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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

Upon the tower Steph had started several spells when her target had left and given hit power she was surprised that a shield to the gut next time. Well now at least she could move to one would most likely couldn't just cut mystic binding and she had a few ideas for ways to finally hurt this person. What they needed below was something to hold the deadly robot still and she had several ways to do so. To make it more effective Steph held the spells back launching several of them at once, she just needed the trigger phrases to finish them.

" The Crimson Bands of Cyttorak ," She said making a large crimson mystic ring appear around Ultron. " The Shackles of Sheol" She said creating magenta bands which warping around ultron's legs and crossed at the chest.
The beams miss, but hit the ground around him which trips him up. As he fell he noticed the spells.

Cyrus's body liquefied where Ultron had struck, "That.....would have hurt. Oh look your close." The Ultron mask liquefied revealing the cannon again, "Oh but this is going too and guess what, its your favorite.. Vibranium" He fired a few point blank rounds at Ultron
Upon seeing the magneta bands warping around him, Ultron activates his thrusters to full power in an attempt to retreat. As Ultron his trying to escape, he notices one of the heroes forming a cannon to fire at him, Ultron fires his Encephalo-beam right at Cryus's head in an attempt to take control of him.
Rosaline nodded in thanks at their aid, although they probably couldn't see it because the flames were so thick. As she watched Ultron struggle against his binds, she raised her hand, letting a big ball of fire form from her fingertips before letting it loose.. "Well metal man." She said, voice morphed. "Can you take this?"
Meanwhile Steph called down the thunder while she doubted the actual lightning would hurt ultron it might help the others. With a gesture and the key word to bolts of lightning cracked down hitting the metal menace.
Seeing that he was trapped by Steph's magic, Ultron commands Smasher to begin to attack the other heroes.
Connor sighed at being called Cap the second time but let it go. "I'll be fine." he grunted, shifting the weight some and throwing one of the girls arms over his shoulder to make it easier. Hearing Aedan mention the serum and the guy assuming Connor had use of it wasn't helping, he was already injured and this guy was just hammering the nails into him. Connor didn't have any of that Super Soldier juice, it hadn't been passed along and Connor was constantly reminded of that. He wasn't the strongest guy but if Cassie could wear the freakin suit he could atleast carry half of it, even injured.
Steph had to wonder the metal monster's hide was tough, nothing it seemed could pierce it, but metal could be melted with enough heat, and she knew a spell that would take the heat of the start of a solar system multiply it seven fold, That would be perfect against a metal creature such as what they faced. The chat took a little few lines but far more gestures and Steph had to float to the side of the building to actually get a straight shot at Ultron. Then she unleashed it The Seven Suns of Cinnibus, a mystic beam as hot as seven suns.
Quicksilver sprinted around the sun spell, causing a vortex to keep it contained to Ultrons general area.
Seeing Ultron in trouble, Smasher slid to a halt and turned to find the source. He found the source of the power surging towards Ultron and with a roar he lunged himself Steph's way. He had fury in his eyes as he barreled his way through whatever was in his path.
Upon seeing that Steph's spell was slowly melting his armor, Ultron commands Smasher to attack Steph so that he can be released from the spell.
Cyrus was a tad bit relived, "Good thing he was aiming for my head, I had to move my brain to make room for the cannon." He sighed while his face was reconstructed, looking up to the left he saw a green blur trying to attack the mage, "Oh no you don't" He morphed his shoulders into wings and as fast as he could modified his molecules to allow him to fly. He crashed into smasher modifying his molecules to absorb particles around him and add weight, "I am totally going to feel the side effects of spamming my abilities later."
With smasher running towards the fight, dimitri ran ahead to join as well.

"Mister stark, do you still have the hulkbuster?"
Steph had to stop the spell short, as she didn't know if the hulk looking person down below could take the beam . though he seemed to be doing a good job. Still she had seen him help before so she knew it must be mind control and that was something she knew a lot about and something she could actually fight. But she needed to actually go down.

The hulkling seemed to be coming for her now but it saved her time now she didn't need to go down and she could just focus on her spell which would be amplified by the eye " Eye of Agamotto open reveal the light of truth and release the hulklings minds from its shackles" She said
Seeing that Steph's spell stopped, Ultron activates his thrusters and attempts to retreat so that he can repair his armor.
Aedan aided Connor in carrying Cassie towards the avengers Tower, whatever had been going on behind them. It was loud, almost deathening. Honestly, he was glad to be leaving the scene behind. "Alright... What now... Uh," Aedan pondered over what to call Connor, since he didn't know that was his name, and he appeared to disaprove of being called Cap.
Smasher felt the weight of the human drag him down but he continued smashing his way forward. Soon another spell smashed into him. He turned his head away from the spell but Finn struggled to keep his head forward. Note to self. Eye goggles. He thought to himself. The forces of the two spells collided and he felt himself change back and collapse.

((He's gonna pass out because I won't be on for a couple of hours. But feel free to god mod him as needed as long as you don't kill him lol))
Dimitri ran underneath Finn to catch him, but he ended up falling harder than he expected, and they both collapsed down.
With the hulkling dealt with Steph once more turned to ultron who was trying to run. " Chains of Krakkan" she said summoning forth blue binding chains which would tighten around the fleeing robot.
Connor had to stop himself from chuckling at the look Aedan was giving him, he knew if he did it would hurt. "They've been calling me Wonderboy. Don't watch the news much huh?" Once inside Connor moved to the nearest counter with a huff, it was taking more out of him than he'd thought. He looked at where the elevator was but remembered hearing Cyrus say he'd actually eaten it and sighed. Glancing up, "Jarvis? Friday? Could one of you maybe help us out here?" He called out.
"Yea that's right ultron!"

Dimitri yelled as he plopped Finn off of him.

"You better run!"

Dimitri then picked up Finn and brought him to the tower
"Absolutely, Mr. Rogers," Friday said. "To your left." She opened up a door to the service elevator. "Silver Streak," she said to Dimitri, "the service elevator is open for you. To your left."
"Ah, yes... The news is a thing..." Aedan glanced up and already noticed the hundreds of media helicopters filming the carnage happening below. "...Unfortunately."

Aedan walked over to the counter where 'Wonderboy' had placed Iron Girl, likely waiting for the Stark's A.I to work something up and make a new elevator materialize... Or something like that. "The noise has died down outside... Seems like the fight is over, hopefully at least." Aedan couldn't help but feel slightly upset at the fact he hadn't had opportunity to fight, the other new heroes proved themselves to be capable fighters. He did nothing of note really, anyone could have carried Iron Girl to safety with the help of another strong person.
"Thank you Friday!" Dimitri piled in with Finn and Pietro. After a few moments dimitri hummed along to the music, before his father elbowed him to stop.

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