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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

Waiting until he is close enough to Smasher, Ultron fires his Encephal Beam right at the Smasher's head in an attempt to controll him.
Rosaline sat at the small table, holding a Starbucks mocha against her lips, relishing in the sweet taste as the chocolate liquid traveled down her throat. She sighed, glancing down at the journal on the table. The page wasn’t full yet.

Month X Year ???

So, today marks my third year of living in this body. A record. I haven’t died again yet, surprisingly. Don’t know how long that will last, but I guess that doesn’t matter. It’s a cause for celebration…Huzzah.

A lot has happened since I was born again. I remember waking up, not knowing much more than my name, in the hospital covered in bandages. A woman who was presumably my nurse was there, and started asking me simple questions such as if I had any relatives. I, of course, told her honestly that I had no idea. Naturally, the woman then contacted the police and lo and behold I eventually ended up in a foster home when they couldn’t find any dirt on me. Nice people I guess, giving me clothes and the like, but if they knew what I truly was they would’ve thrown me out on the street. Heck, I caught the house on fire when my powers reawakened. I had considered taking a nap, but the owners (two people who I refuse to call mom and dad) came home and ended that fun for me by calling 911. The woman had been sobbing hysterically, asking me if I was alright like she actually cared and-

“If only she knew.” The girl said aloud, to no one in particular. Her thoughts continued to drift with similar thoughts for several more minutes before she lazily turned her gaze to outside the café window. New York was bustling as always, people of all shapes and sizes walking down the sidewalks and cars honking as their occupants went about their daily boring lives. Across the street were other stores, from Barnes and Nobles to tattoo parlors filling in the space. A few streets behind them loomed Stark Industries in all its glory, the big A managing to stand out in the afternoon sun. The Avengers were an interesting bunch from what Rosaline had heard, a team of various individuals who fought for justice when they weren’t breaking windows or dealing with the paparazzi by being out in public.

Suddenly, the sound of gunshots and lasers filled the air, causing everyone in the café to look outside towards the source. They seemed to be coming from the tower.

(sorry for the long post. Wont be be nearly as big in the future)
Smasher felt the beam crash into his face and he tried to turn away. Turning away was probably a bad move though, when he felt the piercing lazer burrow itself into his eye. His hands flew up to his face to cover the pain but the worst damage had already begun. He didn't know why he was going after this guy. He twisted himself away from Ultron and smashed into the ground.
Seeing that he was now in controll, Ultron turns around and orders Smasher to attack Cassie and Conner.
Curiousity getting the better of her, Rosaline started to open the door. A hand shot out, grabbing her arm. Turning, she saw one of the workers, a nervous look on his face. "Miss. Don't go out there." He urged. "Things could get ugly."

She shrugged him off. "So? I'm just going in to get a closer look. I don't plan on getting involved." Before he could protest, she was outside and making her way closer to where the sounds where coming from. What she was doing was probably suicidal. She grinned a bit at the thought. Within a few minutes she had hid herself behind a warehouse of sorts, peeking out to observe what was happening. Her eyes widened a margin. Windows had been shattered, the glass spilling onto the paved street. Various individuals dressed like mini Avengers and others were present, trying to fight off what looked like a humanoid metallic robot. Oddly enough, what appeared to be the Hulk seemed to be fighting against the Avengers...
Silver streak zipped next to Cassie.

"You know that red and green android old ultron accidentally made who turned into an avenger? His name was like 'Senses' or something? Anyways where is he now?"
Aedan idly wondered along the desolate alley way, prefering to avoid the clammering public and the noise that came with them, though for some blasted reason it seemed something was causing the people some discomfort, hundreds seemed to be running from... What? A vllain mayhaps? Aedan smirked before walking calmly out into the mass of people, swiftly and without resistance, his hand shot out and clasped a man's shoulder, "Are you ok sir? What's happening down there? Why are you running?!" He commanded. The man seemed hellbent on getting ot of the vicinity, "M-monster! R-robot! Let me go! We'll all die!"

Aedan's eyes shot up, and before he cold respond to the terrified man a deathening racket came from the tower, The Avengers? Surely they could handle it... Right? Aedan would most likely get in the way, what good was his fighting against a robot and a monster? Well, his staff could deal some considerable damage to both with it's electrolyzed edges, what was the insane number again? 22,000 volts? Maybe he could help them. Noticing the man had long since ran off anyway, Aedan headed towards the tower, his mastery of acrobatics should help him reach the location in a short amount of time...

The closer he got to the battleground, the more he regretted heading towards the Avgengers tower, the warzone was currently in a sorry state, the man failed to mention that the 'monster had been evil Hulk, and the robot had been Ultron, the idea of saving the world suddenly seemed much less enticing, currently he had remained unoticed, he could leave at any time... How would he possibly hurt Hulk or Ultron? The best Aedan could do here was not get killed by using his combat mastery, though fighting is his specialty, it doesn't help here, but he had to try... But what could he do? Whilst he pondered over several courses of action, Aedan took shelter behind an overturned car, currently limited for hiding placed it would have to do.
"Absolutely no idea!" Cassie said as she dodged a piece of flying rubble. "Gah!!" She yelled, ducking under a flying beam that had missed Smasher and nearly grazed the top of her head. "Hey!" She yelled to Aedan, noticing the boy hiding behind the car. "A little help would be greatly appreciated!"
"Ah crap..." Aedan whispered to himself, so much for formulating a master plan, now that his position had been openly revealed, time to improvise it seemed... Going after Ultron might be a smarter move, as his weapon could actually damage the robot, but at the same time, he could also distract Hulk, and give the Avengers time to pursue Ultron, the chances of him taking the robot down alone were 50/50, but he was certain he could avoid being smashed by the lumbering green giant. He certainly had the speed and reflexes, but how long would the Hulk focus on him for? In fact, it would make sense if Ultron was controlling him, maybe... Just maybe... He could make Hulk so mad, that the brute would ignore Ultron and continue trying to pummel Aedan... Well, it was worth a shot, if that failed he'd change tactics and go for Ultron.

