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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

Hel looked over when she thought she heard her name called by this newcomer. She certainly seemed upset. Perhaps it was time to stop. "Hey, I didn't do this." She said a bit jokingly as the girl sulked off, then she realized how upset the girl was and started to wonder if maybe she should stop joking around now. Hmm, well, she supposed the least she could do is help fix it.

Standing, Hel looked to the broken windows and teleported a few replacements in. She sent away everything that was broken and replaced what she could with teleportation. Sure it was stealing, but hey, who could stop her?
Upon hearing Cassie scream then storm out Jack pauses. "Oops" he said then looked at Hel. "My face is still healing shorty just wait and see you'll be gaga all over me then Lady Gaga herself!" he said proudly as his face had almost finished it's healing process. "Now what to do about Stark's kid though" he thought to himself now ignoring Aedan.
"If you don't quit fighting, I'm grabbing one of you and letting you go in the Yukon. Cut it out." Pietro said authoritatively.
Marko slowly floats back down, sitting down on the floor. He didn't know what was going on, but as long as no one knew who he was or who his parents were, he would stay around.
Reaper said:
Pietro zipped to the floor with everyone. "Now I know this isn't the best time, but this is Marko. He can fly..... I can tell this isn't the best time." He turned to Marko. "I thought my son was here... Oh well. Hopefully he is off doing something heroic and productive."
Dimitri sat on a pillow and pantomimed rowing a canoe, pushing himself around with a stick, singing. "Come mister tally man tally me banana, daylight come and me wan go hoooooome!"
Hypnas smiled at the sound. This boy was getting more and more attractive, albeit she couldn't see him, but no matter. "Whatever happened to a nice chorus of 'row row row your boat?"
sitanomoto said:
Cass walked in to the building and stopped cold. "What. The. Hell...." She said. Her eyes were nearly on fire. "WHAT THE HELL!!!! I LEAVE FOR THREE HOURS AND I COME BACK TO.... TO THIS?!?!?" she was furious. "FOR GOD'S SAKE!" She looked at the broken windows, the mess on the couch, and got so mad she started to cry. "MY DAD IS GOING TO KILL ME! HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO EXPLAIN THIS?!" She glared at all of the people in the room, tears streaming down her face. "AGH!" She stormed out of the room to her only place where she felt safe: her secret lab behind her closet. Her dad hadn't even found it yet. She threw herself in a corner and began to sob in earnest.
Ivory walked into the building and was surprised at the scene in front of him as heroes tumbled over each other fighting, Cassie came in and yelled at everyone inside the building before storming off, as she walked away he quickly followed her, not wanting to stay behind with these strange people. About halfway through he lost her, "Man..." He thought, "This would be a great time for some Bloodhound tracking." And just like that, he saw a trail leading to Cassie's room, "What the- never mind Cassie needs someone right now." He followed the trail until it lead to a closet, one that barley looked big enough for a person. He shrugged and thought, "I have nothing to lose if I check." He knocked and asked, "Hey Cassie... Are you in there? Cuz I'm going to feel real stupid if you're not."
Perry looked at Cass for the few moments she was there. Through all the years he'd known her this seemed to be her finest hour, or minutes or rage. Though he had to deal with Aedran's rage before actually helping her out.
Aedan stopped immediately at seeing Cassie, as if the last 5 minutes had never happened, slowly his vision and mind-set returned to normal. Cassie... Was there... Alive? Aedan began to feel really sick, and equally as dizzy. Before he simply glanced at Perry, Hel and Jack. His eyes portraying pure despair. "I'll...Just-" Aedan never finished his sentence,almost choking back tears, instead he just silently walked down the stairs, accelerating his momentum, now wanting to be anywhere but here... Just like the time he first entered the building, just like the time Cassie was healing Fenrir...Ignoring his own advice to stay in during curfew.

