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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

Massacre, in a blind rage, not caring who is where, and only seeing pure red. Decides to switch to another target, as Steph vanished, he doesn't see Hybrid anywhere around, he doesn't see Cyrus, who likely grappled away from the car. He sees two people fighting, neither symbiotes, one seems to be a villain, the other a hero (Kyuma and Joans) and then the congregation of heroes up ahead... Yet it was not a sight the symbiote expected, the heroes were panicking, and struggling against some sort of robotic entity... Massacre's own selfishness, and pride would most certainly be his downfall. Massacre sped towards the scene and leaped up into the air, slamming the other Symbiote into the concrete, before it could reach Ultron. But instead of continuing there, Massacre growled, "It's mine!" In a turn of events, Massacre lifted a large jeep, and flung it towards the mechanic man in the air.

(Karcen, don't just ruin good plot twists! This is a cool turning point)
[QUOTE="Archangel Galdrael]((Kill? No... That'd be a little unfair to just kill someones character. Not to mention Kyuma did like nothing to kill her.))

(It was sarcasm, as a result of there being no response to what he did)
( not a plot twist just another mind control kinda like calling steph casting a spell a plot twist )\\

( besides only steph can hurt ultron)
[QUOTE="Archangel Galdrael]Massacre, in a blind rage, not caring who is where, and only seeing pure red. Decides to switch to another target, as Steph vanished, he doesn't see Hybrid anywhere around, he doesn't see Cyrus, who likely grappled away from the car. He sees two people fighting, neither symbiotes, one seems to be a villain, the other a hero (Kyuma and Joans) and then the congregation of heroes up ahead... Yet it was not a sight the symbiote expected, the heroes were panicking, and struggling against some sort of robotic entity... Massacre's own selfishness, and pride would most certainly be his downfall. Massacre sped towards the scene and leaped up into the air, slamming the other Symbiote into the concrete, before it could reach Ultron. But instead of continuing there, Massacre growled, "It's mine!" In a turn of events, Massacre lifted a large jeep, and flung it towards the mechanic man in the air.
(Karcen, don't just ruin good plot twists! This is a cool turning point)

Ivory hit the ground with a loud thud but got up quickly, no longer was he driven by strategy, but rather desperation and rage, he looked at Massacre jumping to face Ultron and webbed his back before using it as a launching pad towards the robot, "NO HE'S MINE!"

(Also Karcen, don't please, like what if Cass injured someone, imagine the long term effects on her mental state)
Annoyed by the arrival of Massacre, Ultron blasts the large jeep just before the vehicle hit him with his energy weapon on his left hand. Ultron then deactivates his thrusters and lands on the ground a few feet from Massacre before speaking to him. " Stay out of my way pest or I will destroy you where you stand."
Finn yelped and scrambled to the side as the beams blasted close by. Having only his ripped pants for cover wasn't giving him an advantage over the heat and he winced as the beams burnt his side. He gently touched the still bubbling skin and willed himself to calm down. There was no way he would be of any help if he were to change right now. He closed his eyes and ducked behind a building as Massacre vaulted towards Ultron. Breathing heavily he looked down at the burn which was apparently a little worse than he thought.

He leaned his head against the wall and ripped a section of his pant leg off. "Wow, as if I haven't torn enough of my clothes off today." He muttered. "A week is all I'm asking for. Where us heroes can go to the beach and admire the hot beach bodies you know. Ladies in cute swimsuits, men in cute swimsuits what more of a heaven could a guy ask for." He stumbled to his feet and lurched around the corner. "Okay, showtime." He calmed himself to the ultimate calm before allowing Smasher to move in and have some time.
The three or four city blocks that this battle had affected were now enroached with military personal, tanks and blockades lined every road, helicopters hovered overhead, snipers set positions on rooftops, hundreds of soldiers took positions in buildings. Nobody yet firing a shell or round, yet every single one, focusing on this battle.

"Hold your fire! Keep this area locked down, anything that is not a hero tries to leave, kill it! Capture the symbiotes using the electrokinetic shielding should they try to leave!." The General's voice echoed across the whole area, as he spoke through a megaphone. Before lowering it once more, and walking towards one of the lieutenants, "How long until the Null gets here?!" He asked, "Reports say the first will be here in 5 minutes, the other two, 10 minutes!" The soldier answered. Roland nodded, and paced around... Not long now... The U.S.A would win this... He would win this for them...

Massacre let out an inhumane roar at Ultron's threat, before lunging towards the bot in an attempt to slam it on the ground. "YOU DARE INSULT ME YOU WORTHLESS PILE OF SCRAP, YOU DARE NAME ME A 'PEST'?!"

((Honestly, neither Ultron or Massacre can kill one another, this is just a little fun... Until the Null's arrive... Not to mention Massacre hates nothing more than being called inferior in some way..))
[QUOTE="Archangel Galdrael]The three or four city blocks that this battle had affected were now enroached with military personal, tanks and blockades lined every road, helicopters hovered overhead, snipers set positions on rooftops, hundreds of soldiers took positions in buildings. Nobody yet firing a shell or round, yet every single one, focusing on this battle.
"Hold your fire! Keep this aea locked down, anything that is not a hero tries to leave, kill it! Capture the symbiotes using the electrokinetic shielding should they try to leave!." The General's voice echoed across the whole area, as he spoke through a megaphone. Before lowering it once more, and walking towards one of the lieutenants, "How long until the Null gets here?!" He asked, "Reports say the first will be here in 5 minutes, the other two, 10 minutes!" The soldier answered. Roland nodded, and paced around... Not long now... The U.S.A would win this... He would win this for them...

