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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

Alex yelled, then started to breath heavily. His phone fell out of his pocket, somewhere on the ground. Alex looked at the General, smirking. "I saw bigger men than you. And you have puppets after you." He looks at the satellite, then back at the general. "It was spying on you, you fools. They were watching your every activity, and you didn't even notice." He laughs, as his wounds still hurt and blood drips from his mouth.
(I'm cool with interrupting the fight, if things go as I see them, Ivory's gonna have to make changes soon..."
With the tower shaking both Ivory and Jack lost balance for a sec. Making his arms into the time out sign to Ivory Jack turned in the direction of where the explosion came from. "Whoa... Dude come over here" he motioned towards Ivory. "While you're at it bring the other guy back for a sec I think he needs to see this also", he stated as he watched the chopper carry someone away and the group of soldiers and Nulls surrounding the vicinity.


(What was Perry doing the last time we saw him? @Pyosimros )

(What was Perry doing the last time we saw him? @Pyosimros )
(Ivory usually would but currently, he's being partially controlled, I meant I was cool with someone breaking it up or something)

They all recovered from the shake and shook their head, their eyes twitching as Jack made his request before they jumped at him, "YOU DARE COMMAND US PREY?!" They landed on Jack and sunk their teeth into his shoulder...
General Roland

The General's smirk evaporated at Alex's taunt, "Ah, good. Obedient, now you will keep talking, or we'll make you! Who sent you? The Russians?" He asked annoyed. The Nulls dragged Alex into the building upon exiting the helicopter, before entering a vault, the most secure place in the building. "I need an ANSWER!" Roland shouted, striking Alex in the stomach.

"GENERAL YOU'RE NEEDED UP TOP... A... THE ALPHA DIVISION IS UNDER ATTACK BY... by aliens!" A soldier interrupted, panicking and half-crying. Roland glared at Alex, before rushing out with two Null's, as one remained to keep Alex where he was.


Massacre lifted the soldier up... Staring into his eyes. "Human's... Such, pitiful creatures you are... Look at you? You progress, only to rewind, you rise... Only to fall, you LIVE only to DIE. We, are, eternal. You will soon see, you're city... Your world! It is BREAKING, BURNING, SNAPPING under the control of mankind... I will purify it..." Massacre's tendrils began to wrap around the man, as he struggled and cried, only for his screams to be muffled... Befor he was reborn... A higher being, a symbiote... The satellite wreckage was... A massacre...


LokiofSP said:
(Ivory usually would but currently, he's being partially controlled, I meant I was cool with someone breaking it up or something)
They all recovered from the shake and shook their head, their eyes twitching as Jack made his request before they jumped at him, "YOU DARE COMMAND US PREY?!" They landed on Jack and sunk their teeth into his shoulder...
[QUOTE="Archangel Galdrael]
General Roland
The General's smirk evaporated at Alex's taunt, "Ah, good. Obedient, now you will keep talking, or we'll make you! Who sent you? The Russians?" He asked annoyed. The Nulls dragged Alex into the building upon exiting the helicopter, before entering a vault, the most secure place in the building. "I need an ANSWER!" Roland shouted, striking Alex in the stomach.

"GENERAL YOU'RE NEEDED UP TOP... A... THE ALPHA DIVISION IS UNDER ATTACK BY... by aliens!" A soldier interrupted, panicking and half-crying. Roland glared at Alex, before rushing out with two Null's, as one remained to keep Alex where he was.


Massacre lifted the soldier up... Staring into his eyes. "Human's... Such, pitiful creatures you are... Look at you? You progress, only to rewind, you rise... Only to fall, you LIVE only to DIE. We, are, eternal. You will soon see, you're city... Your world! It is BREAKING, BURNING, SNAPPING under the control of mankind... I will purify it..." Massacre's tendrils began to wrap around the man, as he struggled and cried, only for his screams to be muffled... Befor he was reborn... A higher being, a symbiote... The satellite wreckage was... A massacre...

(((' :| )(' :| )(' :| )(' :| )))
Wincing at the bite Jack takes his knife and jabs it into Ivory's back deep enough to the point where he hits something. Using this opportunity he pushes Ivory towards the edge of the tower leaving his knife embedded in it's back. "Whoa there kiss on the first date huh? Sorry bud I don't really swing that way" he stated holding his shoulder as it healed. "I wonder what Ivory thinks of you making him do all this, anyway it seems I'm needed down there so for now we'll have to reschedule" he states as he runs towards Ivory and doing a back flip kicks him in the face dazing him before using him as a diving board to jump off the roof and towards the balcony.

Connor was trailing behind, he was on foot and that was a disadvantage. He heard the calls of a couple of soldiers up ahead as they spotted him before he quickly ducked through an alley. Atleast he didn't have to worry about vehicles or civilians, he just needed to keep clear of the big men with the big guns so to speak. He knew the direction, there was smoke rising in the area. The amount of explosions and gunfire had him pushing himself to run faster.

Rounding that final corner, he spotted the sheer amount of military personnel and weaponry. His eyes lifted upwards, spotting one of the null bots carrying Alex, his eyes going wide. He was angry and just about to yell, fight, something when he reeled himself back in, ducking back around the corner of the building. He couldn't fight them, not only did a part of him not want to but those bots from earlier we're here, there was nothing he could do, he'd end up in the same boat Alex. Frustrated he punched the concrete wall behind him before looking up at the helicopter it was carrying Alex to. What was this General doing?!