((A thief now hiding in the targets very grand, luxurious home apparently...@LokiofSP))

((@The Regal Rper Aedan's momentum manipulation is entirely dependant on weight, speed and the other person's power. He can't stop anything that isn'y physical, like spells, and he wouldn't be able to freeze someone like the hulk or quicksilver, nor would his power do any good against Hel or Steph. His specialty lies with being against other physical-power based humanoids.))
Cassie heard the knock on her door and heard Ivory speak. She stood, wiped her face, and walked to the door. "Yeah... I'm here."
@The Regal Rper[/URL] Aedan's momentum manipulation is entirely dependant on weight, speed and the other person's power. He can't stop anything that isn'y physical, like spells, and he wouldn't be able to freeze someone like the hulk or quicksilver, nor would his power do any good against Hel or Steph. His specialty lies with being against other physical-power based humanoids.))
(Just sayin though, totally a thief. Also screw mobile, my thumbs hurt so much right now)
"So she's awake!! Alright, now you start after the word stream... Row row to-... Just a sec, my dad is on my comlink.... Yea? No I'm not, I'm interrogating a super villain actually.... I left my comlink on? Well the banana boat song is an interrogation technique I learned.... Sorry can't hear you." He said, turning off his comlink.

"Goddamn it Dimitri. Well you'll meet him another time. I have a feeling he would get along with wade's kid over there." Pietro said to Marko.
Jack stood back up@ now his face and all injuries completely healed. "Hmm didn't expect old granny over there to rush off when Stark's kid freaked out like that." Jack said wondering if Aenad had it out for Cassie. "Oh well. Hey Perry you wanna swing by and go hunting for the swinger, can't play baseball without the hitter." Pausing though he wondered if he should wait for Cassie to come out before leaving.

Connor still hadn't made it up the steps when he heard the crashing noises followed by such intense yelling that could only be made by the one, the only...Cassie Stark. He winced and slowed his pace deciding to give it a second before going up, then suddenly someone was moving by him, he caught the hair and the face for a second. "Aedan?" He called out as the figure went by, almost tripping as he halted, the face he'd seen wasn't the one he remembered, a bit happier unlike now.
Marko grinned. He looked around the building, inspecting the other people in here. He has never seen these people. His father only told him about Captain America, Iron Man, and the Hulkd, as well as the Illuminati. However, no one knows aboutnthe Illuminati except a select few. He looks at all the costumed people. They are heroes, just like his dad was for the inhumans. But he heard the Avengers were gone.
"Hmm, well... that all seemed to end quite abruptly." Hel said, noting all of the emotional responses that followed. She didn't really get why everyone was so upset, but no one seemed bothered by her presence at all. She examined the fast one who seemed to be talking with his son and shook her head some, then she rather gracefully sat back on the couch. She then turned back to Jack and asked, "Hmm, by the way, is it working yet? I'm not feeling very gaga like."
sitanomoto said:
Cassie heard the knock on her door and heard Ivory speak. She stood, wiped her face, and walked to the door. "Yeah... I'm here."
Ivory stood back, shocked at the fact the power actually worked, and that he was right, "So I know there's not a lot of room in there, but can you let me in..." He paused before adding,"If it'll make you feel better I won't sleep, I can help clean"
(Is there supposed to be one cuz if there is put Jack on top xD )

Jack hearing Hel says "Huh oh yeah well don't worry you will" he stated patting her on the head then sitting next to her on the couch. "Anyway who are you? Obviously you've got teleportation abilities or something to do with Spatial manipulation right?" he asked observing her carefully.
She opened the door and looked at Ivory with a small smile. "Do you want to see my lab?" She asked quietly.

Aedan glanced at Connor, again, his heart lightening at the sight of the second Avenger, besides Cassie he had actually spoken to. He strained a fake smile, trying to make it out like he was fine. "Just... Need some air... I'll be back later..." No he wouldn't... Again, not dwelling to allow Connor to keep him there, and - God forbid - change his mind, Aedan increased his movement a little more, before continuing down the stairs.


"I'll probably check on Cass first," Perry looked over at Jack. He didn't really care if he followed but Cassie was probably in that secret place behind of closet or whatever. Perry went into it a few times. Once he was approaching the room he switched his suit off so it would just be his usual clothes. "Hey, Cass are you o-" he looked into the room and some other guy was there. Oh crap! Perry quickly switched his suit back on. The guy didn't exactly have Perry's 'One Year of Friendship So I'll Trust You With My Secret Identity Award' yet.
sitanomoto said:

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