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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

((Alright, guys. Time to wrap up this fight.))

Cassie nodded to Steph. She looked at Connor and nodded as well. "Ready, Star Spangled Man With A Plan?" She asked getting to her knees and giving him a sibling-like punch on the shoulder
The Nulls recognized Steph was no longer a threat, as the huge incantation was stopped, and with Massacre now eliminated from the fight, all three of the Nulls tuned their attention towards Ultron, "Hostile. Target. Locked, Activating chain protocol." The Nulls said autonomously, each one firing a concentrated beam, merging together with immense force. Even Vibranium would be damaged at the combined beams power.
[QUOTE="Archangel Galdrael]Massacre lunged for Ivory, laughing hungrily, expecting to soon crush the other symbiote between his hands, "YOU'RE MINE YOU LIT-" Massacre noticed too late, the black webs shot from his hands instantaneously, but he was carrying too much momentum, and weighed too much, and Massacre ended up charging into a large elecrical field that latched onto him, sizzling and frying, burying itself under the suit itself. The symbiote cried out in pain, hurling a nearby car at Ivory as a desperate last attempt, before collapsing on its massive knees... And then standing back up, not too fight back, but more to escape, determined to survive, Massaxre walked off the bridge edge, and went plummeting into the sea below.

Ivory gave a sigh of relief as he finnaly put down Massacre, he landed poorly on the bridge, hurting himself a bit in the process, he fell to his knees and spit, "Who's *huff* the vermin *huff* now?" He didn't have time to celebrate however, as a car slammed into him, and he skidded to a halt,when he stopped moving the car landed in an upright position acting as cover.using the last of his energy he said, "Hey... guys... Just gonna rest... Here for a bit" he passed out.
Smasher tumbled his way through the smoke of the explosion and knelt over on the ground. Now that the Nulls were here he didn't have to worry about trying to fight. He was shocked to see that the burns he had received in Finn's state had transferred over to Smasher's state. He changed back and desperately tried to salvage what was left of his pants. He made his way over to Cassie and Connor before sitting down close to them and leaning his head back. "Anyone happen to have any burn ointment on them?"
((So, Ultron retreats, unable to fight three Nulls and the heroes, and before the military can confront the injured heroes, they all teleport courtesy of Steph, brilliant!))
Connor rolled his eyes playfully, "Ready when you are Tin Can." Gently tapping his shield against her armor to make a dull metal noise for emphasis.
Upon seeing the concentrated beam of energy heading towards him, Ultron attempt to evade the energy beam by setting his thrusters to full power and begins to quickly fly into the ocean.
Thanks to the nulls going after Ultron instead of her Steph managed to finish her very hasty spell and teleport all the heroes and symbiotes aside from massacre. She of course didn't have much time to pick a locations so she had to default to one of the large rooms in the Sanctum Sanctorum

' here we go" She said as there was a bright flash and everyone that was an ally to steph vanished and reappeared In a large dark wood room with a large skylight.

( all worked out)
Crono said:
Connor rolled his eyes playfully, "Ready when you are Tin Can." Gently tapping his shield against her armor to make a dull metal noise for emphasis.
((Poor Cassie and Connor, never got time to make a cool exit since y'all were zapped away xD ))
" The Sanctum Sanctorum, my home" Steph said obviously tired she wished she could have taken them all to the nameless city, but for now the sanctum would do, it wasn't like any of them couldn't find it anyways.
[QUOTE="Archangel Galdrael]((Poor Cassie and Connor, never got time to make a cool exit since y'all were zapped away xD ))

(Cool exit? They just survived a fight with a giant raging Symbiote, a robot designed to kill them, all while being fired at by giant transformer gun-things, and no one died! They should be happy!)

Massacre soon ended up washed ashore, and with great difficulty, managed to use the rooftops to find access to the sewers, he was spotted by a whole bunch of people... But he couldn't fight, he needed rest... To eat, consume! Most importantly however, he needed to advance his plans... He'd start in several days, but until then... He would rest.

