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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

Jack could hear the scream of Cassie but unlike the others who were injured he didn't try to get up as his legs were still healing. Closing his eyes after hearing the anguished scream of Cassie Jack simply looked at the sky as he left a rain drop hit his forehead. "Damn....today sucks" he said as it started to pour.
sitanomoto said:
((No dude, stop!! The feels.... It's too much!!(TAT)))
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(I'm sorry it's just, every passing character needs a going away song. In memory)

Ivory watched in horror as Massacre killed Cassie's father, biting back tears and turning away, knowing that he couldn't do anything, not anymore.
Aedan/General Roland

Aedan didn't speak, he didn't know what HYDRA was, nor who Alex was, so he simply kept his guard up, making sure the Nulls or General didn't try anything.

The man returned Connor's glare, rage filling his eyes. "Might not be happening?! I did everything I could to protect this city! What would've happened if I WASN'T here BOY?" The General shouted, panting heavily, in his eyes he saved this city, him and his soldiers... "But... I will help you... Not because I like you, but I realize HYDRA are a bigger threat than us all... I want to see those bastards fail, I have a Null... At the airport where your friend was taken... It will follow you two in your mission..." The General stared at Connor and Aedan for a moment, studying them...


(No love for Quicksilver?!)
((And now... for cassie and her newfound leadership


Jaon now opens her eyes in time to see Tony be killed by masscre "now... he..." she says weakily getting up "is a true... monster..." she starts to stand up but instantly goes to her knees "you have this one... in the bag.... Cassie..." she says watching the battle
Dimitri immediately fell to his knees with his palms on the ground. "Dad... Oh god... He's... No...." Out of seemingly nowhere, Dimitri heard his fathers voice in his head, or his ear rather.

"I didn't see that coming." Pietro said into his comlink, chuckling before the sound of him coughing up blood was heard.

"Listen to me now Dimitri... You have to know something...." He said something in his first language, before passing away with a satisfied sigh.
Massacre laughed at the misery he had caused, his vicious smile stretching across his face... As he towered above the battlefield of broken heroes... And broken fathers...

"COME ON LITTLE GIRL! JOIN YOU- Ug" Massacre was abruptly cut off, by Cassie's enraged - and newfound superhuman - strength, Massacre slammed into the building with force, as she attacked him viciously. The symbiote was not yet helpless, and Massacre returned the assault, by striking Cassie with equal force.
Jaon stands up and says into a fallen comrades comlink "Cassie... other fatherless fellow... you two have this... I will defend the lower.." she falls to one knee and slowly stands up clutching her stomach. "I will help defend on the ground... this is both of your fights..." she says as she calls her hammer and faces the horde of enemys on the ground still left "FOR THE FALLEN" she yells as lightning and thunder fill the sky
Connor honestly wasn't sure he wanted the mans help, but if it got them closer their goal then why not. He was by no means evil, just misguided, Connor understood that but it did not changed the way he felt about the man at this point. "Talk all you want but I see you have your other two bots here with you, rather than out there fighting. Unlike my friends and family who are fighting to protect the same people!" Connor felt himself getting heated, this man brought out the worst in him and at this point he didn't want that.

The blonde turned to Aedan, his face calming. "How fast can you get us to that airport?"
(I think they're all gone @subject 635 it is literally just Cassie Dimitri and Massacre left)

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((Nah, everyone else is around them.))

Cassie didn't even feel the punches. Just the hot flood of emotion and anger. "I WILL NOT STOP!" She yelled. She felt as if every punch was every wound that she had flowing into Massacre. He fists lit on fire with the new suit she had on and she began to layer a new series of punches upon him. She smiled at the words of encouragement from Jaon and her punches cake down harder.
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Perry sat down and he looked at the ground sadly as his suit slowly healed him. He remembered the old Avengers meetings when he was a kid where the room was full of laughter and smiles. He remembered Tony letting him in his white symbiotic suit once since it was the only suit that could automatically fit; which he crashed into the wall by mistake. These happy thoughts saddened him more, but he pushed back the tears. First aid protocols complete, the suit said and he stood up again.

