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Gangland [1x1 with Psychosis]

"Well..." Trevor paused "Each car has two people, the driver and the guardian, that makes it twelve. Each of our men will keep two of them down, it's actually really easy. We'll be wearing masks and gloves, no prints, no trails. The motorcycles we'll be using are special, unregistered, after we finish and meet up we'll give them to the guys at the workshop for repaints. We're aiming for no casualties, so if we manage to keep them all alive and not shoot any of them it's a perfect job. The cleaner, the better. The thing will be going on tomorrow night precisely at 11. "

Vincent watched and noted the details in his mind. The job seemed easy enough, and it wasn't his first time he ran a heist with these guys. Two years ago they took a hit on the northern bank in the city and not even to the current day did someone find out who did it. It was surely going to work. "But don't they have panic buttons in their cars?"

"No worries, man, Skiz is the best in this and as i said, he made a device that will jam everything they have that works on electricity. That means their phones, radios, cameras and even the car's ignition battery. They won't even be able to chase us once we leave."

So that was it. 11pm tomorrow. The plans were finalized. There was the faintest tingle of excitement in Ari's belly. It would be good to have something else to focus on, instead of all the Belial nonsense. Hopefully Liam and the rest would lay low for the next 48 hours or so.

She reached for yet another cigarette, slim fingers plucking it from the pack. The tip of the cig burned red as she inhaled, listening to Trevor reassure them that the jamming device would work. This Skiz guy better be as good as Teevor said. It seemed like everything would go wrong if the little jammer didn't work.

She liked that Trevor didn't want any casualties. Ari still felt nauseous everytime she thought about pulling the trigger on Zeke. Killing people was not something she wanted to get comfortable with.

"Alright then. Since you two are up, i'll give Vince a call tomorrow night, to establish the initial meeting place. At 10:30 we'll be moving out and by 11:10 we'll be out of it. Catch up." Trevor finally said before standing, waiting for Vince to lead him out. A minute later, Vincent returned with the slightest smile on his face, content at the thought of it. He looked to Ari and barely contained his excitement.

"So, tomorrow we'll get rich, baby. You can trust Trev and the crew, i don't know if you know, but two years ago i ran a bank heist with them. Nobody knows even today who it was. That's how good they are."
Ari shrugged as she took one final drag then ashed out the butt of the cigarette. For some reason she wanted to reach for another, even though she usually never chain smoked like this. "I'll feel better when it's over I guess," she muttered, smoothing her palms over her jeans. Why were they sweaty? "Thanks, for sticking up for me," she added, a small smile ghosting over her features. Seeing Vincent so excited was very entertaining to say the least. It was the first time she had seen him like this, and it made him seem less of an asshole than Ari wanted him to be. It was hard to resist him with his mischeivious grin plastered on his face.

"You're nervous as fuck. Your panties are probably dropping." He noticed with a joking tone as he observed her chain smoking. Hopping on the counter, he made himself comfortable by placing his back against the sustaining pillar and lighting himself up a cigarette, as he looked at her.

"So, tell me, what's your story? How'd you end up in that back slump that the Saints are calling headquarters? I reckon no sane person with alternatives decides to move into a shithole with a bunch of snobs."
Ari bristled at his comments about the Saints. Granted it wasn't an ideal situation but not all of them were "snobs" and the compound certainly wasn't a shithole. "I was in the wrong place at the wrong time I guess. But the Saints paid much better than waiting tables..." She paused, uncertain if she should divulge any more personal details, but at this point, it probably didn't matter. "I'm not from here.... But my mom got really sick. There's these clinical trials at the hospital here, it's basically her last chance." She gave into her craving and paused to light up another cigarette before continuing. "The treatment is really pricey. So was my rent. I got evicted 5 months after moving here, even though I was working 3 jobs." Who was she kidding, Vincent probably didn't even care. But the words kept coming, pouring out of her like water. "Then I found out that I was pretty good at stealing... Tried to pickpocket AJ but he caught me. So it was either this - or he would put me in the hospital for awhile. That was... About a year ago now, I guess." This cigarette was gone much quicker than the others. "How about you, Hound? What's your story? I was always told never to cross your path if I could help it."

"So they did, huh?" He nearly laughed at her last sentence. "Seems they love me really much there, eh? Well, truth is, i have no one to care for. I moved out here ten years ago, from the countryside. I'm a redneck, you could say. My dad would always find a new job and always move us around until we got here. I managed to work for my money and get a bike, means of transport in this hellhole of a city, and your friends who at that time were nearly in full control caused me so many troubles i can't even start counting them. I grew a hatred for them and when Jason asked me if i wanted to join the Hellhounds i didn't even blink. My parents died a few years ago in a car accident and eversince i've been in a downfall, started doing drugs and all sorts of other bad shit. Well, there's no return from here, and plus, i still enjoy bashing a Saint face in. But don't worry, your pretty face is alright." He finished his sentence as he tossed the remains of his cigarette precisely into the sink.
Ari's brow furrowed. So maybe Vincent was a little more tortured than he let on... He really had spiraled into this lifestyle; but Ari liked to think anyone could be saved. "Glad my face makes the cut," she teased. She rose from her spot on the couch, flicking the butt of her cigarette into the ashtray, then stooping to gather up the cleaner and rag from earlier. She moved smoothly to the sink, stashing the cleaner back where she found it and rinsing out the rag in the sink. Her mind wandered as the warm water poured over her hands, blood from the rag spiraled down the drain. Ari had never done drugs, she barely even drank to be honest. Sure she had carried product for the Saints but had never samples the wares. It made her a little uneasy, the thought of Vincent high. Maybe it had been a mistake to uproot things and come here... She barely knew the man after all. Once the water was running clear, she wrung out the rag and placed it over the faucet to dry. She picked out the butt Vincent had flicked in there and tossed it into the trash can behind her. "That's gross. The trash can is right there, you know?"

