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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

The explosion had been enough to stagger Massacre, and remove his grip on Ivory, but not much more than that. Upon regaining his composure, he began walking towards the crawling symbiote, a sadistic smilr plastering his face. Slowly, Massacre placed his foot on Ivory's back, so he could no longer crawl. "Whose going to save you now, vermin!" Massacre growled, his fist clenched to end it all in one single strike...
Cyrus fired a few shots into Massacre, "Hey get's your horns off of him!" He Scanned around thinking of how to fight Massacre head on.
Hel watched, then turned to head back to the Stark tower. She'd heard of the group before from her fathers complaints. She honestly found it a bit amusing that Loki had not only been unable to defeat the Avengers, but he'd also proven unable to beat all of these kids. Granted, there were about a million of these kids. With a sigh, Hel teleported herself to Stark Tower, completely bypassing any security that may be there. Her uncle had told her that she should go and talk with them, to join to get away from her dad for awhile. What the Hel, she thought I suppose it would be good to get out in the world for a while.

When she appeared, she looked around, watching silently. She preferred not to announce her presence.
Seeing that Kionu was dodging his energy beams, Ultron quickly darts towards her and delivers a quick strike to her head.
[QUOTE="Archangel Galdrael]The explosion had been enough to stagger Massacre, and remove his grip on Ivory, but not much more than that. Upon regaining his composure, he began walking towards the crawling symbiote, a sadistic smilr plastering his face. Slowly, Massacre placed his foot on Ivory's back, so he could no longer crawl. "Whose going to save you now, vermin!" Massacre growled, his fist clenched to end it all in one single strike...

Ivory paused as Massacre put a foot on his back to stop him, a slight sense of calm came over him listening to Massacre speak to him, when he was shot by the strange metal boy he whispered, "He might be a good place to start" he then began to crawl once again, turning around to make sure Massacre wasn't still coming after him...
Massacre roars, and ignores the blasts briefly, more in favor of ending Ivory right then and there.


However, Massacre, Ultron, and Steph, are all riddled with blasts by what appears to be plasma cannons, as three hulking robots enter the area, at the same time, all the miliraty simultaneously start taking pot-shots at Ultron and Massacre, with both bullets and tank shells, The Nulls, now arrived, take priority against Ultron and Massacre, mainly firing on Steph because the spell she's casting appears to be something capable of great destruction. The Nulls weren't letting down, as volleys of plasma beams assaulted the trio.
Barbas said:
Seeing that Kionu was dodging his energy beams, Ultron quickly darts towards her and delivers a quick strike to her head.
Kionu looks at ultron and rubs her head "ow.... that hurt" all of a sudden she just falls down face first
(This is the Nulls by the way, to those who don't visit OOC)

[QUOTE="Archangel Galdrael]Massacre roars, and ignores the blasts briefly, more in favor of ending Ivory right then and there.

However, Massacre, Ultron, and Steph, are all riddled with blasts by what appears to be plasma cannons, as three hulking robots enter the area, at the same time, all the miliraty simultaneously start taking pot-shots at Ultron and Massacre, with both bullets and tank shells, The Nulls, now arrived, take priority against Ultron and Massacre, mainly firing on Steph because the spell she's casting appears to be something capable of great destruction. The Nulls weren't letting down, as volleys of plasma beams assaulted the trio.

Ivory ducked his head, attempting to avoid the bullets flying past his head, he saw Massacre attempting to get nearer still, "I am so screwed" he said aloud. It was only then he noticed the electric field, one of similar design as the one used to keep him "in line" at the lab, if he could trick Massacre into the field...

He began forcing himself to run as fast as he could, calling out to Massacre, "Hey pest, if you're not to weak to walk through the gunfire and fight me, I suppose I'll win by default... Vermin"
LokiofSP said:
(I'm staying in character, Ivory just made freinds and feels like he's about to lose them, he's ultra pissed, and when he's pissed, he doesn't think)
((Oh my gosh. Just like Cassie!))

[QUOTE="Archangel Galdrael](This is the Nulls by the way, to those who don't visit OOC)

((son of a plasmoid ray......))

Cassie dragged herself up from the depths of her consciousness and opened her eyes. She gripped onto Connor tightly. "Connor!" She gasped. "Connor...." She sobbed into his chest. "I'm sorry.... I'm sorry......" She looked at him in the eyes. "I wasn't strong enough...."
Highly annoyed by the military's interference, Ultron activates his thrusters and begins to fire both of his energy weapons at one of the Nulls targeting him while dodging most of the shots fired from the plasma cannons.

Massacre howled in annoyance and began sprinting after Ivory, as the Nulls continued there assault, "I'LL MAKE YOU PAY YOU WRETCH!" Massacre screamed, knocking any stray vehicle or pile of debris helplessly ourt of his rampant path, now shrugging off the powerful plasma blasts with the simple motive of crushing Ivory like a bug.

