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Gangland [1x1 with Psychosis]

He thrown her a mischivieous smile as she spoke out the last sentence, and winked playfully.

"Don't worry, i'll try not to break all his bones." He nodded as he watched her take her leave, and didn't notice he has been staring at the road she took for about one more minute, while thinking of everything that happened in the last hour. She's so amazing, he thought within his mind before finally moving towards his bike, and, mounting it, he finally rode off. He kept the address in his mind and it was time to pay a certain lawyer a visit. Though, he hoped the bastard wasn't one of those who lock themselves in a giant courtyard with all forms of security possible.

It was a little after 7:30 when Ari returned to the Saints base. There were a few unfamiliar bikes parked off to the side - probably other important members of the gang from other areas of the city. Once inside, there were raised voices coming from the meeting room; its door was slightly ajar. Ari snuck up and peered inside.

Demetri and Nikki were seated off to one side along with three other men, while James sat on the other side with a man to his left and a man to his right. There was a palpable tension in the air, and it was clear that James was not happy. His bruised face from the weeks earlier brawl was now less black and purple and more of a sickly yellow and green, but the swelling around his eye had gone down almost completely. Ari could see his pulse in the veins in his neck.

"This is a huge fucking mistake," he spat, his glare aimed mostly towards Demetri. He pushed back in his chair, it's legs squeaked like nails on a chalkboard. "I'm done with you." Then he actually did spit across the table at Demetri.

Nikki shot to her feet, pulling a small pistol from her waistband and leveling it at James. "Then get out," she growled, eyes dark. "Go on--" she gestured with the barrel of the rifle to the door "--if you're done with us then we're with you, sugar."

James paused and seemed to consider his options before taking his leave. The two other men followed. James slammed the door to the meeting room wide open; it banged off of the wall behind it. Luckily Ari had had the sense to move away in time or it would have smacked her in the face. She caught a poisonous stare from James as he brushed past her and outside. She heard the squeal of tires taking off and fading away into the distance.

Nikki tucked her pistol back into her waistband. Demetri shook his head at her. "I hate it when you do that," he said with a smile.

"Well, honey, I hate when James is an asshole."

So James hadn't been able to secure the leadership position after all, it seemed. He had been outnumbered two to one in the negotiations. That was a huge relief. Ari shuddered to think of what James would do if he acquired a seat of power like that.

After being caught defenseless by Zeke, Ari decided she would need to start carrying a weapon. Vincent wouldn't always be there to step between and protect her, so she needed to take matters into her own hands. The Saints cache of weapons was just a few doors down. Ari had never opened the door before but it was never locked.

It was the size of a walk in closet and all the walls, floor to ceiling, were covered with guns. Staring at all of them made Ari uneasy. She bypassed the bigger assault rifles and fully automatic weapons and selected a handgun. It was on the smaller side and fit comfortably in the palm of her hand. She also grabbed a few clips of ammo that were lying next to it. The gun she tucked into her pants at the small of her back, the ammo she put into an inside pocket of her jacket. The metal of the gun was cold on her skin, but she told herself she would get used to it. No one would catch her off guard again, demon, Hound, or otherwise.

The destination has been finally reached. It was a big imposing house in the "rich boys" district. The house was surrounded by a huge courtyard, and by Vincent's own measurements, you could fit a whole fucking truck park in it. Why would someone even need so much space? It was absurd, if he thought about it. However, he was not here to question the logic of rich people. At a short glance, he could see no guards. That was quite odd, considering how careful usually rich people are about their houses and possesions. There was not even a light on in the whole courtyard.

Dismounting the bike, he took advantage of the shadows and snuck closer to the front gate. Big as he was, he could be as silent and agile as a cat. Tough life taught him how to do it. Another glance granted him the knowledge that the security cameras were unfunctional. Is this guy fucking serious? What rich man in his minds would be so careless as to protect his house that probably sheltered millions worth of goods? Not this one, it seemed. Well, at least one less thing to worry about. Considering that he was now his main suspect in the whole demons matter, it was probably some foul magic that granted him protection.

