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Gangland [1x1 with Psychosis]

I have a bad feeling about this.

She took the clothes gratefully, biting the inside of her cheek to keep from smiling. The bathroom was only a few steps down the hall. She made quick work of the shower, stripping off her dress but tying up her hair so that it wouldn't get wet. It was mainly her face and body that needed washing. The water pressure in the shower was excellent, the water hot, but it was much smaller than Ari's shower. Vincent also only had a shampoo and a bar of soap. How did boys have so few things in their bathrooms? She quickly soaped up and rinsed off, stepping onto the bath rug and drying herself off. She pulled the tshirt over her head, it fell to her knees. But it was soft and it smelled so good, like dark chocolate and cigarettes. She pulled the shorts up over her hips and exited the bathroom.

"I can take the couch," she offered. "A blanket would be nice though if you have an extra."

"Back so quick, hm?" He smiled genuinely as he watched her enter. He was preparing the couch for her, as the lounge chair was already prepared. He was used to sleep even seated, so sleeping seated wasn't a problem for him. As she asked for a blanket, he already presented her the fluffy blanket he has lain on the bed for her. "Way ahead of you. Never underestimate a Hound, darling."

He then retreated to sit on the lounge chair, placing a gun on the arm rest and keeping his hand over it. He also took care to turn the chair to face the couch, so should he open his eyes, his gaze would lay on Ari. As he relaxed back into the chair, the tiredness made him fall into sleep so quick, probably in seconds. His face remained immobile, with no sign of emotion whatsoever as he drifted into his world of dreams, silent.

Ari climbed back onto the couch and the springs underneath creaked. She was most comfortable sleeping on her side with one leg kicked out from under the blanket, so she positioned herself like so. Sleep was a welcome reprieve from this nightmare of a day; it claimed her quickly.

Her dreams turned to nightmares, so her sleep was anything but peaceful. They were all different scenes and bled into one another, all twisted versions of the past few days. In the alleyway, when she pulled the trigger it wasn't Zeke's accusing eyes staring back at her, it was Vincent - she tasted his blood in her mouth. Then the scene shifted, her arms and legs were bound, candles flickering around her. Now she was the sacrifice. Chanting echoed in her ears and a hooded figure carved those intricate patterns into her own flesh, the metal of the blade felt white hot as it peeled back her skin. Her chest was so tight she could hardly breath, then the knife flashed above her, the chanting reaching it's peak. The hood fell back and she could only watch as Vincent plunged the knife into her chest.

She shot awake with a sob in her throat, clutching her chest where it felt like she had actually been stabbed. Her breath wouldn't come and she gasped for air but her lungs wouldn't expand - tears streaming down her face.
As soon as he heard her drowned sob, his eyes popped open and the gun was already clutched into his hand, aimed straight towards the door. His night vision kicked in quickly and he could see it was nothing but her, probably having had a nightmare. She had the right to, his sleep wasn't exactly the best either. Placing the gun aside, he stood up from the chair and went to sit on the edge of the couch, knowing he will regret doing this. He placed a gentle hand on her shoulder and moved close so she could embrace him if she wanted to.
When Ari heard Vincent stir, she swallowed her sobs and held her breath. The last thing she wanted to do was wake him. It was too late though, he rose from the chair moving over to her, sinking down into the couch next to her. His palm rested on her shoulder, his touch sent a warm comforting feeling through her body and her breath finally returned to normal. They sat silently like that for a moment, the barest hint of sunrise peeking through the window. Ari twisted around and rested her head in the Hound's lap, her hand curled around his legs. Her eyes fluttered shut after a few moments, hopefully this sleep would be free of nightmares.

He watched her finally get her comfort by laying her head on his legs. He just remained there, watching her and she remembered him so much about a child. A child that finds her protection in the grasp of the stronger ones. He placed a hand on her head and played with her hair, twirling it around his fingers ever so gently, trying to comfort her further. The sun was already rising. His eyes were closing slowly, but he just realised he left the gun on the lounge chair.

Ah, screw that, it's all going to be alright, he sighed in his mind before drifting asleep.

It was 11:30 AM when his eyes opened. His body has found support against the couch as he almost lain during the sleep. Looking down, he smiled slightly seein Ari was still asleep. Heavy night must've been for her.

