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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

[QUOTE="Steel Zinogre]"What am I wanted for, exactly?" She asked the robot, curious and coy about it. "I bet it's because magneto is my pops?" She suggested, still ready to defend herself. @Archangel Galdrael

The Null studies the woman, analyzing her words. "Parental status, irrelevant, crimes, relevant." It said unemotionally, targeting her as her status as a villain, not taking note of her parentage.

((I can't see Joan's CS in the Character Sign up, have you done one?))
Pyosimros said:
(Alright I'm back, what happened?)
((A large fight broke out with Massacre, Ultron, and most of the heroes. Incuding some new ones,such as two good symbiotes, Kyuma and wolveress.The military entered the city, led by General Roland Royce, to restore order, Massacre and Ultron were critically injured during the fight but got away, the military are now taking absolute control over the city, curfews, martial law, etc... Before they could intercept the heroes after the fight, Steph teleported them (the heroes) out of the vicinity to her home. Dmitri captured Hypnas, and has taken her to Stark tower, were Tony, Aedan and - unbeknownst to the others - Hel, are. Another villain -Joan - was briefly involved in the fighting, but is now being confronted by a military superbot called a 'Null', which were also involved in the fighting. There are three Nulls. Massacre and Ultron are now licking their wounds at their bases, and Massacre is preparing a grandmaster-villainous-scheme-of-evilness.

Amazingly - and unrealistically - none of the heroes are suffering any severe injuries.))
[QUOTE="Archangel Galdrael]The Null studies the woman, analyzing her words. "Parental status, irrelevant, crimes, relevant." It said unemotionally, targeting her as her status as a villain, not taking note of her parentage.
((I can't see Joan's CS in the Character Sign up, have you done one?))

(I have do one. Just keep looking.) "This should be fun then." She said as cracked her knuckles. "You will make nice scrap metal when I am done with you." she said, red electrcity bouncing on her body.
The Null's eye grew a brighter red, and it's gun pulsed at the villain's threat. "Hostile intentions confirmed. Lethal force authorized." The Null's gun-arm was raised,and a light blue plasma blast fired off towards Joan, as a faint blue aura enveloped the Null as its shields activated.

((Soo Joan is weak too energy based attacks? That's a problem for her, the Null bots don't have a direct weakness with their shields up, and to bring the shields down requires an insane amount of physical force (which Joan doesn't have time to dish out) or electricity overloads.Which she may be able to pull off.))
(Yep) Joan's rage and red energy builds as she roared, feeling the primal instincts kick in. "Let's do this!!!" she shouted as shot a continuous stream of energy from her mouth side to side, but missed the shot. @Archangel Galdrael
Arriving at his hidden bunker, Ultron begins to repair the damaged areas on his armor as he attempts to hack into the Nulls so that he can gain control of the powerful machines.
The Null unleashed a large beam of energy towards Joan, and glided to the side to avoid a potential counter attack, before extending the shield to stretch away from it's body, encircling two feet around it, in order to spread out any damage received to increase the shield potency.

((I'm a little iffy on the electricity though, it nullifies elemental attacks, but does it act as normal electricity? Could it even overload an electric-based energy shield?))
(It does act as normal electricity. I forgot to add that.) Joan chuckles, since she thought the Null's end was imminent. "You can't dodge me forever!! I will scrap you and your friends!!" she shouted before roaring, and charging the nulls over and over, missing every time. @Archangel Galdrael
The Null examined the options it had, it identified the potential environmental factors which could aid it in the battle, as its energy beam continued to pulse towards the villainess. Remaining unpredictable, the Null decided to surprise its adversary by rushing forward,poised for a heavy 11 ton tackle, maybe not to eliminate the villainess, but to weaken her.


[QUOTE="subject 635]Kiuno wakes up and walks away eventually ending up in new york in 10 mins.