Vincent looked up to the fence. The tips were sharp and trying to support himself and climb would result in him impaling his own hands. Nope. However, while thinking, he noted a spot that didn't bear the spikes. It didn't take him long to reach it and jump it over, his boots making no sound as he landed on the carefully cut grass. The darkness and shadows provided him further stealth as he snuck towards the main entrance, listening carefully to all the sounds around as he tried to notice if anything was coming. Total silence. Nothing. No one. Odd.

As soon as he reached the front doors, he noticed another odd thing that was now making him even more suspicious. The alarm was disabled. At that point, he wouldn't be surprised anymore if the door was open. But it was locked. That could put aside the theory of thieves having some fun at the moment. But why no security, then? Vincent checked his time. Only 8 P.M. Maybe the lawyer was still at the bureau? No way. Maybe he was working on a case?

Dismissing the whole thinking, Vince pulled out his hand made tool for opening locks. He had quite the skill in this matter, his dexterity being really good. He moved his hands until the lock finally gave in with a click. Vince put the lock breaker into his pocket and carefully opened the door, sneaking inside just after taking a prudent look. Nobody. It was only the darkness and himself. Good thing he had the pocket flash light with him. It was one that was also used by the police investigators. As he examined the interior of the house, he noticed the luxury as well as the fact that it was left careless, as if the house has been abandoned. Dust, spider webs. The kitchen sink still had some dishes that needed to be washed. Something was clearly rotten in here.

Finally making it upstairs, he somehow noticed how, in the dust on the stairs, there were foot prints. So, the house wasn't completely abandoned? Maybe he only used it as an alternative residence? These were the only ideas that came to Vincen't mind as he now strolled on a corridor that had only two rooms on both sides. On one of the doors, there was a name written with golden letters. Hellen. Was this his daughter's room? Vincent let his curiosity ride this run and tried the door, which was locked. No, actually, the lock was jammed. He could recognize the sound easily. What in the world was happening there?

Ari was in her room with the door shut when she heard a knocking sound. Nikki didn't wait for an invitation and strolled in like she owned the place - which, Ari guessed, now she did - and flopped onto Ari's bed, belly first. "Hey, sugar," she said. "You have plans tonight? Demetri and I were going out to blow off some steam tonight. We want you to come along!"

Now Ari had heard stories of the things that happened when Nikki went out partying, so she was a little intimidated. Then again, she could use something to take her mind off of the past few day. And it had been ages since she danced. It was better than staring at her phone, waiting for Vincent to message her.

"Sure," she said with a smile. "It'll be fun."

"Great!" Nikki seemed way too excited about this. "Come on, let's get ready in my room."

"But all of my clothes are here?"

"Oh, sugar, you'll want to wear some of my clothes," she said with a wink. "Come on!"

She all but dragged Ari down the flight of stairs and down the hallway to her own room. There were clothes everywhere, hair products and makeup strewn across a well lit vanity in the corner, shoes all lined up on the far wall. It looked like the room of a celebrity. Nikki started tossing clothes onto the bed. "Try this on!"

Ari picked up the garment, mortified by how little fabric there was. "What top do I wear with this?"

Nikki giggled. "Sweetie, that's a dress."

not wearing that," Ari declared. "I have bathing suits that cover more."

Much to Ari's chagrin and Nikki's delight, the blonde wrestled the younger girl into the get up, zipping up the back of the dress triumphantly. Nikki stepped back to admire her handiwork. "Sugar, you look good enough to eat. Let's get you in some heels and fix your hair."

An hour later, they were ready. Ari felt for sure someone was going to see her ass if she bent over the wrong way in the tiny, strapless, black dress. Where was she going to stash her gun? She teetered on 4" heeled boots that reached her mid-thigh (Nikki had tried to make her wear a pair of 6"). Her hair was swept back from her face, but left to fall down her back in soft ways. While Nikki did the finishing touches to her own makeup, Ari went upstairs to retreive her gun, sliding it down the inside of her boot. It wasn't ideal but it would have to do, since the rest of her outfit left no hiding places.

