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Gangland [1x1 with Psychosis]

Weird how, as he discovered, Vincent had no stains of blood on his hands whatsoever. His clothes were as clean and moreover, he carried no weapon. But then, who killed that man down there? Less did he want to find out, this whole thing was way beyond him and that actually scared him. He never knew he could be afraid, but there he was, wondering what exactly has happened and having to deal with trembling hands. A cigarette would come in handy, and as he searched his pockets for the pack, he stopped. The sound of a bike. It was clearly not a Hellhound one. But then? A Saint?

Taking advantage of the shadows, he lurked within them as he tried a stealthy approach to whoever was there. He spotted a sillhouette in the semi-darkness, and something sparkling, before whoever it was caught the sound of his approach and moved into a defensive stance, ready to sprint off. His icy blue optics shimmered as he approached more and more, and with every step towards the sillhouette, he discovered some familiar features. Ari. But what is she doing here? He wondered as he approached yet even more, confused more than ever. So, he doesn't know what has happened in the last hour, he wakes up near a bloody corpse and now Ari appears walking about and... picking stuff from the ground? The pendant, she had to have found it. What if it screwed with her mind as well as it did with his?

Leaving the stealth, he approached her all wary and spoke out to her as to make her recognize him.

"You again? Why are you always poking your nose in my business, Ariana? What do you want from me?"

He was now standing merely 10 feet away from her, gazing her down as he noticed the silver chain of the pendant. She has found it. As much as he didn't want to, he had to warn her about what has happened to himself.

"Listen, you might wanna take that pendant off. That shit is gonna screw with your mind really bad."

Back at the Hellhounds headquarters, the interrogation was not nearly over. Aaron was on the brink of passing out from the numberless punches he has received from Jason, who still kept calm and smoked yet another cigarette. And for good measure, the kid had absolutely no idea what was going on.

"You still don't wanna talk, do you? Listen, you fucknut, i'm gonna ask you one more time before i reconsider my kindness and throw you to the Rottweilers in the backyard. What are the Saints trying to do? Who murdered that guy?"

The situation was getting out of control pretty quickly in the town. Nobody suspected that in that night, buckets of blood were going to be spilled in a full blown war much heavier than the small brawls so far. The Saints were loading the guns in preparation to strike violently against the Hellhounds. It was going to be a night of fire.

There he went again, speaking her full name out of his mouth. She was the one putting her nose in his business? Funny, considering he was the one taking her phone calls earlier today... Why did he keep popping up? No one ever came to this industrial park, and yet here they both were, glaring at each other like dogs sizing one another up. It was almost like the universe kept throwing them together over and over again. As far as Ari was concerned the universe could suck it.

"Seems like you're the one always in
my business," she muttered under her breath. "I don't want anything from you," she continued, this time at a normal volume. "Don't flatter yourself by thinking I'm seeking you out."

He thought the necklace was going to screw with her mind? " You think this--" she pulled the pendant from beneath her shirt and dangled it a few inches in front of her "--is going to... what? ...mind control me? I didn't peg you for the superstitious type, Hound." She slipped it back beneath her shift and the pendant settled just between her breasts.

She shifted her stance the tiniest bit, the gravel slid under her feet ever so slightly. "We know you took Aaron... That was a bad move on your part. He's just a kid, what information did your stupid boss think he would have?" She knew it was foolish to mouth off like she was, but she didn't care. Some part inside her was tired of being weak, the other (much larger) part was screaming at her to shut the hell up and leave before anything else happened. And then a breeze whipped through the park, and with it came a terrible, metallic smell. The smell of blood.


Demetri would've preferred a stealthier group on a smaller scale to retreive the boy from the Hounds, but AJ had insisted on a huge display of force. He'd called every Saint in the area, rallying them together with the promises of Hound blood. Demetri knew that once this can of worms was opened, there would be no turning back, not for anyone.

They all were trickling in, some in groups, some alone. But there was a near constant stream of bikes entering the yard to the side of the Saints compound. Demetri watched all of this from the window of his bedroom, brows furrowed together. Nikki appeared behind him. "Isn't that something," she said, the side of her mouth twisted up in a wry smile. "I don't think I've ever seen so many of us in one spot before."

He shook his head. "Me neither.... I have a bad feeling about this."

"Oh stop worrying," Nikki scoffed, she poked him playfully in the ribs. "We always manage to come out on top during brawls, not without scratches of course." She guestured to the stitched up cut on her face.

Gently, Demetri took the pad of his thumb and stroked the area underneath the wound. "Scar will pay for this, I won't forget about him," he vowed. Nikki leaned into his touch, "I know, dear," she said softly.


Unknown to Ari and Vincent, they were being watched from afar. Liam and another man wearing an oversized hoodie watched the gang members interaction with mild interest.

"How many more must fall?" Liam asked.


She didn't believe him. Of course she doesn't fucking believe you, if your greatest enemy came up to you with shit like that, would you believe them? I think not. His rational voice spoke to him, not allowing him to grow angry of her attitude about him. She was indeed right not to trust him. With a slight squint, he watched as she placed the necklace back under her shirt. He now wondered how she felt. Did she feel the same as he did when he touched it? She didn't seem to since she was speaking all fluent and undisturbed. Could he try and tell her the truth, maybe? No, for sure not.