Massacre let out an inhumane roar at Ultron's threat, before lunging towards the bot in an attempt to slam it on the ground. "YOU DARE INSULT ME YOU WORTHLESS PILE OF SCRAP, YOU DARE NAME ME A 'PEST'?!"

((Honestly, neither Ultron or Massacre can kill one another, this is just a little fun... Until the Null's arrive... Not to mention Massacre hates nothing more than being called inferior in some way..))

Ivory jumped in front of Massacre and attempted to punch him away from Ultron, ignoring the pain he felt from punching the armor as hard as he could, "THAT'S BECAUSE YOU ARE A PEST, THIS IS MY FIGHT, MY KILL, STAY AWAY!"
Steph heard the generals voice normal men trying to control things they shouldn't ever try to control. This was just like a bad b movie plot the idiot general would catch something turn it into a weapon fail to control it monster would then escape and cause havoc. The steph realized that this very story had happened with quite a few villains people just never learned, well she couldn't let them have this and well no one seemed to notice her, so she would just screw everyone over. Steph starts to chant her hands glowing as she made various gestures she would mass teleport not of the combatants but of the military, death valley should be far enough away.
Cyrus finally snapped back into reality he was sitting up on top of a building watching as ultron came in and began to cause a ruckus, "Yare Yare Daze.." He said to himself, "No such thing as vacation for us." He positioned himself on top of the building and pulled out the anti-tank rifle again. He kept quiet and decided to wait for an opening.

Kalin had already lost consciousness it was his first time in the field and he did not expect anything like this, "So much death..." He thought too himself, he was under the bridge in some kind of sybiote cocoon. "I don't even think we stand a chance.."
Surprised by the arrival of Ivory, Ultron quickly makes his way to the hero and begins to unleash a fury of strikes with his fists. " Do you honestly think that you can kill me, human? You nothing but a mere insect compared to me!"
Massacre's eyes switched from Ultron to Ivory in a split second, and now all he could see was Ivory. Ivory... Massacre's huge hands lunged forwars, and wrapped around Ivory's neck before clamping down, and lifting the other symbiote, before slamming it back down, and running - hands still in place on Ivory's neck - dragging him through the concrete layered onto the ground. "YOU'LL NEVER BE NEAR MY PERFECTION VERMIN"

((Massacre might not be able to kill Ultron (Vibranium armor) but he can probably kill Ivory in a straight up one and one... What happened to using your head earlier? Ivory is now just been blasted by Ultron AND pummeled by Massacre xD ))

The General got an emergency call from his superior officers, and received orders to go round up the Nulls away from the fighting, then hit hard, and by surprise.
( Yae, it's not a very bright idea to get between an enraged, giant Symbiote and an evil, indestructible robot hell bent on destroying each other.)
[QUOTE="Archangel Galdrael]Massacre's eyes switched from Ultron to Ivory in a split second, and now all he could see was Ivory. Ivory... Massacre's huge hands lunged forwars, and wrapped around Ivory's neck before clamping down, and lifting the other symbiote, before slamming it back down, and running - hands still in place on Ivory's neck - dragging him through the concrete layered onto the ground. "YOU'LL NEVER BE NEAR MY PERFECTION VERMIN"
((Massacre might not be able to kill Ultron (Vibranium armor) but he can probably kill Ivory in a straight up one and one... What happened to using your head earlier? Ivory is now just been blasted by Ultron AND pummeled by Massacre xD ))

The General got an emergency call from his superior officers, and received orders to go round up the Nulls away from the fighting, then hit hard, and by surprise.

(I'm staying in character, Ivory just made freinds and feels like he's about to lose them, he's ultra pissed, and when he's pissed, he doesn't think)

Ivory was in a bad position, the robot and the hulking mass were on him now and killing him. He looked at Ultron and saw his target, the head of the robot. Pushing with all of his strength he created a bit of space, but was still being crushed by the symbiotes hands, he looked around desperately and saw a motorcycle on its side, pulling it closer he attempted to create space by slamming it in the monsters face to blow it up, but forgot where he was as he slammed it into Massacres face and also took the brunt of the impact.
Cassie felt The control on her mind slip, but not release. She could hear Connor's voice, telling her to fight it, that she was smarter than that. Fight it!! For your friend! She fought. Fought as hard as she could. She could felt the control on her mind Via Ultron begin to shatter and break, till she was finally out of his control. She collapsed into Connor's arms and her eyes rolled back into her head. She was breathing, but it was shallow.
Kionu jumps infront of connor and cassie "Run her to safety... I will cover you" she says as her claws come out from her hands

She looks at ultron "come and get me ya hunk of metal" she yells at him
Cassie's sudden drop surprised Connor, reaching both arms out to grab her before she fell. He was about to speak when a girls voice reached his ears, suddenly aware of her proximity, and then the knives came out of her hands. He wasn't about to say no to a girl with claws.

With a heave he picked Cassie up, "Thanks." He called over his shoulder to the girl. He didn't go far before he stopped and lowered Cassie down behind a vehicle, it seemed like a safe distance but they we're still between the battle and the large military gathering. "Cass, wake up. You've really gotta stop sleeping on the job." He gave her cheeks some gentle slaps to she if she was going to come around.

(That was faster than expected, I was ready for a longer battle. xD )
Turning towards Kionu, Ultron prepares to fire both of his energy beam weapons while taunting the annoying mutant. "I am Ultron, mutant. Now prepare to be destroyed."
Ivory slowly stood up and attempted to drag himself towards Cassie, seeing that she was now fine. He attempted to stand but fell almost imedeatly, his body feeling like jelly, he wasn't going to do, in fact a few moments of rest should have him feeling better, but the explosion messed him up a bit, he got back to crawling towards Conner and Cassie.

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