John looked out the window and there was a dead Tony and Dimitri was crying for some reason. He exhaled a puff of smoke and he put down the cigarette. "What a day this has been," he muttered. He didn't feel very safe either since the symbiote was just below him.
Jaon looks enrahed as she bashes the enemys skulls with her hammer "WHO WILL DEFEND WITH ME" she yells into the comlink asking every young hero that is in the vacinity "FOR THE FALLEN AVENGERS... FOR THE NEW AND OLD.... FOR ALL THAT IS GOOD"
Aedan thought for a moment, before guessing, "Well... I'll push myself maybe... 1o minutes?" He answered honestly, more worried about going beyond his comfort zone... But this was Connor's moment of need, he would help him in this... Whatever it was, it meant an awful lot to him.

Roland sighed, feeling to drained to argue with someone as young and naive as Connor in his eyes, "This city would not have survived at all if we weren't here... Remember that next time you curse me in your dreams!" He hissed, but as the duo began to walk away, and Aedan prepared to dash them to the airport, the General spoke once more, "And boy, did you expect to get a free plane? I am helping you... Look for a private military jet... I'll be keeping in touch through the Null, good luck in bringing HYDRA down... Nothing unites people better... Than a common enemy." Roland walked forward, and held his hand out to Connor, after the attack today? The man had a lot to think about, and a lot to realize... A fresh start was needed, he was needed to rebuild this city.


Massacre struggled against the heat, whatever this suit was, it was more potent than Tony's... He did not like that, each blow was unrelenting, burning and scorching, the girl merciless in her assault, all Massacre's strength could not wreslte him out of the arms of this determination, and fierce nature, the Symbiote Buster was quickly beating him down... He was already injured and weary from the huge battle before, and soon enough, Massacre's retaliatory punches were weaker and weaker, and the suit became more fragile by the second. "Im-possible! I-I...m Massa-cre! I WILL BURN thIS EARTH!" The symbiote roared into Cassie's face, as it pushed down on the suit, sending them tumbling back to the ground, and off the building.

(@sitanomoto @Reaper )
Marko opens his eyes under the tons of rock. He can feel the symbiotes crawling around his tomb of rocks. He whispers a single rock, and all the rock and symbiotes explode, and Marko starts to rise back up. He taps his comlink, signaling to thunder thighs that he will help. He flies up and starts blasting at all the symbiotea. "Good luck Cassie, Dimitri" he felt sad that he could not give them emotional support, but he would make up by blasting away these symbiotes. He flies above Jaon and starts to blast all of the symbiotes around her @subject 635

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Jaon lit up a rage. Her father used to bring her to earth when she was little. Visiting tony and cassie was her favorite stop. It seemed like Cassie knew what she had been through. And then Tony, Tony was like family to her and no one messed with family.
"I MIGHT NOT BE ABLE TO SAVE MY FATHER," she yelled, "BUT I CAN DAMN WELL SURE AVENGE HIM!" Cassie let out a loud roar as her hand ripped into massacre's chest, burning a hole right through him. She leaned her face down close to him. "Feel the burn, you little daemon," she whispered, "feel what it's like to go to hell." She ripped her hand right across his body, creating a large gash of black, smoldering goo. She barely felt the impact of the ground. She stood and looked at Massacre, who was on the ground, and spat in his face. "Come at me again, you little hell spawn, and you will taste my father's death."
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John didn't know the guy, but he was apparently important to the Avengers cause. Just then, there was someone screaming for others. "Ouch... I feel like I'm never going to hear as well as I did a few minutes ago," he wimpered. John went outside again and he looked at Jaon. "Thanks for damaging my eardrums, but I'll help," he said and he shot a wave of flames at the symbiotes.

Perry sprung in front of the symbiote. "He's down, right?" he huffed.
Ivory stood up as Cassie finished the job on Massacre and began limping away, he wanted to leave, wanted to just run, he didn't want to face Cassie and comfort her, knowing that his rashness caused her fathers death...

"Ivory stop, it wasn't-"

"No Savage I'm not going to stop." He looked back at the scene one last time, "Not until I can make things right here..."

With that, Ivory walked off....

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