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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

(Since Stark tower's under new management I'll just say I got the armor earlier)

"Thanks for your heartfelt response," Perry said sarcastically. "I'm coming over to Stark tower since you're probably power there, see ya," he hung up the phone. The 'Iron Spider' suit was hanging in his closet and he put it on. Perry quickly morphed it into a symbiote suit so it looked cool. Though the standard suit looked cool already. He headed out and looked at the big tower.
@The Regal Rper[/URL] @Skylar Black
Pyosimros said:
(Since Stark tower's under new management I'll just say I got the armor earlier)
"Thanks for your heartfelt response," Perry said sarcastically. "I'm coming over to Stark tower since you're probably power there, see ya," he hung up the phone. The 'Iron Spider' suit was hanging in his closet and he put it on. Perry quickly morphed it into a symbiote suit so it looked cool. Though the standard suit looked cool already. He headed out and looked at the big tower.
Realizing he couldn't move Jack just stares at Aedan

Jack: "Well Mr. You shouldn't be treating your friends like this shouldn't you b asking for my name before you ask what I'm here for?"
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[QUOTE="The Regal Rper]Realizing he couldn't move Jack just stares at Aedan
Jack: "Well Mr. You shouldn't be treating your friends like this shouldn't you b asking for my name before you ask what I'm here for?"

"And how are you my friend? You just broke into one of the most secure buildings in the city, home to the Avengers and Tony Stark, now you claim to be a friend?" Aedan scoffed, skeptical about the intruder's words. "Why would I need your name, villain?"


Pyosimros said:
(Are you guys in Stark tower?)
[QUOTE="The Regal Rper]Realizing he couldn't move Jack just stares at Aedan
Jack: "Well Mr. You shouldn't be treating your friends like this shouldn't you b asking for my name before you ask what I'm here for?"

Pyosimros said:
(Are you guys in Stark tower?)
[QUOTE="Archangel Galdrael]"And how are you my friend? You just broke into one of the most secure buildings in the city, home to the Avengers and Tony Stark, now you claim to be a friend?" Aedan scoffed, skeptical about the intruder's words. "Why would I need your name, villain?"



"Oh someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed. And sure I may have broken into to one of the most secure buildings in the city, but I did come here to sign up for this uh ... get together?" Jack stated unsure if it really was a get together now that he looked around carefully.

"Besides why wouldn't you ask? Doesn't look like you've got anything else to do"
(Wow I didn't know xD alright I'm still coming)

Perry looked at the tower. There was no convenient hole in the wall to get into, which was both good and bad. At this situation the doorbell seemed to be a good idea. Though there wasn't any.
Aedan narrowed his eyes further. "Have you been living under a rock for the past week? Have you any idea as to what's happening out there? Or did you also fall out of the bloody sky! The Avengers are missing, me and Dmitri are the only ones still here..." Aedan paused for a moment, realizing he had just called himself an Avenger, "The rest just, vanished..." He answered in a dejected voice, before releasing the intruders from their movement impairment.
"I see" Jack states as he stretches. "Well that is bad isn't? But I don't really see the problem here." he casually responded while looking around. "To my knowledge there hasn't been anything extremely bad going on outside. And what's with that look?" Jack asked now walking towards Aedan again.
Perry knocked on the window. "Hey! No idea if this window is soundproof but wanna open this door for me?!" he shouted. He didn't really feel like joking at this point.
Pyosimros said:
Perry knocked on the window. "Hey! No idea if this window is soundproof but wanna open this door for me?!" he shouted. He didn't really feel like joking at this point.
Faintly hearing a knock, Jack while waiting for Aedan's reply slowly backed up to the switch and tapped it
Skylar sighed. "The reason I'm here is because the Avengers are missing. My name is Skylar Romanoff. I'm Black Widow's daughter. And I've come to help." She said, her face and voice emotionless.
Steph went to Kionu and put a vial to her lips she needed to heal some at the very least she needed some energy.