General Roland

The General smirked at the battlefield, it was going well. The Null's were beyond impressive after just mere moments... Not to mention the heroes would be crippled after this, he could use the opportunity to take full control over the city. Get the symbiotes...


Aedan's eyes were fixtated on the screen, the televised battleground was a mess, everything was in ruins, the military making things far worse. Of course he wanted to get there and help, but he had to stay at the tower... Cassie's orders after all, he just hoped they were doing alright... Please say they were doing alright..


The Null that was targeted by Ultron activated an energy absorption shield, to use the beams to strengthen it's own cannons, before switching it's weapon to mirror Ultron's own, a concentrated beam of energy.
Enraged by the attack, Ultron begins to repeatable attack Kionu with a fury of strikes while taunting her." Do you dare to defy Ultro? I will destroy you and every human and mutant on this planet!"
Connor gave Cassie a concerned look before she started breaking down. "Hey, none of that. You can't think like that, remember what you told Finn?" He pulled her back gently to lock eyes with her. "We all would have done the same thing if Ultron had done that to us. I'm using your own words against you here so you can't really fight it."

He gave her a reassuring smile, "It's a good thing everyone knows I like guys because with how often you end up in my arms people would start talking."
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[QUOTE="Archangel Galdrael]
Massacre howled in annoyance and began sprinting after Ivory, as the Nulls continued there assault, "I'LL MAKE YOU PAY YOU WRETCH!" Massacre screamed, knocking any stray vehicle or pile of debris helplessly ourt of his rampant path, now shrugging off the powerful plasma blasts with the simple motive of crushing Ivory like a bug.

General Roland

The General smirked at the battlefield, it was going well. The Null's were beyond impressive after just mere moments... Not to mention the heroes would be crippled after this, he could use the opportunity to take full control over the city. Get the symbiotes...


Aedan's eyes were fixtated on the screen, the televised battleground was a mess, everything was in ruins, the military making things far worse. Of course he wanted to get there and help, but he had to stay at the tower... Cassie's orders after all, he just hoped they were doing alright... Please say they were doing alright..


The Null that was targeted by Ultron activated an energy absorption shield, to use the beams to strengthen it's own cannons, before switching it's weapon to mirror Ultron's own, a concentrated beam of energy.

Ivory had seceded and he had pissed off Massacre, the problem was now that it was taking allot out of him just to stay awake, never mind run at his top speed, he stopped just short of the edge of the bridge and made a slingshot from his webs, "Still up for the chase vermin, or are you tired yet?" He was about to pass out, but he knew had to pay attention, he had to time this just right, so he waited as Massacre got nearly close enough to grab him, before he launched himself off the side of the bridge...
Growing increasingly annoyed by the mutant, Ultron jumps toward the car and prepares to slam both of his fists on Kionu in an attempt to crush her.
Crono said:
Connor gave Cassie a concerned look before she started breaking down. "Hey, none of that. You can't think like that, remember what you told Finn?" He pulled her back gently to lock eyes with her. We all would have done the same thing if Ultron had done that to us. I'm using your own words against you here so you can't really fight it."
He gave her a reassuring smile, "It's a good thing everyone knows I like guys because with how often you end up in my arms people would start talking."
Cassie smiled. "Yeah, huh..." She sniffed. "Hey...." She lifted her hand and patted him on the shoulder. "Thanks, Spangly Pants." She looked at the scene in front of her. "We need a lot of backup."
Steph was unable to defend herself completely from the Null's blasts which ruined her spell and sent her flying, and it was only thanks to some premade defenses that she was not badly hurt, the bad news was that those defenses were burned out. She could see the three robots and well she was good with leaving massacre to them b movie plot be dammed.

" Everyone be ready I will teleport us our we cannot take the villains and the robots we should retreat" She mentally broadcast, though saying that and doing that were two very different things " I will need defense for a minute or two while I cast can you all do that?"
Massacre lunged for Ivory, laughing hungrily, expecting to soon crush the other symbiote between his hands, "YOU'RE MINE YOU LIT-" Massacre noticed too late, the black webs shot from his hands instantaneously, but he was carrying too much momentum, and weighed too much, and Massacre ended up charging into a large elecrical field that latched onto him, sizzling and frying, burying itself under the suit itself. The symbiote cried out in pain, hurling a nearby car at Ivory as a desperate last attempt, before collapsing on its massive knees... And then standing back up, not too fight back, but more to escape, determined to survive, Massaxre walked off the bridge edge, and went plummeting into the sea below.
Receiving no damage from the car's explosion, Ultron activates his thruster and quickly lunges from the smoke towards Kionu with the intentions of grabbing her by the neck.

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