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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

You could almost hear the AI smile. "You're welcome sir," she said. "Mr. Rogers, there is another Elevator to your right," Friday said, opening another door.

Cassie groaned softly.


[QUOTE="Archangel Galdrael]"Ah, yes... The news is a thing..." Aedan glanced up and already noticed the hundreds of media helicopters filming the carnage happening below. "...Unfortunately."
Aedan walked over to the counter where 'Wonderboy' had placed Iron Girl, likely waiting for the Stark's A.I to work something up and make a new elevator materialize... Or something like that. "The noise has died down outside... Seems like the fight is over, hopefully at least." Aedan couldn't help but feel slightly upset at the fact he hadn't had opportunity to fight, the other new heroes proved themselves to be capable fighters. He did nothing of note really, anyone could have carried Iron Girl to safety with the help of another strong person.

((Yeah, but not just anybody would.)
sitanomoto said:
You could almost hear the AI smile. "You're welcome sir," she said. "Mr. Rogers, there is another Elevator to your right," Friday said, opening another door.
Cassie groaned softly.


((Yeah, but not just anybody would.)
((Obviously, but this is simply self doubt on Aedan's part))
((I know. I was just pointing it out and being Cassie's voice-without-a-voice))


Reaper said:
(hehe mister Rodgers. Will you be my neighbor ?)
((Omg lol didn't even see that one.....(o'v'o)))
Steph didn't exactly want to be seen and well she was hurt, it was only though the potion, and her training that she had been able to go on so long, she would really need to thank her father for that wall training in Tibet, it was not weeks wasted moving a wall after all. The closest place to go was into the Tower so using one more teleport Step moved into the top floor. She couldn't walk anymore, or rather right now thanks to that boy, but she knew healing magic though no one them could be used before as they were not spells that could be cast during a fight. Steph remained floating focusing her eyes closed the eye of Agamotto open and bathing her in light making her spells more effective.
"Sounds like it. There'll be a mess to clean up." Connor listened to the AI and looked at the elevator. "Thanks Friday." Connor called out before he and Aedan helped Cassie off the counter once again. Hearing her groan as they entered the elevator was a good sign, "You still with us?" He asked, checking to see if she was coherent or not. His right side keeping her upright while his left leaned against the side of the elevator for extra support.
Becoming annoyed by Stepb's magic, Ultron fires both of his energy beam weappons at he in an attempt to break free.
When he reached the top, he placed Finn on a couch and sat next to him. Pietro placed a hand on his shoulder. And began speaking to him in Russian.

"You did well, son. Who knows how many people you saved by distracting your friend."
Steph barely managed to not get fully hit by the blasts, but it was enough or rather the restraints ran out of time letting ultron go completely , though thankfully Steph had healed her tendon so she wasn't on the floors in pain thanks to standing after that attack.
Realizing that he was freed from the magic, Ultron sets his thrusters to full power and begins to quickly fly away from the heroes so that he can find a place to repair himself.
Connor smiled, "There's my girl." The elevator dinged and opened, then they stepped out. Spotting Finn on the couch he and Aedan set Cassie down there as well. After all was said and done Connor moved to the nearby chair before collapsing into it with a flinch. Everything was catching up and he'd stopped his mantra and all he wanted was to rest. He did glance at Aedan, realizing he didn't know a thing about him, "Thanks for helping. I'd have kept fighting had you not called my attention back to her, you probably saved both of us." Connor gave him a weak smile. "And I don't even know your name."
Jesus. This robot is near invincible. Rosaline thought to herself, gritting her teeth as watched the Avengers fire various attacks. She attempted to prevent the robot from fleeing by creating a tornado, but was afraid of hitting someone and hesitated. She instead made one last effort to stop it, flying upwards. The robot was persistent however, forcing her to dodge the attacks and thus allowing him to make his get a way. She considered following him but quickly dismissed the idea upon feeling the slight ache in her wings from a stray laser. She wasn't sure how long she would be able to stay airborne.

She let some of the fire shielding her person fade. Rosaline glanced around, debating whether to walk away or stay.
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Cassie laid back with a groan-ish sigh, feeling the softness of the couch. "If anyone touches me right now right after I got comfortable, I will freon them in the face," she mumbled in the same, tired and punch-drunk way without opening her eyes. "I mean it."