"Well, i can't fit in a trash can, so you'll have to deal with that" He replied jokingly, feeling slightly amused by how she kicked into the girly role, throwing him a disgusted glance for a not so normal thing he had done. "Aren't you hungry yet, doll? Don't know if i ever told you but i'm not that bad in the kitchen"

Jumping off the counter, he moved to the fridge and opened it. Empty. Hell, for how long hasn't he spent a day at home? Clearly for long enough. Luckily, he had money and the shop was close, just a minute's walk.

"Okay, i'mma go to the grocery, gotta grab some stuff to fill the fridge, wanna come? Would be safer, i think."
"I don't each much lately," Ari admitted. "I'll be fine here I'm sure. It would give me a minute to get settled. Would you mind if I put some things in the bathroom?" She wasn't sure how particular the Hound was about his space. It wouldn't be terrible to live out of her bags but it would be nice if she could put a few things out.

"Yeah, sure, make yourself at home, i don't use a lot of space anyway. Gets really lonely 'round here so i'm mostly not even at home. Be careful, i'll be back in a bit." He placed a hand on her shoulder before exitting and heading out on the street. The neighbourhood was quiet enough for that hour, and as he could see, no one had something obviously wrong going on. Crossing the street, he entered the grocery store and started buying the necessary things for a home. Of course, a full carton of cigarettes was priority, as well as frozen hamburger meat, some beef raw meat, pork, bread and some other small things.

Checking out with four full plastic bags, he returned to the apartment, voicing out his presence so that Ari would get scared as he started arranging the grocery in its place.

"I'm back."

She had set her own shampoo and condtioner in the shower, then her toothbrush and toothpaste by the sink. Then she ventured into the bedroom. Maybe there was a drawer or some space in the closet that Vincent wasn't using... She opened and closed all of the dresser drawers, the bottom left one had nothing in it, so she stashed some bras, panties, tank tops, and shorts there. There was also a little space off to the side of the closet; that's where she stashed her duffle bag that had her pants and shirts in it. She surveyed the space. Definitely looked like a boy's room - no color, nothing on the walls. The bed looked comfortable enough, it was big and covered with a soft black comforter. She sat on the edge of the bed, then leaned back until she was laying fully on it. In all fairness, this was much more comfortable than her bed at the Saints. It had to be one of those Temperpedic ones. It felt like laying on a cloud. Ari didn't understand how Vincent got out of bed in the mornings.

She heard the front door open, and Vincent called out to let her know he was back.

He noticed the door to his room open, and smiled to himself. Leaving the rest of the groceries for later, he tried his best to stay silent as he snuck and peeked into the room. And there she was, having made herself comfortable in his bed. A smile out of nowhere played on his lips as he approached, speaking in an ever so soft manner as he bent over above her.

"Well, look who's enjoying herself. No one says you can't sleep here at night if you want, but you're not exactly safe near me" He winked in a teasing manner, letting himself fall and support onto his arms as he placed his hands at her sides. His long hair hung over her as he raised a pierced eyebrow. "We never spoke about the rent, did we?"

He was obviously teasing to his best ability, trying to push his luck towards what he craved the most since he started catching feelings for this strange girl.
"Rent?" Ari asked innocently. She should've gotten up as soon as she heard Vincent come home, not one of her best decisions to remain sprawled across his bed. But this time she wouldn't stutter, she wouldn't be nervous. She wasn't going to let him get the better of her this time, even though her stomach was fluttering pleasantly. She shifted slightly beneath him. "I think I'll make you sleep on the couch tonight," she teased back.

"Oh, you are? I don't exactly think so, the couch is too short for me, i'd hang half out of it. Besides, it's getting cold at night, wouldn't you rather have someone to keep you warm, hm?" He continued teasing as he let himself even lower, his breath now going against hers while their lips were just a few inches apart. He made sure to block her way out ever so gently.
Her pulse pounded in her ears again. Keep it together, Ari, she chided herself. He just wants to see you squirm. She smiled sweetly up at him, giving no indictation to the effect he was having on her. "Hmmmm, is that all I am? Just a body to keep you warm at night?" There was no room to manuever out of this predictament, when Ari realized that her breath caught in her throat for just a moment. She met his gaze with her own; he was so close now that if she had moved at all there would be no room left between them.