It was the best night's sleep that Ari had had in a long time. When her eyes finally slid open, the sun was fully up - streaming through the window, casting beams of light along the carpet. Vincent's hand was in her hair, but in a tender sort of way. His breathing gave away the fact that he was already awake. How long had he sat there, letting her doze in his lap? Reluctantly she straightened up, tucking her legs under her with the blanket still pooling around her hips. The neck of the t-shirt she slept dipped low over her left shoulder.

"Morning," she said, sleepily. She swallowed a few times. What she wouldn't give for her toothbrush right now. "What are our plans for today?"

He tossed her a smile as soon as she woke up so reluctantly. Indeed, it wasn't the perfect scene to wake up into since just two days ago the guy that she was sleeping on was his sworn enemy. He only mumbled in a sleepy manner as he watched her.

"Well, we could have many plans for all i care. But first we need to eat and have a coffee i guess, right?"
"I don't really have much of an appetite lately," she replied with a shrug of her shoulders. "So I'll pass on breakfast." Now that it was morning, and her brain was fully working, there were doubts about their agreement from last night. "But tell me about what happened last night.... Do you really think it's necessary for me to stay here? I just.... I wonder if it's really a good idea."

"Yes. Yes it is necessary. We can't try to do this and stay apart. We need to stick together and lookout for each another and..."

Before he even finished his sentence, his second phone rang. His former having been lost, somewhere along with his clothes. Vincent picked it up. It was Rick. With a necessary gesture, he signaled Ari to keep silent as he answered.

"Yeah? What's up, Rick?"

Turn on the TV man, shit's going crazy, Zeke is dead, they found some corpses, Daryl is one of them and a lawyer is gone, his family is slaughtered in his house and people are already flipping shit. The town's going crazy, bro.

So, Zeke finally found his end? It was pretty easy to tell he would, with his behavior. At least that gave Vince a satisfied grin, just as satisfied as he was about Daryl. As for the lawyer's family... he prefered to keep silent about the whole thing, yet. But he could smell a riot, soon.

"Yeah, i know, that's what i'm going on about, really sorry for not appearing but i need to set some things straight."

Zeke also said he'd seen you with a Saint bitch, is that true?

"Nah man, Zeke was drugfucked and flipping shit. It was no Saint, just another girl, you know."

Okay, i'll talk to you later, cheers. Were Rick's last words before closing the call. Vince looked down for a moment before turning to Ari with a sigh.

"As i was saying, you shouldn't be worrying about us staying together. I need to watch over you. I just need to. Don't ask why, just stay here and stick with me. I promise i'll take care of you." He vowed to her as he caught her hand in his. Looking into her eyes, he realised just how much she affected him, as he was never so affectionate before. But he couldn't hold back from saying or doing it. Was it maybe because he foresaw a closing end?

Ari pursed her lips together tightly as she could hear both sides of the conversation. So they'd finally found Zeke and Daryl. She hoped that they wouldn't be able to trace the bullet in Zeke's head back to her... Although thinking about it now, most of the Saints weapons were unregistered so it wouldn't matter. As long as she kept the weapon in her possession, it shouldn't be a problem.

She still felt uneasy about everything... Even if she agreed to staying with Vincent, she would have to go back to the Saints headquarters to gather her things and get her bike. What explanation would she give?

"I don't know... What am I going to tell Demetri and Nikki?"

His palms were rough against her own, but she knew he was sincere. His intense affection for her was overwhelming, but she wanted to accept him so badly. He made her knees weak in this moment, but she kept making excuses as to why none of this would work.

That was a problem indeed. But not one that couldn't be solved. It was obvious she was trying to make up excuses out of fear. And really, he feared as much as her, somehow. What if a Hound showed up at his place? Where would he hide her? It would all turn out that Zeke saw him with her and he killed him so he won't take the word further. Situation was pretty tensed up. On the other hand, however, he wasn't even sure everyone was going to pay attention to the side stuff since this whole thing popped up. People were already being paranoic about serial killers and what not.

"Ugh, listen, just... tell them that you need some time off. I don't know, something. I can't come and tell them, they'd probably trust me less than they do you. We need to be close, else this whole thing will eat us both. Just as last night i was captured it could be you this time, and these guys aren't playing. Fuck's sake."

