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Realistic or Modern Gangland 2025

"By all means. I've always been the better shooter anyway." He smirked and jumped into the passenger seat. "Get to TDA's General's manor in upper NYC. We'll make this quick - We need to be back before the boys wake up." He grinned. They both knew the kids wouldn't wake up for hours on end, and at most, this would take them an hour, perhaps less, to actually finish off. (@Beowulf
"I think at some point, we've all been there." He said under his breath before stepping out of the car after the driver opened up the door; the guard in the front passenger seat opened the door for Johnathan and then stepped aside. Amari gave a soft sigh as the cold air hit him, but he didn't care. He buttoned his jacket up and then walked over to Johnathan. ".. Follow me. I'll show you where your place is." He said softly, followed by turning and walking towards the apartment complex that was at the far North part of this area. (@Axel1313
One of the guards from the limo approached James and cleared his throat to get his attention. The boss had made it clear who was waiting - James didn't mean squat to him, in all truth. Just another worker. But still, another worker meant more opportunities to make money.

".. I suggest you come and wait in the car. Standing around is going to attract unwanted attention." He muttered before wandering off back to the limo that was parked within the gates. (@AvidElmV2)
"Great, I can't wait to check this place out. Get a nice and cleaned up and sleep the rest of the day away." He yawned and popped his back. He'd gotten a little more beat up than he thought from that whole incident. Being an idiot and busting down the door without thinking and leaping at the junkie without looking first. There was no doubt he was going to be sore and bruised in the morning.
He lead him onward to the door and pulled out a small white and blue plastic card and held it up to the scanner beside the double door. It beeped and the door was heard unlocking; after it unlocked he handed the card off to Johnathan. "That there's your resident's card. Try not to lose that, they're a pain in the ass when it comes to getting replacements." He said softly as he pushed the doors open and lead him inside; the foyer wasn't manned by anyone - it was walk in and go to your place. There wasn't such a thing as 'one night staying' in these places. It was either Rent or Buy. He lead him to an elevator and then hit a button that went straight to the top floor. To go to the top floor, the card was required again. With a sigh, Amari took the card back from him and scanned it. ".. As you can see... The security here is quite strong. The only people getting upstairs to your place are myself, the staff here, and you." He said. (@Axel1313)
Johnathan couldn't help but whistle as soon as he saw the place. He'd only seen this type of place in movies and magazines. "I feel like you're almost bein' too nice to me here boss." He chuckled. Slipping the card he was handed into his moth eaten wallet as he continued gawk at the place. "The security bit is definitely comforting to know about....No more having to worry about locking all five deadbolts on the door and locks on the windows." He smirked. This was far from a step up from the run down place he had been living in. Compared to that this was practically the royal palace!
He slipped a key from his pocket once they reached the end of the hallway on the top floor. ".. Nonsense. I was well aware that you could have been killed by that psycho. You don't look that old either. I need to be kind to some extent, don't I?" He smirked softly and then put the key into the lock, twisting it and pushing the door open.


"Welcome to one of the nicer apartments in uptown NYC. This is a loft property; two bedroom, two bathroom, just like I said. You've got your office, bar, kitchen, leisure room, and roof access. And, like I said, a nice view of the whole city. Seeing as I own this area this place cost me nothing - This hasn't put any extra debt on your head, but it hasn't excused anything either. I hope you settle in alright. My manor's a few blocks west of here. Isolated, secure," He handed him a key and then pulled a small business card out of his pocket and handed that to him as well. "My number's on there. If you need to visit, call me and book it beforehand." He explained, looking around the apartment. (@Axel1313)
"Got it. I'll make sure not to forget that." He nodded and stuffed the key and card into his pocket. "It's a real relief knowing that this all wont add on to my debt either. The last thing I need is anything like that on my shoulders." He let out a more relaxed sigh. "I really appreciate this boss. This place is real nice...I'll definitely work as hard as I can to pay my debt back. All of it."
"Mhm. I'm sure you will." He briefly patted his shoulder. ".. How about a drink before I leave?" He asked, a half-smile tugging at his lips as he walked towards the bar of the apartment. (@Axel1313)
"Sure, why not?" A brighter and actually happy smile finally graced his face. "Not like I've got anywhere to be or anything to do right now and as long as you really have the time to have a drink with a low life like me."
"Low life? Pff. We were all low-lives at some point, Johnathan. It comes natural, no matter what family you come from." He slowly sat down at the bar and took a long deep breath. "What's serving? How about some whiskey, straight up?" He asked as he slipped his jacket off and set it underneath him on his bar stool. (@Axel1313)
"Yeah, but right now that's how I feel compared to you." He laughed. "Sure, that sounds good. I can mix up whatever you like if you want too. I do work part time as a bartender and know quite a few mixes."
"Compared to me?" He chuckled in a light-hearted manner and then looked around the bar while shaking his head. ".. I'm not an idle comparison. The only thing that stops me from being a low-life is the reputation, money, people, and family. That could go away very quickly in this side of the USA." He sighed ".. It's a war trying to keep all of that in a healthy state." He added. (@Axel1313)
Galin let his foot grow a little heavier on the gas pedal causing the black 2005 Mustang to lunge forward. A time frame, the pinpoint location, hell even the fact he was on a boat, all of it was valuable information. Then to top it all off they had offered him a bonus. If the bastard hadn't been dead before he sure as hell was now, Galin thought to himself. He glanced at the duffel bag in the passenger seat and let a shadow of a frown onto his face. On top of what he already had he had picked up a wet suit, breathing apparatus, goggles, an air tank, two wireless transmitters, and four bricks of c-4 from his western hideout. Had more time been allotted he probably would have swung by one of his other stashes for a high powered rifle. Still, he thought to himself allowing a smile to begin to replace the frown that was currently on his face. If things went according to plan he wouldn’t need to fire a single shot, plus he was sure his employers would appreciate the irony of his plan.


