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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

Hel stumbled backwards from the attack, suffering two large gashes in each of her arms and fell into the wall, she threw to balls of dark magic at the attacker, one from each hand and
Like a bullet Jack heads for him in a straight line with one katana sheathed and the other ready to cut him into two. "Heeeeeereeee's JAAAAAACKKK!" he said.
Massacre, annoyed by the dark magic burning his suit, screams in pure anger, "MAGGOTS!" The hulking symbiote then becomes enraged by the combined attack from Pietro, Jack, Hel and Perry, and in a moment of rage, he utterly loses his own sense of intelligence, instead, Massacre webs a nearby oil tanker, and pulls the thing towards him, in an amazing feat of strength.... "All of you... WORTHLESS! I WILL CRUSH YOU! BUUURN" The symbiote roared, as it raised the huge tanker, and slammed it down in the center of the heroes. Nobody - besides the speedsters avoided the destruction - all heroes present were blasted away by intense burns and an enormous explosion. The symbiote, covered in flames and boiling roared in victory, as most heroes lay broken, before he paced towards Ivory, preparing to finish him first...

((To advance the plot, everyone involved in the battle is now incapacitated... @Reaper @sitanomoto show time))
(Aw crap Jack was flying right at him)

Jack got repelled and took the most damage from the explosion with his legs burnt and part of his skull showing he laying motionless on the ground. "...." slowly raising fist after leaving the katana he was gonna use by his side he flips off Massacre before laying down silently.
Perry was blasted back into a building. The pain was everywhere and his suit was partially ripped. First aid protocols activating... Self-repair protocols activating...
Tony crashed out the window and stopped right in front of Ivory, between him and Massacre."not today, Zurg."

Cassie heard the crash, then rocketed out the window and stopped in the air as she watched her dad do his hero thing. She smiled when she saw he was alright. "Thank god...."
Pietro zipped next to iron man. "What's the plan of attack, Anthony?" It had been a while since they've fought together like this.
Massacre gazed up at Iron Man, the symbiote's face a vicious smile, "The Iron Man, more feeble than the rest of these insects that crawl around... What will you do now Metal Man? Kill me? STOP ME?" The symbiote glanced at Cassie, and a flash of evil went through his eyes... A huge chunk of steel from the tanker remained lodged in Massacre's hand, and the symbiote had the perfect plan... "What does the OLDER generation, offer, that the YOUNGER does NOT?!" Massacre howled, before turnig his gaze on Cassie, "Your little girl Iron Man, can you defend her?" Massacre, not wasting a moment, hurled the huge metal spike at Cassie, fully knowing it would take the attention of the opponents there. And then, as if Massacre was twice as strong, he leaped up towards Iron Man, with a speed impossible for such a large creature... The moment his large hands gripped Tony's suit, Massacre knew it was over... He had won... Smashing down violently upon Iron Man, Massacre slammed his body three times into the ground, knowing the suit did not protect from vibration, and then hurled the older, much easier to beat, Tony into a nearby car.... Had the man still been in his youth...
Smasher felt the smash as it ripped through his body. His clothes, hair and skin were aflame as he was tossed back into a wall which collapsed around him as he became Finn once more.

((Ohhh the final showdown :D ))
"This might not even be happening if you'd coordinated with the heroes instead of seeing them as part of the damn problem!" He had half a mind to let the guy have it, but between needing to find Alex and the fact that he had bodyguards it was a terrible idea. They just needed to get Alex and get out, the city still needed them.

"Hydra!? Here? For what?" He froze realizing he'd answered his own question. Alex. His fists un-clenched, why was everyone trying to get their hands on him now of all times. You idiot why did you run off alone. Did Hydra want to use the serum again? If Connor had the serum would he have been in this boat long ago?

No, they won't do to him what they did to his dad. Connor's glare returned towards the older man, "Where's Alex? Where's the boy!?"
"Damnit!" Pietro said as he charged massacre with a vibrating fist and the intent of uppercutting him at full speed.
Massacre could never see what intentions Pietro had, but the man's face portrayed pure emotion at his comrades evident fall... What Massacre could do, was predict. It was likely the other older man was overcome with anger and grief... Two emotions that would get a man killed, Massacre moved even before Pietro, and caused his body, and his suit to become slightly gooey, knowing that a direct hit at full speed would simply get the speedsters hand lodged within the thick suit. The symbiote's tendrils already formed, and the spikes readied for a strike, had Quicksilver been in a proper state of mind... He would have seen it coming a mile off. The strike hit home, and shocked Massacre's body, sending the giant spiraling back, but bringing Pietro with it, as his hand was stuck in the chest area of Massacre's suit. Massacre gripped Quicksilver's throat, and raised him off the ground. "This is the fabled skill of the... Original Avengers? HAHA! Pitiful... You're half-trained babies fared better..." Massacre's spiked tendril shot forward, piercing a trapped Quicksilver's gut, as Massacre sadistically tossed the bleeding father helplessly to the ground, before his sights turned to Dmitri and Cassie.

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Tony felt himself being slammed into the ground, then thrown into a building.

"DAD!" Cassie shrieked. "NO!" She shot down to Tony's side like a bullet, and looked at him, her eyes tearing up. "Dad..."

"Cass...." Tony held up his hand to her face and cupped it. "Cass, it's ok...."

Cassie sobbed. "No.... No it's not..." She looked at him. "Daddy...."

"Lead the team now...." Tony said, his hand lowering to his side. "I'm proud of you."

Cassie nodded as Tony, her beloved father, best friend, and model, closed his eyes for the last time.

Cassie turned and looked at Massacre, all the fire of hell burning in her eyes. She let out an ear-splitting roar of anguish as she rocketed towards him, catching him in the stomach and slamming him into a nearby building. "YOU!!!" She yelled as she pummeled his face with fiery hands. "YOU DID THIS!!!" She yelled in agony. "NOW ITS YOUR TURN!"

(No, it's just the beginning of a new chapter.....)

((Oh god I'm trying so hard not to cry at this....))
sitanomoto said:
Tony felt himself being slammed into the ground, then thrown into a building.
"DAD!" Cassie shrieked. "NO!" She shot down to Tony's side like a bullet, and looked at him, her eyes tearing up. "Dad..."

"Cass...." Tony held up his hand to her face and cupped it. "Cass, it's ok...."

Cassie sobbed. "No.... No it's not..." She looked at him. "Daddy...."

"Lead the team now...." Tony said, his hand lowering to his side. "I'm proud of you."

Cassie nodded as Tony, her beloved father, best friend, and model, closed his eyes for the last time.

Cassie turned and looked at Massacre, all the fire of hell burning in her eyes. She let out an ear-splitting roar of anguish as she rocketed towards him, catching him in the stomach and slamming him into a nearby building. "YOU!!!" She yelled as she pummeled his face with fiery hands. "YOU DID THIS!!!" She yelled in agony. "NOW ITS YOUR TURN!"

(No, it's just the beginning of a new chapter.....)

((Oh god I'm trying so hard not to cry at this....))
(In memory of Tony [media]

Self-repair complete, focusing all energy on first aid.... The suit called but he was too busy paying attention to the battle. It seemed like the old people were fighting the symbiote now, and Tony just got hit extremely hard.

John looked down from Stark tower. If everyone was going to die today, he didn't want to be around. John lit a cigarette and he teleported away from potential harm.

(Um... I forgot to post that... R.I.P. Tony)
LokiofSP said:
(In memory of Tony [media]

((No dude, stop!! The feels.... It's too much!!(TAT)))


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