He seemed ever so frustrated, sighing and shifting his position as he tried thinking.

"I know, this is all just.... a lot. Last week we were trying to kill each other, you know? And now...." She looked down at their clasped hands, then back into his eyes. "I don't know what to feel or think anymore." She swallowed - hard, then withdrew her hands from Vincent's.

Why was this so difficult? It was a game of two steps forward and five steps back. Everytime she allowed herself to feel anything more for Vincent some part inside of her instantly pulled her back inside herself. It was too soon, too much, he was using her, he was the enemy - all these excuses and more tore through her mind, but she couldn't deny what her heart and body wanted.

"I don't have my phone, or my bike, or any clothes... I'll need a new phone but I'll need to go back to headquarters for the rest... What do you want to do?"

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"I understand, but you're a smart girl, you can manage." He finally detached himself from the conversation and sat up. "I'll need to go and make my weekly deliveries, some crackheads out there need their stuff and i need my money. Here." He searched the pocket of an old coat and tossed Ari a key. "It's the third and last key to the apartment. You decide to come here, you come. You don't... well, then it's your problem."

He finally decided to let all the heartfelt part aside and focus on other important matters. Who was he to actually oblige her? It was her life, after all. Even if on the inside, he wished he could beg her to stay. No, you're not that low, don't do that, his consciousness spoke to him, making him look away from that part and move on. "We'll be keeping in touch, send me a message once per hour so i know you're fine. Oh... wait..."

She had no phone anymore. That was a problem. Vincent hurried to the drawers and started searching, finally finding something. A very old phone he used to use. Basic phone, but it still worked. He returned with it to Ari and handed it to her.

"Take this. Send me a message once in an hour so i know you're fine. Avoid being completely alone in secluded places. I'll see you later."

He spoke as he then rushed out, after having changed his clothes. Firstly, he had to recover his bike.

She should have expected Vincent to revert to being an asshole, but when he did it was still a slap in the face. What had she expected? This was real life, a real fucked up life where no knight in shining armor was going to sweep her off her feet and take her away from this shithole. She had been stupid and naive to think otherwise. After he left the apartment, Ari tucked the key and phone into her bra, the gun into the waistband of her shorts, then folded up the blanket before she left.

This part was the city was unfamiliar to her and a barefoot girl in pajamas would be an easy target. She pulled out the old flip phone and punched in Demetri's number- he had made her memorize it many months ago, in case of a situation like this. It rang twice before he picked up.


"Hey, Demetri, it's Ari."

"Ari?! Where are you? Nikki's been beside herself worrying about you!"

"I'm okay... Listen I'm by--" she peered at the street signs "--22nd and Monroe Avenue. Can you come get me?"

"I'll be there in 15 minutes."

It took him 12. He didn't ask any questions as Ari slung herself over and onto the back of his bike and leaned her head on his back while she held on to his hips for balance. They made good time back to the compound and in no time they were both crossing the threshold of the base. Nikki was waiting.

"Oh honey," she said, wrapping her arms around Ari. "I'm so sorry! We lost you and you weren't answering your phone."

"It's fine, really, I'm okay." She took a deep breath. "I'm going to go stay with my mom for a few days, if that's okay. I just need a few days off..." The lie came easily, melting off her lips. But she had to figure out what was happening around here. It seemed like being as close to Vincent as possible would yield the best results.

"Of course," Demetri said, but his brow was furrowed. "Is there anything you want to talk about?"

Of course there was. Ari desperately wanted to spill her guts about everything. About Vincent, about the men with red eyes, about how she had just killed a man for the first time, about the necklace, about her visions. But she smiled and shook her head no.

It didn't take her long to pack a backpack and a duffle bag with extra clothes, toiletries, and anything else she might need. She changed out of Vincent's clothes and into her own - a pair of jeans, a form fitting tank top, and black boots. She loaded everything onto to bike and headed back towards Vincent's. She would drop off her things before doing anything else.

She half- expected the key not to work, but it did, sliding in the lock easily and turning with the faintest click. She pushed her bags inside the door then shut it behind her. The apartment was still in shadows despite the fact that it was mid-day but something seemed.... off. There was an acrid smell in the air.


