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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

Dimitri blushed. "You called me Mercury! Damn that sounds good. I don't think you every told me your real name, Red."

Pietro walked to Marko and Jack. "This is jack. Stick with him, he talks enough for both of you. Not as much as his dad though."
Finn rolled his eyes at the blender comment. "Maybe I like fighting blenders, you don't know my life story. And everyone's favourite speedster huh? Well I guess your password is..." He tapped his chin suspending the moment just a little longer. "Your password is Quicksilver. Sweet now I get entrance to this sweet hideout." The building shook and he watched as the fort fell apart.

"Well, this sucks. That was a pretty nifty fort." He stopped talking really quick when he noticed Hypnas was up and walking. "Erm Dimitri, did you just let her roam like that or was she tied down before?" He asked a little nervously. He was not in the mood to deal with yet another villain at the moment.
Reaper said:
Dimitri blushed. "You called me Mercury! Damn that sounds good. I don't think you every told me your real name, Red."
Pietro walked to Marko and Jack. "This is jack. Stick with him, he talks enough for both of you. Not as much as his dad though."
Cassie looked at Marko, then at the spray cans, then at the side of the building, raising an eyebrow as she did so, but then smiled. "An artist, huh?" She walked over to Marko and held out her hand. "I'm Cassie Stark."
Connor turned to look at Alex when he spoke. "So it was your dad's then?" He could see the Bucky Barnes bit scratched out but still asked. "Well, we are meant to look like our fathers to an extent." He shrugged his shoulders. "Are you and him close? If you don't mind my asking."

Cassie entering the room and speaking had him glancing back over at her. "I'm sure no one was bothered by it, too much."

(That tends to happen here.)
Ivory was left behind as Cassie left the lab, he stood there for a moment and sighed as she left, "Sorry Cass, but I have to know..." He began to look for something to test his blood...
@TKolord (I am sorry)

Jack shook Marko's hand smiling. "Nice to meet ya kid." he said grinning but stopped after hearing Cassie come out. "Quick someone hide those windows!" he exclaimed.
Marko smiled and shook Cassie's hand. He pulled out a note and wrote "My name is Marko. Nice to meet you Cassie."
Alex looks at Connor. "I never saw him. Only, images appearing in my head, and pictures that were shown to me." Alex says, softly kicking the wall. "It was a fling for him, and soon, I was alone. How about you?" Alex says, his expression still unchanged. He looks back to see Cassie and the others, but turns back to Connor. "To be honest, I feel more alone here than I did back there. Why did they send me here." The last part was like a monologue.
Dimitri turned to Finn, ignoring the second comment. "Quicksilver?? More like greysilver, he's so old. Hehe got em."
Hypnas looked at Finn. "Relax, blender boy," she said playfully. "I'm not putting anyone to sleep tonight." She turned to Dimitri. "My name.... Hm..... I guess you can call me....."she thought for a moment, pondering on whether or not to tell him her real name. She finally decided. "You can call me what you want, but most people call me Hypnas. I'm the daughter of Morpheus."

Cassie shook his hand warmly. "Glad to have you here, Marko." She turned to Jack with a scowl. "You might need to hide your face if you make a comment like that again." She smiled at Marko apologetically. "Ok, just for the future, if I ever snap at you, it's not personal, I'm just under a lot of pressure right now."
"Nice to meet you, Hypnas." He stood up and began rebuilding. "Officially I mean."

Quicksilver smirked. Then hewalked in and sat down, watching them meet each other.
Marko nods. He then looks at Pietro and gives him a private note "Do I keep my family a secret from them?"
After seeing Cassie''s reaction Jack says "I was just considering your feelings" Jack said surprised. "Excuse me for being nice" he said defensively. "Anyway what are we gonn do now? We already lost one person cuz he ccouldn't handle the heat" he said calmly referring to Aedan.

@Archangel Galdrael
Cyrus shot up from the couch after zoning out for a very long time, "I've got it!" He said pretty loudly. He looked around for Cassie who didn't seem to be in the vicinity he transformed his left hand into a mega phone, Cyrus took a deep breath......, "CASSIE!!"

Pietro nodded and whispered, "trust us". He was sure that it would be fine. After all, most of them knew what he goes through to keep a secret like that.
[QUOTE="The Regal Rper]After seeing Cassie''s reaction Jack says "I was just considering your feelings" Jack said surprised. "Excuse me for being nice" he said defensively. "Anyway what are we gonn do now? We already lost one person cuz he ccouldn't handle the heat" he said calmly referring to Aedan.
@Archangel Galdrael

Ivory searched but couldn't find anything, " This is stupid." He finally said, "I don't even know what one of those machines look like." He bit his lip and looked to the door, "But its either look or go out there and face everyone..." He thought about it and realized that he couldn't stay in her lab forever, and with that walked out, making sure to close the closet door. He walked out to the main room and said, "H-hey everyone!" He forced a smile, "What's going on in here?"
Pietro stood. "He is the son of The Black Bolt, who probably doesn't need an introduction. This however, stays between us. No one can know if they're not an avenger, understood everyone?"
Hel sat on her own and just watched everyone interact, when names we dropped she dared not say she didn't know any of these "famous" people.
And now the conversation was becoming awkward. "Sorry to hear that." Following Alex's question Connor it got even more awkward. "Yeah I'm close to both my parents. Dad's retired, the serum's effects started fading and he aged normally again."

"Look, I don't know who sent you here or why but if there's one thing you won't be here is alone, too many people, constantly. Enough to be annoying at times." Connor attempt a sheepish smile. "You've been here for like an hour, give it time."
Alex looks back and smiles a little at the others interacting. "Yeah, maybe you're right." He looks back at Connor, remembering something from his father. In this time, Alex's eyes looked hollow and his breathing slowed, but then he turned back to normal. He clears his voice, after saying. "Connor, let's not let what got between our fathers get between us, ok?" Alex then beat Connor on the shoulder, turning and heading to the others, going to where the others were, smirking.
Aedan (<-Le grey name?! :o )

Aedan peered off across the silent city, unmoving. The sky was getting darker... A storm was on its way, at least it was relatively calm and peaceful atop the skyscraper, he couldn't see Stark tower so well, which is what he wanted, the cold temperature was barely noticeable, he was busy wallowing in depression and self-loathing. He screwed up. Plain and simple, The Avengers weren't even gone... He was just too blind to see, Connor and Cassie were fine, yet they returned to see a monster. Huh, maybe he was a monster. Heroes don't kill other heroes. The worst part though? His only regret was failing to kill Jack, most of this was his fault, and the fact he was now breaking bread, cosily with the others made him sick. Wishing him dead though - still wishing him dead - is what really bothered Aedan. He failed Cassie, Connor, and himself.


The Symbiote stood, like a King over their empire, as the many cocoons, began to evolve. The once humans within slowly transcending to a higher species! A symbiote... He had at least 20, maybe 30. When the time was right, he would strike, and like a rampant plaque with no vaccine, they would spread through first the city, and then the world.
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Ivory sighed and walked to the couch, to scared to move. He tightened up and began to quietly look ant his arm and mumble, "Come on Savage buddie, I know you're there. You're usually done healing by now." He curled into a ball, "I don't want to be alone."

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