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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

Fenrir quickly dodged the attempt to cave his skull in with the Shield, the kick nearly connected however one of his arms grasped Connor's ankle, he threw him into the ground before repeatedly smacking him into the ground violently, his legs restrained by his arms. "WHO THE FUCK DO YOU THINK YOU ARE!" Fenrir screamed, now angry beyond belief.
Quicksilver clotheslined Fenir away from Connor and stood in between them.

"You didn't see that coming?"
Aedan had ignored the boy's command to help the others with Ultron, and continued to pursue the Hulk, but it soom became apparent aedan had nothing in his arsenal to affect the brute, and it seemed Iron Girl was looking a little beat up, Aedan rushed towards the battle between hero and villain, eyes fixed on Fenrir, the new villain seemed already injured, a surprise attack from Aedan would increase the pressure, surely the villain would have no choice but to run then, and he would have saved Iron Girl, a good plan!

Reaching Fenrir, Aedan threw multiple poisoned shurikens at the villain and flipped over him in an impressive showing of grace, landing between him and Cassie with a menacing glare in his eyes, before he entered a battle stance in front of the injured Iron Girl. "Just give me an excuse vermin!" He growled at Fenrir. The odds were massively in Aedan's favor, he was in peak condition, uninjured and in good health, he had his full arsenal of toys to use and he was best in close combat. Fenrir was definitlely tired, and injured. Adding onto this, Ultron would be no trouble for the time being, as something - or someone - had just taken the robot out of the immediate area.

However, before a battle could commense, a determined Captain America charged Fenrir, which would likely be an even fight, both were pretty injured. Instead of helping Connor with his fight however, Aedan kneeled down to Cassie who appeared to be bordering on losing conciousness. "Iron Girl! Now is not the time to be sleeping! Are you ok?"
Cassie nodded. "I'm.... Fine." She managed to say as she struggled to sit up. "But the others..." She had an extreme loyalty to her friends. After all, Connor, Demelza, Octavia, and Finn weren't just friends, they were family. "I have to help..." She sat up and struggled to her to her knees. She fell over again with a groan.
Aedan frowned at the blind determination of Iron Girl, before he whispered in a careful tone, hoping she would listen to his advice. "You won't be helping anybody by dying today, we need to get you to safety, if you die here, the other Avengers will lose heart to fight, it may cause the downfall of you all."
The continuous blows into the ground knocked the breath out of Connor. He grit his teeth to bear the pain. Ignore it, focus! It was almost like his mantra. But as he prepared to fight back and escape the grip he felt the grip gone. He lay on the ground for a few seconds, collecting himself before slowly standing and bracing briefly against the wall. Ignore it, focus. He told himself once again, straightening up with a deep breath, he could regret it later. "Thanks for the assist Dimitri."
Quicksilver appeared in front of him with a gust of wind.

"Not Dimitri my friend."

Pietro offered his hand to Connor.
Fenrir gasped, the bleeding getting worse. It was best to retreat. Iron Man was dead, Iron Girl badly injured, Steph was in hiding from him and Captain America was in no real shape to fight him, and plus this newcomer was a threat. Best to leave, before the bleeding became terminal, within seconds Fenrir vanished.
Connor had to do a double take, "It's kinda hard to tell the difference of a blur." He said with a brief smile, he took the mans hand to help balance himself. "Thanks for the assist Mr. Maximoff." He corrected.
Cassie nodded, too weak to resist. She saw Quicksilver, Dimitri's father, assisting Connor and she felt a little weight off of her chest.

"ULTRON!" A strong masculine voice yelled from across the street. Cassie's head snapped up despite her headache and weakness.

"Dad?" She whispered.

Iron Man was standing up with both of his hands raised, palms out in front of him, beams charged and ready to fire.