Tony flew in through the broken window of the lab, told Friday to take off his armor, and with his armor off and a fresh shirt on, he walked upstairs and to the bar. "Pietro, want a drink?" He said, pulling something off of a shelf and pouring himself some. "I'd offer some to you kids, but you're too young for that." It was as if he hadn't ever been tackled through the window. He smiled at his daughter's words.
"Sure thing my friend. You can have your gauntlet back as well." He showed his hand and chuckled, approaching Tony.
Aedan smiled at Connor, grateful for the comppliment. "T-thanks... It was the least I could do... I'm Aedan." He held his hand out to Captain America. His actions today gave him that title, regardless of his father. "Whilst I appreciate your respect to your father, in my eyes, you're Captain America. You should embrace the colours you wear, and continue in your fathers names... After all... He is too old for combat now... Not everyone gets a automatic battle suit that does all the work." He glanced briefly at Tony, wondering if he heard the remark.


[QUOTE="Aura Of Twilight](Err...what should I do with Rosaline? She's just standing there...)

(Bring her into the Avengers tower!)
"Heh. My father would have taken the hits and kept going. I'm nothing like him, but thanks all the same, I guess. Nice to meet you Aedan." Connor reached out and shook the offered hand, wincing slightly as he withdrew it placing it on his ribs. "I do wish I had his healing though, this hurts like hell." Reaching up he unbuckled his helmet, sliding it off with one hand letting his damp blond hair out into the open air, identity be damned. Wasn't much of a secret these days anyhow, "You can call me Connor if you'd like."
Rosaline sighed, realizing that most of the Avengers had entered the tower, presumably to rest and heal. While she wanted to walk away, a part of her just wanted to, well, talk to people who were sort of like her. It was an old ache. For so long she had been around normal human beings, but it had been quite some time since she talked to other individuals like her. She was curious about these so called Avengers, curious about the metal robot as well. What did she have to lose?

Although reluctant to show her true form, Rosealine reverted, wincing slightly as she felt a nasty wound on her shoulderblade, at the area of muscles where her wings connected when she was transformed. She resisted the urge to gag at the smell of burning flesh. I should be used to this now. She thought, making her way inside the tower. She wondered if they would be able to tell who she was. Probably not. To them, she would probably appear like the typical teenager minus her wound.

No one seemed to around. Where are they?
Aedan smiled at Connor, he seemed to share many ideals with Aedan, he was what a hero should be... Not like Smasher. Who was nothing but a loose cannon. "Alright Connor, it's good to meet you." However, Aedan's attention was taken by one of the nearby security cameras, were a teenage girl was standing around, seemingly bewildered. Aedan raised an eyebrow, "Is that the girl who took out Ultron as a meteor or something? The flamester?" Surely she realized that a tower had more than one floor... Ah, but the elevator was taken out by that morpher. "Sooo... Aedan looked at Tony and Cassie, then back at Connor. "I don't want to talk to the A.I... Or either of the Starks... They look, mad. But could you tell Jarvis? Or Friday? To let the other hero up?"
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Pietro looked at Dimitri. "Don't-"

Dimitri darted out of the room. Pietro looked at the monitor and saw him on the ground floor with the newcomer.

"Hey! Welcome to stark tower! What's that smell?" Dimitri asked the girl.
Tony smiled and took the gauntlet back. "Help yourself," he said, sliding a glass towards Pietro. He turned to Aedan and winked. "Ah, I'm not mad. I've heard it before," he said. He looked at Connor. "From your father, actually." He strutted into the middle of the room and quoted Captain America. "Big man in a suit of armor. Take that off and what are you?" He mimicked. He winked at Connor. "No offense, kid."

(Walk her into the tower!)
sitanomoto said:
Tony smiled and took the gauntlet back. "Help yourself," he said, sliding a glass towards Pietro. He turned to Aedan and winked. "Ah, I'm not mad. I've heard it before," he said. He looked at Connor. "From your father, actually." He strutted into the middle of the room and quoted Captain America. "Big man in a suit of armor. Take that off and what are you?" He mimicked. He winked at Connor. "No offense, kid."
(Walk her into the tower!)
((By the way... Venhino is finished. xD ))
Pietro put his head in his hand.

"Did he just say 'welcome to stark towers, what's that smell?' I worry about him sometimes."

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