was tempted to answer that, but felt like keeping his head on his shoulders today. "It sounds nice. A lot nicer than the run down little place I've bee holed up in for years..." His tone softened. Sure, the one he got from Amari was harsh and terrifying, but he couldn't help but be a little thankful to be allowed to live in a place like that. "You can trust me boss, I'm no lying scumbag like my father and I've got nothing to gain from double-crossing you."
"And judgin' by the fact that you managed to take down a shotgun wielding junkie, it shows that I've got nothing to gain from killing you either. I can only gain by working with you, and if you work from me, you'll become a very rich man. Once your debt's neutralized, of course." He sighed a little and looked back out of the window; he ran a hand over his hair and took a deep breath. ".. How did you come into your debt, if I didn't ask already?" He asked. His tone was softer now, almost saddened. (@Axel1313
He pointed over at the 1988 Ford Thunderbird. Black - It had a Charcoal Sun printed on the hood. "That car. Today we send a message." He muttered sternly as he began walking towards it. (@Beowulf)
"Ha.....you mean what is now my debt." He crossed his arms over his chest and stared up at the ceiling. "None of it is even mine. Not one single cent....it's all my fathers. He racked up this massive debt with the mafia and then disappeared off the face of the earth. Didn't say goodbye or anything, just left me a note saying 'Take care boy'." A pained chuckle escaped. "Boy....he didn't even have the gall to call me by my name or even son....what a great dad ey?"
He didn't say anything at first. Eventually his eyes ran down and looked at the floor of the limo. ".. There could be many reasons. Everything happens for a reason, and I have a strange feeling that his reason for running wasn't to get away from it all." He sighed a little; some gates were heard creaking open - looking out of the window they could see that they were driving into a gated property. They approached a parking lot surrounded by four different apartment complexes, but they weren't run down. They were quite luxury, as it happened. (@Axel1313)
"Lovely choice, brother. The Thunderbird, not to be mistaken for the Firebird. I personally prefer the Firebird." Rick went on, he loved old cars, mostly their looks truth be told. He wasn't much of a real car guy, he just enjoyed driving and looking at them. "If you do not mind." he said before getting into the driver seat of the car.
"Whatever...I believe that his only reason was to run away from it all and start the same thing all over again wherever he is now. Gambling, drug deals the whole nine yards." He responded bitterly and turned his head to stare out the window. He couldn't wait to get out of this vehicle now. The wasn't going to be away from all of this permanently, but at least he could lock himself in this new apartment for a few hours.

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