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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

"Yea well I do my best-!" Dimitri said, trailing off as he realized aedan was speaking to Rosaline
Cassie was breathing evenly, steadily. She was asleep until the elevator 0pened, then her eyes shot open and her hand came up automatically.

"Dimitri!" Tony said, smiling. "Who's your friend?"

Seeing that it was only Dimitri and a new girl she smiled sheepishly. "Sorry.... I'm a little jumpy," she said tiredly as She put her head back on the arm of the couch and fell back asleep.

Tony raised an eyebrow at Aedan but said nothing.

((Everyone's in Tony's livingroom))


Reaper said:
"Yea well I do my best-!" Dimitri said, trailing off as he realized aedan was speaking to Rosaline
((You're soo vain....

You prob'ly think this song is about you....))
"This is Rosaline! The fire bird!"

Dimitri said.

"Aren't those just called pheonix?"

His father asked.
[QUOTE="Steel Zinogre](Where is everyone then? so i can edit that.)

((Which is up on the top floor)

Tony laughed a little as he took a long drink, looking humorously at Pietro.
Phoenix walks into the room where everyone was going into. He was really nervous, since he was never in a room with this many people. "Hello....." He said in his raspy voice, trying to introduce himself, and make his presence known.
Aedan walked past the hero he was unfamiliar with and stepped into the elevator, preparing to go down. He shrugged at Tony, considering his compliments to Rosaline were true, and she did likely save the avengers with her timely appearance.
Tony smiled at the boy. "Come and join the party!" He said. "I have strangers in my livingroom anyway, so what's a few more?"
"A...... Alriiiiiiight." he said, as he walked in, feeling less nervous. "I am...... Phoenix Brooksssssss, Sssssssson Of Blade the Daywalker." he said, feeling very uncomfortable with his defective voice. @sitanomoto
"Nice to meet you Phoenix! I'm dimitri! Also known as silver streak."

"My name is pietro." He raised his glass. "Charmed."
[QUOTE="Archangel Galdrael]Aedan remained beside the elevator fidgeting slightly, but it suddenly opened revealing Speedster Mark 2 and the Flamester. "Oh, hey, good work taking out Ultron. Both of you..." Aedan didn't look them in the eyes, instead he simply stepped into the elevator she had just stepped out of... "You probably saved most people in here with that move, Ultron was ready to eliminate Iron Girl and uh... Wonderboy..." He said, making it clear he was talking to the girl.

Rosaline shrugged, a slight smile on her face. "I just happened to be in the neighborhood is all." She wondered why he wasn't meeting their eyes, but didn't press the issue. He looked like he wanted out of there fast. "You weren't half bad yourself."

She blushed slightly as Dimitri introduced her. "Uh...nice to meet you all."

It was at that moment that another person entered the room. He wore a long coat, with short white hair peaking out beneath his hood. His voice remined her of a snake. He seemed nervous. She nodded a welcoming in his direction before walking further into the room.
"Sssssssilverstreak, eh?" he said as he took out his claws, and took out a stone as he sat down and leaned on a wall. "Thessssse claws are a heirloom from my mother's family....... And I cannot have a dull blade in battel." he said as he looked at rosaline, and his heart skipped a beat, since she was the first girl he has seen ever since he was 3. @Reaper @sitanomoto @Aura Of Twilight
Connor was sure to give a wave of greeting to both newcomers as they entered. "Yeah the um, fire thing you did? That was helpful, assuming Dimitri's assumption that it was you is right, which isn't often. You got Ultron out of there when I was in a bind. I'm Connor, Wonderboy, Cap, Captain America, Captain America Mk II, or Cap Jr. whatever you like." Connor shrugged jokingly. He watched as Aedan stepped into the elevator, "Leaving?"

(I couldn't not do that. <3)
Pietro looked at his son

"No one ever calls you silver streak except you."

"Daaaad." He put his finger to his lips.
Finn heard everybody talking but kept his eyes tightly screwed shut. He had the world's worst case of headache and self loathing. Everybody seemed pretty happy and chatty but he couldn't bring himself to join in the merriment. Would the Hulk be so easily brought down? He thought to how his father would have reacted had he been in New York at the time.

There was no way Ultron would have so easily gotten into him. Finn mentally punched himself for being so weak against Ultron before shutting the thoughts out and simply lying there.
Rosaline resisted the urge to fidget, not used to all the praise. "It was nothing." She said calmly, looking in the direction of the boy who had waved in their direction. He wore the Captain America suit proudly, a familiar looking shield resting against his legs. She started to scratch her head, but stopped when the action caused her wound to act up. She grit her teeth.
"I'm gonna go clean up a little, excuse me." Connor said slowly rising out of the chair, making his way across the room entering the large hallway he exited into the closest bathroom. He rested his hands against the sink as he looked himself over in the mirror, mostly just dirt and sweat other than the cut on his lip from where Ultron had gotten a hit in. Easing off the upper part of his suit so he could use his hands he dipped them into the water and brought it to his face before grabbing a towel to rub it off. While inspecting his face in the mirror he noticed an oddity on his side, turning he frowned at what he could tell was going to be one hell of a bruise. That red-haired guy had really worked him over, he realized. Connor poked gently at the spot that was only slightly discolored but would probably go a nice shade of purple in time.
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Cassie slowly opened her eyes and looked at all of the people in her dad's livingroom. She heard what Quicksilver said to his son and raised her hand. "I call him that," she said tiredly, showing support for her friend.

Tony looked at Cassie. "How are you feeling, Cass?" He asked.

"I have one hell of a headache and my face is bruised, but other than that I'm just fine."
"Thank you Cassie. You see dad?? She calls me that."

"Ehh. It is because it doesn't flow so well. Quicksilver is catchy. Silver streak.. Ehh not so much."

"Okay how about I'm quicksilver now and you're quickgold."

"No... Just no."

Dimitri folded his arms.

"What is a better name involving a shiny greyish hue and super speed? Anyone?"

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