((Kiuno can't walk away, she's in the Sactum Sanctorum, she only leaves if Steph allows it. Not to mention the Sanctum is IN New York.))
Finn looked around the room to see the heroes gathered there. Heaving a sigh he laid his head against the wall. "Thanks Steph. Does anybody know who all is at Avengers Tower? What if Dimitri's there alone with that sleep girl? I say we figure out what that girl wants then we all go and take a couple of days off." He coughed and closed his eyes. "Anyone have any burn cream or something?" He prodded at the bubbling patches of skin that were starting to blister and pop. "That's gross."
CasualDragon said:
Finn looked around the room to see the heroes gathered there. Heaving a sigh he laid his head against the wall. "Thanks Steph. Does anybody know who all is at Avengers Tower? What if Dimitri's there alone with that sleep girl? I say we figure out what that girl wants then we all go and take a couple of days off." He coughed and closed his eyes. "Anyone have any burn cream or something?" He prodded at the bubbling patches of skin that were starting to blister and pop. "That's gross."
Ivory went to help Finn with his burns, but fell down and yelped in pain,"On second thought, there may be a few more injuries than scrapes and bruises..." He began to peel the pant leg up to reveal a large piece of metal sticking out from his leg,"Oh man, I feel dizzy now..." He passes out once more
Cyrus looked around, It was a different landscape something that he had never laid eyes on before. "Looks like the battle is over." He said to himself he looked at the others, "Thanks for the help Steph." He said smiling

Kalin had been teleported as well he was out of his cocoon but it didn't change the fact that His leg was completely broken, "Looks like we we're pretty useless here..." He said to himself
Cass looked at Connor and then at Steph. "Huh. So this is the Sanctum Sanctorum?" She was intrigued. She looked at Ivory and stood. "Oh my gosh!" She hopped up and ran over, sliding on her knees to Ivory's side. She grabbed the piece of metal firmly between her hands and yanked really hard. She managed to pull it out.
Kionu starts to weakily get up "I'm... I'm all fine... here..." she says weakily as she holds her arm. It is blistred and burned from the gasoline that gor on her arm catching on fire from the car exploding.
(Um, okay..?)

Perry was in his room. He'd been out of the whole 'Spider-Man' thing for the time being. It seemed like he was getting batted around wherever he went and it was getting both annoying and physically tiring. Though the new suit would probably make fights more fair. The debating in wether he should keep going on ended with him pulling out his phone and he called Cass. It still seemed that he was that loser who didn't meet any of the other heroes yet. Plus the Starks seemed to be busy with fighting lately.
Seeing that people were staring to wake up or come out of their dazes she knew now was the correct time for a few explanations.

" Ok then a few of you have questions let me try to answer those . This is the Sanctum Sanctorum and it isn't technically anywhere but is multiple places . You will be safe here thanks to powerful wards and illusions." She said pausing to take a breath as she didn’t want to give an endless stream of exposition

" Now then I have plenty of healing agents to mend bones and patch up things but there is a rule do not touch anything I cannot stress that enough as some of these relics and books contain evils that make that other symbiote look like nothing. Now then who needs what" She said producing several vials.
"I'm sure Dimitri will be fine. I feel sorry for the woman he captured honestly, alone with him? She might go insane." While Cassie moved to tend to Ivory. Connor stepped over by Finn, "Don't poke at it." He scolded before turning to look at Kionu, both had burns.

Listening to Steph's words he was suddenly happy he hadn't decided to actually open one of the books from before. Now more aware of his surroundings.
Pyosimros said:
(Um, okay..?)
Perry was in his room. He'd been out of the whole 'Spider-Man' thing for the time being. It seemed like he was getting batted around wherever he went and it was getting both annoying and physically tiring. Though the new suit would probably make fights more fair. The debating in wether he should keep going on ended with him pulling out his phone and he called Cass. It still seemed that he was that loser who didn't meet any of the other heroes yet. Plus the Starks seemed to be busy with fighting lately.
Cass tapped the side of her glasses and smiled. "Sup Perry?" She asked. "Sorry I've been unreachable, I've been busy having nightmares and getting my mind controlled by baby Ultron."
Ivory stirred slightly before waking up in extreme pain, the sharpnel was removed but the wound remained, seeing Steph was passing out vials he took one and jammed it into his leg, hoping it would help. Seeing the wound was healing and closing, he sighed a breath of relief.

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