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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

Jack saw the symbiotes coming as he ran towards them. "Oh looks like the chef is giving out free samples" he exclaimed as he jumped up in the air and cut down several symbiotes that were climbing the tower. "Looks like your boss is heading up there, with any luck he'll run into Ivory by chance" he stated as he cut off the head of one of the symbiotes.
Cassie heard the explosions throughout the city and felt the building shake again, then saw Jack rocket past the window. "Oh for the love of...." She looked at Thor's girl, then at everyone else. "You guys got a suit? If so, suit up." Cass ran up to her room, then ran out with her suit on. She heard Connor's warning and her eyes widened. "DAD!" She had no idea where he was.

Tony, currently, was in his secret lab, asleep on his latest project.

@The Regal Rper[/URL] @LokiofSP @Reaper @sitanomoto


The Null once more shocked Alex, "Permission, to speak. Denied!" It answered once more. Not caring about what he was saying. As it once again took a stance to guard him.



Aedan frantically ran down the street, not paying attention to where, it seemed his goal was to run from the symbiotes and the satellite, like a coward. Whilst killing those he came across, like a hero. Of course, as confused as he was, he paid no attention to his surroundings, and was looking behind himself whilst running, before he ran into something clearly hard, and metallic, the fact that he was running at the speed of a car by accelerating his momentum didn't help... Thank God for superhuman durability... "Ow... My head..." He mumbled, before looking up, and going wide eyed.

"Hey Cass! Wait up!" Perry shouted and he chased after her. If he was going outside to fight symbiotes, he'd better do it with others.
Pyosimros said:
John was outside and it was more frantic then he thought. There was a guy who ran passed him, probably a civilian trying to run away from the chaos. John can't blame him. As he was examining the battlefield he heard his phone ring. "Hello?" it was Dimitri, his cousin. Most times he didn't enjoy his company though right now he would love him to help. @Reaper
(It's actually Pietro) "Stark tower. Penthouse. ASAP." Dial tone. He hung up and put it away before running down to the bottom floor.

Aedan slowly stood up, the previous engagment left his mind as he was pulled to the present, where the city was being torn to pieces. "I reached the satellite... before it was overrun by the symbiotes... Now I guess you could say I'm running from the sight... It's a death trap..." Aedan whispered, clearly shaken by fear, then he turned to Connor, a more surprised glance entering his eyes. "But... What'r you doing here?" He asked, not noticing anybody with him. Which was strange enough.


Massacre smashed through a Stark tower window, before letting out a huge animistic growl, to get all its residents attention. "AVENGERS! YOU'RE SALVATION, HAS NOW COME!" The hulking symbiote and its small army began rampaging through the tower, as Massacre began a rampant search for the heroes.
(Lol when Jack rocket passed that was hilarious @sitanomoto )

As Jack withheld most of the symbiotes that were trying to follow their leader he had noticed that some of them had civilians and soldiers trapped in them. "Wow... luckily I don't think I killed anyone" he said looking at some of the symbiotes he cut down but now started to reform. "Good news those didn't have people in them. Bad news looks like I'll be in the kitchen a bit longer" he said going back to cutting them down.
Alexander Barnes

Alex fell down, looking down. He breathed heavily, putting his arms at his back, trying to calm down his breathing, as his wounds from the shrapnel were still inside him. He was started to feel dizzy, as his head was feeling heavier and heavier. Alex stood up straight, closing his eyes.


A couple of weird looking soldiers started arriving in the city. A couple of transport vehicles, having a hydra sign on their hood, arrive at the General's headquarters, opening fire. Some frantically yell "Hail HYDRA!" After firing their weapons. Some get fire a rocket launcher at the last floor of the tower, others take care of the soldiers outside, quickly storming the building.

Outside the safe room, some footsteps were heard. Outside, two hydra members plant C4 on the door, as 6 others stay in position to enter, one with a rocket launcher, another one with an arc reactor whiplash, similar to the villan whiplash.
Marko flew out from the tower. He could help. He charged his hands with electron energy and started to blast the symbiotes he saw. The ones in the tower were a big threat. He zooms back in and fires away at the symbiotes

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'What in midgaurd...?!' Hel thought to herself, staring wide eyed at the thing that was in front of her. She pulled her dagger, and prepared a ball of Magic energy in the other hand as she realized she'd be forced to fight
John looked up at Stark tower. It was being invaded, so he had to go quickly. "I'm coming, don't do anything-" the phone hung up after. Don't do anything stupid uncle... he finished his sentence mentally. He whispered a few incantations and he was teleported into the penthouse of Stark tower. Though he might not be welcome there.

