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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

Seeing that the son of Captain America arrived and was blocking his energy beams with his shield, Ultron activates his thrusters and begins to fly towards Conner. Once Ultron got close enough he deactivates his thrusters and begins to pound on Conner's shield repeatable with his fists.
Jin stared closely at the two new threats, he stared at Ultron and Fenrir trying to find a way to help with both. He quickly opened his fans and chose to go after Ultron, the other one didn't seem as dangerous. While Ultron seemed occupied with the shield, Jin spun around and managed to create a large whirlwind before sending the mass of wind to Ultron to knock him away from the boy with the shield.
As it turned out Stephen had not missed where her portal was mentioned to go and she was on the rainbow bridge. Next time she would burn that man to a cinder though this was s good thin in itself the fight had hurt and she could not heal in a fight but she pulled out a small vial and drank the contents. It held a powerful but not complete healing serum enough for her to get back into the fight. A few gestures to restore her wards now able deflect those hands for at least one blow and she was ready. Another quick circle and she was back.

"Run if you like but you will not escape me " she said summoning forth s small swarm of tiny insects to look though the tower while she peeped a spell for when they found him
Fenrir quickly exited the tower and was now drinking coffee in the street. "Foolish girl, thinking she can defeat me!" He boasted, laughing. "She probably wants revenge, and I'm good for another round." He said out loud, his burns already healed nicely.
Being thrown back by the whirlwind, Ultron activates his thrusters and begins to fire both of his energy beams at Jin.
" Ok let's play" step said appearing nearly 40 feet above the boy. With a gesture she called forth a large icicle then another and another before long there were nearly 50 each one as hard as metal and with more pricing power she would sewer him. With a wave she sent all but 10 at him flying as fast as a bullet while she moved the other 10 to attack from behind.
Ultron's pummels had been relentless, but Conner had blocked every single one with his shield, eventually forced down to one knee he was surprised to find they'd stopped, and a gust of wind had nearly knocked him off balance. He looked up over the shield in time to see Ultron fly by heading straight for the newcomer. It was then that he noticed the second fight going on. What is going on? Without time to answer his own thought he somersaulted forwards putting as much force as possible into throwing his shield after Ultron. It wouldn't catch up to the bot immediately, but with time.
Cassie sighed in relief. "Connor." She sent a few well-aimed blasts at the sheild and sped it up without changing its course. She ran over to him and smiled. "Are you ever a sight for sore eyes." She had several gashes on her cheeks, and one long one right above her eyebrow.
Fenrir quickly dodged the icicles she dropped on him, before flicking back the icicles she sent at him at her instead. He quickly got up to her height using his vectors to scale a skyscraper. one of his Vectors quickly cuts her Achilles Tendon on her right foot, causing lots of bleeding. "Try to walk after that, bitch." Fenrir laughed as she suffered.
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Jin watched the lasers carefully and quickly high-jumped over them in order to avoid them. The moment he landed, he drew his fans once more and threw it at Ultron. The fan soon became engulfed in a furry of wind and was traveling at extremely high speeds with its metal ends flying directly towards Ultron.
Upon seeing that Jin threw one his fans at him, Ulton quickly moves out of the way just before the fan hit him.
The Potion still in her system actually stopped the bleeding and Stephen smiled "got you" she said recreating her fire spell over the boy to burn him again as she moved up and away to let him burn the flames would not kill or consume flesh just hurt him till he passed out. Still with the damage steps wards kicked in this boy could cut magic but she could become intangible and therefore uncut able or at least she expected so.
"The same trick won't work twice." Fenrir quickly smashed a fire hydrant, extinguishing the flames, he then resumes cutting Steph up with his vectors.
The vectors simply sailed though steps form but this would not last long, but she knew the weakness now length these hands were shorter than 40 feet so she would play this as a very long distance game. Steph quickly teleported back to the top of stark tower just as the intagablitly wore off. For there she could easily monitor her foe who she hoped would simply thought she had run away as it was a bit hard to stop a single person on the top of stark tower without being above it, but this guy was full of surprises. This hopefully meant she would have s bit of time for a more powerful spell before being found.

@GimmickPuppet there we had people me on top of it before so she can breathe
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Conner gave a glance over Cassie's face noting the injuries. He gave her a soft smile, "Well your eyes do look sore." he teased as he turned back he watched Ultron dodge, and his shield collided with the fan. It ricocheted off the fan, arching upwards, and Conner dove away from Cassie in order to catch it. He looked back at her afterwards, "Anything in that big brain of yours that can help us against him?"
Finn glared over at Dimitri. "Well you can't judge the kid without even knowing him." He muttered. At the comment about his bigger greener side Finn snorted and elbowed him. And shortly after that things began to fall apart. Not only was Ultron here but Fenrir was also trying out for a nice piece of planet Earth. Finn almost rolled his eyes towards the duo of mass evil. "When I get mad I have to go to anger therapy but when they get mad they get to destroy cities? Not fair." He mumbled under his breath. He waited for the right moment to jump in. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath and when they opened they were a piercing lime green, the transformation swept over him like a wave and shortly he was the Smasher.
"Well..." Cassie said, "he over analyzes everything, I've noticed it. He takes a pause, even if for a split second, but it should be enough for Friday to get a read on him."

"Miss, you flatter me too much," Friday said.

Cassie looked back at her Dad's unconscious body and asked Friday to move him away from the "range of fire," so to speak.

She noticed Finn in his Smasher form and smiled. "Hey big guy!" She said.
After Ultron dodged the fan, he begins to examine the new arrival that resembled the Hulk for a few moments. Once Ultron finished is examination he raises both of his hands and begins to fire his energy beam at Smasher.
Jin watched Ultron very carefully and lowered his fans to the ground and quickly lifted them up, creating a large whirlwind in order to pick Ultron off up of the ground. He then continued this movement in order to give someone a opening to attack him.
"In other words keep him analyzing? Got it." His voice wasn't the most confident but he trusted Cassie's intuition. While Ultron was trapped in the vortex of wind Conner spun himself twice before releasing his shield at Ultron, then immediately dashed forwards following after it.
He snorted and shot a lopsided grin back before being smashed into with an energy beam. He growled and turned to face Ultron, stumbling backwards from the sheer force. He shook his head before leaping forward. With a roar he brought his fists up and as momentum dragged him down he forced his fists down also.
Seeing that Smasher was leaping towards him, Ultron sets his thruster to full speed and begins to fly towards him while firing a constant beam of energy from both of his hands.
Phoenix was walking down the streets of the city, with his claws sheathed on his back. He saw people running away, and a massive commotion ahead of him. "What the hell is going on? Who is it this time?" he thought to himself as he readies his claws and sprints to the source of the sounds, and to his surprise, finding multiple heroes Fighting ultron. "Great! now how are we gonna kill that?!" he thought as he charged towards the bot.
While the Smaher's hind was thick, it isn't impenetrable, and soon his strong beams were starting to burn into his chest. He noticed that Ultron was still coming straight at him but he wasn't detered from his path, continuing forwards in the hope of smashing Ultron to bits.

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