Ari drew her gun, her pulse quickened. She had never listened as hard as this before. The apartment was silent, no footsteps, no shuffling. It had almost an hour and a half since Vincent had left her; she was late checking in.

Her hastily typed text to Vincent read:
I'm at your place. Something doesn't seem right. Where are you?

The text wouldn't send. The phone didn't get service by the front door. "Stupid piece of shit," she mumbled as she stepped towards the window, phone held out in front of her. Finally the message sent.

A flash of red in the windows reflection made her whip around, gun raised. Nothing was there but now her heart was pounding in her chest like a jackhammer. In the next moment, the gun flew from her hand as if someone had smacked it and Ari was flung back against the window, pinned there like a butterfly held by an invisible pin. The glass had cracked into a spiderwebbed kaleidoscope behind her.

"Tsk, tsk," said a voice from the kitchen. Its owner moved fully into the light and Ari's blood ran cold. It was Zeke, his left eye was a gaping, bloody hole, his right eye burned bright red.

"No," Ari croaked out. "I-- I killed you." This had to be a nightmare... One of those terrible dreams that had plagued her lately.

"Oh sweet girl," Zeke said and he stepped closer and closer to her. "You did kill this human, but left behind a perfectly usable vessel for me. When I entered this corpse I could feel his hatred for you." He was almost flush against her now, and Ari was terrified their combined weight would shatter the window. "Funny that you should be the one Liam wants. I came here for the big man but I will definitely settle for you instead."

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Taking the bus was something Vincent hasn't done for years eversince he had his bike, but given the fact that the place he lived in was so far away from the place where the lawyer's house was situated made him do it. As he got off the bus, nearly a half an hour later, he headed straight into the rich men's neighbourhood, attracting a few curious gazes. His clothes were the same as usual, his obsession with leather pants and the cloak making him a truly outstanding figure in all sorts of ways. And there it was, his bike, close but not close enough to the lawyer's courtyard, not having attracted any suspicion at all. In any case, he brough with himself a canister of fuel, so if he was to be asked why he has left his bike there he could simply respond he was out of gas.

The courtyard was surrounded with the usual crime scene yellow band and by what Rick said, this has been turned into a slaughter house. Vincent quickly strolled towards his bike and, as he reached it, he looked around. It seemed eyes were still on him. Opening the gas canister and the motorcycle's tank, he poured some of the fuel in, as to fill it, before placing the canister in the special holder attached to the bike. Jumping on, he felt as if his missing half has returned, and as the engine roared with fierce life, he rode off in a rush, wanting to recover the lost time between him and his most beloved companion.

The first stop was at the Sinner's bar, where he had to give Sara her dose. The bar was still empty, and, as he walked in, the bartender girl greeted him with her feline charm.

"Oh, hey. I haven't seen you in days, you came to give me the dose? I'm ready to pay whatever you want." She winked conspiratively towards Vince, but oddly enough, her charms weren't working as good on him, at least not today, he tried to ensure himself.

"Listen, i don't really have time, quite in a hurry, here" He handed her the pack of cocaine and watched her pout upset before she went behind the counter and handed him the money. She then waved goodbye to him without speaking another word. She always had the behavior of a spoiled child who would not speak to her parents if they didn't give her what she wanted. Vincent didn't exactly feel impressed by her behavior, passing it off as childish before exitting the bar. It was past an hour. Why didn't Ari yet message him? Was she fine?

Just as he took his phone out to check, he received a message, and as he opened it in relief, he read the words and froze in place. The already came back? There was no time to be bumming around. Jumping yet again on his bike, he rode off on the street with tires screeching, this time stroking the acceleration up to the point where he thought it would break. He heard the hasty horns of cars and lots of cussing words spat towards him, but less could he care.

As soon as he reached the block, he pulled into a stop that he thought would throw him off the bike, however, it didn't. Good thing he took the gun with him. He immediately spotted the window cracking and Ari's back against it. Rushing up on the stairs, he stormed inside the apartment and as soon as he saw the figure, he remained in place. The clothes. It was Zeke, but his head was badly injured behind, as if a bullet went straight through it. No. This wasn't him anymore. Just like Scar wasn't Scar anymore. The sulphur stench just screamed it. Vincent rose the gun to aim and grumbled in a low voice.