Charging from cover he shot the girl who gave his position away a short glare, before flinging multiple poisoned shurikens at the huge behemoth, they should get his attention... And help slow him down. "Go for Ultron!" he yelled to the duo who had narrowly avoided being crushed beneath flyng debris. As he stared at the Hulk, anticipating a charge.
Knowing that Smasher was under his control, Ultron decides to go after Iron girl. Deactivating his thruster, Ultron lands a few feet from Iron Girl and begins to slowly walk towards her as Smasher destroys the city.
"You," she said, her eyes hardening. "Are going to pay for what you did." She looked at Ultron with intense hatred. "I might not be able to save my father, but I can Damn well sure Avenge him." She charged up a Freon Beam. "Take one more step, metal mouth, and you're dead."
He ran to aedan.

"You go help her with ultron, there's nothing I can do to him. I'll handle smasher." He ran behind smasher and threw rocks at his head.

"Ey smash! Yo momma wears combat boots!"
Ignoring Iron Girls threats, Ultron continues to walk slowly walk towards her while raising his right hand to fire his beam weapon." You are nothing but a pathetic insect just like the rest of humanity. No one can beat me now."
Fenrir eventually arrived to the fighting where Iron Girl was threatening Ultron. He hadn't finished playing with her. And the metal man could be useful to his plans. "Forgotten me already, have you?" Fenrir laughed as one of his arms grabbed Iron Girl, smashing her into a nearby wall. "I'm not finished with you yet, bitch." Fenrir grinned sadistically, before looking at Ultron. "After that, she's all yours..."
Cassie felt herself be picked up by an invisible force and the next thing she knew, she was slammed into a wall. She felt her breath leave her body as she gasped for air to regain it. She managed to breathe enough to stand, even if she was wobbly on her feet. "Not forgotten, just thought you unimportant considering the situation," she said hoarsely, wiping the blood from her nose and smiling haughtily. Despite her injuries, she could still dish out a mean retaliation.
Still throwing rocks, he pulled out his cell phone and called, speaking what sounded like gibberish, but what was actually extremely fast Russian.
Conner watched as Cassie was thrown into the wall, he spun himself to throw his shield. "Backoff!" Conner called out at the red head, his shield zooming through the air at the boy, all the while Conner was moving closer to engage.
"Last person who said that to me had their arms and legs ripped off. Do you want that too?" Fenrir smirked as he began punching her violently. "Don't worry, I won't be the one killing you. You'll see Daddy soon enough." Fenrir said, before noticing the shield flying at him, he attempted to cut it but failed. "SHIT!" he shouted, before being hit in the stomach, knocking him backwards several feet, he coughed up some blood glared at Conner. "You... BASTARD!" Fenrir screamed, several arms racing towards him.
Upon seeing Conner, Ultron quickly examines him before running towards him and delivering a powerful strike with his right hand.
A silver blur smashed into Fenrir at full speed.

Streak watched from a distance,

"Wasn't me." He smirked.
Connor would have smirked if not for the fact that he needed to concentrate, raising his arm he managed to catch his shield. He only just managed to put it up in time against the arms, he hadn't seen Ultron following up and the blow sent him tumbling head over heels backwards.
Fenrir coughed up blood again, his body weak from the fight with Steph. "This is getting dangerous... If I start to bleed internally, I'll have no choice but to retreat or I'll die..." Fenrir thought, irritated.
Cassie began to see stars as Fenrir punched her violently. She fell over in the rubble, her vision fading in and out. She lay there in a punch-drunk stupor, watching her friend go flying backwards. "Connor," She whispered too softly to hear, doing her best to keep conscious. She raised an arm and shot a repulsor beam at Ultron to throw him off balance.
Rosaline watched the proceedings with faint interest, occasionally ducking when a stray laser beam threatened to hit her. Rubble surrounded her. More players had arrived to the battlefield, most of them seeming to try to either fight off the robot or stop the Hulk from destroying the city. One however, a young man with pink hair, was attacking the girl in the Iron Man suit, his hand on her throat as he said something Rosaline couldn't catch. A boy in a Captain America suit threw his shield at him, causing the young man to crash to the ground.

The girl sighed as the urge to help the Avengers surfaced. Did she really want to get involved. Something human in her said yes. But she didn't want them to know her human form just yet. No. All they would get to see was an angel of fire...Breathing deeply, she let a familar fire fill her viens. A fire tornado wrapped around her in a cacoon of sorts as she transformed. White wings burst from her back and her clothes became a fiery grown. With a calm hand, she gestured the tornado away, now ready to fight. The Iron Man girl seemed to be alright now, so she set her sights on the robot. Rosaline flew upwards, flying foward in an arrow of fire. She crashed into the humanoid, using her increased strength to send him flying.
Connor sat up in a slight daze, preparing for a follow up assault that never came. Instead a a fierce flame flew through the air ahead, taking Ultron with it. He was thankful as he quickly stood up, all these new players suddenly showing up was quite the surprise but he wasn't going to complain at all. Raising his shield he rushed at Fenrir. The shield seemed to do well against whatever he'd used before, he just needed to get in close. So he attempted to bash at the boy with his shield in the left hand and follow up with a kick from his right leg.

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