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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

Fenrir turned around and saw Cassie. "Well, it seems I have company..." He noticed her charge her beam, he quickly used his vectors restrain and choke her, slamming her violently into the roof. "Who are you?" He demanded, his features now cold and brutal.
Becoming annoyed by how long the fight was taking, Ultron sets his energy beams to full power and begins and begins to fire both of his beams at Iron Man.
In the Sanctum Sanctorum Steph did not need any notice to tell her that there was a problem but she wondered how she had missed it, how her father had missed this sleeping threat. She was sure it was because this threat was not a living being, it was not a mystical force , it was a machine and where science and sorcery. Ultron was no mystic threat but still it was a major threat a creature more persistent than the most resilient roach. Steph brought her hands together over her as she un crossed her legs and stopped floating , she then opened them in a Simi circle. Still above the stark tower there was a threat more up her ally, yet another asgardian, but this one overtly hostile. before Steph a hole opened and instead of the Sanctum Sanctorum there was the roof of Stark tower. Steph stepped into this portal and disappeared from the Sanctum.

Steph reappeared seemingly from thin air on the roof of Stark tower , first she would try things the peaceful way it didn't often work but her father told her sometimes it did. " Asgardain I would suggest you return to your home plane " She said realizing her banter or threats or whatever this would be called needed serious work.
Cassie Struggled to speak. "It's..... Kind of..... Hard to tell..... If I can't..... Breathe!" She said.

Tony watched his daughter fly up to the roof and nodded, then Continued to fight.
"I am not choking you enough to prevent speech, you will tell me the information I require or I shall torture you." Fenrir said bluntly, staring at Cassie without blinking. He sensed Steph materialize behind him. He smirked as he heard her request. "Return to your own realm. This matter does not concern you." Fenrir stated, thinking about assaulting her too.
"Yeah... Uh... No," she said smiling. "If there's.....anything about,.... My family or me.... Is that we're all stubborn." She winked at him. "If you le.... Me go, I will.... Not attack.... Fly.... Or anything else.... And I will... Answer your question."
" This is my realm" She said moving her hands out and clapping them as she did mystic force hit against the Asgardain from opposite sides, while the force could normally kill a human she knew one of these Dimi gods could take such crushing force.
Seeing that Iron Man was avoiding his energy attacks, Ultron activates his thrusters and rams himself into Iron Man, causing them to go through one of the windows.
Fenrir screamed as the force hit him hard, dropping him to his knees. "YOU BITCH!" Fenrir yelled, he threw Cassie into the wall, before violently assaulting Steph, using every single Vector available to him, they passed through her skin, bursting a lot of arteries in her body.
Steph screamed as the invisible hands dug in but luckily before they got to deep she vanished and reappeared a distance away. That really hurt if it wasn't for her training she would be dead, but she was not. She could try to patch herself up latter for now she focused pushing the pain to the back of her mind not that she could fully put it away.

" That will not stop a Soccer Supreme" She said stretching out one arm and firing off a mystic bolt, she needed to find some kind of limit to those hand things or a counter spell.
Fenrir quickly dodged her magical attacks, several more of his vectors continued to violently cut her, before one grabbed her ankle and began to violently smash her into the wall. "DIE! DIE!" Fenrir screamed as more of his hands cut and beat her.
As Tony plummeted out the window, Cassie could hear the crash and stood up. "DAD!" She said. She sprinted to the edge of the building and jumped, her thrusters going immediately into action. She tried to catch up to him but couldn't. There was a resounding CRACK! As Iron Man and Ultron crashed into the asphalt. "NO!" She yelled, landing on the ground and sprinting towards him. She repulsor blasted Ultron into a building nearby. "DAD!" She skidded over on her knees and ripped of her mask and his. Tony's eyes were closed and he was bleeding from the forehead. "Dad...." She whispered. "No...." She felt for his pulse. Relief immediately washed over her when she felt it, weak but there. She had Friday scan his vital signs, but found something that ground her hope into dust: he was bleeding internally, most likely only had a few hours. Tears streamed down her face as she stood and faced Ultron. "ULTRON!" She yelled out in a voice like a lion. She was furious.
Steph couldn't breathe but she got it she got the source and once again she vanished this time a distance up in the air.

Steph made several quickly signs and a short chant, and from her hands shot several thick ethereal chains. [" That should hold you " She almost coughed
"Fool..." Fenrir grinned as the chains were snapped instantly. "My vectors can cut through almost anything. Be it magical or natural." Fenrir said as he continued his relentless assault upon the girl. "Goodbye, Failure Sorceress." Several Vectors grabbed her and threw her off the Tower.
Emerging from the destroyed building unharmed, Ultron begins to slowly walk towards the unconscious Iron Man and his daughter. " Do you truly think that you can beat me, human? I will crush you like the insect you are."
That was a surprise but throwing someone who could fly was not a good idea for obvious reasons, still she was hurt, but she know knew what made up these hands, and she could quickly stop them, being beaten to a pulp paid off it seemed.

Steph floated back up somewhere around 25 feet from the Asgardain Now around her she had a glowing sheen . " The is no force mystical or scientific I cannot understand even your mental powers cannot elude me ' She said making several signs " Now burn" She said as fire burst from the attackers skin.
"ILL SHOW YOU CRUSHING!!!!!" She charged towards him in blind rage, her anger and all of her fear coming out in a blur of fists and beams. She managed to kick Ultron in the face, then lunging forward to grab him around the neck.
Hardly being damaged by the attacks, Ultron quickly sticks out his right arm and grabs Cassie by the neck with his right hand and precedes to slam her into the ground.
Cassie didn't seem to feel a thing. Her eyes flashed with anger and hatred and she stood, panting heavily. "Alright, bastard," she said. "Time to bring out the big guns." There was a series of clicking sounds and two gigantic missile launchers appeared at her wrists. "You. Will. Pay." She held out her fists and shot all of the ammo she had on her at him. Nothing could survive that. At least, she didn't think so. After all, she had designed these herself.
Being thrown into a nearby building from the force of the missiles, Ultron emerges from the debris with little to no damage on his Adamantium armor. Upon fully emerging from the destroyed building, Ultron raises both of his hands and fires both of his energy beams at Cassie while taunting her at the same time." I will crush you just like I crushed your pathetic father. There is nothing you can do to defeat me now."
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Fenrir instantly screamed as he was set on fire, blood pouring from his wounds violently. "SHIT! SHIT!" He screamed, begging for mercy. "I SURRENDER!" He shouted, on his knees in pure agony.
Steph moved one hand in a circle creating a portal, it was hard to reach asguard and she might miss that place was always hard to get to, then with a gesture she turned off the flames " I have made a portal back to your home realm just leave this one " She said not mentioning she was only about 70% sure she made it right but the area on the other side did look like the rainbow bridge .
Conner was quick as he tumbled into position in front of Cassie, raising his shield to deflect Ultron's beams. He held his ground though the beams we're enough force to make it difficult to stay upright. Turning his head from behind the shield he winked at Cassie. "Sorry I'm late Cass." he said through grit teeth as he put everything he had against the shield. He'd gotten the message from his father to meet him at Stark Tower, luckily Conner had been in park nearby.
Fenrir grinned, having successfully tricked her. "Goodbye." He said before throwing her through her own portal, making sure she missed Bifrost. "The Frost Giants are most welcoming..." Fenrir darkly chuckled as he entered the lift, whistling.

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