"Hey, Zeke, move your fat ass away or i'll shoot. I always wanted to do this. "

The creature turned its head around, leaving Vincent to stare at a face half destroyed by a powerful bullet and half livid and twisted. A macabre being from a horror tale, that's exactly what this monstrosity resembled. The demon released the choke on Ari, dismissing her fully as it turned around towards Vincent, and approached. Vince didn't exactly want to shoot, his neighbours would call the police and this was the last ever thing he wished,

"Oh, you foolish bastard. Do you really believe your little toy will do anything towards hurting me? This body is just a flesh shell for me, a mere carcass. Your bullets would hurt it, but not the inhabitant. You are better off without that." The creature spoke as Vincent's gun was simply swipped away from him and thrown into a corner. At this point, his heart was pumping like mad and his stomach was going crazy, however, this odd craze brought him to ripost. The foolish demon had approached maybe way too much, and Vincent gripped him, going full body fight against the one that has made his home in the flesh of Zeke. He didn't know exactly what was the force that drove him so rageful, but his strenght helped him pin down the demon and smash into the already crushed face with a violence hard to recognize, a ferocity as not many managed to see Vincent with.

The face of Zeke was dismantling, cracking and breaking into pieces like porcelain, as Vince continuously smashed it with his fists like hammers. The brain matter was already leaking out before the cloud of smoke engulfed the body,and the next second, Vince found himself simply knelt on the floor, gazing down at a few pieces of skull bone with skin and a bit of brain matter. His breath came out in ragged pants as he supported himself on his hands, exhausted by the insane effort of the minute of pure blood rage.

Ari had only heard stories of Vincent's blood rage, and it was truly a terrible thing to behold. She could only watch helplessly as he beat Zeke's possessed body literally to pieces, the demon within the shell disappearing in a puff of smoke. The Hound was still kneeling on the bloody carpet, his chest heaving.

With a few steps Ari crossed the room and knelt next to him, placing a hand on his shoulder. He was shaking. "I'll clean this up," she said, referring to the stained carpet. "Go wash up, you have... Uhmmmm, some brains in your hair." The window was still holding, but for how long, who knew.

He couldn't even speak. All he could hear was a heavy buzz in his head, he felt his body nearly give in to the destructive side effect of his blood rage. In moments like this he commited his worst ever things, moments when someone took him so much out of his minds and drove him into a state of anger and desperation beyond the extreme limit. As he stood, shakily, he looked at Ari, and the only relief he felt was that she was safe.

"I'm so going to exterminate them with my bare hands..." He muttered as he left towards the bathroom, getting into the shower.

Once she heard the shower, Ari searched the kitchen cabinets for cleaner. There wasn't much but there were a few things that would work. She liberally poured some of the cleaner onto the stained carpet, then grabbed a rag from one of the kitchen drawers and began to scrub. Everything was lifting out of the fibers, all things considered. But the apartment still reeked of sulphur. She opened the other window that wasn't almost shattered. After a thorough search, she discovered Vincent didn't have anything akin to air freshener so the wind would have to suffice.

She moved her bags from the doorway and placed them next to the couch. She assumed the couch would be her sleeping place until all of this craziness was resolved. Now that her adrenaline had worn off, there was a pounding in Ari's skull that needed a cigarette for relief. She searched her bag and found her last pack, moving to the window to light one of them. As she puffed away, she looked down and noticed Vincent had retrieved his bike. She would have to wait and see what his next plan was.

The shower felt refreshing and it made him feel like he has just switched his body for a brand new one. After having arranged himself and dressed himself back in a pair of normal blue jeans and a black shirt, he walked out, seeing as the carpet was already clean.

"So, you finally made up your mind, hm?" He smiled as he approached her. Grabbing her cigarette just like she did two nights ago, he puffed it carelessly, blowing the smoke against her but trying as much to avoid the face.

Ari blinked as the smoke from her own cigarette swirled around her. Both of her arms folded against her chest, creating a barrier between her and the Hound. That was her last cigarette, that ass.

"I figured if I'm going to figure out what the hell is happening, you're as good a person as any to be around. "

She put her back to Vincent, facing out the window, where Vincent's bike was haphazardly parked . "I see you got back your bucket of bolts in one piece."