"Listen, i don't care what you think about me, but this thing isn't the Hellhounds' fault neither Saints'. Someone is manipulating from the outside. Something really strange is about to happen, i sense it in my gut. You want to believe me, fine, you don't, then don't stand in my fucking way and question me. I still should break your neck for putting a gun to my head, consider this an act of kindness of mine and fuck off before i get angrier."

As he was about to push her out of his way to make his way to his bike, he suddenly noticed something. He felt a heavy gaze lying upon him and Ari, and looked past the light into the darkness. Another sillhouettes. Did Ari bring her friends with her? No way, they would've all but entered the scene on their motorcycles to haul him away. It was someone else. Vincent had to squint to see better, but the more he looked, the more certain he grew those two there were two men watching them. If he would manage to catch them, he could prove his sensation was right.

The next second, he sprinted off from the place towards the spot, watching the two shadows out of which one seemed cloaked sprinted away as well, just like deers run when they spot the wolf that is about to catch them. Vincent dissapeared in the shadows in the crazy chase for the two, angered now and motivated to capture and interrogate them. Just who those two were and what did they want? However, Vincent found himself running into a dead end, with no absolute way out. But even so, the two were gone. However, the place bore a strange odor of sulphur and the ground had a weird sign still glowing upon it. It looked like a seal. Now Vincent was 100% sure whatever was going on was unnatural. If only Ari would've seen this...

Back at the Hellhound headquarters, the interrogation was finally over, as Aaron, drained of any power was now unconscious, his head hanging forth as he was still tied to the chair. Blood was still dripping from his mouth and a few bloody teeth were spread on the floor, having been thrown out by the heavy punches he's received. Jason was now sitting on a chair, pondering on the situation. It seemed the boy was either too loyal, or he knew absolutely nothing of this.

"You should've picked Daryl or that James scum sucker, not this poor fucker." He spoke to the guys that have been deployed to bring a Saint for interrogation. However, Jason's phone rang and as he answered, a voice from the other side warned him about what was going to come.

Get all the Hellhounds together, boss, the city will be at war tonight. The Saints have gathered a huge army. They'll come for us, and this time it's no ordinary brawl."

Jason's face went white for the second, knowing exactly what the Saints wanted from him and the Hellhounds. However, his mood quickly switched back, and, as he stood, he ordered to Rick.

"Call for everyone. Tell them to spread out throughout the whole territory and lie in wait. Get the guns and everything. When the Saints step in, we surround them from every side. They're coming here."

She followed after Vincent, more so to aggravate him than anything else. He thought he could be an asshole and storm off into the darkness? Not gonna happen. He was fast, but not faster than Ari. But where in the hell was he going? One second he was threatening to break her neck, and then he darted off with no indication why. He ran further and further into the shadows, Ari was right on his heels. The chilly night air tore in and out of her lungs painfully. He rounded a corner ahead seconds before her, but Ari wasn't expecting a dead end. Her momentum still propelled her forward, even though the tall Hound was at a dead stop in front of her. She hit Vincent like a ton of bricks, her teeth clicked together, almost biting her tongue. The man was built like a fucking brick wall, the impact took the wind out of her and she landed flat on her ass in the gravel.

"Fuck me...." She groaned. Gingerly, she rubbed her tailbone through her jeans. It was more than likely bruised. The smell of sulphur burned the inside of Ari's nostrils, her eyes teared up. Just as she was placing one of her hands over her mouth and nose to block the smell, she noticed the ground ahead of them was glowing. The pendant around her neck suddenly felt....warm. She reached down to feel it through her shirt and a searing pain tore through her chest, ripping upwards into her skull. She cried out, placing both hands over her ears, tucking her knees into her chest as far as they could go. Her head felt like it was going to explode. And then the pain was too much, she passed out.

She had to be dreaming now - her surroundings were in an old basement. It was unfamiliar to her. There were candles light along the walls and floor, wax dripping and pooling in puddles at their bases. Most of the candles on the floor made a big circle in the center of the room, white chalk marks made a cross-crossing pattern on the inside. And at the center of that circle was a body. Who ever it was was still alive, their limbs were tethered to four of the five points inside the circle, a bag was secured over their head.

The door off to the side that Ari hadn't noticed opened and two figures entered. Both were wrapped in black robes with large hoods so their features were obscured. One held a book, the other a knife. Ari tried to run, tried to look away but she could do neither, she couldn't even close her eyes. The first figure stood above the bound person's head, opened the book to a specific page and began speaking. It was a language unlike any other that Ari had ever heard, but it sounded... wrong. It was more a deep guttural chanting than speaking.

The second figure knelt next to the bound and removed the hood. It was Daryl. Ari opened her mouth to scream but no sound escaped her lips. She was forced to watch as the hooded figure took the knife and began tracing shallow but blood patterns on Daryl's skin. Even through the gag in his mouth, Daryl screamed. Ari wanted to cry, to scream, to help him but she couldn't move. It was like watching a horror movie she couldn't escape.

Once the figure was satisfied with the patterns, the knife came up and swung down, sheathing itself in Daryl's chest in one fluid motion. He let out one final scream that tore his vocal chords, then he was still. But the knife kept moving in and out, making its own deep pattern in Daryl's mangled chest. Ari felt bile rise in her throat.

Suddenly she was back, laying on the gravel under the night sky with sulphur still burning in her nose. She was in the fetal position and sobbing uncontrollably, the pendant hot against her skin.