Perry heard crashing from downstairs, and screaming. "Alright, I'm going on my own. Wish me luck!" he entered stealth mode and he went to the ground floor. There were still people there. Workers, interns, visitors. He needed to get them out before entering the boss battle. Perry swung over and picked up two of the civilians. Though the symbiotes would soon enough find it strange how there were workers floating in mid-air.
The Regal Rper]Using the side of the tower to slow his fall as he dived from Stark Tower's roof Jack landed roughly on the balcony and rolled in with his shoulder now healed but his left arm broken which had now begun to heal itself. "Alright I'm sure everyone knows what's going on out there" he stated. "If so let's get a move on!" he left the others behind with a small grin creasing his lips before running towards the balcony and jumping off it. As he fell towards the streets Jack made sure to look up towards the roof to see where Ivory had went. [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/16829-lokiofsp/ said:
They jumped down after the boy, refusing to let their prey get away
[QUOTE="Archangel Galdrael]
Aedan slowly stood up, the previous engagment left his mind as he was pulled to the present, where the city was being torn to pieces. "I reached the satellite... before it was overrun by the symbiotes... Now I guess you could say I'm running from the sight... It's a death trap..." Aedan whispered, clearly shaken by fear, then he turned to Connor, a more surprised glance entering his eyes. "But... What'r you doing here?" He asked, not noticing anybody with him. Which was strange enough.


Massacre smashed through a Stark tower window, before letting out a huge animistic growl, to get all its residents attention. "AVENGERS! YOU'RE SALVATION, HAS NOW COME!" The hulking symbiote and its small army began rampaging through the tower, as Massacre began a rampant search for the heroes.


Cassie heard Massacre's yell and stopped. She pressed a button on her Comm. "Friday?" She asked. "Send me my symbiote buster!!!" There was a whirring sound as the components attached themselves to her suit. She stood in the ready position. "You Go , Marko!!" She pressed a button on her suit again and two flamethrowers appeared where her freon beams were supposed to be. "Anyone for Barbecue?"
Marko fires away at the beasts. He sees that each of them move a different way, and that they don't look that stable. Maybe the vibrations of his voice can blow them apart?

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Dimitri ran to meet John as he teleported in. "They're symbiotes. Kill everything gooey. They're weaknesses are fire and sound but sometimes they have people in them so watch out... Also it's good to see you, John." He zipped away.
Aedan was visibly shaken, he'd probably been fighting his way here. Connor was far from calm on the inside, and he guessed the boy could see it. He was afraid for his friends, his parents, and the city. But for now he was determined to do what he could here, get Alex, and get back to help as fast as possible. Between that determination and his training he managed to keep himself together, even if the gruesome scene he'd watched unfold screamed at him not to. "I need to figure out what was so important about this satellite. Cover me?" He didn't double check with Aedan, and went to inspecting it, looking for an opening, access panel, something.

"I can tell your afraid." Connor said with his back to Aedan. "I am to, maybe for different reasons. But everyone's out there fighting, or soon will be. And I...agh!" The blonde hissed as he pulled away his hand, touching a part of the satellite that was still blazing hot. His head shot around to look at Aedan, "They took Alex. Military or not, I'm not going to stand around and let it happen. He's one of us." Connor had to admit the surprise at his own words, he'd only known Alex for a few hours, but they had a history, even if they actually didn't their fathers did.
"Good to see you to, I guess," John muttered the last part of his sentence and he ran down. He'd better not waste his energy on teleporting everywhere and instead he should use it to burn the symbiotes.

Soon some of the symbiotes started to catch on and they started lashing out at the air around Perry. "Hey, it's just floating people, nothing to see here!" he dodged some of them. But there were much, much more. If he were to bring everyone outside it would be suicide for both him and the people he was holding. He threw the people in the air and webbed them onto the roof. Of course he had a lot of scared reactions from this. "It's uncomfortable but stay here for a bit!" he shouted and he started doing to some thing to everyone else.
(@LokiofSP Jack is no longer there he's at the bottom of Stark Tower fighting other symbiotes and there's like a massive battle going on other symbiote I don't think he'll be able to get to Jack until he's fought passed all the symbiotes climbing the tower)

Jack continued to swing away now familiar with the ones that had citizens in them. "I wonder" he said as he cut through a host-less symbiote. Jumping slashing his way towards the one that held a soldier Jack quick slashed into it to the point where he could catch a glimpse of clothing grabbing it he pulled the soldier out of the symbiote and tossed the soldier behind him. "Hey you, you can either run, help me take care of these guys or get taken over again pick one" he stated as the symbiotes swarmed him.

