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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

[QUOTE="The Regal Rper](AW YEAH! Massacre vs Ivory!)

Jack went back to focusing his attention on the symbiotes no longer waiting for the soldiers response. After shoving one of the symbiotes back he heard a scream from one of the creatures


Picking up the flamethrower that came out with him after being pulled out and hearing Jack's options the soldier began unleashing flames on the symbiotes burning them up. "I have your back sir!" he said burning up multiple symbiotes.

((((((((((((((Massacre stomps Ivory)))))))))))))) xD
Pietro saw what John was doing. "No! Not him! Trust me, you need to change that thing!"

Dimitri sprinted through the symbiotes surrounding Finn which splattered them all over the walls. "Alright buddy now we need smasher the hulk, not Finn the... Human. Get pissed!"
Marko spots a large group of symbiotes and goes goes to speak to blow them up

Sent from my SCH-I435 using Tapatalk
Connor turned back to the satellite, finally finding what he wanted he pried the metal apart with his shield to prevent any further burns. "And you and I are going to have a serious talk about you ditching me in the stairwell earlier." It was small talk, something to keep both of their minds off of the full extent of what was going on, just for the moment.

Reaching inside the dark opening he grasped the handle of a box and pulled it out, nearly knocking himself off balance. "Black box, right?" He asked, to no one in particular as he stared down at it, about to ask Aedan if he knew much about black boxes when he spotted a familiar small object past Aedan on the ground. He set it on the ground before jogging quickly over and picking up Alex's phone, it was cracked but looked like it was still working.
[QUOTE="Archangel Galdrael]((((((((((((((Massacre stomps Ivory)))))))))))))) xD

(M8 I'm holding him off so Cassie stomps his ass)
John glared at him. "Fine. Then who do you want? The Beyonder? Hunger? The Pheonix Force? Anything!?"John yelled and he surrounded his fists with flames, burning nearby symbiotes.

Perry looked at the fake Thanos. It seemed to be a good distraction. Though the problem was that it was hard to get the people off the ceiling. One by one, he pried each one off the ceiling and outside.
Cassie held up her flamethrowers. "Hold up, Symbiote boy." She growled. "You go any farther, you'll be symbiote brûlée, Capiche?"


Pyosimros said:
John looked at the new Spider-Man getting everyone onto the roof. Though they need to get out or they'll get skewered. He muttered a few more incantations and an illusion of Thanos appeared. Hopefully confusing the symbiotes and potentially scaring them. He mouthed Perry to get everyone out and he gave a nod and he started doing it.
Pietro threw his hands up "It could be Howard the duck for all I care just change it before Marko gets the wrong idea!"

"Your doing great kid" Jack stated as he slid underneath one of the empty symbiotes chopping of it's legs so the soldier could burn it into a crisp. "Now that we've whittled down these guys let's get those people trapped in these things outside for some fresh air" he said turning to the soldier then muttered "Cuz they could sure damn use it".


"Alright!" he exclaimed burning up the one that had it's legs chopped off. "Cover me will ya" he stated rushing into the remaining horde of symbiotes.


"What do you think I've been doing this entire time" he stated cutting open one of the hosted symbiotes and yanking a little girl out before moving on to the next one.

(More like painful idea Jack and a soldier are down there if that building goes they'll both go splat)
Massacre & Co.

The hulking symbiote roared in rage at the sight of its nemesis, "YOU PATHETIC LITTLE WORM!" Massacre growled, not bothering to see if he had struck the woman, but instead shooting out a large black web which would grab Ivory, pulling him to the maws of the beast. The moment that little symbiote was in squashing range... Well, it was simply going to get squashed. Whilst his webs attatched to Ivory, Massacre turned to the sound of Cassie's voiced, before he let out a second roar. Before violently pulling Ivory down, and flinging a large couch at Cassie. "INSOLENT LITTLE GIRL! YOU WILL BE DEVOURED BY US! LIKE THE REST OF THIS MISERABLE PLANET!" He yelled, in an almost demonic voice.

The symbiote's did not relent on their assault of Stark tower, though less were now arriving as reinforcements.

@sitanomoto @CasualDragon @Hel @LokiofSP @The Regal Rper @Reaper @Pyosimros

General/Nulls & Co.

General Roland screamed for his men to follow as he noticed the prisoner was being kidnapped, which they did. Multiple military jeeps, and two helicopters instantly pursued. His Nulls continuing to blast the HYDRA attackers as they made their escape. The Null that had been guarding Alex, was momentarily stunned, before it began to blast the invaders into nothing with its plasma cannon, upon noticing the missing prisoner, it raced out of the building, and took to flight, pursuing those who dared oppose its orders.

Elsewhere, the symbiotes and army were still at a tie.