As soon as Ari started acting strange, Vincent's attention shifted fully towards her. What was going on? He only saw her fall back and enter in what he presumed was a tormented trance. Leaving all the hatred and rivalry aside, he knelt next to her and placed a gentle hand on her, trying to wake her up from the horror. However, it didn't take long until she woke up alone and bursted out crying, making him even more aware of the fact that she probably witnessed something not of this earth.

He didn't have any idea at all how to comfort her, yet his body reacted before his mind did, thus he found himself embracing her protectively, as if acting as a shield that kept her away from the maleficent forces. Why am i doing this? He questioned himself as he buried her petite frame into him, not letting her go as long as she kept sobbing. He didn't want to admit, but deep within, he was just as scared as her about all of this. And it scared him more that everything was going quickly out of hand. Was there any limit to this madness?

However, the night air was now filled with the sound of gunshots. At the other end of the city, in the downtown, the Hellhounds and Saints have already gone to war.

The thing went as planned. The Saints all but marched deep into Hellhound territory, like an army. AJ was at the forefront, and in order of their ranks were the others behind him, while the rest of the mass rode along. They carried various fire weapons, starting with simple 9 mm guns up to Uzi and even a Kalashnikov. However, what they didn't know was that guns were already aimed at their heads since they entered the territory. In the shadows lurked members of the Hellhounds, watching and communicating with each other through a special system.

The Saints came to a halt as soon as AJ spotted, in front of him, Jason. The latter stood alone, in the road, holding a single gun in his hand and watching his rival with a defiant gaze. Silence befell the scenery as AJ dismounted his bike, not taking his gaze off the Hellhound leader, preparing his gun in case the other one wanted to take a chance and shoot first. However, none of that happened. AJ approached with small steps and, pulling a defiant grin, he clapped mockingly for Jason.

"Well, well, well, i'll be damned. I never knew Jason had such balls as to come and face us all alone. You finally came out of your rat hole, did you? Where's Aaron? I'll ask you only once, then i'll shoot." Said AJ, while Jason watched him with a mocking smirk on his face. As at a sign, the Hellhounds left their hiding spots and gathered out, circling the big group of Saints that were now dismounted and steady. However, Scar, unnerved as always and ready, took a step way too much, shooting at random into a Saint's arm. The latter dropped his weapon, grabbing his injured arm with the other hand, but it was enough for it all to unfold the war.

In the next few minutes, gunshots and semi-automatic gunshots ripped through the night air as the Saints and Hellhounds alike were taking covers and scouting each other. Two Hounds lain on the ground as well as two Saints, while AJ and Jason were taking a personal fight, hidden from each another and shooting in timed reprises, struggling to shoot each other.

How ironic that the safest Ari had felt in months was in the arms of a sworn enemy. His warmth helped slow the full body tremors that wracked her smaller frame, and slowly her sobs subsided into smaller gasps and hiccups. He smelled like cigarettes and dark chocolate- smoky and bitter and sweet all at the same time. She knew she should pull away, this was too intimate a situation to be sharing with Vincent - a Bloodhound - of all people.

She slinked out of his grasp, using to both arms to pull herself out of his reach on the ground a little ways away and used the sleeves of her hoodie to wipe away at her eyes along with any makeup that remained. That experience wasn't something she would wish on her worst enemy. Every time she closed her eyes, all she could see now was Daryl's face flecked with blood, his mouth open in a silent scream--- her body shook again, the tears welling up, her breath caught in her throat. Dammit, she wished she was anywhere else with anyone else. She felt so weak, so fragile in front of Vincent, especially after his uncharacteristic embrace. It was embarrassing for her - a Saint - to be seen like this, by her rival no less.

She cleared her throat twice, and slowly rose to a standing position. Vincent would no doubt want an explanation for her mortifying behavior. "I-- I saw Daryl," she stammered. "He's dead." She folded her arms around herself, and shivered. The pendant felt heavy around her neck, but almost in a comforting way. Was Vincent right? Could the pendant be the reason for her strange vision?

Vincent became more understanding than ever of her reluctant reaction, and let her move towards wherever she wished. He knew how odd it was all this sudden approach, but he somewhat felt the need to cover her, for whatever reason. Perhaps, the fact that he was a man and she, a woman, made for this to happen. As soon as she spoke, he remained silent, watching her and not being able to believe what he has just heard. She had really seen Daryl, the asshole that nearly went into a fight with him earlier, dying? How was that possible. How did she see it? Was it a prediction or she has just witnessed such happening from her place? In this moment, he felt both an overcoming joy for the death of an enemy but also a slight sympathy for her.

"Are you... sure? You might've just had a shock of some sorts. A lucid dream that happened in seconds, maybe?" Vince, you're talking nonsense. The pendant is fucking around with her brains and you all but stand here and watch her. His consciousness spoke again. Indeed, he had to take the pendant away from her.

The sound of police sirens in the distance signaled that heavy lawforce was heading towards downtown, where the shooting between the Saints and Hellhounds still took place, audibly so. Bodies now lain throughout the whole neighbourhood near the Hellhound Headquarters. Scar was sitting in a pool of his own blood, shot in the guts and barely managing to hold his shotgun in hands, but yet struggling to shoot. However, a bullet out of nowhere put an end to him by sticking right into his head, making him fall back with an attempt of a last curse word. Rick was also trying to stay alive, having been shot in the leg and heavily bleeding. Another Hound was wrapping a makeshift bandage to keep the bleeding down while rick consumed bullets like mad.

