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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

sitanomoto said:
She opened the door and looked at Ivory with a small smile. "Do you want to see my lab?" She asked quietly.
(I was about to go to bed anyway, might as well post so I don't forget)

Ivory paused before smiling, allowing the suit to peel back the mask he had on, both of them, the having the suit go back into his skin. He had finally let down his mask, deciding to show her just how much he trusted her, "I'd love to!"
Marko looks at the two sitting on the couch. The woman could teleport around and replace things. He wondered what else she could do. And the other man, he also looked powerful, even though his face earlier looked like it got run over
She smiled at the show of trust and looked at Perry. "Hey Per- I mean... Iron Spider, you can come too," she said with a smile.

(((-n-) #notamused))
"Hmm? Oh, yeah, I can teleport. Among other things. I wouldn't want to spoil the surprise for you or anything, though. The name's Hel, by the way. What's yours?" She asked Jack, watching him. The pat on the head was a bit irritating, but luckily she could touch anyone here without worrying about their deaths, given they were mostly all super human in one way or another. Plus her hair always seemed to cancel it out somehow.

@The Regal Rper
(OH CRAP everyone forget Perry ever giving away his name just, erase it out of their minds other then Cassie and Tony)
Marko scoots closer to the couch slowly, eavesdropping on the two's conversation. He might learn something useful
National said:
Marko scoots closer to the couch slowly, eavesdropping on the two's conversation. He might learn something useful
((Don't you know eavesdropping is a crime punishable by a slap in the face?(@V@)))
sitanomoto said:
((Damn you and you good plot logic. (>n>)))
(Nelson Muntz laugh: HAHA! ......no?....not sorry)

Jack looked at Hel and said "Jack's the name, but you can call me Handsome, don't worry I don't mind" he said while winking at her then turning his attention to Perry.
sitanomoto said:
She smiled at the show of trust and looked at Perry. "Hey Per- I mean... Iron Spider, you can come too," she said with a smile.
(((-n-) #notamused))
Ivory looked confused, "Perry? who's Per-" he stopped as his eyes drifted to where she was looking before screaming and falling. He scrambled to get back on his makeshift mask before looking at Cassie, "THAT'S HIM CASS! THE THIEF!"
"...Welp, that was very...interesting..." Teri said as she stopped her hand from reaching her guns. "So...what the hell do we do now?" She asked loudly as she purveyed those before her.
Before Jack responded, Hel looked over to Teri and spoke again. "You know, if you guys keep talking like that, I'm going to get awful confused." She noticed the eavesdropper, but didn't really care. After all, its not as though the two of them had been having a private conversation.
"Your not really supposed to....." Connor called after him, watching him race down the steps, but Aedan hadn't stopped moving, a frown appearing on his face. He hadn't seen the teen since they'd first met, mid-battle just days ago. The blondes instincts told him to go after him, that Aedan's words of coming back had been false, he was about to continue on up the stairs when his conscience halted him, telling him to atleast try. Why was his conscience his fathers voice? That stern lecturing voice he tried to avoid constantly was now making it's way into his head? Please no.

With that he turned to chase down the stairs and out to the front door of the tower, sticking his head out the front door of the lobby area in an attempt to see Aedan. "Hey! There's still plenty of air inside you know!"

(Werent' we pausing? Probs last post for the night unless we continue. @Archangel Galdrael Connor can't help himself with going after Aedan, it's his thing. Pfft. He'll give up there though so Aedan can have left fast and far enough not to be spotted if you want.)
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LokiofSP said:
Ivory looked confused, "Perry? who's Per-" he stopped as his eyes drifted to where she was looking before screaming and falling. He scrambled to get back on his makeshift mask before looking at Cassie, "THAT'S HIM CASS! THE THIEF!"
"WHOAH!" Cassie yelled, stepping between the two. "Easy Ivory," she said. "Iron Spider's no theif, unless you count all of the cookies gone from my cupboard," she winked at him. "He's my friend, and I trust him with my life." She smiled at Perry.

((I had a little more time, sorry....))

((Ok, NOW it's officially GN for me.

now we REALLY pause. Good night!))
[QUOTE="Archangel Galdrael]Aedan, already imagining 700 different methods of killing Perry, for escaping with the invisibility, relented, and stopped holding Jack's movement. "Y'know what? I'm done, if you want to go and cause a full scale war, and get every hero hunted to death then that's your choice. The guy now in charge of the city isn't exactly a fan of superpowered people. Hell, maybe Perry'll doom us all first! That web-slinging MORON! Agh!" Aedan ranted, more to himself than Jack, as far as he was concerned they were doomed, Avengers fell into a void, a maniacal military mastermind had an iron fist over the city, two super villains were very much alive, with one an active threat, and the only heroes left besides him were incompetent, impulsive, fools.
@Metaphysics @Steel Zinogre (The others have no idea you're in the tower, like Hel)

(I know, He is all alone in the dining area @Archangel Galdrael )
Jack got up leaving Hel's side and decided to get a closer look at what was going on with Stark and Perry. Casually acting like he wasn't really doing anything he passed by where Perry was and pretended to be looking for something while listening to their conversation.

@Hel @Pyosimros
As everyone ran into the Stark building, Finn was slow and took his time. First of all, he had forgotten to grab a healing potion from Steph and his side was brutal, second, he had no shirt on and his pants were torn and frayed with nothing but a knot to hold them in place, and third his glasses were cracked in the bottom corner and it was throwing his balance off.

He stepped inside the building to avoid another run in with the police before he sarcastically jazz hands the place. "Oh yippie the Stark building our sanctuary. The great and wonderful building where absolutely every villain wants to be." He grumbled.

He walked idly along the long stretching hallways, deciding to have a moment by himself rather than join the crew plus new right away. His plan of solo walking ended up being a smart one though when he overheard a beautifully sung chorus. He tipped his head into the room to see the most amazing pillow and blanket fort he had ever seen. He whistled in appreciation. "Now this is what our powers should be used for."
Dimitri stuck his head out. "Halt! Who goes there? Oh sup Finn. I was watching our prisoner over there and got kind of sidetracked. I wish I could let you in but you gotta know the password. Rules are rules." He popped back inside.
The streets we're empty, no Aedan in sight. Connor punched the door out of frustration, harder than he'd meant to but not enough for damage. Then he let out a sigh before turning around, letting the door shut behind him. And there was his fathers voice again, as he trudged up the stairs. You can't help everyone. You can't save everyone. Connor snorted with an annoyed look on his face, "I can damn well try." He muttered under his breath. Language. And, I know you will.

When he arrived upstairs there we're several faces he didn't recognize, actually he didn't recognize anyone, except Pietro. Cassie was nowhere to be seen, he guessed she went to her room. Ivory must have followed since he was supposed to be up here as well, so atleast she wasn't alone.

"Alright." Connor said from the middle of the room. "I'm potentially playing bouncer tonight. I'd like your names and why your here." The blonde pinched the bridge of his nose. Well he couldn't really kick anyone out with the military still playing babysitter outside.
Hel seemed moderately annoyed by Jack completely ignoring her continuation of a conversation he started, but then she sighed, and realized that she really didn't care. She leaned back on the couch and watched the others. No one had asked why she was there and frankly she didn't feel the need to tell them that she was only there to irritate her father because they had fought recently.

Then someone did ask.

"I am Hel," she said simply. "Who are you? The... ah, what was he called... ummm... American, his son?" She asked him, looking him over


(So umm...why did I stop getting notifications for this RP? ;-;

Kyuma made it back indoors(after stuff apparently happened that he has no idea about ;- ;) , and took a seat on a nearby couch...or what was left of it.

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