GimmickPuppet said:
..Iron Man was dead.....
((That's what you think!))
Cyrus had finally made it to the battle, problem was there were allot more people and fighting became allot more chaotic. He found Cassie amoung the rubble, "I'd listen if I were you, no Point in dying. Also..." He handed Cassie the elevator control panel, "I ate your elevator, it was acting a little slow to go back up." His arms grew spikes by using the mass of the devoured elevator, "So... Who do I aim for first?"

Cassie smiled. "Gee, thanks," she said, feeling stronger at the sight of her dad (who was very much alive, by the way...). "I think Ultron." She said. She propped herself up on her elbow.
Aedan stood straight and looked around, Fenrir was gone, Iron Man was alive, iron Girl and the younger Captain America were both critically injured, the speedster family were here, Ultron was massively outnumbered, and this new hero was asking who to go for? "Only Ultron left, so I suggest you go help the flame person deal with him, I'll get the injured out of here."

Aedan turned and shouted to Captain America Mark II "Uh, Cap! You're up and walking, and looking sore, come and help me carry Iron Girl out of here, we'll let the fresh heroes take Ultron..." Aedan really wanted to go for Ultron himself, but he doubted Iron Man would leave now anyway, despite his own injuries.
"You go it, one piece of scrap metal coming up." He morphed his body into a similar looking Ultron, "Hey Ultron! Pick on somebody your own size!" His shoulder liquefied revealing a large cannon. Cyrus fired a few shots before it turned back into the armor.

Connor moved to Cassie and Aedan, he gave a smirk. "They usually only call my dad Cap." He'd forever be living in that very large shadow his father had. "Wonderboy will do." He said with a light chuckle, his hand going straight to his side at the hurt ribs. "Hey." He said trying to get Cassie's attention. "Let them handle the rest. You did your part." He knew her, knew she'd want to get back in there. Truth was he did too but he also knew at this point he might be more of a burden.

"There is still Smasher." He said with a breath. "Ultron hit him with some sort of beam and he went out of control," Connor paused at his words "more than usual."
After getting smashers attention, Dimitri ran away from the city, hoping smasher would follow.

Quicksilver looked at Cassie and Tony's gauntlets.

"Pherhaps one of you could give me a hand?"

He said, putting his hand out in the air.
Crono said:
Connor moved to Cassie and Aedan, he gave a smirk. "They usually only call my dad Cap." He'd forever be living in that very large shadow his father had. "Wonderboy will do." He said with a light chuckle, his hand going straight to his side at the hurt ribs. "Hey." He said trying to get Cassie's attention. "Let them handle the rest. You did your part." He knew her, knew she'd want to get back in there. Truth was he did too but he also knew at this point he might be more of a burden.
"There is still Smasher." He said with a breath. "Ultron hit him with some sort of beam and he went out of control," Connor paused at his words "more than usual."
Cassie looked at Connor and nodded before passing out.

Tony smiled and shot him a Gauntlet. "Here you go, speedster!" He called out.
Thrown back by the attack from Cyrus, Ultron analyzes him for a few moments before charging at him and delivering a powerful strike with his right hand. " There is nothing you can do to harm me. My armor is impenetrable!"
"Thank you, my friend!"

Pietro ran at ultron and punched him in the side of the head at full speed.
"Aaaand she's out." Connor said moving to hold up Cassie's other side, the armor did make it more difficult and awkward. He nodded at Aedan, "Let's get her inside the tower. It should be safe enough."
Surprised by Pietro's attack, Ultron begins to fire both of his energy beams in an attempt to kill the hero.
Aedan shot Ultron a short glance, realizing the robot was about to be severely outnumbered by Tony, Pietro and the two new heroes, the flamester, and morpher. "Yep, they got this... Are you sure you're up for carrying her Cap? I know you have the Super Soldier Serum and all... But you are looking pretty injured." Despite his words, Aedan was really hoping Connor would help carry her, Aedan didn't have super strength, and carrying a full Stark suit would be murderous for him, why was he so sincere?

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