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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation


The captain was in the command bay and looked at the radar. He said something in russian, and after some soldiers press some buttons, two small kamikaze bombs lock onto the fighter jets, the commander grinning. The plane started to build up speed and lift itself higher into the athmosfere. The soldiers were scrambling all over the place, some of them already preparing the next kamikaze bombs.
[QUOTE="Archangel Galdrael]((OH COME ON! Why isn't Ivory panting in a pool of his own blood? I will not kill off Massacre if everybody is just invincible ;-; ))

(Ivory isn't in a pool of blood because I was hoping Massacare would turn him around mid air and slam him into a car, then that car would explode and we'd see a crippled Ivory struggling to stay alive and keep his freinds safe while broken :P )


[QUOTE="Archangel Galdrael]((OH COME ON! Why isn't Ivory panting in a pool of his own blood? I will not kill off Massacre if everybody is just invincible ;-; ))

(Ivory isn't in a pool of blood because I was hoping Massacare would turn him around mid air and slam him into a car, then that car would explode and we'd see a crippled Ivory struggling to stay alive and keep his freinds safe while broken :P )

Jack is still scaling the tower and is only half way to where the opening is. "Climb the tower I said" he mumbled irritated at how tall the tower was. "It would be easy I said" he continued to mumble as he got closer and closer to the hole made earlier. "As long as I don't get knocked off then I should be fine" he stated .
(ok, /Now/ what is going on? I don't seem to get motifs for this RP anymore ;-; )
[QUOTE="Kalin Scarlet](ok, /Now/ what is going on? I don't seem to get motifs for this RP anymore ;-; )

((Briefly explained, everything has gone to shit. Completely, I'll let one of our chief librarians pick out the books you need to read.))
Kyuma went to the broken window of the tower, and took a glance outside. He just sp happened to see someone scaling it...alright, that was probably the least crazy thing he'd seen today.

"Uh, hey there!" He called out. "Having fun with that?!?"

@The Regal Rper
Marko flies around and blasts at Massacre, trying to weaken the menace. He didn't know if it was a symbiote,so he didn't want to risk using his voice to kill it. He continued to fly around Massacre and blast away

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Aedan accelerated the momentum of the duo, so they were both around the speed of a standard car, "What? Nah, I was fast on the stairs because I REALLY needed air." Aedan insisted, if he could have winked at Connor, he certainly would have. Unfortunatelty, the moment had passed when they finally reasched the HQ... Yet Aedan, for one, was stunned... "This wasn't symbiotes..." He whispered, gazing upon the carnage laying before them, bodies riddled with bullet holes... The door, blown off by an explosion no doubt.



Massacre groaned monstrously at Marko, before wrapping his hand around a large bookcase, and throwing it like a mere frisby, towards the man who had been attacking the symbiote. "Wretched fool!" Just then, Ivory returned, not downed from the assault, and slammed into Massacre, sending him through the window, and spiralling to the ground below, though the symbiote couldn't be sure... It swore the tumbling two had hit a humanoid figure on the way down. Yet in the wrestle with Ivory, and Massacre having the greater strength pulled Ivory around so he would land first. And also covered himself in his familiar webbed shield, before smiling sadistically as the two slammed into a car, Ivory first.

(((@National @LokiofSP @The Regal Rper @Kalin Scarlet

@sitanomoto - we need you now, and you know who for and why!)))


The Null pursuing the ship finally broke off, unable to get a clear entrance, or assault with the various bombers pursuing it, instead it contacted the General, who ordered the robot to remain where it is for now... As he left the building, the other two behind him, the man glared at the two heroes. "So, are you here to try and kill me?" He asked, not concerned if they were.

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[QUOTE="Kalin Scarlet](ok, /Now/ what is going on? I don't seem to get motifs for this RP anymore ;-; )

(Alright so basically what's happening right now is the city is chaos. Ivory and Jack had a small fight but then the General captured Alex after Alex went off to find out where an explosion came from. Connor goes to rescue him shortly after Alex gets captured soon after that Massacre appears and unleashed his symbiotes on the soldiers and some of the remaining civilians got mixed into the battle. Massacre scales Stark Tower with a few of his minions behind him Jack rushes in to the ground level holding the rest of Massacre's army back soon after that Jack saves a soldier and they both fight off Massacre's army. Connor meets Aedan, they both investigate the satellite, then go after to save Alex who was captured by H.Y.D.R.A who came to capture him. RIght now Hydra and the General's armies are duking it out. Massacre and Ivory are battling Cassie is providing Support. FInn just went Smasher and Jack after him and the soldier finish part ways, he's scaling the building and holy crap this was a lot to type)

Jack looked up and stared "Does it look like I'm having fun?" he asked slightly annoyed.
Marko followed Massacre and Ivory and fired a fist at Massacre. He didn't want to use his blasts or voice, since he could hurt Ivory

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Dimitri froze and turned on his comlink. "I have an idea. Chatterbox, there's a panic room in stark tower. It's strong enough to withstand your voice. We need to lure massacre in there alone with you. If you speak with him in there, he doesn't stand a chance." He said as he found the keypad that opens it.

Marko looked at Dimitri and nodded. He flies into the panic room, waiting for Massacre

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((Massacre won't be going into that panic room. The plot has its demands... Massacre is now outside the building on the ground, with Ivory, Jack, and Perry. Plus, something will happen, and then someone will fight Massacre, no panic room cheese kill, or other person killing him...)) @Reaper @National
Dimitri walked into the room as well. "More like ASSacre am I right! Ha! Disney makes better villains than you! Come get me!"