Aedan laughed at the small talk Connor began to make, and the darker haired boy decided to go along. "Not sure what you mean, I told you I was just getting some air." He said with a slight smirk. Though that smirk soon vanished as with some great speed, a larger than normal symbiote charged towards Connor, "Connor watch out!" Aedan shouted in warning, raising his hand and slowing the beasts momentum, not enough to freeze it, but enough to greatly slow it.

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After Perry got everyone out, the Thanos illusion changed into the Phoenix Force in front of John. For now, Perry fought the symbiotes with ease.

John created the Phoenix Force in front of him and he started shooting flames out of the illusions mouth, making it seem real. "Fine, how about this!?" he shouted over to Pietro and Dimitri.


[QUOTE="The Regal Rper]
"Your doing great kid" Jack stated as he slid underneath one of the empty symbiotes chopping of it's legs so the soldier could burn it into a crisp. "Now that we've whittled down these guys let's get those people trapped in these things outside for some fresh air" he said turning to the soldier then muttered "Cuz they could sure damn use it".


"Alright!" he exclaimed burning up the one that had it's legs chopped off. "Cover me will ya" he stated rushing into the remaining horde of symbiotes.


"What do you think I've been doing this entire time" he stated cutting open one of the hosted symbiotes and yanking a little girl out before moving on to the next one.

(More like painful idea Jack and a soldier are down there if that building goes they'll both go splat)

(Well Jack will go SPLAT and regen)
The blonde heard the shouts from Aedan, heard the almost silent but heavy footsteps from his left. He could see the movement out of the corner of his eye, he was so screwed, he'd let his guard down. But that didn't stop him from turning swiftly and delivering a hard hit with the shield against the beasts chin. There was no way he should have been able to do that before it had mowed him down. Had Aedan done something maybe? He honestly knew nothing of Aedans powers so maybe. He was quick to follow it up with a roundhouse kick to the side of it's head. He gave Aedan a quick look curiously.

(I couldn't not pull a roundhouse kick at some point.)

Another couple of vehicles joined the convoy. It was incredible to see such a HYDRA force. It was almost like an invasion force. 3 Hind airships with HYDRA insignia on them appeared over the horizon, starting to fire on the other helicopters. The armored carrier arrives at an airfield just outside the city, where and airplane with its hull open was waiting for them. The transport entered it, and the plane started to take off. The plane looked weird, like the Valkyrie used in World War 2. The helicopters try to ground the Nulls, so do the rest of the vehicles.

Alexander Barnes

Alex was on the back seat of the transport, standing with his whole body on the door. Suddenly, it was opened, and he fell out. He opened his eyes, to see two russian soldiers with HYDRA insignia, and an officer. The officer smiles and laughs, and Alex barely opens his mouth. "My, my granny. What big teeth you ha-" He collapses due to exaustion, and the soldiers carry him to a bunk bed, putting him there and under guard.
@sitanomoto[/URL] @CasualDragon @Hel @LokiofSP @The Regal Rper @Reaper @Pyosimros

General/Nulls & Co.

General Roland screamed for his men to follow as he noticed the prisoner was being kidnapped, which they did. Multiple military jeeps, and two helicopters instantly pursued. His Nulls continuing to blast the HYDRA attackers as they made their escape. The Null that had been guarding Alex, was momentarily stunned, before it began to blast the invaders into nothing with its plasma cannon, upon noticing the missing prisoner, it raced out of the building, and took to flight, pursuing those who dared oppose its orders.

Elsewhere, the symbiotes and army were still at a tie.


Aedan laughed at the small talk Connor began to make, and the darker haired boy decided to go along. "Not sure what you mean, I told you I was just getting some air." He said with a slight smirk. Though that smirk soon vanished as with some great speed, a larger than normal symbiote charged towards Connor, "Connor watch out!" Aedan shouted in warning, raising his hand and slowing the beasts momentum, not enough to freeze it, but enough to greatly slow it.

Ivory panicked before he saw Cassie distract the hulking beast, he took the moment to get out from the webs before running up to the bigger beast in the face, "You do remember me! Maybe you also remember how badly I beat you last time!" In the back of his head he heard the animals roaring.

Fool... Pest, last time you won... Because of the other pessssst in our head... But he died... Died when the magic being cast a flame... He is no more... And soon you shall be no more as well...

Ivory gasped and paused for a moment when he had heard what had happened to Savage, "No" he thought, "Savage... Why?" He shook his head, "No, I'll mourn later, right now everyone in this building needs me, they all deserve to live... Even Jack." He turned to face Massacre with the tears in his eyes covered by his mask and said, "Come on you big bully, lets see how long it takes for me to beat you this time." But near the end, his voice chocked, showing a bit of his true feelings.
@Archangel (Somebody get me some popcorn with the rate this thing is moving it'll take all day)

@Pyosimros (True he'll regenerate but he'll either be trapped under the rubble or he won't be able to regenerate properly with the tower on top of him plus the soldier will die)


Within a couple minutes Jack and the solider had brought down most of the symbiotes with only a few remaining. "Looks like things are going in our favor" he stated now back to back with the Soldier who was now getting tired. "You gonna last these next few rounds or should I grab you a seat and a snack?" he asked.


