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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

Aedan, already imagining 700 different methods of killing Perry, for escaping with the invisibility, relented, and stopped holding Jack's movement. "Y'know what? I'm done, if you want to go and cause a full scale war, and get every hero hunted to death then that's your choice. The guy now in charge of the city isn't exactly a fan of superpowered people. Hell, maybe Perry'll doom us all first! That web-slinging MORON! Agh!" Aedan ranted, more to himself than Jack, as far as he was concerned they were doomed, Avengers fell into a void, a maniacal military mastermind had an iron fist over the city, two super villains were very much alive, with one an active threat, and the only heroes left besides him were incompetent, impulsive, fools.

@Metaphysics @Steel Zinogre (The others have no idea you're in the tower, like Hel)
After a good bit of web-slinging a robotic voice simply stated, "Cassie Stark is approximately 150 Metres away." The AI in Perry's suit wasn't as advanced as Jarvis or Friday however. It was pretty much Siri inside of your suit. Either way, the group was sighted. The plan now was to just observe from above and attack when the military attacks.
((Just had an idea. "It's a bird! It's a plane! It's..... Perry?!?"))

((@National you could be sneaking out after curfew! Like every teenager does at least once in their life!))
"Maybe you should consider staying at Stark Tower for the night. I mean what are you gonna do if you run into more of these guys on the way home? Turn into Smasher and tell them no? On second thought, do that. I want to see that. I'm sure Cass won't mind if we stay the night right?" Connor looked to Cassie, though he himself probably didn't have much of a choice. His home was alot further than two blocks so there was no way he could make it home from the tower without getting caught.

Cassie's insult added to injury and Connor moved to stand behind her placing his hands on her armored shoulders. "How about a little respect for your elders, Princess." Oh how he longed to use that name on her, knowing full well that she hated it. And just now she'd given him a reason to.
Jack watched Aedan go through what he considered to be his breaking point. "Looks like I pushed him to far. And I thought Wolverine was uptight" he stated continuing to watch Aedan rant. "Alright then Aedan since you're gonna be a party pooper about this I'll wait till some of the others get back will that please his royal pain in my ass?" Jack said with a bow.
(My God... Aedan is going to absolutely snap because of you two! xD

Avengers: Civil War incoming...)
Ivory walked in awe as he slowly realized something, his eyes growing wider, "Cassie...You live in that tower?! I never got much of a chance to see it and I assumed it was just like a base or something, I mean al of you guys were in weird costumes so I thought you must've all been there for some kind of related reason." Ivory's eyes widened once again as he realized something again, "Wait, we can't go to Finn's house, so does that mean I'm staying in that tower?!" He raised his arms in victory, "YES, THANK YOU UNIVERSE!"
Marko tied his bandanna around his face and started to shake the two spray cans in his hands. Today was a long day, running away from the police and trying to find his dad. What was even worse, people can't understand him. The only people who can listen to him were people who knew sign language or if someone gave him a piece of paper to write on. The whole electron energy voice thing was great, but he wondered how great it was to talk without destroying an entire city block with just a whisper. He uncaps the cans and starts to spray away.
[QUOTE="Archangel Galdrael](My God... Aedan is going to absolutely snap because of you two! xD
Avengers: Civil War incoming...)

(That can't happen....Aden would pop a blood vessel and die because of thoes two before he had the chance to start it)
Crono said:
"Maybe you should consider staying at Stark Tower for the night. I mean what are you gonna do if you run into more of these guys on the way home? Turn into Smasher and tell them no? On second thought, do that. I want to see that. I'm sure Cass won't mind if we stay the night right?" Connor looked to Cassie, though he himself probably didn't have much of a choice. His home was alot further than two blocks so there was no way he could make it home from the tower without getting caught.
Cassie's insult added to injury and Connor moved to stand behind her placing his hands on her armored shoulders. "How about a little respect for your elders, Princess." Oh how he longed to use that name on her, knowing full well that she hated it. And just now she'd given him a reason to.
"Of course I don't mind," Cassie said. She turned and unleashed all of the powers of hell on him in her glare. "Don't. Call. Me. Princess." She growled lowly. Cassie's glare was enough to level a block. The glare, however, turned into a reluctant smile. "Jeez, Conn Man, I can't stay mad at you." She looked at Ivory with a grin. "Universe takes the thank you."
(Glad I could help lol)

Jack just continues to watch and wait until something flashes in the binocular glass. "Hm what's this?" he said as he moved the binoculars up to his eyes. The glare had come off the cap that Marko had taken of the spray can. "Looks like this kid might just have a run in with Stark's kid" he stated now ignoring Aedan's rambles.
sitanomoto said:
"Of course I don't mind," Cassie said. She turned and unleashed all of the powers of hell on him in her glare. "Don't. Call. Me. Princess." She growled lowly. Cassie's glare was enough to level a block. The glare, however, turned into a reluctant smile. "Jeez, Conn Man, I can't stay mad at you." She looked at Ivory with a grin. "Universe takes the thank you."
Ivory's mouth stretched into the biggest smile in history as he ran forward in a burst of energy, "COME ON GUYS LETS GET THERE FASTER!"
Quicksilver whizzed by, taking Marko's can and stopping in front of him with his arms crossed.

"Don't you know there's a curfew tonight?"
Aedan narrowed his eyed further into Jack, now burning with a mixture of annoyance and rage. Unintentionally ignoring Jack's words about Cassie, Aedan, now annoyed by Jack's recent comment, turned on him. "Why the hell are you even here? Who invited you here? Your very presence is a DISGRACE to the Avengers tower! The moment this curfew ends your leaving... Or I'll make you." Aedan growled, digging his nails into is hands, as he clenched his fists so hard he could probably crush a skull... Preferably, Perry's or Jack's.
Marko's eyes widen at the man. He quickly starts to make hand signs, but gives up, knowing the man probably doesn't know sign language. He pulls out a paper and pen and writes "What? I had no idea."
Cass began to walk back to the tower. She turned to the man in uniform. "Sir, are you going to take us home? Or do I have permission to responsibly lead the way back to my own humble abode?"
Putting the binoculars down. Jack turned to Aedan who looked like he was ready to kill him. "Look pal I could care less if I am a disgrace to your whole party, the main reason I'm here is because DP told me to come here when I came to, said you guys would explain things to me or something like that. Besides now that I know what's going on you can't afford to lose me. You need all the help you can get" he said calmly.
((Son of a marshmallow.....))


Reaper said:
Quicksilver whizzed by, taking Marko's can and stopping in front of him with his arms crossed.
"Don't you know there's a curfew tonight?"
((Wait.... Then why is he out?)))
Connor had to admit he expected much more of a reaction from Cassie than had been given. I mean sure, he got the iconical Glare of Death but it hadn't lasted long. The last time he'd called her Princess was over a year ago and it nearly got him tossed down a flight of stairs. "I know you can't." He said with a smile at Cassie.

Looks as though it'll be a sleepover at the Tower tonight.

(Darn, Cassie doesn't wear a helmet so I can't call her bucket head in the future. :[ )
Pietro cocked his head, wondering how he heard him, but why he wouldn't speak.

"Yes. There is. So will it be your house or the police station?" He asked.

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