The club was called Bourbon Street and it was packed. The line to get in the door wrapped around the side of the building. But Nikki knew the bouncers, who let in their group without question, much to the dismay of those that had been waiting in line. Ari hear their groans and complaining cries as they stepped into the club. It seemed like there were even more people inside, everyone was crowded around the bars off to the side or out on the dance floor. The music was actually pretty good; the bass thumped in Ari's chest; her body wanted to move. Nikki dragged her over to the bar and pushed a waiting shot into the younger girls hand. Ari knocked back the clear liquid - it was deliciously sweet.

"You like that?" She could barely hear Nikki over the music. "Let's have another round!"

Before Ari knew it, she'd had seven of those delightful little shots and all the lights were extra sparkly. She found herself on the dance floor, her body moved of its own accord in perfect rhythm with the pounding music. Nikki and Demetri were nowhere in sight but Ari was beyond the point of caring. She had no idea how long she'd been there and she didn't care. Right now, the only thing that mattered was the music, her heartbeat along to the steady bass.

This all looked extremely ominous. All silent, all good, all as if it has been abandoned for quite a while, yet there were footprints in the dust and the doors to the two rooms were locked and the locks were jammed. Whatever has been happening here, it was bad. Actually, worse. Vincent though advanced towards the last door, that was exactly at the end of the corridor. He wanted to see where it took. He only hoped it wouldn't be locked as silently he stepped towards it. Placing a gentle, gloved hand on the knob, he folded his fingers and rotated. The door has opened. His eardrums were assaulted by the sound of his own cerebral pulse, and just then he realized how tensed up he was.

Opening the door, he found himself on a balcony, under which was the living room. The balcony extended to a point and it was closed. Just as he was taking a peek towards the low floor, he sniffed the air. A very stingy smell. Sulphur. The moment he turned around seemed stretched to painful extents, and all he could distinguish in the darkness were two red eyes and a grin, before an unknown force struck him in the chest. His massive body has lost all the balance and there was nothing he could do about it. He only watched as the world turned and how the balcony was now above him, the figure having stepped out of the darkness and watching him fall. The second of the impact was short, marked by a loud thud. The pain in the back of his head as he hit the ground was flesh ripping, but then the blackout happened.

- What shall we do with him?

- His body is very resistant, he bore the burden once. We will eviscerate him of his soul and keep the body. The Lord will love one of his servants sheltered in such a strong shell.

Vincent opened his eyes. His body was sore, and his head felt heavy. As he tried moving his hands, he realised he was wrapped in chains that restrained his movement totally. Taking a glance around, he also learned he was in a car, a small limousine that drove on the main boulevard for now. In front of him, on the opposite seat, were sitting three figures. Two of them were hooded, and only red glimmers told him that men were in those hoods. The third was a man, young enough. His face bore sharp features, but it was oddly... livid. As if he has been dead for quite a while. Standard haircut, black hair, carefully arranged. He could see a Rolex at his wrist. His eyes glimmered as red as the two unknown men's ones. So, this was the lawyer.

"You caught me, I see. You finally poked your nose where it's not your business. Perfect, just as planned. She sent you, right?" The man spoke in a quiet tone, seeming quite content about the situation. "Yet again, i knew she would. She loves poking her nose in others' business as well, so it's no wonder she gets along with you."

"What do you want from me, piece of shit?" Vincent questioned in a grumble as he tried to squirm to adjust the little comfort he got wrapped in those chains.

"What do I want? It's not about what I want, but about what the Lord wants. His grand master plans be fulfilled! He will bathe the world in darkness and cleanse all human vermin across it. You never deserved your world. God never deserved it. It was ours by right. As for you, well, I here only need your body. Don't worry, your girlfriend is next. Picture this with me. Your bodies, filled with the Lord's most trusted agents, going back to your friends, corrupting them. No one will suspect when you will go out on the streets and bathe them in blood by killing vermin. The circle of revival must be soaked in blood to the pleasure of the Lord, so that he may arise glorious into this world and darken it. Let me demonstrate you His might."