"Tch" he said wiping sweat off his brow. "Don't underestimate me after all I've been able to keep up with you." he stated blasting some flames on one of the symbiotes that attacked him narrowly escaping. "Gah, damn it" he exclaimed taking another one out.
Perry swung over to Cassie and Ivory. "Hey, backup is here," just then the Phoenix Force clone was behind him and it spouted fire at the minor symbiotes.

John was getting tired. The intricate movements and everything with the illusion was tiring.

Massacre didn't even pay attention to the others in the room, as he used his massive strength to violently charge at Ivory, and tackled him effortlessly through the wall, crushing the smaller symbiote under several tonnes of immense weight, and unleashing a fury of great strikes into Ivory's face. Ignoring the illusion, and Perry.

The symbiotes assaulting the tower had now completely relented, all that was left was those within.

@Pyosimros @Reaper @LokiofSP @Hel

@The Regal Rper we need @sitanomoto to advance...


Aedan shrugged at Connor, with an innocent 'what?' expression. Before he spoke again "Good kick... Hey... If you're looking for the guy they took, he should be in the Militaries Headquarters, we could be there in a few minutes if we sprint... Just trust me, and don't stop sprinting, alright?" Aedan commanded, preparing to speed up both their momentum, in order to reach the base quicker.


General Roland

The General sat in his chair, both Nulls beside him, as the city was being ruined. The symbiotes were very slowly being pushed back, but the army had been crippled in a single day...

The one Null, that chased after Alex, did not break its pursuit, instead returning fire with its plasma cannons, upon the HYDRA aircraft, as the helicopters did the same, and several fighter jets darted across the sky, towards the now airborne plane.


With the symbiotes now defeated and the people trapped in them unconscious Jack looked at the Soldier and said "I'll leave this to you I gotta get back up there" he said.


Nodding the Soldier watched Jack head towards the tower and before he started to scale it he said "Hey" the soldier walked up towards Jack and held out his fist "You're alright" he said with a grin.


Jack stared at the fist before breaking into a grin and hitting his knuckles against the Soldier's. "Thanks" he said before forcing his swords through the concrete part of the tower. "See you later" he said with a grin and started climbing.
@Pyosimros[/URL] @Reaper @LokiofSP @Hel

@The Regal Rper we need @sitanomoto to advance...


Aedan shrugged at Connor, with an innocent 'what?' expression. Before he spoke again "Good kick... Hey... If you're looking for the guy they took, he should be in the Militaries Headquarters, we could be there in a few minutes if we sprint... Just trust me, and don't stop sprinting, alright?" Aedan commanded, preparing to speed up both their momentum, in order to reach the base quicker.


General Roland

The General sat in his chair, both Nulls beside him, as the city was being ruined. The symbiotes were very slowly being pushed back, but the army had been crippled in a single day...

The one Null, that chased after Alex, did not break its pursuit, instead returning fire with its plasma cannons, upon the HYDRA aircraft, as the helicopters did the same, and several fighter jets darted across the sky, towards the now airborne plane.

Ivory took the blows one after another before he raised up two thick tendrils that could take a handful of blows, he then webbed a fire extinguisher on the wall next to him and slammed it into the Symbiote's face, "I have to get him out of the building" he thought, "Fighting in this enclosed space is suicide." As the bigger beast backed up, he ran around the side of him and tackled him out the window using all he had.
((OH COME ON! Why isn't Ivory panting in a pool of his own blood? I will not kill off Massacre if everybody is just invincible ;-; ))
(I got you Galdrael) Marko starts to shoot energy blasts at Massacre

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"Pissed." He gasped out. "I was throat punched. I can get pissed. If there's one emotion that I can really feel it's pissed." He tossed the chair to the side with ease and tapped into his reserve energy as well as his anger. His skin rippled and he moved away. "I feel super bad for Cassie about this... It's gonna rip a hole in her floor." He grumbled before letting Smasher take over. Soon he felt his head crash through the floor above him and when the change was done he rubbed his head and crouched down before awkwardly climbing out of the already there hole in the wall.
"Wait, you know where there headquarters is located?" Connor asked as he stepped back over to Aedan. The boy bit at his lower lip, they needed to get Alex back but the city was in trouble. "Yeah" Connor nodded. "I'm right behind you." He would have put his cap on for emphasis had he not left it at the tower. The two started sprinting and Connor did as he was told, not stopping even if it felt weird...it was weird. "So this is how you we're so fast on those stairs. Atleast it's not flying."

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