General Roland

The General gazed over the large sample of the Massacre symbiote obtained from the electokinetic trap, despite him being incredibly angry at the heroes just vanishing, and not being able to capture a symbiote directly, this was still enough ti get somewhere... Yet priorities did exist, he'd already given orders to lock the whole city down, nobody else gets in, nobody else gets out, The President had granted Roland complete control over the city... He'd use it, within the next six hours, martial law would be in full affect, and curfew would be enforced, the citizens wouldn't bother resisting, after the battle today, many saw Roland's Nulls as saviors, they knew - and believed - he was protecting them.


Aedan blankly stared at the screen, his brain unable to comprehend what had just happened, as everyone just... Disappeared, sighing, utterly bewildered, worried, lonely and angry, Aedan slumped into the couch, waiting for them to return to Stark Tower.... unless, they were now gone forever. That wouldn't be good.


The three Nulls were in the process of scouting the area, one had been sent to look for signs of Ultron, the other Massacre, and the final one, was pursuing a sneaky villain, who went by the name of Joans.
Ivory slowly began to wake up, the symbiote that had appeared due to his pure rage and desperation was gone, Savage and the animals were still resting, understandable as Steph had used fire against them, it was a wonder they hadn't separated, his cloth mask was still on his face but loosely, he shook his head, "Whe-Where are we?"

(Also in celebration of the major victory where no one died somehow)


Steph sighed she would wait to just tell everyone " You are safe i will explain more latter for now just rest "
(@Archangel Galdrael It is Joan.) Joan looked around, seeing that she was alone, or so she thought. She sniffed the air, but could smell only blood. "I know you are here!!" She shouted, getting in a defensive stance. "Come out! Or I will hunt you down!!"
(Last post of the day! I need sleep... @Steel Zinogre )

The large robot's steps began once more, as it lost the element of surprise. Moving around the corner, the Null loomed over the villain, and identified it as 'Joan'. "You have been targeted for detainment. Come peacefully, or be destroyed." Its monotone voice commanded, as it ananlysed the villain, pin-pointing strngths and weaknesses, and assuming she would resist, already, was it's weapon armed, and ready to fire.
"What am I wanted for, exactly?" She asked the robot, curious and coy about it. "I bet it's because magneto is my pops?" She suggested, still ready to defend herself. @Archangel Galdrael
After traveling under water for some time, Ultron reactivates his thrusters and begins to fly back to his hidden bunker so that he can continue hacking into Stark towers.
Dimitri arrived at the penthouse with the woman. He stood her with her back facing the couch, before sprinting away and returning. He duct-taped her hands, wrapped a bit of fabric around her eyes, and gave her a good enough shove to where she would lose her balance and sit down on the couch, all within about two seconds.
After the teleportation Connor blinked before looking down at his feet. They hadn't flown, there was no flying involved...so why did he feel like he'd just been flying. Groaning inwardly before he looked about, spotting the other heroes thankfully. Connor heard someone ask where they we're, the girl from before, the one who'd covered his retreat with Cassie. He heard Steph's answer, that this was her home. Followed by Ivory asking the same question again and Connor wanted to ask it a third time because he was just as confused as he was before she'd given them answers. Yeah but, where are we? he reinterated in his own mind as he turned to a nearby bookshelf.

He slid the cap off his head as he stared at the bindings of the books, most we're old...like really old. The blonde knew he was letting curiousity get the better of him, he should atleast check on the others to make sure they we're alright. Turning from the shelf he gazed about, "Are we alright? Anybody dying?" Well that's one way of finding out.
Crono said:
After the teleportation Connor blinked before looking down at his feet. They hadn't flown, there was no flying involved...so why did he feel like he'd just been flying. Groaning inwardly before he looked about, spotting the other heroes thankfully. Connor heard someone ask where they we're, the girl from before, the one who'd covered his retreat with Cassie. He heard Steph's answer, that this was her home. Followed by Ivory asking the same question again and Connor wanted to ask it a third time because he was just as confused as he was before she'd given them answers. Yeah but, where are we? he reinterated in his own mind as he turned to a nearby bookshelf.
He slid the cap off his head as he stared at the bindings of the books, most we're old...like really old. The blonde knew he was letting curiousity get the better of him, he should atleast check on the others to make sure they we're alright. Turning from the shelf he gazed about, "Are we alright? Anybody dying?" Well that's one way of finding out.
"I have a few scrapes and bruises, but that's supriusingly it." He paused to look around before breathing in deeply, "This place smells like old books and bad candles."

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