The leader moved a hand to the man to his right, and, pulling off the hood from his head made Vincent remain without words. A bullet hole in his forehead. Livid face. It was Scar. That was where his body has dissapeared, they've made it into a vessel for a demon agent.

It could have been hours or even minutes, that Ari swayed in the center of the dancing crowd. Somehow, she found herself outside the throng of bodies. She peered around for Nikki or Demetri, but everything was too blurred at the edges for her to even distinguish faces. Holy shit, I'm fucking drunk. She staggered over to the side, next to one of the bars, and leaned her back on the wall. With her eyes closed, the room was spinning around her, but with them open everything was fuzzy, like looking through a cloudy glass. Ari couldn't remember ever being this drunk before, even in college. What the hell kind of drink had Nikki been feeding her all night?

The urge for fresh air and a cigarette was overwhelming, but the entrance to the club seemed so far away. But she made it to the doors surprisingly without incident, nor without memory of actually walking there. She slid past a few clubgoers that were congregated around the outside, the chilly air was like a smack in the face. She gasped reflexively - the crisp air had a slight sobering effect. It gave her enough sense to check her phone to see if Nikki or Demetri had tried to text her, but her hand-eye coordination was still too off to make the phone function.

The pendant flared red-hot around her neck, and a familiar stabbing pain shot from the base of Ari's neck up to the top of her skull. She stifled the cry of pain and collapsed against the brick exterior wall of the club.

Again, it was like when she had seen Daryl murdered. It seemed like a dream she was watching unfold but the edges were too sharp to be a dream. The first thing she saw were blood-red eyes gleaming in an otherwise dark setting. She shuddered; those were not human eyes. A man's voice was speaking and they were... moving? In a vehicle of some sort. She focused hard and realized the man speaking was the laywer. He was rambling on about sacrifices and bathing the earth in darkness - in another time that would have been the thing that terrified Ari the most, but with all the weird shit that had been happening it didn't seem so bad.

And then she heard Vincent's voice. Once he spoke she was able to see him - he was bound by chains across from the lawyer. She felt a spike of terror. She should have gone with him! Why did she let him follow up on this lead alone?

It was hard, the pendant seemed to only want to have her see the things it wanted to show, but she tried to focus on the surroundings outside the vehicle. Most everyhing was a blur, but she did see the lights of the Bourbon Street. They were passing right by her!

She came out of the vision suddenly. There was a girl about her age crouched in front of her. "Are you okay? Do you need me to help you find anyone?" Ari waved her off, standing to her feet. Obviously the girl took that as an acceptable "I'm fine" response and returned to her circle of friends. Ari's vision had just made her seem like a drunk girl passing out, she guessed.

She had ridden on the back of Nikki's bike so she would need to find anothe way home. The street didn't have many taxis lined up yet so it had to still be before midnight. She decided it would be a good idea to check the next street over, but as she crossed the side alley between the club and the next building a hand buried itself in her hair and yanked her inside. She tried to scream but the other hand clamped itself firmly over her mouth.

"Isn't this my lucky night?" a familiar voice purred in her ear - Zeke! Ari struggled as much as she could, but she was still too drunk to do much damage. He laughed at her failed attempts to fight him off. "Imagine my surprise to see you here, already wonderfully drunk no thanks to your whore friend, Nikki, no doubt."

He dragged her further into the alleyway, kicking over piles of trash in the process. "You know," he continued, "I think I owe you for the beating good ol' Vincent gave me earlier, don't you thing?"

Ari shrieked in terror, her cries muffled by Zeke's hand. She flailed even more but it was no use. Zeke chuckled. "Fiesty one, aren't you? Vince always did like the fiery ones... I'm going to enjoy killing you, bitch."

With everything she had, Ari gave one final jerk and flung her head back into Zeke's chin. It distracted him enough that she wriggled out of his grasp and crawled out of his reach on her hands and knees. He lunged forward, grabbing her by the foot and pulled her back towards him. The pavement dug into her back painfully. She saw the glint of a knife in his free hand, and the look in his eyes showed his intentions to use it. Then she remembered the gun in her boot; she dug it out and leveled it at the Hound, but her hand was shaky from the alcohol and sheer terror.