"Actually, i was going to be the body that would keep you all warm. And you could just thank me with a kiss." He smiled as he finally closed the distance between them, his lips pressing against hers in a soft manner as he closed his eyes. He knew what would probably come after this, Ari storming out, or giving in, but there was no going back now. The seconds stretched as he prolonged the moment as much as he could.
Her whole body tensed as Vincent closed the gap between them, his lips delicately pressed against her own - almost sweetly. Her own eyes slid shut and she sagged into the bed, a little whimper in her throat. This was only her second kiss of her life and it was much better than the first. This was how first kisses were supposed to feel - she was tingling from the soles of her feet to the top of her head. It felt like hours but had only been seconds before she put her palms to Vincent's chest and pushed, breaking the moment. She didn't trust herself to let them continue. "Th-there," she choked out, "you have your kiss."

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With a mischievious grin, he looked her in the eyes, content by the effect he had over her.

"You never striken me as a shy girl. Seems i can also be wrong." He teased before standing, the feeling of her lips still tingling on his, making him almost scream out in happiness. What was happening to him, though? He felt as if he was floating on a cloud and right at the moment he could not even think about the other problems any longer. Walking to the kitchen, he then settled for placing the rest of the groceries around and then, taking one of the loaves of fresh beef meat, he settled it on the table. He then grabbed a white apron and equipped it, then started searching for knives. Once the knives found, he started applying his cooking skills, slicing and cutting the meat while humming something.

Dammit, dammit, dammit! Ari could feel the blush burning across her nose and cheeks. Damn him. He'd looked so cocky when he pulled away, that stupid, delicious, mischevious grin on his face. Ari was torn between wanting to punch him and wanting to kiss him again. But then he left, just like that, like nothing had even happened. Soon, sounds from the kitchen gave away that Vincent had opted to start preparing dinner.

Ari groaned under her breath as she sat up. She smoothed back her hair, and pulled down her tank top that had ridden up over her stomach. Two could play at this game - she would also pretend like what had happened on the bed hadn't happened.

Whatever Vincent was making, it smelled good, really good. Ari's mouth watered and she realized she hadn't had a proper meal in a few days. Her stomach rumbled, betraying her.

Even if he seemed ever so distracted by what he was doing, Vincent was having a hard time getting over what just happened back there. Oh, he so wished to run back and pin her down, make out wildly with her. That was the storm that ran through him, tormenting him up to the limit. However, he managed to keep his reins and continued cutting the meat in pieces that would make for an awesome steak. Once this finished, he proceeded to throwing the spices on the meat, just by an old secret recipe his grandmother taught him when he was a child. The frying pan was set on the stove, and as the fire was turned on, the little bit of oil started getting hot. He placed the pieces of steak and watched as they started frying, under his careful watch.
The smell of cooking steak coaxed Ari out of the bedroom. She leaned against the doorway between the kitchen and hall, arms crossed in front of her. "That actually smells edible," she said with a smile. "You're just full of surprises, aren't you?" He looked very domestic with his apron on, tending to the pan on the stove. The grease crackled deliciously in the pan - it had been ages since Ari had a home cooked meal. She busied herself by searching the drawers until she foun plates and eating utensils, setting them on the counter for Vincent when he was ready for them.

"It does? Well, it's good then, you won't ever notice the poison i put in it." He laughed softly at her first statement while he was busying himself with preparing the steaks. It was quite a long time since he last cooked something, so this better get good else he was going to have to remake it. He carefully turned the steaks in the frying pan, watching out not to burn them, a few times before finally reaching for the plates and distributing two steaks on each. After having ended the stove fire, he placed the pan in the sink and took off the apron, hanging it on the special hanger. He placed the plates on the counter and arranged the stool chairs, then placed the sliced bread in the middle and everything else needed.

"Well, i think it's ready. You wanna pray before dinner, little Saint?" He teased, showing his everlasting mischivieous smile to Ari before taking a seat.
She rolled her eyes at him before digging into the food in front of her. It was delightful. The steak was nice and juicy, not overly seasoned at all. Ari couldn't remember the last time she'd had food this good. Usually she just grabbed takeout or hospital food, all of which paled in comparsion to the meal before her. It wasn't lady-like, but Ari was almost inhaling the steak. She was half-way done before Vincent could chew and swallow his first two pieces. A bit of grease dripped down Ari's chin, but she quickly wiped it away with the back of her hand. Before long, her plate was clean. The urge to lick it clean was overpowering but she resisted. "That was amazing. No, really. Why don't you open a restaurant?"

He watched with no little amazement as Ari devoured the food he prepared, feeling no less than proud by the reaction. He gave her a light smile as he was slowly enjoying his own meal, acting like a gentleman in a restaurant for he not knew what reasons.

"I actually did work as a cook when i was like 18-19 but my anger management skills made it that one of my colleagues had to dodge a set of knives headed to him. That fucker kept pestering me so i couldn't take it any longer."

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