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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

"Hmm I see what you're saying, but from what you're telling me it seems you did a majority of the work granted this suit of yours may have been a reliable partner, it sounds to me you had been solo this entire time and had some assistance here and there or am I viewing this wrong" Jack asked after analyzing the situation.

National said:
Marko nods "Wow. You must be pretty strong then. Your father sounded like a strong man as well. I'm sure you will overpass him though" Marko smiled as he gave Phoenix the note
"No, i will not surpassssss him. For his endeavors are far greater than mine....... I will never be asssss great as he isssss." he said with a sigh as he took the note. "And besidessssss, I am just a freak to everyone elsssssse." he said, his voice filled with emptiness and disdain, remembering all the kids making fun of him for numerous reasons, including not having a living father, or a family for that matter.
Marko sits next to him and scribbles away "I understand your conflict. Kids hated me as well. One day, they pushed me to speak, and I destroyed the school by whispering stop. I felt so ashamed. And then, my father was killed. I thought I could never come back from that. But I kept living. Because my goal is to one day be as great, and even greater than my father. If you dream about it, it can happen as well" Marko smiles as he gives Phoenix the note.
He took the note,"Whatssss the point? They will never see me for who I am, and where I come from......." he said. Indicating that he suffers from depression, but has hidden it for many years. "I have hidden my emotionsssss just for my own good, sssssince it almossssst got me killed multiple times." he said, as he unzipped his hoodie, and showed the many deep scars from many fights that nearly killed him. (Look in the cs for his picture) "I feel as If i am destined to sssssuffer......." @National
Marko looked at the scars "Your pain. It hurts. I apologize for not seeing that. But that doesn't mean you can't be accepted. This world is full of us freaks, you and I. We all are in our own way. Captain America? That guy is still a crazy World War 2 nutball. The Hulk? Two split personalities. One kill, one nice. Tony Stark. I think he explains himself. Anyways, we all are freaks, and we should all accept each other "Marko smiles. He understood the pain of Phoenix. His entire city was blown up in front of him. He wanted to befriend a person who lost as much as Marko.
"Maybe you are right..... I maybe be dwelling in the passssst.... I need to move on, But I do not know how to do ssssso......" he said as he rubbed his face, feeling more distressed than before. @National
Marko writes on the note and extends his hand "You will find your own path, buy I can help you out on the way"
(he's not near Dimitri)

Cyrus looked around but Cassie hadn't shown up. He walked around the building to look for her.
National said:
Marko writes on the note and extends his hand "You will find your own path, buy I can help you out on the way"
"Thankssssss, I appreciate it...... Friend." he said as he shook Marko's hand. He then yawns, feeling exhausted, despite having a really long nap.
Hel sighed, and wondered what her father was up to. She honestly missed him and her brothers, and it seemed that there was a lot of emotional baggage with this group.
Pyosimros said:
(What happened? I had to do a bunch of stuff)
(Basically Connor, Phoenix, and Ivory are all having an emotional moment. Jack and Marko have gone to try and help Phoenix and Ivory, and almost everyone seems to be getting pulled into the emotional train)
"Forge any weapon you dessssire, so long I have blueprintssssss. I am a master of any weapon on this planet, Even the ones I make, and I can dodge second bfore impact." He said proudly, as he unsheathed his blades, which appeared as gauntlets, but the finger parts are immobile. @National

(Here are his blades.)
Marko's eyes widen "How cool! And they're blades? Woah. How awesome! Marko looks over the cool looking weapons. He wish he could gasp in awe, but doing that would be a bad idea. He smiles at Phoenix and writes "That's impressive. I'm surprised you don't have like a hero suit or something."
Reaper said:
"Sure thing hippy.... Well that doesn't sound good... I'll think of your nickname soon enough." He began stacking and building. "So are you going to tell me why I've been having nightmares ever since you sandmanned me?"
Hypnas shrugged. "It's an unfortunate side effect, but trust me, they're heaven compared to the nightmares I can I usually only save my really bad nightmares for the people who I really want to see writhe in pain." She looked at Cassie, who was scowling as she sat on the couch, then resumed speaking. "But I never wanted it to happen to you...."
"Don't need one. For I am never ssssseen by evil when i am done." he said with a chuckle, he then sheathes his blades, the eyes on them closing. "You are the nicessssst persssson I have met." he said with a smile. @National
[QUOTE="The Regal Rper](Basically Connor, Phoenix, and Ivory are all having an emotional moment. Jack and Marko have gone to try and help Phoenix and Ivory, and almost everyone seems to be getting pulled into the emotional train)

Ivory shook his head, "You got it all wrong, if there was something I needed to take care of mentally, it had my back, if there was something I didn't notice, it had my back, hell it even kept my mind clear and my actions in line." Ivory paused as he chocked up a bit, "But besides just fighting, he was like a brother to me, but now, his mental presence is gone completely, it's so weird, like he just vanished."
Marko smiles and continues to write "My mother taught me that being nice is the only real way to get around in this world. Too bad it's hard to talk" Marko thinks about this. The girl he met.. Cassie.. Maybe, if this didn't take too much of her time, could make him the suit he's been dreaming of. So he could finally look the part of surpassing his dad. He would have to ask her (Would Cassie mind making Marko's official suit?)

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Jack remained silent after hearing that. "That suit sure does mean something to this guy" he thought. "Hmm... what was the last thing your suit said to you before it remained silent, what were you doing at that time also, perhaps we could figure something out oh yeah and one more thing" he paused for moment staring at Ivory's suit. "Since you two are linked being symbiote's whenever you were attacked suddenly did it also inform you like spider-sense?" he asked looking now at Ivory's face. "What did it take before your suit would switch to a defense mechanism also to protect you if it saw you were in danger also?" he finished up with his questions.


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