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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

"Both of you calm down!" Teri snapped. "This is what we'll do. We decide on a course of action and we'll do whatever seems to be the best because I swear to God that I will shank you in the eye while you sleep!"

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The man stopped studying her for a moment, not entirely sure if she was being genuine, or looking for a window to run off. "Fine, fine... You can walk the rest of the way responsibly alone, I hope." He answered, as the other few men began walking back down the street, with him briefly following, yet occasionally turning to make sure they're going back to the tower.

Aedan once more turned away from Jack, and ignored Teri, no longer furious but upset. "Others? What others... They're gone! They vanished..." He whimpered, now burrowing himself deeper into the couch. Utterly defeated by the universe.

(I dare Jack to not tell him they are literally entering the building...)
Marko thinks to himself "If this guy finds out I'm Black Bolts kid, they might frame me as an inhuman outlaw" Marko hesitantly writes on the piece of paper "Yeah. I can head back home. Sorry for the inconvenience sir" he starts to walk away
Crono said:
Connor had to admit he expected much more of a reaction from Cassie than had been given. I mean sure, he got the iconical Glare of Death but it hadn't lasted long. The last time he'd called her Princess was over a year ago and it nearly got him tossed down a flight of stairs. "I know you can't." He said with a smile at Cassie.
Looks as though it'll be a sleepover at the Tower tonight.

(Darn, Cassie doesn't wear a helmet so I can't call her bucket head in the future. :[ )
((You can call her Tin Can, Four eyes, Know-It-all.... Take your pick, I got more.))
As Ivory ran, he was once again filled with adrenaline, joy and exetiment giving him energy. As this happened, the Symbiote once again came over him, covering his body in a familiar black and red suit. He waved everyone over, "GUYS HURRY UP!"
(He was on his way to meet the group to tell them the same thing)

When everyone arrived at stark tower, they would find Dimitri making a huge pillow fort.

"No no no." Pietro said. "I'm going to make sure you make it home. You're not going to just wander off to go tag another building."
((All this drama at the top floor, and then Dmitri. Just building a pillow fort at the bottom with a captive Hypnas...))
Marko starts to panic. This guy won't leave him alone, and if this guy follows him back home, he will definitely be found out! Marko channels his electron energy and starts to fly up in the air
Perry slipped onto the ground silently. It seemed now that they were going to be dropped off at the tower. He quietly slipped beside Cass, though he wasn't so sure if anyone heard him. At least the darkness helped mask the shadow.
LokiofSP said:
As Ivory ran, he was once again filled with adrenaline, joy and exetiment giving him energy. As this happened, the Symbiote once again came over him, covering his body in a familiar black and red suit. He waved everyone over, "GUYS HURRY UP!"
Cassie yawned, absolutely tuckered out, but she smiled. "Hold your horses, Ivory!" She called out. "Not everyone has enough symbiote energy." She walked after him. She stopped, listening, and then made a punch to the left of her, unknowingly aiming right for Perry's head.
"Wait! You're special!" Pietro thought about it. "I know you're scared, but I'm not the bad guy. Hell, I'm like you. People like us need to stick together, yes?"
Hel leaned against a wall in the tower and watched the boy making the pillow fort, she turned to silently head somewhere else. Teleporting made for little trouble with security. She had grown bored of the trouble going on upstairs, and honestly didn't really understand what was happening. Watching a pillow fort get built, however, was far more boring than before.

Hel went back upstairs in time to see Aedan burrow down into the couch. She smiled and couldn't help herself but say something now- all this waiting was a bit infuriating.

"What's wrong? Universe got you down?" She asked, a smile playing on her lips and a playful gleam in her green eyes. She stepped towards him and went to fall on the couch beside him once she finished speaking, as though she belonged there.

@Archangel Galdrael
As the others got loser Jack decided to position himself right next to the depressed Aedan and try and take a selfie. "Haven't been on Twitter in a while so why not?" he thought to himself taking out his cell trying not to attract Aedan's attention. Noticing the girl pop up next to them Jack grinned. "Oh this is too easy", he stated.
sitanomoto said:
Cassie yawned, absolutely tuckered out, but she smiled. "Hold your horses, Ivory!" She called out. "Not everyone has enough symbiote energy." She walked after him. She stopped, listening, and then made a punch to the left of her, unknowingly aiming right for Perry's head.
Ivory looked down at his hands, confused, "I didn't do this though, hell I shouldn't be able to, Savage is still out of it...In fact he's been out of it for awhile..." He said, before jumping in surprise as her fist connected with a persons face, "WHAT THE HELL?"
"Well atleast somebodies excited." Connor said following after Cassie and Ivory. His feet colliding with something on the ground as he stomped over it, not bothered by whatever he'd almost tripped over and had surely kicked a few times.
Spider-Sense hit Perry like a train. He swiftly dodged the punch though everyone probably heard the shuffle. Well, they probably discovered me, he let out a silent sigh.
Dimitri opened the blanket flaps of the front. "Look at my kingdom, red... Oh yes you're blindfolded. Trust me it's awesome. Want to guess the password? Here's a hint. It's my superhero name! It's also a planet. That's two hints, the second is on me."

(Being left alone with dimitri is absolutely cruel and unusual.)
Aedan genuinely lost interest by this point, he had lost count of the number of heroes who just appeared, or invaded Stark tower. Hey, if she was evil, wouldn't she have killed him? Instead he grumbled. "Yeah sure... Let me guess, another hero." Aedan moved to walk away from the room, now completely drained of a surprise factor. Yet depite some random woman appearing who may, or may not, be a supervillain, the moment he spotted Jack, rage took over. He froze Jack to the spot, and swung his steel staff, straight into the incredibly annoying guy's face, accelerating his weapons momentum to knock Jack several feet back, with enough force to probably kill a normal person. "You're dead you imbecilic moron!" Aedan shouted, likely enough for anyone below to hear.

@The Regal Rper @Hel
Marko looks at the speed man, Marko's fear in his eyes. He slowly starts to come back down. He nods at the mans comment, landing down carefully
LokiofSP said:
(This is Aden's what? Second fight? And he's already killing teammates?)
((If you can't see why you haven't been paying attention to like, all my posts.))
"So you can fly?" Pietro asked. "My name is Pietro Maximoff, and I'm fast. What is your name?"

(Trust me, Jack will be alright.)
[QUOTE="Archangel Galdrael]((If you can't see why you haven't been paying attention to like, all my posts.))

(It was a joke m8)
Marko took out his pen and paper again, writing "Yeah, I can fly and do some other stuff. My name is Marko. Nice to meet you."

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