AJ was still trapped in his passionate shooting against Jason, both having slightly wounded each other.

"Keep them under fire!" Jason shouted out loud towards the Hounds as he loaded his gun with the last ammunition and starting yet again a shooting frenzy towards AJ. AJ left his cover to advance and take a better place to shoot Jason, but the latter was all of a sudden gone. AJ's face dropped as he looked around, trying to find his rival, but a gun to the back of his head made him gasp, realising how big a stupid thing he has done. Letting himself open in front of the enemy.

"Game over, bitch." Jason grinned as he unloaded his last bullets, causing AJ's crania to split open and blood and brain matter to spill. The corpse fell lifeless to the ground and a loud yell signaled for the Saints to retreat. They have lost. Their leader was gone for good and they were lambs to the slaughter in the Hellhounds' territory. The shooting lowered down as Saints were splitting apart, jumping on their bikes and riding off, all the while police and S.W.A.T cars were making an appearance, blocking the ways and arresting whoever they found on the place. The night of blood was over.

Ari let out an exasperated cry. "I don't understand you, Hound. One moment you're telling me this -" she gestured to the necklace still hanging about her neck "- would "fuck with my mind"." She made air quotations with her fingers for emphasis. "And now you're trying to tell me you think I'm dreaming?!" She was ranting like a child having a temper tantrum and she knew it. But after the events of the last 48 hours, Ari figured she was entitled to a bit of ranting. "What I saw was too real to be a dream.... No one could get ahold of Daryl after I----" If she hadnt have left him in that subway, maybe he would still be alive. She bit the inside of her cheek as this new sensation of guilt washed over her. Why was she even bothering? Vincent couldn't care less that Daryl was dead, she was sure.

"But did you believe me when i told you there's something wrong? No, not in the least. The fuck are we even talking about here?" He responded to her rant in a more than slightly frustrated manner. His mind was too fucked up for him to be able to grasp even the simplest notions any longer. His head was aching and he now heard the police cars and ambulances rushing back. Probably, both Saints and the Hellhounds have gotten into big troubles. Usually, he'd have been there, between them, getting interrogated along with them, however, for now, something else was a bigger priority.

"Listen, we need to stick together. You and I are the only ones who have seen this shit and trying to tell somebody else about it is useless, they won't believe us. We need to find out who the fuck is screwing around with us and stop fighting like two retarded kids, alright?"

Ari punctuated her frustrated groan with an eye roll. "Yesterday you would have torn me apart and not thought twice about it. Let's talk about how much that makes me want to trust you now."

Her phone vibrated in her pocket - a text message. In one fluid motion, she retrieved it and unlocked it to view the message. It was from Demetri.

Where are you?? AJ is dead. Everything's gone to shit.

Ari couldn't believe it. Just like that Daryl and now AJ were gone. "I need a goddamn cigarette," she muttered.
"Reluctant. Couldn't expect less of you." He answered her with an obvious sarcasm as he watched her expression while she read her text message. It was surely nothing good. But he didn't even try to find out what, probably he'll hear it from the Hounds. If there were any left. However, he received no text message. But the Hounds probably noticed his absence and he was going to take some good shit from everyone for this thing. As she demanded a cigarette, he took out his own pack of cigars and involuntarily handed her it to draw herself one, forgetting for the moment about their opposition.

She plucked a cigarette from his pack and placed it between her lips. "You're a real asshole, you know that right?" She had no idea where this sudden burst of confidence was coming from; her words slightly muffled from holding the cancer stick in place. After some difficulty lighting it due to the wind that periodically swept through , she was able to take a few satisfying drags. The nicotine buzz blurred out the tension headache that was building in her neck. She still had out her phone and replied to Demetri.

I'm fine. Is everyone else ok? I probably won't be back for a little while.

"Oh am I? And here I was, seeing myself as the knight in shiny armor riding a black horse and saving the princess then getting to fuck her as a reward. Yeah, i know i'm an asshole, but you know what? Takes one to know one." He spoke in a more than calm tone, actually savoring the way he was throwing his comebacks to her. He still found her unsufferable enough, but the little moment was quite enjoyable. Lighting himself a cancer stick he also took a few drags, breathing them deep into his lungs as he started walking back to the point where they met.

"Let's just get our bikes and split up. You can leave me your number so we can keep in touch if you want."
She followed him, having to take 2 steps for each of his. Damn his long legs. "I don't think your shitty bike qualifies as a horse, my knight in shining armor." She plucked his phone from his pocket, using a bit of her pick pocketing skill, and was surprised to find it wasn't password protected. She quickly entered her number and stored it under "Princess", before slipping it back into his pocket.

"You might wanna rethink that, before i make you eat my dust." Vincent quickly answered to her insult,though, big as he was, he didn't exactly notice his phone being gone from him. "Also, you might wanna put some aiding wheels to your tricycle, you don't wanna fall off and hurt your pretty ass, do you?" He spoke to her as they reached their bikes. Straddling the seat of his own, he gazed Aria dead in the eyes. "We'll keep in touch, Princess."
"Don't you worry yourself about my ass," Ari quipped as sbe swung one leg easily over the seat of her own bike. There was a pleasant tingling in the pit of her stomach and she had to bite back a smile as she donned her helmet. Their playful banter was a nice distraction from the horrible events of today. Ari almost didn't want it to end, didn't want to go back to the real world. There would no doubt be a council meeting to determine who would take AJs place. No doubt James would try for it, but he was not as well loved as Demetri. She would also have to seek guidance about her unearthly experience and find out whether or not her "vision" was real. Just thinking about all of it made Ari's bones tired.