Zeke seemed to find it all amusing, a twisted smile on his face. "What are you going to do with that, whore? Shoot me--"

Ari squeezed the trigger and with a loud BANG! the bullet shot out of the muzzle with a flash of light. It buried itself in Zeke's skull, killing him instantly. The smile on his face went slack as his lifeless body tumbled to the ground. The spray from the entry wound blew back into Ari's face, she tasted the metallic sourness of his blood.

Time paused for a moment. Zeke's lifeless eyes stared at her accusingly. Ari rolled onto her hands and knees and vomited.
Ohmygodohmygodohmygod I just fucking killed him. She retched again and again. Finally when her stomach had no more to give she rolled away and slumped against the wall, then the sobs started. She hunkered behind a pile of waste, bawling her eyes out. Not only was she drunk, not only had she almost been killed or worse, but she'd also just ended another human beings life. Her gun lay off to the side, the cartridge from the spent shell had rolled near Zeke's body. She curled into the smallest ball she could manage, she needed to sober up and stop crying but she couldn't.

Seems he had no exact way out of it for the moment. If only these bloody chains wouldn't have been wrapped about his form... He could swing his arms and grab one of the three, and from there on, he could take control of the situation. But like this, every effort he'd try to put into it was futile. He maybe was strong, but he was no chain breaker, he knew that. All he could wonder was who exactly was driving? Probably some other demonized guy. This was the most helpless situation he ever found himself in and the thought that he was headed to the place where he was going to be killed was making this even harder to bear. Seems he managed to trick death for only so long. But what about Ari? He had to at least warn her about what she was going to be put through.

The car was finally stopped in a darkened place, so dark that even his night vision could not see through. The lawyer opened the door, signaling to the two aids to grab Vincent. As they did so, he realised just how much strenght this demonic presence gave them, because heavy as he was, they lifted and carried him with easy, as if he was a simple sack of potatoes if not even less. He couldn't see where exactly they were, but he suspected somewhere in the north eastern corner of the city, in the worst district of them all. He saw how they lowered with him into something that looked like an underground bunker, then, setting him on the ground, they proceeded to placing candles and lighting them.

Liam was now doing the same as Vincent dreamt he did while his body was possesed, drawing lines in calculated ways, thus forming a perfect pentagram on the cement floor. Scar and the other unknown lakey were now unbinding him, setting the chains aside, and leaving only his hands and legs tied. His mind sparked in the second they did that, and as one bent down to pick him up, he wrapped his neck in the space between his wrists and arms, a quick motion that found the servant unprepared and losing his balance. Liam threw a glance over to the scene as it happened, taken aback by it.

Vincent turned the whole thing into his favor, pushing the hooded man down and straddling him, strangling him with the chains as Liam approached. Vince thought this would gain him something, but as he looked up, he realized how wrong he could be. He only felt a pain in his chest and head as Liam glanced down into his eyes with his red ones, and Vincent's hands now moved forcedly by themselves, loosening the grip of the chains and the pressure, until the lakey was released.

"You must not realize what forces you are fighting against, foolish little creature." Liam spoke to Vince as he folded his hand into a fist, and, as he unfolded it, Vincent found himself flying through the air and landing with a heavy impact against the wall behind him and then on the floor. His heart was pounding with fear as he realized he had no escape. He was going to die there, with no help. Or maybe...

The next second found him leaping forcefully against Liam, that made the mistake of approaching way too much, and even knowing that he had no chances of survival, he wildly tried strangling the lawyer, growling like a mad, wild beast as he clawed and scratched to gain his life back. No. He had to save Ari from this, somehow.