[QUOTE="Archangel Galdrael]((Massacre won't be going into that panic room. The plot has its demands...))

Jack having been slammed all the way back to the ground with one of his swords in the building slowly got up but collapsed since both legs and one of his arms were broken. "Damn it!" he said annoyed but not angry. "I gotta go back up there?" he said looking at the tower and where his sword was. "Hey Ivory since you're the cause of me losing the power in both my legs and left arm then carry me back up there will ya?" he stated with a weak smile. "I need to get my sword".



Massacre groaned monstrously at Marko, before wrapping his hand around a large bookcase, and throwing it like a mere frisby, towards the man who had been attacking the symbiote. "Wretched fool!" Just then, Ivory returned, not downed from the assault, and slammed into Massacre, sending him through the window, and spiralling to the ground below, though the symbiote couldn't be sure... It swore the tumbling two had hit a humanoid figure on the way down. Yet in the wrestle with Ivory, and Massacre having the greater strength pulled Ivory around so he would land first. And also covered himself in his familiar webbed shield, before smiling sadistically as the two slammed into a car, Ivory first.

(((@National @LokiofSP @The Regal Rper @Kalin Scarlet

@sitanomoto - we need you now, and you know who for and why!)))


The Null pursuing the ship finally broke off, unable to get a clear entrance, or assault with the various bombers pursuing it, instead it contacted the General, who ordered the robot to remain where it is for now... As he left the building, the other two behind him, the man glared at the two heroes. "So, are you here to try and kill me?" He asked, not concerned if they were.
Ivory groaned as he slammed into the car, "Well...This backfired." He attempted to get up but was stomped on as Massacre landed on the car with him and proceeded to slam his head into the car over and over again.

See...Pest? This is why... we disobey you....You...Are...A...Unfit pack leader...

Before Ivory could respond, before he could think, a thick black smoke began rising from the car, "Is that bad, because it looks ba-" he didn't get a chance to finish the sentence as a huge fiery explosion happened, with him directly near the center. He was blasted back and landed in the tower, creating a Ivory sized dent in the base, before peeling off and falling to the ground. He lied there injured, as the symbiote he manually controlled now rushed to heal him, unable to deal with so many wounds so quickly after being damaged, Ivory struggled to move, to breath, he knew these may be his final breaths... He began to crawl to Massacre as the beast got up, and used his body to stand up straight, "Just... Gotta buy...A bit more time..." he didn't show weakness as he rolled down his mask and let the beast see his face, he looked dead in what could classify as his eyes and gave him the biggest shit-eating grin he could muster before saying, "That almost hurt...That time....Pest."

The commander smiles seeing the robot backing off. He says something in Russian, and the plane slowly but surely starts to head north, towards Russia. All the soldiers started to relax, many returning to their beds and others patrolling. This Valkyrie was the first one made after world war 2, using the plans they found on Armin Zola.

Alexander Barnes

Alex lay on the bunk bed. He slowly opens his eyes, holding his side. He looked around, realizing where he was. "No... no. Not there again..." Alex says, struggling to raise up. He stays on his back, looking at the wall, thinking of something. A little smile crept on his face, making him to slowly close his eyes, sighing.
Marko punches Massacre right in the chest, only to realize the symbiote could take blunt force. He tries to pull out his fist from Massacre

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As Perry was going down there was an explosion and Ivory was launched into the tower. "Ivory!!!" he shouted and he landed next to him. "You need to head back, we can handle him."
(Wait what? How did Marko get down there so fast?)

Getting caught in the explosion Jack lands a few feet away and slowly gets up now being able to stand a bit with his arm almost completely healed including his legs. "Damn what a punch" looking over to his right he sees a weak Ivory stumble towards the hulking symbiote leader. "Oh crap man I really didn't want to do this but DP told me not to let anyone die in that note so looks like I'm gonna have to do something" he thought. "Hey ugly you kiss your girl with that mouth. Oh wait you don't have one" he stated.
(Sorry, in directing a guard practice)

Hel glared at the thing attacking the group, and decided to help ivory, she created the illusion of three Ivories as she stood back to the side. She then tossed thre daggers at the closest enemy, using all of her strength to throw them.
(Since Massacre is not going into the panic room I just ignored that post. Now I'm here punching massacre, and regretting what i did)

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Massacre turns from Ivory and laughs evily at marko's attack. "Ouch?" The symbiote smiled, before grabbing Marko around the neck, raising him into the air, before forcefully slamming him onto the exploded remains of the car. The symbiote, noticing a crippled Jack who was taunting him, shook its head once more "Worthless mortal FILTH!" The brute yelled, before lifting the same, exploded car, used for incapacitating Marko, and injuring Ivory, and smashing it down onto Jack's already broken body... Before Massacre triumphantly roared at Perry... "Just uss, old friends, the spider... And the good symbiote..."

The symbiote then felt daggers from somebody, and then ignored the three illusions, before rushing, and striking all three with one large swipe.

@Hel @The Regal Rper @Pyosimros @National @LokiofSP
Connor eyed the destruction. "Surely it wasn't Alex?.." The general then spoke, gaining Connor's attention, his fist tightened, just seeing the man was enough to make his blood boil. "No General, that's not who we are. Or have you forgotten that? You captured one of us, long hair, metal arm, armor, ring a bell? Where is he?"

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