"Well, i find that ass quite interesting, can't help it." He winked playfully to her as he again mounted his bike, kicking the engine into life from the first try. He gave Ari a triumph look as he had just proven her that his bike was working as good as new. Indeed, it was mostly because he loved it very much and always took care to do its maintenance. Taking a silent goodbye from Ari, Vincent rode off, getting quickly past the corner and off into the street. He needed to go home, and, as much as he didn't want to, he had to sleep. The whole day has been a hell and he needed a way out of it. But the thought irked him. Who was the dead guy he woke up to?

Guess i'll find out on the news, he concluded as he continued his road home. He wondered who were the casualties in the gang war just earlier? He hoped Jason stayed alive throughout the fight. The Saints were now leaderless, and the Hellhounds falling leaderless as well would probably lead to a full blown chaos. However, as much as he hated to admit it, he felt drawn closer and closer to Ari. Something about her. Get your shit straight, she's your enemy, she won't give you a piece of pussy just because. Use her as long as you need, then kill her off as soon as the opportunity arives.

As he finally reached home, Vincent felt the need for a shower. It was imperative. On the way to the bathroom, which went through the kitchen and his room, he opened the TV in the kitchen, just in time for the news.

An armed gang war errupted today between the Hellhounds and the Saints, apparently, over an abduction of one Saint by the rival Hounds. The shooting took place in the downtown and resulted in the death of the Saints leader, nicknamed AJ and one of the proeminent members of the Hellhounds, also known as Scar...

So, Scar finally has died. Vincent felt quite saddened about the biggest crankhead in the whole gang having gone so soon. Scar was not exactly a sane man any longer since what has happened back then, but as a friend and a gang mate he was quite enjoyable. And very loyal. However, his thought process was intrerupted as he heard a few words more from the TV cast.

Apparently, the body of Scar hasn't yet been found, but witnesses state clearly he has died shot in the head. We'll be back with more details...

Vincen't face turned pale as he let the words roll off his tongue in the silence.

"What the...fuck?"

It didn't take Ari very long to make it back to headquarters, even though she had a hell of a time evading the cops. The compound was mostly deserted when she got there, but there were many tire tracks. She wondered how many Saints had been gathered here earlier. Demetri's bike was here, thank God, along with Nikki's and James'. She parked hers alongside Demetri's and walked into the base through the side entrance. There was a heated conversation happening in the meeting room, but the door was shut tight. Ari paused, pressing her ear to the door.

"The last thing we need is another hot head like you at the front of the Saints!" It was Demetri, and he was not happy from the sound of things. "Look at what it got AJ - his brains blown all over the pavement."

"Have some respect," another angry voice snarled - James. "AJ would've wanted me to step up in a situation like this - he knew you were too much of a pussy." There was a hacking sound, like someone spitting off to the side.

She could hear Demetri's exasperated sigh from the other side of the heavy door. "James, I'm not trying to be disrespectful. I'm just saying if AJ had listened to me and sent in a small team to extract the kid maybe we wouldn't be in this situation!"

Ari was so intent on listening in that she didn't notice Nikki approaching. When the older woman put her hand on Ari's shoulder, she almost screamed in surprise. "Sorry, sugar," Nikki said wryly. She had several new scratches and a nasty bruise on her upper arm, no doubt trophies from the evenings activities. "I'm glad you're home," she continued, "but let the boys have it out. Why don't you get a shower and some sleep? It will be a long day tomorrow."

Ari nodded, grateful that Nikki hadn't asked where she had been for the whole evening, and threw the blonde a smile before turning and heading up the stairs to her room. Her bedroom was on the third floor. She was lucky enough to have a private bathroom attached to the side. After shutting her bedroom door and locking it, Ari kicked off her shoes and peeled off her hoodie, throwing them to the side as she continued toward her bathroom. Her shower was really large enough for two people, tiled from floor to ceiling. She turned on the water and cranked the water almost as hot as it would go. She loosed her hair from it's braid, dark hair tumbling down past her waist in soft waves. Next, she finished undressing, first her jeans and panties, then her tank top and bra, but the pendant she left around her neck. It weight was helping her to feel grounded. She entered the shower slowly; the water was almost scalding, but Ari liked it that way. Dust streamed off her pale skin as the water hit her flesh, creating brown trails that eventually flowed into the drain.

She didn't want to be alone with her thoughts but she was. All of the stresses of today's events came crashing back over Ari in a huge wave, she sank to the floor of the tiled shower, curling her knees into her chest while the water still flowed over her head and down the rest of her body. Pictures appeared behind her closed eyes in flashes: the candles in the basement, lights flickering in a wind that didn't exist, the blood streaming off of Daryl's body - pooling beneath him on the dusty basement floor, the flash of the knife raised above the hooded figures head--- It didn't seem possible that Ari had anymore tears left in her body, but she did. They silently fell down her face, the saltiness mixing with the hot shower water. She wanted what she saw to be just a dream, but everything had felt too real, had had a sharpness that dreams didn't have.