Ari faded in and out of conciousness, the pendant glowing hot then cold, showing her snippets of images that seemed to have no rhyme or reason. A concrete floor, red eyes, a stark white pentagram laid out meticulously in chalk, a flash of the city outlined against the sky - Ari recognized it: the north-eastern district that the city's residents called "Dark Town". How long had she lain in the alleyway? Over an hour by the sound of it. The voices of people leaving the club became fewer and fewer until there was nothing but the sound of an occasional vehicle passing by. She shifted her position slightly, unfolding her cramped legs from under her. Zeke's corpse was still a few paces away. The blood underneath him had congealed to a sticky blackened red. Her stomach rolled again, but she clenched back the urge to throw up. Honestly, vomiting earlier was probably the best thing she could have done to sober herself up, though she felt the hangover of her life creeping in.

On her hands and knees she crawled forward slightly and retreived the gun from where she had dropped it earlier. She grasped it hard until her hands stopped shaking, her breath came in pants. This was not the time to have another mental breakdown, she chided herself. Aside from the pounding in her head, she felt okay - a little bruised under her jaw from where Zeke had grabbed her but really none the worse for wear. The shoes would have to go. Ari wouldn't be able to move very well in them now. She kicked up them off, wiggling her toes in the open air. Bare feet weren't the best choice but were better than the alternative. She stood up, pulling down the hem of her much too short dress.
I look like hell, I'm sure.

Something told her that she needed to get to Dark Town, maybe the pendant was finally having an effect on her mind after all. She was able to hail a cab with little effort, hiding the gun behind her back. The cabbie looked her up and down with his eyebrows raised. "Where you going, little lady?"

Dark Town," said she as she tucked her legs into the back seat and shut the door. The cabbie's eyebrows raised another inch, but he didn't ask any more questions. It took about 15 minutes to get to the edge of Dark Town. The taxi rolled to a stop with a creak. "Sorry, this is as far as I go, 'specially this time of night."

"I don't blame you." Ari gave the man a 50 dollar bill for his trouble. After she got out he peeled away back towards the heart of the city. Scanning the area, she looked for anything else similar she might've seen in her visions. There! It looked like an abandoned bunker, she had definitely seen this in her vision.

She crept down the stairs, careful not to step on anything sharp with her unprotected bare feet. She heard voices, loud ones. One of them was Vincent. She wanted to burst in but forced herself to take it easy. She came to the bottom of the stairs and peeked around the corner. Vincent was grappling with the lawyer and there were two other men standing nearby. She did not like those odds. Her hands were starting to shake again, but she grit her teeth and steadied them.

Bursting from around the corner, she fired four shots - two into each of the other men. Two of the shots missed, but one hit each man in the leg and chest, respectively. It would slow them down at least. The lawyer was distracted enough by the commotion that Ari hoped Vincent would break away and they could escape.

The gunshots were loud enough and the echo in the bunker caused Vincent's ears to hurt. He could only see the two ads that stumbled forth, visibly hurt by the shots. If only he could free himself. He couldn't escape with those chains restraining his legs and feet like that. However, as he was wrestling Liam, and apparently winning, having pinned him down and applying heavy pressure with the chain on his throat, he witnessed him giving a last reddened stare before dissapearing in a cloud of smoke that stinked like sulphur, along with the two lackeys. What made him dissapear like that was unknown, but Vince was thankful. He only needed to look up a bit to see who his savior was. Ari.

He didn't notice so far that his body was only covered with a piece of cloth that hid his intimates. The rest of him was fully naked, exposing him. He had lost his set of clothes and his phone, and he now would need to retrieve his bike from Liam's residence, if it hopefully was still there. But what was he going to do now? He let himself fall down and breathe heavily, for he felt exhausted by this all. Yet he found the strenght to smile.

"I thought you'd never show up... You just saved my life."

Ari slumped against the wall and burst into a fit of giggles. At least now she didn't feel so self conscious about herself, Vincent looked about as bad as she did. Here they both were in Dark Town, mostly naked, with no transportation at 3am. Oh, and she just watched men disappear in a cloud of smoke.

"You're welcome," she choked out between her giggles. "Are you okay?"

