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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

"hmm... No, not a hero." She said, smiling as she watched the other two boys interact and not doing a thing to stop their fight. She didn't know what it was that Jack thought was so easy, though.

"So, is security around here so lax that people just appearing inside is no longer surprising? That's certainly interesting, if you ask me." She said, making a mental note never to sleep there.

@Archangel Galdrael @The Regal Rper
LokiofSP said:
(It was a joke m8)
( o_o )

((I like how Hel is just like, casually speaking to herself whilst one hero attempts to kill another xD ))
@Archangel Galdrael

"Uh oh" he thought as the staff connected with his face sending him flying. After hitting the ground and doing a few rolls Jack sat up with his back facing Aedan and the door where the others would soon appear. "Nice swing you got there" he stated with a grinned. "But I bet an old lady could do better" he muttered slowly getting up.
"In fact, how old are you? There are some people you should meet pherhaps. As long as your parents don't mind you being out until tomorrow morning, that is." Pietro said, wanting to make sure any new meta humans would choose the right path.
Marko looked at Pietro and writes again "I'm 16. And my parents aren't around right now, so they won't mind sir." Marko takes of his bandanna, still cautious
[QUOTE="The Regal Rper]@Archangel Galdrael
"Uh oh" he thought as the staff connected with his face sending him flying. After hitting the ground and doing a few rolls Jack sat up with his back facing Aedan and the door where the others would soon appear. "Nice swing you got there" he stated with a grinned. "But I bet an old lady could do better" he muttered slowly getting up.

Aedan, mainly seeing red, forgetting about the location, the likely villainous woman sitting on the couch, and the fact that this guy was a hero. Lunged again, this time throwing his staff, whilst making it move around as fast as quicksilver could run, promptly sending Jack through the door, and into the wall, cracking it. "Say that again!" He roared, pacing towards Jack once more.

((Haha! Love how evil Jack is, in a totally not evil way. Why does he hate Aedan so much?! xD ))
(Jack just likes teasing people lol)

Slamming into the wall Jack heard something pop before slowing falling to the ground. Slowly getting up he picked up Aedan's staff and used it as a walking stick "Now Aedan" he said in a old man voice, is this anyway to treat your elders?" he said as his face healed and his broken back snapped back into place. "What would your granny say, why back in my day-" he stopped as he heard the others getting closer.
Pietro nodded. "Alright, stark tower is this way, I would ordinarily carry you, but you might get sick."

Dimitri stayed inside looking out of the fort. "Do you give up? It's Mercury. Oops. Mercury is cool though right? So much cooler than Silver Streak..."
"The big tower that says stark! You might even be able to fly in, assuming a window is probably broken." Pietro replied before zipping off.
A flash grenade flew inbetween them and detonated. "Enough!" She said as she pulled them apart. "I am not here to babysit children so you all better calm the flux down or the next one will be tear gas!"

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Hel leaned back and watched the two fight, she honestly wished she had some popcorn. Things were starting to become much less boring, even if she didn't understand why exactly the two were fighting. For some unknown reason, She got the urge to chime in.

"You know, you could always test that. Why, I'm certain that by your standards I'm ancient, just let me take a shot at your face, it may improve it!" She said playfully to Jack.
"I'd love to chat, but I don't have the time to. Bye!" Perry jumped on one of the men's shoulders and Perry uncloaked once in contact. He jumped onto Stark tower and swung onto the previous floor. If everyone wasn't caught by surprise he would probably be full of bullet holes by now.
Jack cleared his eyes after the flash grenade disappeared. "Now uh I know I'm good looking but cmon do we all need to take a shot at my face to improve what's already there?" he said referring to Hel.
Marko flew towards the big building. He sees that many of the windows are broken, so he flies on in, looking around for the speed man.
Aedan rushed towards Jack once more, accelerating the momentum of his fist, and feet, to be roughly the speed of a car, and punched Jack in the gut, but before he could follow, the flash bang detonated, and briefly blinded Aedan. Though he was still in a very dark place, and didn't plan to relent anytime soon. "Back off!" He yelled towards Teri, kicking a bookcase over, and sending it slowly towards her, not enough to hit her, but mainly to act as a sort of threat...

((Nooo! Teri! Let them fight, deal with Perry xD it'll be priceless for the Avengers to just walk in whilst Aedan is trying to murder Jack.)

(Also... Healing factors! (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻) )

@Metaphysics @Pyosimros @The Regal Rper @Hel
Pyosimros said:
"I'd love to chat, but I don't have the time to. Bye!" Perry jumped on one of the men's shoulders and Perry uncloaked once in contact. He jumped onto Stark tower and swung onto the previous floor. If everyone wasn't caught by surprise he would probably be full of bullet holes by now.
Ivory looked back at everyone bewildered, "Do you know him, was that guy a thief? I think that was a thief ."
Once Perry got up it looked like the room was a battlefield. "Hey! Aedan have some manners for the attractive lady!" he shot a net of webs in front of Hel, successfully blocking the strike. "And since when were we playing baseball with Jack being the ball?"
Hel had not quite seen that flash grenade coming, and was blinking away the stars when he replied. "Oh, is that what you call handsome here? Hmm, your standards must be lower than I thought." She joked, wondering if their banter was distracting Jack at all. She didn't know these people, but watching them break stuff, and each other sure was amusing. She glanced at the boy who provided her a barrier, but said nothing to him.

Her attention turned to Aedan. "Hey, is that as hard as you can hit? Maybe the ugly-boy was right, you are kind of weak." She had absolutely no interest in actually fighting, just in encouraging it. She then looked to the newcomer. "Did you bring popcorn?" She asked at the end of her banter.

@Metaphysics @Archangel Galdrael
Pietro zipped to the floor with everyone. "Now I know this isn't the best time, but this is Marko. He can fly..... I can tell this isn't the best time." He turned to Marko. "I thought my son was here... Oh well. Hopefully he is off doing something heroic and productive."

Dimitri sat on a pillow and pantomimed rowing a canoe, pushing himself around with a stick, singing. "Come mister tally man tally me banana, daylight come and me wan go hoooooome!"
Jack coughed a little blood went his gut got hit. "Oh man someone call Nurse Joy cuz man did that one sting!" he said still grinning even after getting hit in the gut. "But man Aedan you gotta work on your hits I thought for sure I was getting hit with kiddy slaps just now" he stated backing away slowly from his fist. "You know the kind" he stated as he imitated the type of slaps from about 3 inches from Aedan.

(Seriously how do you do those things I've never figured out how to do it and also I can't find any holes in Aedan's power).
Cass walked in to the building and stopped cold. "What. The. Hell...." She said. Her eyes were nearly on fire. "WHAT THE HELL!!!! I LEAVE FOR THREE HOURS AND I COME BACK TO.... TO THIS?!?!?" she was furious. "FOR GOD'S SAKE!" She looked at the broken windows, the mess on the couch, and got so mad she started to cry. "MY DAD IS GOING TO KILL ME! HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO EXPLAIN THIS?!" She glared at all of the people in the room, tears streaming down her face. "AGH!" She stormed out of the room to her only place where she felt safe: her secret lab behind her closet. Her dad hadn't even found it yet. She threw herself in a corner and began to sob in earnest.
Marko looked around at the destruction and the screaming girl who sounds like she might commit a mass murder. He looks at Pietro and drops him a note "Quite the place this is. Looks a little beat up"

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