And then there was Vincent. Ari didn't understand him at all. One moment he was threatening to kill her, the next curling her into a protective embrace, the next insulting and teasing her. Every time Ari was around him, she felt like a moth drawn to his flame, but there was no doubt that he would eventually burn her... She was so stupid to put her number into his phone, but she had been caught up in the moment, blinded by the damn butterflies she had felt in her stomach. In her previous life, before everyhing went to hell and she had ended up here, Ari had never had time for boys. Dancing and school work had been all consuming. Sure she had flirted with boys here and there, but never anything serious, and none of them had ever made her feel the way that Vincent had made her feel. He was frightening and alluring all at the same time, a far cut above the college frat boys that had vyed for Ari's attentions in the past.

The water began to run cooler, which meant her time was up. She switched off the water and wrung out her hair before reaching for one of the towels perched on the rack next to the shower. After a quick once-over with the towel, Ari wrapped it around herself and stepped onto the tiled bathroom floor. She knelt to retrieve her phone, wallet and cigarettes from her pants before venturing back into the bedroom. She set her wallet down on her nightstand, the cigs ontop of that. Then she plugged her phone into it's charger, she berated herself for staring too long at the screen, but told herself she was just checking to make sure it was charging properly even though she had really wished there was a message from Vince. She dropped the towel to the floor and pulled on a pair of short lounge shorts and an over-sized t-shirt before climbing into bed. She thought she wouldn't be able to sleep, but as soon as her soft blankets enveloped her and her head hit the pillow, she was asleep almost instantly.

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Where could the corpse have gone? Was this also a part of the grand and unknown plan of those two shadowy figures he chased away just an hour ago? And who were those? The questions rolled through Vincent's mind as he was now in the shower, trying to relax his numb body under the stream of hot water. On his back, partly covered by his long hair that cascaded down almost to his waist was a big tattoo. His chest, however, was decorated with older and newer scars, mostly resulted from the practice fights he used to have. He would always go unarmed and barely naked against an opponent with a knife, for him, it was the ultimate motivator that kept him from slacking in fights.

And there was Ari. For whatever reason, her face, her sly smile, her voice, they kept haunting him for much more than he'd wanted to admit. And it wasn't only that. He felt the utter need to hear her once more. With a slight sigh, he dismissed the thoughts, trying to keep a mind as clear, as he turned the water off and exitted, drying himself with towels before drying his hair as much as possible and carefully brushing it. As he headed to his room, he picked up the phone and checked it. Nothing. Actually, he didn't even ask for her number. Ah dammit, you stupid fuck, he berated himself before checking his contacts and gazing with stupor at the name "Princess". Stupor and a slight happiness at the same time.

"Damn you, Ari." He smiled to himself before placing the phone on the night stand and tucking himself in to sleep. He made a quick plan in his mind for the day that was to follow. Good thing he kept the mark fresh in his memory, for he wished to go to the public library and study about it a bit more. Something told him it had to do with demons. Thank the skies for the library having books about such.

The way he walked was blurred out. He saw merely nothing, except that he was heading towards... somewhere. Someone was ahead of him, two persons, dragging a third. The third person seemed to be kicking and screaming muffled, while he followed. For a reason, he didn't know why he felt another presence within him. Something was awfully wrong and he couldn't for the name of hell make it right. The two dragged the tied person into a basement, and Vince followed without his will. He saw his hand move upon the concrete of the floor, drawing plain patterns with ease. Each movement of his finger triggered the drawn pattern to light up red, as if his own finger became a magical piece of chalk. Then he heard himself speaking words in a tongue that he could not understand, but the two hooded figures seemed to know precisely what it meant. The patterns seemed to have been drawn into a magical circle in the middle of which the one who now was surely victim was placed.

Vincent heard himself again speaking and mumbling words impossible to understand, as if he alone was a chorus for a whole ritual. His voice, however, was much different, grim and distorted. The chanting became a frenzy, a cacophony of odd sounds, as soon as one of the hooded robes pulled out a small book and, opening it, he started chanting a completely other sort of verse which entwined with his own. The louder the chanting, the circle was coming to life violently, and the second hooded figure now held a ritual dagger. The dagger sparked as the stranger ran patterns on the bare skin of the victim who, frienzied at the thought of imminent death, tried in vain to escape. The circle held him down, and as soon as the knife dug deeply in his chest, he started convulsing as blood squirted all over. The stab was precisely to the heart, no inch away, the blood pressure causing the red liquid to exit in a full spring of blood that lowered, until the body lain in a pool of the red liquid.

Vincent's eyes popped open and focused on the ceiling. What hour was it? The sun seemed to be already on a good rise. Quickly checking his phone, he came to understand it was almost 3 PM. But there was no message from Ari. Of course, you dumb fool, she gave you her number, she doesn't know yours. With the thought in mind, he decided to make the first step towards it, and quickly typed on the phone before sending the message to her.

What's up, "Princess"? Meet up at 6 in the Industrial Park, got some little news. Don't be late.

Ari woke with a start, a scream choked in her throat. She sat bolt right up in bed, breath heavy, sweat beading on her forehead. It seemed that her sleeps from now on would be plagued with nightmares of hooded men with knives. After a few deep breaths, she flopped back onto her pillow with a grunt. She rolled to her side to check her phone - it was only 10am. "Dammit," she muttered. There was no point in trying to return to sleep, if she did it wouldn't be a restful one anyways. She swung her legs off the side of the bed, and ventured downstairs.