"As okay as a man tied up with chains in an old bunker saved from his own death can be. Can you get me out of these, please?" He questioned half jokingly as he looked at the chains. They didn't seem to have a lockpad, there was just strong wire tying them together. It shouldn't take long to take them off. However, the fact that he was barely naked before Ari wasn't exactly making him feel comfortable and as he looked her up, he felt a slight arousal deep within himself.
Ari made quick work of the chains, loosing Vincent took almost no time at all. "Don't suppose you drove here, did you?" she teased. On a more serious note she added, "I'm sorry I didn't offer to go with you tonight...." She really felt responsible for the whole situation, after all she was the one who had given him the address.

Even in such a state, he felt like returning her joke with another.

"Why, of course i did drive here. I also tied myself up and pretended all along just so you will save me and love me forever. Anyhow, let's get out of here. I hope there are no people on the streets at this hour, imagine me being seen like... this."

He looked down on himself before carefully stepping out of the bunker and taking a peek at the darkness outside. There was no one. He motioned for Ari to follow as he moved forth silently, trying to stay hidden in the shadows.
The streets were all but deserted, thankfully. They made quite the pair, Ari with her much too short clubbing dress, bare feet and blood splattered face; and Vincent's mostly naked body. They walked for about a block in silence. Ari hoped that a cab would pass by but no one in their right mind was out at this time of night. She pressed her fingertips to her temples, pressed hard against the hangover headache that was rearing its ugly head. "Do you know any place we could crash? My head is fucking killing me..."

"My place is in the next district. I don't think there's a closer place to that. Also, you've been drinking, hm?" He spoke to her as he finally directed her on the sidewalk, the image looking as funny as it could get. A giant almost naked and a petite girl dressed in something that wanted to be an exaggerately short dress walking down the street way past midnight.
Now that the adrenaline had completely worked its way out of her system, Ari realized she was in fact still a bit drunk. Normally she would protest staying at a stranger's place, let alone someone she was supposed to hate (but strangely didn't), but her inhibitions were much lower this evening and honestly she just wanted to lay down. "The next district?" Ari whined. In spite of her best attempts to avoid it, Ari stepped on something sharp. She hissed in pain and hopped up and down on her uninjured foot. Blood was already welling in the nasty gash on her heel. "Dammit," she swore. "Good thing I got a tetanus shot recently....."

As soon as he heard her hiss of pain he realised what just happened. With a sigh, he shook his head as if he watched a kid mistake something. The situation was in fact hilarious, he continued watching her as she skipped around on only one leg. However, it wasn't long before the funny part was over and he realised she must go through quite the pain. What was he going to do with her now? The only solution that came to his mind was also the one which he applied when he approached her and grabbing her, he swept her off her feet and held her into his arms as he continued walking down the road. She wasn't that heavy, especially for him.

"You owe me oh so much after this" he chuckled softly as he looked her in the eyes.
She wriggled in his grasp. "Oh no, no, I can walk," she exclaimed, but his grip was firm. "I'm too heavy, just put me down!" Her feet dangled above the ground by a good bit, her heel slowly dropping blood. Begrudgedly, she entwined her arms around Vincent's neck for extra support. "Don't get any ideas, Hound." She glared up at him, but she probably looked as threatening as a mouse.

"Sure i won't, you will get them before me." He teased as he carried her forth. If he wouldn't have been nearly naked, this would've been an enjoyable night. 20 minutes later Vince was entering the block he lived in, still carrying Ari within his arms. Walking up the stairs with her, he suddenly realised. He didn't have a key. The key was who knows where in his pants.

"Fuck." He grumbled as he looked at the door, trying to think. However, the idea came to him right away and crouching, he searched under the small carpet that was placed before the door. Backup keys for the win. Finding the key, he rose again and finally unlocked the door, entering and closing it after him. His apartment wasn't much to look at. More of a mess than probably most others. As he didn't spend too much time at home, he didn't bother cleaning things up and what not. The kitchen was fairly clean, but in other rooms things were scattered on the floors. Vincent carried Ari towards the living room and lain her gently on the couch.

"Okay, stay put, i'mma go get dressed and bring the first aid kit. Hopefully it's still here, somewhere."