Fifteen minutes later Galin began to pick his way down a dock approximately five miles from the one his targets boat was moored at. All he needed now was a willing captain to take him a little closer and drop him off maybe a mile off shore allowing him to swim in undetected. Normally that might be rather difficult seeing the time of day but in Galin’s experience a couple hundred dollars such as he was carrying in his wallet tended to make people more cooperative.
(Don't write it in bold. It makes it quite hard to read :P )

Somewhere in the docks there were numerous crew members that worked the boats there. Some of them were Asian and blatantly those who worked with The Gunma, whereas the others seemed lower-class and skinny, some of them were aged and had the typical 'sailor beards' that were dirty with whiskey stains and old food. Their uniforms were white, but Galin could tell the differentiation between The Gunma and regular sailors. The Gunma seemed to have black stripes on either of their shoulders, whereas the regulars didn't - If he wanted to do this quietly, the best approach would be to find a Regular Joe and try to ease his way in through him. (@Mason)
"And an impression we shall make." Rick replied. He ignored the slight Nick had said. It may have been true, maybe. But either way, calling his aim into question like that was uncalled for. Starting up the engine, he enjoys the growl it made for a second before beginning the drive towards their target. The Devil's Arm did not plan for a strike by the Black Sun, no doubt, and would be caught off guard by this strike.

(@DrTrollinski )
"Hey, you're at least going places and on top That's more than enough to make me a low life in comparison." He pointed out. "I wouldn't know about any war trying to keep all that in a healthy state. So far this is the biggest involvement I've had with the mafia. My dad was in big, but always tried to keep me out of it. That's at least one thing I can thank him for."
"Just remember. It's their sub-HQ, the high-rise building downtown. We'll hit one of their Generals." He explained while he kept his gun on his lap and loaded a magazine into it. He smiled and looked out of the window - no one ever messed with The Black Sun. Gangs were getting stronger, and they could expect some conflict without a doubt, but any other gangs or syndicates wouldn't even be able to put a dent in their operations thus far. "I recommend that we infiltrate the building until we get close. We may be the best, but we certainly aren't bulletproof." He said. (@Beowulf)


".. It's not all glamour and glory like everyone makes it out to be. I had to go through a lot of struggles to get where I am, and even when you get to where this position, you still end up getting struck by lighting at one point or another. Three months ago, not long after my third son was born, I lost my wife to some unknown rival. I suspect it was The Black Sun, and if that's the case, she's going to have to die in vain - You can't take revenge against them. Rumor goes that even if you look at those motherfuckers, you get one between the eyes. You heard the talk of The Black Sun?" He asked with a sigh. He was quite thirsty for that drink, but he'd be patient and wait for Johnathan to pour it. (@Axel1313)
"I'm sorry for your loss." He replied sadly. Moving around the bar to get the whiskey out and pour a couple of glasses. Sliding the first one he poured over to Amari. "As for the Black Sun, I've only heard rumors on the street, nothing more. But with the rumors I've heard about them I think it's best to avoid them at all costs."
He gave a shuddered chuckle and shook his head as he sipped his whiskey. "Nuh-uh. You don't just 'avoid' The Black Sun. If they want you, they'll find you. Hell, they could be in this room right now and we wouldn't even know about it." He laughed under his breath and then looked around with a hint of paranoia. ".. Trust me... Shit happens. Like your debt, but everyone has money to pay off. Hell, my eldest son - he's only ten - borrowed a few bucks from me, the next day a few more, and then a few more the next day - On the fourth day, he asks me for more. I declined and he worked his ass off to pay me back, and then he ended up making profit from it anyway - You'll do the same thing, eventually. Just stick with us and steady your aim, and you'll be a millionaire in no time." He smiled and winked at him. Oh, it all sounded so easy. (@Axel1313)
He poured himself a glass and moved back around to take a seat next to him. "They're really that powerful? I'll take your word for it, but I still have my doubts."He chuckled. That was something he'd have to see to believe, not just hear from word of mouth. Even if it was coming from a very powerful man. His laughter nearly turned into choking on his drink when Amari said he'd be a millionaire in no time. "Oh right...that's deeefinitely going to happen. And the Tooth Fairy and Easter Bunny will come and whisk me away to Candy Land too right?"
"Hmpg. Who knows. Don't doubt them just yet - you're bound to see them at some point, we all are." He paused and laughed at his comment. "Heh, maybe not the candy land part, but there's probably some people in the family that would introduce you to their good friends Yayo and Mary Jane." He snickered. "But I'm guessing you don't want to end up like that junkie, so we'll leave those 'friends' for another discussion." He sighed and sipped some more of his whiskey. (@Axel1313)
"I hope it's just buying a drink at the bar or walking down the street and nothing more than that." He took a sip of his drink. "Yeaaah...I think I will avoid those 'friends' as much as I can. I'd like to keep my pretty face for as long as I can and that junkie was more than enough to convince me to do so..."
"Heh, wasn't he just." He sipped his drink. "My uncle--.. He did--.. Shit, I can't remember. Meth, and cocaine, I think, on top of all of that he was madly alcoholic. The bastard abused my older brother for years on end..." He paused for a moment and then took a deep breath. "And then I killed him." He finished his sentence. "Never got caught for it, but the old deadbeat deserved every last ounce of pain I gave to him." (@Axel1313)
Holow smiled, seeing her new target. From here she could spot several different entrance points, a few including vents. "There are many ways I could end this quicker than booking a meeting. Though booking a meeting might be more fun, it means more fighting." She said as she got out of the car, stepping onto the asphalt.

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