The community kitchen was deserted. Most of the Saints weren't even awake before noon on most days, and today was no exception. Ari busied herself by brewing a cup of coffee and popping a piece of bread into the toaster. It took a few moments for both to be ready - she laced her coffee heavily with cream, but no sugar, and spread a thin layer of strawberry jam across the toast. She hadn't really eaten in the last two days, but she was barely able to stomach the toast. As she was draining the last of her coffee, a figure loomed in the doorway.

"Mornin' honey," Demetri said, rubbing the sleep from his eyes. "I'm glad to see you made it home." He reached to pour himself some coffee. "Did Daryl come home with you?"

Ari shifted uncomfortably. "No," she said truthfully.

Demetri's brow furrowed ever so slightly. "Hm..." he mused. "It isn't like him to be out like this without any contact. I'll probably send some people to see if we can find him."

Ari set her mug in the sink, and nodded. "Let me know if I can help."

"I will... So, where were you last night? We were worried."

He would think Ari was crazy if she told him the truth, the fact that she had spent most of the evening with one of the Saints' sworn enemies certainly wouldn't earn her any brownie points. "I.... was trying to find Daryl," she said, which was truthful -- somewhat. "And I found this." She pulled the pendant from beneath her shirt.

Demetri reached forward and pinched the pendant between his thumb and forefinger, turning it over and studying the inscriptions. "You should take this to Martha," he said after a moment. "She lives over by the Sinner's Dream. It's something I think she'd like to see. She could tell you more I'm sure."

He scribbled the address on a scrap piece of paper, and slid it across the table. "Be back this evening? We're having a meeting.... about AJ."

"Of course," Ari said. She plucked the scrap paper off the table and headed upstairs to get dressed for the day. She decided to leave her hair down today; it was wildly curly since she had let it air dry overnight. Yesterday had been more casual, but today she wanted to look like a badass. She shimmied into a pair of skin-tight leather pants, then laced herself into a purple and black corset. The corset showed off the tops of the angel wings she'd had tattooed on her back when she was 19. After heavily rimming her eyes with kohl, Ari threw on a leather jacket, laced up her combat boots, and grabbed her phone, wallet, keys, and cigs. She was out the door just as James was waking up; he shot her a nasty look but she scurried outside before he could say anything to her.

She straddled her bike and plugged the address for Martha's into her phone before tying her hair into a low bun and donning her helmet. Her bike roared to life and she took off towards the Sinner's Dream. Finding Martha's place was fairly easy. She left her bike parked on the sidewalk and ventured up the porch, rapping on the door gently.

Martha answered the door, her cloudy eyes both seeing and unseeing. The wrinkles on her face and neck spoke to a long-lived life; her grey hair was wispy and framed her kind face. She was wrapped in what appeared to be many colorful scarves, and several bangled bracelets on her wrists clinked together pleasantly. "Come in, my daughter," she said as she gestured into the house. "I can sense there is much on your mind."

Ari followed her inside, careful not to jostle any of the precariously perched spiritual knicks and lined the shelves and tables about the house. Martha motioned for Ari to sit at a tiny, worn table with two chairs. "I'll get some tea."

Soon the elderly woman returned with the tea, her trembling hands set down one of the cups in front of Ari. "Now, my daughter, tell me what it is that you seek."

Ari removed the pendant from around her neck, it's missing weight made her feel naked. "Demetri said I should show this to you," she murmured. "He thinks you might be able to tell me more about it."

Martha took the pendant between her gnarled fingers, running her fingers over both sides. Her grey eyebrows knitted together in concern and confusion. "I have held this before," she said. "Very recently in fact. This is a very powerful talisman, linked to a great evil beyond this mortal realm. And yet.... it does not seem as angry with you as it did with it's previous bearer."

She gave the pendant back to Ari, who placed it safely about her neck once again. "Be careful, my child," the old woman warned.

Ari paused, wondering if she should seek the old woman's guidance about her vision of Daryl's death. "Martha... I would ask you something... When I first put on this necklace, I had a-- a vision that I was watching someone being killed. Could what I was seeing... be real?"

Martha leaned back in her chair, the wood creaking under her weight. "It would not surprise me that the pendant could bestow The Sight to it's wearer." She laced her fingers together, elbows resting on the table. "I have felt an evil presence building in the city, as I have only felt once before. You would do well to protect yourself from demons, my child. The whole city is beginning to reek of them."

Demons?! Ari blinked twice. Did the old woman really think there were... demons? She rose from her chair and took Martha's hand. "Thank you, Martha. You've been very helpful."

Martha smiled wryly. "You don't believe me... That's alright. Please come to me when you have more questions." She escorted Ari to the door and shut it behind her as she exited.

Her phone buzzed in her pocket as she made her way to her bike. She extracted it from her jacket, but didn't recognize the number. Once she opened the message, she realized who it was from. It was Vincent; he wanted to meet back at the industrial park this evening. She was a little taken aback; she didn't think he would actually contact her so soon. That pleasant tingling in her belly was back.
Just after Vincent had his "breakfast" which consisted of whatever he found left in the fridge, his phone rang. It was Rick.

Where the hell have you been, man, Jason is flipping shit over you not popping a few bullets in Saints. He thinks you're tryina' do us from behind. Is it true? Tell me it isn't, please, you're too good to lose you.

"Egh, don't worry, Rick, i'm not trying to do anything, something else needed to be done and i'm still quite busy. Some really weird shit is happening in this town as of late and i'm following a trail." Vincent answered in his usual calm manner, trying not to seem as scared as he was about it all. He knew Rick, no matter how much trust he had in him, wouldn't believe or understand this. "Listen, i need some time off to finish this. I'll keep in touch with you but i can't promise to be present around too much. I hope everyone is doing fine."