Vincent's apartment looked like a typical bachelor pad. There were empty liquor bottles on the coffee table, clothes on the floor, and it smelled like cigarettes. No pictures or any decorations adorned the walls. Aside from the couch, a big armchair, the tv and coffee table there wasn't any other furniture in the living room.

It was... oddly intimate, lying there on his couch. Ari kept her legs crossed, making sure to keep the injured foot off the couch. She could hear Vincent moving around down the hall. Dresser drawers opened and closed. She heard him swear and it made her smile for some reason. Her head relaxed back onto the armrest and she stared up at the ceiling, her eyes heavy.

She wanted to ask Vincent what had happened tonight, but it would probably have to wait until morning. Her feet better not need stitches, she
was terrified of needles...
"Where the fuck is it?" He mumbled to himself as he kept looking for the kit he so much needed at that moment. It popped up to him in a moment, and he couldn't be happier. "Well, good thing i keep more than one, hm?" He mused to himself as he returned to Ari. He was now dressed as simple as possible, a pair of shorts and a shirt that exposed the large tattoos on his arms. The shirt was black and the shorts were a very light blue. Kneeling at the end of the couch where her injured foot hung, he carefully took it into his hands, with a gentle move that he would never seem so capable of.

"Hm, not too bad, but i need to pull this shard out" He finally concluded as he opened the kit. He wrapped his hands in latex surgical gloves before proceeding, knowing just how infectious it could get. He was also preventive enough to grab pincers, and now he carefully caught the shard, looking up to her. "This will hurt like a bitch." And then he pulled, abruptly, the shard coming out and also blood. Using a bandage tissue, he quickly stopped the bleeding, keeping it at bay until the blood no longer flooded. Good thing the wound wasn't deep.

She squeaked as the shard of glass came free from her heel, but Vincent had really been very gentle. Her lips pressed together in a fine line and she stared up at the ceiling. She was always such a baby about being hurt or having any sort of medical procedure - when she was little it would take 3 nurses just so they could take blood from her. Vincent probably already thought she was a huge ninny; she refused to give him anymore reason to think so.

Thankfully, no stitches were needed. It didn't take long for the Hound to finish cleaning up the wound and for that she was grateful. Some people took forever with those kind of things.

"Thanks," she mumbled. The pain in her foot had decreased dramatically after the glass was gone. "Do... I mean, would you mind if I took a shower? I don't want to get anything dirty."

"Go ahead, as long as you'll be staying here it's free for use. Just don't take anything." He spoke jokingly. "Now, serious part, i want... no, i need you to stay here for a while, until this madness is over. Your lawyer is being possesed and trying to get my body and yours. I need to have you safe."

He spoke as he cleaned up the mess, putting the gloves and used bandage in a little plastic bag. He then proceeded to light himself up a cigarette. He always smoked wherever he saw fit, not giving way too many damns about the fact that his apartment smelled like a bar. He was used to it.

"I'll try looking for something for you to dress with, though i don't think anything of mine fits you. I guess you can use a shirt as night gown, right?"
"I don't think any of our friends would like that sort of living arrangement," she said. "But I guess if you don't mind a strange girl sleeping on your couch...." She tested her bad foot by placing both feet on the floor and leaning forward. Wasn't too bad. "But, yea, if you have another tshirt and maybe some shorts or sweatpants that would be wonderful. Is the bathroom down the hall?"

"They don't have to find out." He spoke with a dry tone as he had finished cleaning up. He then headed towards one of the closets, and, opening it, he started searching through, tossing out clothes as he didn't find what he needed. His usual style. Finally grabbing a black shirt, he looked for a pain of shorts which he knew already that would probably dress Ari to below her knees. Finally having found the shorts as well, he grabbed them and handed the clothes to her, before grabbing the pile of clothes on the floor and placing them back in the closet.

"We'll work this out, somehow. Right now, we need to get some sleep, tomorrow morning will be the best time to think about stuff. Go have your shower. I'll also be sleeping here, i'll keep you under my watch."

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