Connor was quick to hide in another alleyway as they all started clearing out.
Alex coughed, looking at the robot. He coughs up blood, taunting the robot. "I have no strings on me!" He says, in his russian accent. "You know, Pinochio was my favorite book when I was small. Now, can I get an autograph?" Alex says, using his hands to lift himself up. The red star on his chest had some blood on it, and his left arm was a little burned, the metal turning black.
Aedan began to panic... It happened so quick... The Symbiotes had just overrun the military, he had made his way down, to fight, he had been battling for several minutes... But the symbiotes had dispersed... Down all manner of street and sewer, he saw Massacre, before he was interrupted by another symbiote. The sounds of shouting, gunshots tank cannons... All echoed through the streets, as the Military was likely in full conflict with the symbiotes... "My God..." He simply muttered. Full of fear.


The Null bot simply stared at Alex, before sending a second smaller, electrical charge through his body. "Permission, to speak. Denied." It stated simply, maintaining its ever watchful gaze upon the captive.

The General stared at the explosions resounding through the city... His face a state of pure shock. "How... Did this happen... We need all military personal combating this! I want the Pentagon contacted! Get me airstrikes NOW!" He commanded, slamming his fist on the table as soldiers began making various phone calls.

Alex fell to the ground, yelling due to the shock to his body. "Do you know... who I am." He says, looking up, his smirk on his face. "I am... the new winter soldier." Alex said, still raising up, smirking. His body couldn't take more, but he endured worse.
Using the side of the tower to slow his fall as he dived from Stark Tower's roof Jack landed roughly on the balcony and rolled in with his shoulder now healed but his left arm broken which had now begun to heal itself. "Alright I'm sure everyone knows what's going on out there" he stated. "If so let's get a move on!" he left the others behind with a small grin creasing his lips before running towards the balcony and jumping off it. As he fell towards the streets Jack made sure to look up towards the roof to see where Ivory had went.

"Going on? What do you mean?" Dimitri asked as he went to the balcony to see what he was taking about.
Connor thought he'd just have to wait it out, then the screams, more gunfire, and symbiotes!? The blonde hadn't had time to react to the sudden realization as he found himself thrown against one of the buildings in the alleyway as one of those very symbiotes ran full speed into the alley. He'd turned to fight, fully prepared with his shield raised, but the symbiote had ignored him, he caught the tail end of it as it rounded the corner. Heading deeper into the city.

Connor clicked the ear piece in his ear on. "I'm not sure if you guys hear all of this or not but we've got trouble! Big trouble!" Connor tried to keep his voice calm but even he couldn't prevent the slight crack in his voice. He wasted no time, ducking out of the alley, planning to head straight for the satellite. Maybe he'd find out what Alex was after, before he went after the general. He had no right taking Alex away, and Connor was planning to remind the man of this when he got the chance.
Dimitri turned on his com. "It would be great if you could be a bit more specific. What kind of trouble? Where?"
John had enough of this. Currently civilians and military men were turning into symbiotes left and right. He put on his trenchcoat and went outside. It's been a while since he was playing the hero. Or villain.
Landing roughly on the ground Jack did a roll and took out his katanas stopping in a alley. "Looks like we got a job to do" he said lifting the blade of both katanas and kissing em. "Let's do this" he said with a smile.

(I like how things are heating up)

Massacre prowled down the street, as the city was in disarray, thousands dying, conflict echoing through the streets. It would not last long now... He peered at the towering Home of the Avengers, before silently using his webbed hands to scale up the side, his mission clear, as several minor symbiotes followed him up. And several hundred symbiotes invades Stark tower from the ground level...

@The Regal Rper @LokiofSP @Reaper @sitanomoto


The Null once more shocked Alex, "Permission, to speak. Denied!" It answered once more. Not caring about what he was saying. As it once again took a stance to guard him.



Aedan frantically ran down the street, not paying attention to where, it seemed his goal was to run from the symbiotes and the satellite, like a coward. Whilst killing those he came across, like a hero. Of course, as confused as he was, he paid no attention to his surroundings, and was looking behind himself whilst running, before he ran into something clearly hard, and metallic, the fact that he was running at the speed of a car by accelerating his momentum didn't help... Thank God for superhuman durability... "Ow... My head..." He mumbled, before looking up, and going wide eyed.

Marko smiled. She didn't hate him. He then heard the symbiotes. He knew he needed to protect his new home. He looked at Cassie and wrote a note "I was wondering if you could make me a suit. I want to be known as my own name, not BlackBolts son. I want to be known as White Bolt. I was hoping you could help me by making a suit

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"Oh Christ... Guys... Massacre is here. Massacre is here and we are all spread out... We need more people." Dimitri said after running back into the room with the rest of them.

Pietro pulled out his phone. "I'm calling John. He's close and we can trust him."

Dimitri walked up to hypnas. "Can we trust you?"
Hel looked out and saw all that was happening, though she could hear none of it. She wasn't sure how useful she could be, but this looked bad- even if she didm't really know what exactly was happening. She had no clue what the symbiotes were or what they were doing. She watched what happened, and elected against joining in just yet.
"Everywhere!" Connor was forced to yell into the comm. "Check the camera feeds, there are symbiotes everywhere!" The words pooled out of his mouth though he didn't believe them, even staring as what was like a squad of them rushed up the side of a building, clawing into the concrete. The military was out of it's depth here, and so was he to be honest. The city was too big, and these things we're spreading outwards in all directions.

He was about to go back to yelling at Dimitri through the confusion when he spotted the satellite. What exactly was he going to do with it exactly? What was Alex going to do...what had he wanted? His own questions being interrupted as he spotted a familiar face. "Aedan?" The boy called out as he closed in on him. "What are you doing here?" Connor turned around, checking his six and just looking at the scene he'd just come from all the while catching his breath.
John was outside and it was more frantic then he thought. There was a guy who ran passed him, probably a civilian trying to run away from the chaos. John can't blame him. As he was examining the battlefield he heard his phone ring. "Hello?" it was Dimitri, his cousin. Most times he didn't enjoy his company though right now he would love him to help. @Reaper

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