Yea man, we're good, just with one more file in the police records. And with Scar gone... But where the fuck is his body? I saw him getting a bullet in the head myself.

"I told you, weird shit is happening as of late. I need some time off to look deeper into it. Stay safe and keep in touch."

Later, man.

Vincent closed his phone but not before checking to see the "clock" which actually was his self reasoning behind checking if Ari hadn't sent him any message. Nothing. Did she even get his message? Did she want to come? Ah, why are you bothering with these questions, you're acting like a dumb teenager when he's about to get his first chick, for fuck's sake. Again, the voicing of his mind spoke out, stealing him from the unending train of thoughts. And his mind was right, he was bothering way too much with this. Him and Ari were not dating, they were just trying to figure out a weird happening, it was all there was to be. Or so he tried lying to himself?

An hour later, Vincent was already arriving on his motorcycle at the public library, a beautifully architectured building which sheltered about 10 thousand books at the last count. As of the new times, it was also equipped with internet, computers and printers, so that anyone who needed extra information could search up and print whatever they needed. Obtaining a pass wasn't even hard, Vincent pushing a 10 dollars bill to the librarian gained her attention and servitude right away. It was mostly how things worked in that city, money on the table and stuff was getting done with no questions asked.

Vince entered the wing that was dedicated specially to books about all sorts of beliefs, spirituality and what not, and from the first, he found what he was looking for. A big, black book, with leather covers. The front cover bore the mark of the pentagram, and the writing was in a perfect imitation of blood. "Demonology".

Sitting at the nearest table, Vince opened the book and started flipping through the pages, feverishly searching for the image in his mind. It wasn't easy, as every demon had his own representations and chapter and marks associated, but finally, as he stopped over the name Belial, he immediately recognised his symbol. The Seal of Belial. The very same symbol he found after chasing the two shady figures last night. As he read up on the demon, he came to understand just how vile it could be. The very demon of trickery and lies, the master of darkness and Satan's most powerful and respected subordinate. Belial.

Vincent quickly read up the information, asimilating, before moving on to the computer. He needed to try and search for something, anything, that would give him a start. Worshippers of Belial. The search was making him nervous, as the results were nearly unrelated mostly, but on a closer look, something shone from the pile of nonsense. A site, intitulated Hand Of Belial.

Welcome among those who dwell in His ungodly darkness. May He bestow His dark wrath upon the filth of Earth, and raise us into an Era of glory at His side.

"Oh... shit." Vincent muttered to himself, before looking at the clock. Almost 6. Shutting down the PC, he left the library in a hurry and got on the bike, driving off at full speed, relentlessly trespassing the usual laws of traffic. He was so eager to present his findings to Ari. But why only to her? Fortunately, he managed to print the first page of the site before storming out. 10 minutes later, precisely at 6, he was found in the industrial park, stopping the bike in a more secluded and hard to spot place. He only hoped Ari would appear.

Ari thought about instantly replying to Vincent's text, but stopped herself. She didn't want to seem too eager, like she'd been waiting for a message from him (even though she had). Her lower lip pulled between her teeth, she switched off the phone without replying and slipped it into her pocket.

It was 6:05 when she pulled up to the meeting place. Negotiations for the Saints new leader had been underway, but Ari managed to sneak away. There was nothing that she would be able to do there except sit and look pretty. She parked her bike off to the side, the straps and buckles on her boots clinked against each as she moved further into the park.

It felt... strange. Almost the sensation before lightening hits the ground, a weird charge to the air. Goosebumps coursed down both her arms and she folded them against herself, warding off the chill in the air.

She hoped the Hound hadn't stood her up, this place gave her the creeps.

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As soon as he heard a motorcycle engine nearby, Vincent moved away from his own to inspect. He had been looking at the hour like a maniac, counting probably every second and losing more hope with each passing minute. He was dressed casually, with a pair of black jeans, knee high boots with all sorts of clasps and metal soles, a black shirt and a black leather trench that went down to about his knees. His hair was untied but carefully brushed. As soon as he spotted her, his blue eyes seemed to have caught a sort of spark and he couldn't deny, he felt that slight warmt on the inside.

"Where have you been? I have been..." Worrying? Are you serious? His mind spoke again, stopping him from saying it. He simply stood there, awkward, gazing down upon her. "I... have been searching for answers and i think i found something." He immediately corrected himself trying to play it off and hoping she didn't notice his sudden changes and the way he gazed her upon.

Ari twisted her mouth to one side. She kept her arms crossed in front of her, her eyes narrowed slightly. "Saint business," she said shortly. "You're lucky I showed up at all. I'm risking a lot meeting you here, you know? If James found out...." Her voice trailed off into the air around them.

The breeze ruffled her wild hair and she shivered - why was she so cold? "Anyway," she said. "What did you want to tell me?"

As soon as she spit her cold words in his face, he actually felt grateful. Taking the same stance towards her, he extended his hand with the papers he's been printing.

"Check this out. Hand Of Belial. And the mark last night. The Sigil of Belial" he pointed to her on the paper that had the mark on it. "This is what we're dealing with."

He stood close enough but far enough from her, even if he again slightly felt the need of approach. But he totall denied himself it. His focus had to be on something else.

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