Aedan was about to respond but the blonde had already took off to the satellite, "Connor wa- Agh, damnation..." He mumbled, following Connor to the crash sight... He couldn't leave him here alone... When Connor burnt his hand on the satellite, Aedan was going to ask if he was ok, though that never happened when his next words came tumbling out. Aedan stared, surprised at his fierce attitude. "Alex? There was a man who was intercepted by the military... Trying to reach the wreckage, they took him to the General's HQ in a helicopter... Are they the same person?" Aedan asked curiously, come to think of it... The other guy looked almost like a younger Bucky Barned... And Connor was Captain America... It couldn't have been... Could it?


Roland & co.

The General hears the gunfire, as more of his soldieres began to frantically make ordders, he was stretched out too far... Symbiotes? Now HYDRA? "Hold the building! HOLD IT GOD DAMN IT!" He yelled, lifting his own assault rifle up after the explosion destroyed the floor he was on. The Null's guarding him immediately shielded Roland, and approached the hole, as the General was protected. Before blasting their plasma cannons at the massive HYDRA attack force below, destroying multiple vehicles, as the bullets harmlessly bounced from their electrokinetic shielding.

Elsewhere, the military and symbiotes were fighting to a stalemate, the military was now aware of the threat, and had managed to dig in at key points, preventing the symbiotes from completely overrunning them.


The Null guarding Alex immediately armed up, shielding itself, and charging its plasma cannon. "Intruders, detected. Remain calm, prisoner." The robotic voice ordered, as the Null readied for a conflict.


Massacre & co.

Massacre growled sadistically at Hel, not recognizing her, but the woman's very presence in this building was an answer to her fate already. Massacre rushed forward towards Hel, swinging his huge fist towards her.

Below, the mass onslaught of symbiotes were being held back, though several still managed to break through at times.

@Hel @sitanomoto @Reaper @Pyosimros @The Regal Rper @LokiofSP @CasualDragon

(I demand anyone who fights Massacre, be injured!
xD )
Marko was right. Sound is one of their weaknesses! Marko gets ready to speak (If someone has to stop him there is your chance)

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Ivory paused and glided on the building, they were all still one but he felt a familiar tugging sensation, his eyes widened and he deterred from the hive mind, "Massacre!" Before they could react, he forced the others out of his mental space so he could think, "Jack will have to wait, if Massacre is here then I need to deal with him." He crawled up the building to where he felt the massive Symbiote and thought, "There are people here not ready for a fight, I have to hold Massacre off" he looked at the beast, "Hey pest! Remember me?"
Finn pressed his back to the wall as the symbiotes flooded the room and he only assumed that the rest of the building was full of them as well. He fumbled to put his goggles on and snapped them into place. At the moment he still hadn't been spotted or so it seemed to him anyways. He closed his eyes and felt for that pit of energy he used to transform at will and found it dwindling. He squinted and tried to force Smasher to take over but it almost was if Smasher wasn't in the building. He tried to make himself as small as possible and reached for the closest thing he could use as a weapon, which happened to a chair. While a chair made an inefficient weapon he would make do with what he had.

As he smashed the surrounding symbiotes with his weapon of mass destruction he quickly powered up his comm link. "What on earth is going on right now?" He needed to get out of the building. He felt his anger and adrenalin building up inside and he almost sighed in relief. "How many of these things are there? I swear they're everywhere." He bashed a couple to the side and toppled over when one especially smart symbiote throat punched him. He gasped before staggering back up and shaking his head to clear it. "Cassie, I am so sorry about this. But I'm going to have to 'Smash out' inside your building."
John looked at the new Spider-Man getting everyone onto the roof. Though they need to get out or they'll get skewered. He muttered a few more incantations and an illusion of Thanos appeared. Hopefully confusing the symbiotes and potentially scaring them. He mouthed Perry to get everyone out and he gave a nod and he started doing it.
(AW YEAH! Massacre vs Ivory!)


Jack went back to focusing his attention on the symbiotes no longer waiting for the soldiers response. After shoving one of the symbiotes back he heard a scream from one of the creatures


Picking up the flamethrower that came out with him after being pulled out and hearing Jack's options the soldier began unleashing flames on the symbiotes burning them up. "I have your back sir!" he said burning up multiple symbiotes.

Alexander Barnes

"Oh... my hero." Alex says, still holding his head down. He didn't knew what was happening, but he really hopped it was Connor or one of the Avengers. He didn't have much strength left. He breaths heavily, as blood continued to fall from him and his wounds, forming small ponds of blood. An explosion knocked him back. He kept his eyes shut, grumbling.


The soldiers detonated the C4, exploding the doors. The soldier with the rocket launcher fired it at the robot, while the whiplash one followed the explosion with repeated hits. some two soldiers storm in and take Alex, grabbing him by the hands and dragging him out, and into a vehicle, through the chaos that was outside. The car started to speed up, having to travel the town to get to the drop zone.

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