"Wasn't it for that bucket of bolts you'd be long sacrificed to Belial already." He answered her in a joking manner before playfully ruffling her hair with a hand as he moved away. However, he pointed out towards a table where there lain a pack of cigarettes. "You can serve yourself, i gotta look around for something while i'm at it. Done the delivery i was supposed to, now we only need to wait and see what were strikes so we can pick up the trail again. Until then..." He stopped as the doorbell rang. He turned, looked to Ari before moving to the door as it rang again. Who could it be?

Ari could hear the conversation unfold as Vince opened the door.

"Hey Trev, what's up?"

"Ay, Vince. Listen man, we gotta talk. Got something really sweet that's make ya hairs stand. Can i get in?"

"Yeah, sure, man."

Vincent appeared several seconds later. Beside him was another man, well in his 30's, dressed as casual as one could be. Nothing looked special about him and it was obvious he was not a Hound. He was Trevor, a guy from a gang that mainly busied themselves with heists once in a while. He quickly smiled to Ari and nodded as a greeting before sitting down on the nearest chair.

"Look, bro, the town's going crazy. We want to take advantage of that. The central bank is moving two vans full with money to the next city, and we want to ambush the convoy."

"A heist..." Vincent murmured.

"Yeah, man, just like in the good ol' times. Skiz has already projected a device that will jam all their means of communication and cameras, they'll be blind and mute through it all. We also arranged with Big Wheels to give us a few trucks to block the sides of the road with. They goin' up on the highway. We'll block two points at two ends, we move in, grab the money and dissapear."

"How much are we talking?" Asked Vincent, while narrowing his eyes.



"Each." Trevor answered as he gazed to Vincent then to Ari. Now that was one hell of an offer.

Vincent seemed to be on good terms with this new man, Trevor. At first she was worried he may have been a Hound, but that didn't seem to be the case. Trevor spoke of a heist that had been set in motion, taking full advantage of the chaos the city had been plunged into. Her eyebrows raised when he mentioned the payout. That kind of money would be enough to keep her mother's treatment paid off for at least 6 months.

She plucked the pack of cigarettes from the table and make quick work of lighting one. Smoke quickly curling from her nostrils as she listened. There had only been one heist she had participated in with the Saints. It had been her job to slip into the back of an armored car and make off with the goods inside. AJ had said she was the smallest and quickest and thus the best suited for it.

Then again she wasn't sure if this was really the best time for a job like this. After all there were demons running around. Vincent however seemed to have no such qualms about it, in fact he seemed excited.

Ari rolled her eyes, dragging out the last puff from the cigarette and then putting it out in the ashtray . Neither man would probably even offer for her to come along anyway.

Vincent knew exactly what Ari was thinking before she even did. She had a mother ill with cancer, after all, and 20.000 were no small money. He had to bring her in along with him. He looked to Ari, then to Trevor and finally stated.

"Alright. I'm in. But she's coming with me. If it's needed, i'll split my money with her." He really did mean what he has said, but Trevor seemed rather amused, patting Vince on the shoulder in the old friendly way. "Naw man, i was actually hoping you'd find one more person. Okay so here's the basic plan. The caravan consists of the two vans and two security patrol cars guarding along each. Big Wheels will move his guys in, they'll fake engine problems and block the highway north and south so that there will be no witnesses. By that time, we'll already be riding alongside the transport. We'll be using headsets to com with each other and when Skiz gives the green on their jammed coms, we block 'em. You two and a few others will be keeping the guards down and disarming them while we'll be moving in and grabbing the cash. Then Josh will lower enough with the special helicopted and grab the money sacks, then fly off. We'll disperse and dissapear, and we'll keep in touch for the meeting point where we'll be splitting the shares. Simple, ain't it?"

Vincent always did something to surprise her. Sticking up for her and even volunteering to split his share with her was crazy. Maybe he wasn't such an ass after all. And people this us women are complicated. She had to bite back a rueful smile.

"Seems pretty straightforward," she mused as she took a seat on the couch. "Any idea how many guards to expect?"

Her only heist had been a small affair. This definitely sounded much larger scale, which made her a little nervous though she tried not to show it. The bigger the heist, the more chances for things to go wrong. AJ hadnt liked taking chances with the big ones very often specifically for that reason.


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