" Well everyone but those with symbiotes is free to go those that remains are going to have some special training so you won't lose yourself to the hunger again " She said
Aedan had to try and resist the urge to go berserk at this stranger, he failed... "ARE YOU KIDDING ME?! The Military, has taken control over the WHOLE city! They've enforced curfews, AND Martial Law! Two Super villains have been destroying huge areas, and nearly killing heroes! Hundreds of civilians have been killed! And now,the Avengers have gone MISSING! And you're telling me there hasn't been anything extremely bad going on outside?!" Aedan shouted, seeing red and not noticing Perry or hearing Skylar.

@Pyosimros @Skylar Black

((Either Jack is seriously dumb, or you didn't research recent events... @The Regal Rper ))
(Sorry brah I haven't read anything I usually read what I'm getting into for RPs but when I saw how much you guys have done I decided to just get caught up as I get into it cuz it'd take to long)

Jack was a little surprised at Aedan's outburst.

"Damn... I'm sorry jeez, I haven't been around for a while okay. Take it easy..."
"Thanks, you would think they would have some kind of code word to open or something, something like 'Starks are amazing!'" Perry hopped in. He still had to get used to the suit upgrades. "So, we have the emotionless redhead, we have the brown-haired guy, and the black-haired guy. Hi," he gave a wave. "My name's Perry, by the way.
While still focusing his attention on the antsy Aedan, Jack mutters to Perry. "Names Jack, so uh it true that the Avengers are missing DP never told me anything like that." Then remembering the redhead Jack says "Hey the hot redhead come here and help me figure this out if you don't mind".
Aedan sighed, "Perry...Spiderboy, right?" Aedan asked, not entirely interested in an answer. Before he turned to face Jack. "Look pal, I don't know where you've been, but this city is going through hell..." Aedan mumbled, ignoring Jack's rude command to Skylar, before helplessly collapsing onto the couch. If he seemed worried, then they had no idea how bad he really felt.
Realizing that something was stopping him from hacking into the Nulls, Ultron turn his attention to his original target and begins to hack into the Stark tower's security system so that he can gain control of the building.
Barbas said:
Realizing that something was stopping him from hacking into the Nulls, Ultron turn his attention to his original target and begins to hack into the Stark tower's security system so that he can gain control of the building.
The Null super bots detect the hack attempts from Ultron, and the two not engaged in conflict begin to use advanced sensory technology to attempt to track the sentient robot down.
"It hit us so hard that we took the Highway to Hell," Perry smiled and the turned to Aedan. "And it's Spider-Man, I moved on from Spiderboy."
[QUOTE="Archangel Galdrael]The Null super bots detect the hack attempts from Ultron, and the two not engaged in conflict begin to use advanced sensory technology to attempt to track the sentient robot down.

"Hey! Where are you going?! Get back here and fight." She said, grumbling as she walked off. "Mind as well scrap somewhere else." She said ad she headed to the poorer parts of the city, wreaking havoc there.
@Archangel Galdrael @Pyosimros

After getting a basic understanding of the situation Jack turns to Aedan then tells Perry "Help me snap this guy out of his little wimp phase."

Turning back to Aedan Jack says "Aedan get up" Jack starts walking towards his direction. "I understand things are bad but being a wuss about it now won't help get off your lazy butt." At that moment the alarms go off

~Warning~ Warning! Hack Alert!
[QUOTE="Archangel Galdrael]((Dude...That's gotta be the WORST plan ever. ))

(I know its becuz I CAN'T think of anything it's so bad)
Aedan's eyes flare up,as he lifts his metal staff, and stands from the couch, holding the intention to royally beat the life from Jack. Yet before he can begin murdering another hero, multiple alarms begin to sound, and the lights begin to flash red. Forgetting the previous anger, he immediately speaks, "Friday! What the hell's going on!"
"Wow, well. Let us all band together and find the fight friends!" Perry morphed back into his standard suit so his waldoes would appear.

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