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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

In a bunker deep underground located in a rural, secluded area, the body of the eight foot robot known as Ultron lays motionless on a large metal table with multiple cables connected to different parts of his body. After a few moments, Ultron's eyes suddenly begin to glow a bright red as Ultron begins to reactivate. Once fully activated, Ultron begins to rise up from the table and begins tears the cables off. Just as Ultron tears of the last of the cables, he precedes to fly through the bunkers entrance and begins to fly in the direction of Stark tower at full speed.
"I know, " Tony said and he smiled to himself. "Who doesn't?" He muttered, knowing that Pepper would give him some serious guff if he said it out loud.

Cassie however, heard it loud and clear. She just rolled her eyes, but inside she was laughing like a hyena.
"No no I mean something buisnessy.... Hey isn't you and peppers celebrity couple name 'pepperoni'? That is super clever."

He looked out of a passing window.

"Umm.... Is that a missile?"
Cyrus looked outside, "No that's not a missile, Missiles don't have what seems to be a humanoid body." He squinted to see if he could get a closer look, "Can't tell what it is exactly but it doesn't look friendly...."
Tony smiled. "They're still doing that?" He asked.

Cassie stopped and looked out the window. "Uh... Dad?" She said. "Remember how you said that you had a state-of-the-art security system and never to use it unless it was an emergency?" She tapped her dad on the shoulder. "Well, I think this qualifies as an emergency..."

Tony turned and looked out the window? "That's not mine...." He realized something, and then He said something that no respectable hero would say (which was several cuss words all strung together) making Cassie grimace. "Cassie, take your gang and go down to the bunker. You know where it is. Take your suit with you."

"But Dad, what about you?" Cassie asked.

"Hey, I caught a projectile once before, right?" He took off her mask and ruffled her hair. "I'm pretty sure I can do it again."

Cassie reluctantly went to the elevator. "Silver Streak, would you mind taking the stairs? There' said weight limit on this thing and I'm pushing it already with this suit and everyone else..."
"Alright. You guys be careful."

He zipped away down the stairs, getting to the bottom in a few seconds. He sat there to catch his breath as he waited for the rest of them.
Upon nearing Stark tower, Utron rams himself through one of the windows in front of the heroes and begins to scan each of the heroes.
Cyrus moved up towards the front of the elevator, "You might wan't to get this thing started." He said as his body morphed into a giant wall to prepare for any attack
Cassie began pushing different buttons.

"Identification please," said a cool female voice.

"Cassie Stark, with company," Cassie said.

"Accepted. Hang on!"

Suddenly the elevator began to move downwards, faster than a normal elevator, but not as fast as the Tower of Terror in Disneyland, California.

Tony couldn't believe his eyes. "No. It's not possible." He looked this new robot up and down. "My god." Ultron.
When it arrived, he walked up to Cassie.

"What's going on up there? If that's not your dads who's is it? And why can't we help?"
Upon spotting Tony Stark, Ultron focuses all of his attention on him and begins to speak." Did you truly believe that you saw the last of me, Iron Man. Nothing can permenantly stop Ultron. "
Cyrus turned back into humanoid form, "You ask way to many questions for someone who is fast enough to check for themselves." He sighed and pondered for a moment, "Quite the situation we're in right now."
Reaper said:
When it arrived, he walked up to Cassie.
"What's going on up there? If that's not your dads who's is it? And why can't we help?"
"I don't know what it is, or what's going on, I just know that it's not Dad's, and it doesn't look friendly."

Tony glared. "That," he said, "Is why I'm here. Why We're here." He reached behind him and pushed a button, making an alarm sound and a big A light up on the wall behind him. At the bottom it said "Avengers, Assemble." This signal spread to all of the older Avengers. Every one of them should be getting the message by now.

((BTW!!!! You can also RP as your parents like I've been doing....)
He zipped away and returned in a few seconds.

"Ultron. Yep. Situation."

He sat down.

"Whelp. I've lived a good life. Tell my father and aunt I loved them."
Cassie walked over and smacked him across the face. "No one is going to die!" She said. "I will not let that happen." She looked sternly at Silver Streak. "If you try to tell me that you are going to die one more time, I will personally make sure that you do."
Upon hearing the alarm, Ultron raises his right hand and begins to fire his energy weapon." Do you truly believe that you and the other avengers can beat me, Stark? While I was gone, I have implemented certain upgrades to my weapons and armor ."
Tony dodged expertly and summoned his suit. It came to him with metallic buzzes and clicks as it put itself together on him. "Well, we beat you once, didn't we?" He said. "What's to say we can't do it again?"
"Every time ultron comes back, he gets stronger. This time he has been gone for years. I don't think you understand the gravity of this situation."
Cassie glared at Silver Streak. "I understand it completely, but if you think I'm just going to roll over to Ultron, or anyone for that matter, you have another Think coming." She stood tall. "I don't submit to anyone. Not him, not you, not anyone ever."
Seeing that Tony Stark was in his suit, Ultron activates his thrusters and launches himself at Iron Man and begins to deliver a fury of attacks at Iron Man.
Tony continues to attack back, Dodging the punches and blows that Ultron was dishing out. He turned on his communicator. "Cassie?"

Cassie looked surprised as she pressed the side of her glasses to talk back. "Yeah Dad?"

"If the others don't come right on time, I need you as a backup." His suit was radio-blocking. Not even Ultron could hear it.

Cassie nodded, forgetting that he was on a comm link.

"Did you hear me?"

"Oh! Yeah, I heard you dad."

"HEY!" Cassie heard her dad shout. "Dammit, you've broken the TV! Do you know how much that cost?!?!"

Despite the situation, Cassie giggled a little.
Fenrir looked up at Tony and Ultron fighting from the rooftop, smiling. "It seems someone else doesn't like the Avengers. The odds are too fair. It's been a while since I got to play with someone..." The red-head grinned, waiting for Tony before using one of his telepathic arms tot throw a brick at Tony very hard, laughing loudly. "I need more ammunition." Fenrir laughed, looking for more heavy things to throw.
Tony managed to duck under the brick at Friday's warning, and glared at the roof above him. "Not Cool!" He called. He called Cassie on his comm.

"Yeah dad?"

"There's something, or someone, up on the roof. I need you to go check it out."

"Do I need to bring anything?"


Cassie said thank you, told everyone to stay here with a meaningful stare at Silver Streak and flew up the stairs and out of the door. "Boosters." Her boots and gloves glowed with a blue light as she rocketed into the air and to the top. She landed behind the red haired boy and grinned as she charged up her Freon Beam.

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