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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

Alex nods. "I heard that you can decrypt anything that's on an electronic device. I have a message on my phone that I don't know from whom it is. Can you find out, miss Stark?" Alex said, smiling, offering her his phone. "And sorry for startling you."
Reaper said:
Dimitris face lit up. "Awe yea! Alright help me with the structure. We have to make a serious foundation in case another Quakey thing happens!"
"I think you mean for when another will happen." Connor pushed himself gently off the wall, glancing at both Cassie and Hypnas before making his way over and plopping down next to the fort. "The fact that you guys have the energy for this after a day like today astounds me."
Dimitri saw Marko come to join the rest of them.

"Ah well if it isn't double B junior! Listen here chatterbox, do I come to your job and tap dance on your keyboard?????"

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[QUOTE="The Regal Rper](Would it be bad if I had Jack slam Ivory through the floor making him literally land right next to Cassie cuz I think that'd be hilarious xD )

(Fine with me)

Ivory got up groggily, already feeling weak, he lazily threw a punch that brushed Jack's face.
(Alright then pal)

"Aww isn't that cute he still thinks he can fight" Jack said his grin slowly turning into a smirk, "Here why don't you take a seat, at least I think a chair is right below us" he said lost in thought but shrugged it off. Grabbing Ivory from the back he put him in a lock and slammed him face first into the ground which made a small crack. "One sec buddy looks like I wasn't rough enough", running towards the wall Jack quickly ran along it's side before doing a back flip and landing his feet into Ivory's back both of them going through the floor and landing on the chair Cassie was sitting on.

@LokiofSP @sitanomoto
(If you follow the flow of events, you'll realize Dimitris doesn't know ANY of the new people at this point)

Dimitri took a step forward and got in front of hypnas, facing the fight. "Call it Cass! What's the plan?"
"Uh oh" Jack said seeing the wood sticking out of Ivory's chest. "Aw shit" he said slightly surprised. "I thought for sure that would-" he paused because he saw something happen with Ivory's suit. "....Either it's awake and is happy to see you.... or I better start running" he said slowing slipping off the couch and backing away.

Alex looks at Jack and rolls his eyes. "I'll leave the phone here." He says, putting the phone near Cassie. He then leaves, going to the kitchen, continuing to make his coffee.
The Regal Rper]"Uh oh" Jack said seeing the wood sticking out of Ivory's chest. "Aw shit" he said slightly surprised. "I thought for sure that would-" he paused because he saw something happen with Ivory's suit. "....Either it's awake and is happy to see you.... or I better start running" he said slowing slipping off the couch and backing away. [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/16829-lokiofsp/ said:
Ivory struggled as the suit enveloped him, if Jack had given him some damn time to explain, he would have said it was the voice he wanted back, not the suit. Right now, because Savage still wasn't up, he was screwed.

[QUOTE="Archangel Galdrael](( #F**kJack ))

(I know right?)
@Archangel Galdrael (We know you guys are loving this lol)

Jack watched as the suit slowly enveloped Ivory. "Uhhhh.... that's not supposed to happen right?" he asked the others who were now 10 feet away from him. "Uhhh Ivory before you know go insane and try to kill me, are the suit and the voice separate or uh is your suit still unconscious just really pissed?" he asked no longer sure of what was happening.

Hel had been looking through the tower and came across the room with the speedster and Cassie. She came in just in time to see the two boys fall through the celling.

"Oh, are you fighting again?" She asked, with a bit of a sigh as she leaned against a wall to watch.
Connor jumped at the loud crashing noise behind him, bumping into a part of the pillow fort in the process. Turning to see Ivory and...that guy he never got the name to sitting just below a hole...a what? A hole!? The blonde knew Cassie was about to crack, her earlier tantrum gave an easy sign as to that and Connor was visibly frustrated for her, shooting both of the boys a glare. Which didn't come often from Connor. And he would have continued if not for the fact that Jack was seeking escape all the while Ivory's suit was...moving.

"Ivory, please tell me you still have control." Connor was moving to the opposite side of him from Jack. Not only was it a potentially very bad thing for him to lose his control here with them but this room would be ruined in the process and Cassie will flip.
Jack as of right now:


He saw Connor and Cassie talking to the two as if they knew them and he relaxed a little.

"Who are all these guys??"
Ivory glared at Jack, he wanted to give him a piece of his mind but his chest was- wait. He looked back at the beam that was now absent from his body and the chest wound that no longer existed. He had heard that Symbiotes could heal their hosts, but Savage had told him he never learned how, why was this was happening now? Just then he heard a voice.

Work with us pest, kill the prey...

And at that moment, for the first time in his life, he agreed. He let them envelop him, let the animals join with him as the suit changed once more. They were one now, all of them in perfect sync, for one goal.

They looked at Conner, "Of course Conner, I'm fine, never felt better." They turned back to Jack, "Hey bud, let's finish our game!" They shot thousands of tendrils at once straight towards Jack.

(Sorry m8, brought back the wrong voices)

(Also I now have this weird thing for hurting Ivory, I need help)
(I've seen enough anime to know where this is going...... they going clubbin aren't they?)

(I also think it was a good idea we finally get to see Ivory lose it lol)


Jack saw the tendrils shoot out at him in slow motion. "Kinda wish I brought a fresh pair of pants" he said jokingly.


(Had to)
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Finn was regarding the situation a little aprehensivly. "Whoa there. We just stopped fighting. Besides we don't want to destroy anything." He froze and tapped his fingers against his side.

"Wait a second. When we left the sanctum, Kionu had already left by minutes I'll assume. But shortly after we were stopped by the military, but she wasn't stopped with us. What happened to her?" He looked around the small room. "Does anybody remember seeing her around since then?"
Marko looked at everybody. He went over and looked at Pietro. The one he knew the most was Pietro, and he trusted the man the most. He looks at everyone else, and the crashed hole in the ceiling. What a mess

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Pietro pulled out an earpiece from his pocket. "Take this Marko, it's what the team uses to keep in touch. Make sure you don't forget to turn it off when you're done."
(We don't really care about Jack, he asked for it ;)

Hel watched, remaining silent and moderately amused. She would have been concerned about what was happening with Ivory if she knew anything at all about the boy.

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