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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

Kyuma moved his hands in front of him when the car exploded, the heat soon reaching him. "Damn it, that didn't look good...ugh, why do I keep doing thiii-" Kyuma yelled, taking a running leap from the tower. "The immovable tower, the guardian of their king. Promote to Rook!" Kyuma said, his body feeling the strength of the promotion rushing through his body. Aiming at the symbiote, Kyuma hit Massacre with the force of a cannon in his chest.(Or back, depending on where he was facing)

@Archangel Galdrael
Marko rolls off the car, coyghin up blood. He stumbles and falls down, blood truckling from his mouth

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Jack's entire body was now busted and would take time to heal. "Perry! Give me 7 minutes" he said under the rubble. "I'll be ready by then just hold him off till then" he said.

@Archangel Galdrael
John muttered some more incarnations. He didn't have enough energy to summon a demon or a golem but he did have enough energy to do a light curse on the symbiote. The curse of mental strain.

Perry slowly encased his left hand with hardened webs, created a blade. "Well, I wouldn't define us as friends..." he balanced on his waldoes and they sprang Perry at Massacre. He let the punch from Kyuma hit and he stabbed Massacre with his left hand. "How about friendemies?"
[QUOTE="The Regal Rper](Alright so basically what's happening right now is the city is chaos. Ivory and Jack had a small fight but then the General captured Alex after Alex went off to find out where an explosion came from. Connor goes to rescue him shortly after Alex gets captured soon after that Massacre appears and unleashed his symbiotes on the soldiers and some of the remaining civilians got mixed into the battle. Massacre scales Stark Tower with a few of his minions behind him Jack rushes in to the ground level holding the rest of Massacre's army back soon after that Jack saves a soldier and they both fight off Massacre's army. Connor meets Aedan, they both investigate the satellite, then go after to save Alex who was captured by H.Y.D.R.A who came to capture him. RIght now Hydra and the General's armies are duking it out. Massacre and Ivory are battling Cassie is providing Support. FInn just went Smasher and Jack after him and the soldier finish part ways, he's scaling the building and holy crap this was a lot to type)

((He explained it perfectly))
Marko got up slowly and looked at Jack. He quickly wrote him a note "Need a lift to your sword?"

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To prevent more damage to the building, Smasher got down on all fours and proceeded to crawl through the building, smashing at the symbiotes he saw. He eagerly made his way to the lobby of the building where he stood up straight, his back cracking from his crawl through the tiny room and hallway. He gently used a finger to push open the double doors before squeezing himself out of them, refusing to cause even more damage to the building. He straightened up again before rushing towards the downed heroes. He pushed aside rubble in the hopes of digging Jack out.
@subject 635 (Read the quote Anno just posted I explain everything)

"If you could do that that'd be great" he said from under the rubble.
Aedan glared daggers at the man standing before them, his prized robotic guardians at his side. No matter what, Aedan remained vigilant... In case things went south.

"Maybe it does... Why would I tell you two? Hmm?" The General confidently answered, looking at the duo, then at the bloodshed around him. "Y'know... This was HYDRA! This destruction was all on them, symbiotes? Heroes? HYDRA? When does it ever end... Villains... All of you..." The man ranted, staring Connor dead in the eye.


Massacre didn't just take the hit from the cannonball like punch, that was little force to something like Massacre, instead, he cought the man post-punch, and used him as a brief human weapon, throwing him helplessly at the still injured Ivory. Before charging Perry "Yes... We are GOOD friendemies you and I... Too bad you won't live another day!" Massacre grinned, punching at Perry.

((YES! I am God-Modding, Final battle for my main villain, and I'll be damned if he doesn't crack some skulls before death! Otherwise everybody will just never take injury and continue to attack! EVERYBODY in the fight needs to be incapacitated or BFR'd. so then the defining plot moment can happen. xD ))
Marko looks at Finn and signals at him to give him Back so he can fly him to the sword

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Massacre didn't just take the hit from the cannonball like punch, that was little force to something like Massacre, instead, he cought the man post-punch, and used him as a brief human weapon, throwing him helplessly at the still injured Ivory. Before charging Perry "Yes... We are GOOD friendemies you and I... Too bad you won't live another day!" Massacre grinned, punching at Perry.

((YES! I am God-Modding, Final battle for my main villain, and I'll be damned if he doesn't crack some skulls before death! Otherwise everybody will just never take injury and continue to attack! EVERYBODY in the fight needs to be incapacitated or BFR'd. so then the defining plot moment can happen. xD ))
Ivory was near-death, and as the approaching Marko came to him, he simply accepted his fate, "Hopefully, I gave Cass enough time" He waited for the boy to crash into him and kill him, but it never came, instead he found the boy being set gently down by tendrils as he heard a familiar voice...

"Dammit Ivory, I told you not to do anything stupid!"

Ivory's eyes widened as he suddenly felt an increase in the rate of how quickly he was healing, soon being able to stand a bit, "Savage?! But they said that you wer-"

"Dead? No, just buried under the voices, seeing your stupid ass do this gave me a reason to hurry up though, now get up, and lets finish this fight!"\

Ivory nodde and smiled, he wasn't going to be completly healed, but he was barley fine to fight with Savage by his side, he felt immense joy at the knowledge that his friend was fine, so much in fact that he recived an adrenaline boost. He shouted, "HEY PEST! LETS FINISH THIS!" As he sent his fist into Massacre's face, "Savage" he thought...

"Strength?" Way ahead of you, got a bit of a rest down there, so I'm pretty much three steps ahead of you"
Jack from under the rubble saw a hammer like object in the distance. "Why isn;;t that person helping?!" he thought irritated. "Hey You! Yeah you help us out here!" he exclaimed.

(Lol can't wait @Archangel Galdrael and agreed @subject 635 )
Smasher gently picked up Jack and lumbered over to Marko before setting him down. He glanced around the battlefield of New York without knowing where he should be. He moved forward to Ivory's back, pushing back the other symbiotes who tried to attack his back.
Marko picks up Jack and flies up to get him to His sword. He settles Jack next to it so he could claim his sword back. Marko bit his lip. He felt weak for being blown away by one hit by massacre. He shrugs it away

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"Thanks man" Jack said thankfully as he was put next to Marko. Slowly getting up Jack could feel enough feeling in his legs and arm but not enough to make him stand straight up. "Let's do this by the time I get my sword I should be fine but when we get I want you to hurl me at Massacre as best as you can the least we can do is hold him back" he stated looking at Marko. Taking his sword Jack nodded at Marko. "Throw me" he said with a grin.

@National @CasualDragon
Marko gets ready to throw Jack once he picks up the sword. (I already took you to the sword sorry xD )

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((Perry, Savage, Kyuma, Marko, any hero involved in the fight... and Jack all do in fact need to be removed from the fight... If they already are I'd prefer it stay that way. We have big moments to come, and it won't make any sense having a full-scale battle still in progress.))

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