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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

[QUOTE="subject 635]((No one has noticed my person there :,()

((Nobody here knows you except Kyuma, whose busy fighting Joans, and he probably only saw you for like 3 minutes))
Shaken from his first startling sight of Ultron he realized that somebody had been standing by their group the whole time. He felt a little awkward and scratched the back of his neck. He guessed she was the person who had asked a question. "What boy? There's quite a few of us here. Sorry, I didn't respond before, the name's Finn."

@subject 635
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[QUOTE="Archangel Galdrael]((Nobody here knows you except Kyuma, whose busy fighting Joans, and he probably only saw you for like 3 minutes))


((No need for caps! I saw that, but they don't know you! It actually makes more sense that you weren't noticed right away!))
Ivory looked around for something else to throw, but found nothing, if this Ultron guy was anything close to being as strong as Massacre, he needed to help her. He finally had an idea, thinking back to the few memories he had of info on heroes he remembered how the Hulk became a Hulk, anger. He thought if Finn was similar to Hulk, which it looked like he was, he had to make him angry. Getting between Finn and the girl he was talking to he looked at the girl and said, "Sorry need to borrow this guy for a moment." Before turning around and smacking Finn
LokiofSP said:
Ivory looked around for something else to throw, but found nothing, if this Ultron guy was anything close to being as strong as Massacre, he needed to help her. He finally had an idea, thinking back to the few memories he had of info on heroes he remembered how the Hulk became a Hulk, anger. He thought if Finn was similar to Hulk, which it looked like he was, he had to make him angry. Getting between Finn and the girl he was talking to he looked at the girl and said, "Sorry need to borrow this guy for a moment." Before turning around and smacking Finn
((Or u needed an excuse to slap him))
Connor smirked, "Maybe you shouldn't make the homicidal robot angry until you've gotten some of that strength back. My shield might work better than a brick." Moving a bit away from the others he held his shield underhanded. Waiting for the right time, an opening. Then he spots it, right as Ultron lines up for the encephalo-ray Connor shifts his weight and draws back, and putting as much force as he can muster he throws the shield upwards at Ultron.
[QUOTE="subject 635]((Or u needed an excuse to slap him))

(I didn't NEED an excuse, I WANTED an excuse)
"Oww." He rubbed his arm and glared at Ivory. "What was that for? You don't want me angry pal. I can't control him when I'm angry. That was one heck of a hit though." He turned back to the girl. "We'll continue this lovely chat after." He realized a little sheepishly that he hadn't taken off the goggles from the last time he changed and wondered how dumb he looked. He brushed the thought aside and squared his shoulders with that of the flying Ultron.

"Ivory, I need a backup plan for if anything goes wrong. Last time we fought this guy, he got into my head. If he gets into my head again, I grant you permission to beat the tar out of me. He gets into anybody else's head though, and you need to think of a plan to get him out of there. Smasher's not a great thinker." He grumbled. He adjusted the goggles and ran a finger over the scarred surface. He turned to the girl once more quickly. "I happen to be a little curious though, which hurt guy are you talking about?"
"His own symbiote hurt him. Cassie and I simply held him down to prevent him from doing more damage to himself. The other culprit however would Massacre, the big and beefy symbiote over there causing trouble." He turned back to the Ultron problem. "This is the second time in a week I've had to change twice in one day, these villains are going to be the death of me." He mumbled. It seemed he had been doing a load of mumbling over the last couple of days, his dad always said it was rude but at the moment manners weren't his top priority.

@subject 635
CasualDragon said:
"His own symbiote hurt him. Cassie and I simply held him down to prevent him from doing more damage to himself. The other culprit however would Massacre, the big and beefy symbiote over there causing trouble." He turned back to the Ultron problem. "This is the second time in a week I've had to change twice in one day, these villains are going to be the death of me." He mumbled. It seemed he had been doing a load of mumbling over the last couple of days, his dad always said it was rude but at the moment manners weren't his top priority.
@subject 635
Ivory looked down to the ground feeling sheepish and useless, he then began beating on his chest, "COME ON SAVAGE GET UP WE NEED TO HELP!" But there was no response.
sitanomoto said:
Cassie looked in alarm at the new being that was charging. "Oh my-" she never got her chance to finish her sentance.
Joan was completely savage at this moment, eyes narrowing out like a lizard's eyes, claws sharp, red energy dancing across her body, and primal hunger surges through her. "You will make a nice snack, little girl!" she shouted as she neared Cassie every second. (Sorry i posted late, I was busy.)
[QUOTE="Steel Zinogre]Joan was completely savage at this moment, eyes narrowing out like a lizard's eyes, claws sharp, red energy dancing across her body, and primal hunger surges through her. "You will make a nice snack, little girl!" she shouted as she neared Cassie every second. (Sorry i posted late, I was busy.)

(You were stopped by Kyuma, so you're fighting him.))
Cassie felt herself get hit with the ray and felt her mind being taken over. C'mon Cass.... Block it out..... Finn... Connor... Ivory..... They need you now! Don't give up yet! It was nearly impossible..... No.... It was impossible. She could feel herself giving in slowly, despite her will. She tried to grasp the edges of her consciousness, but to no avail. She dropped like a stone to the floor and landed on her back. She gripped her head, trying to fight it, but couldn't. Her hands dropped to the ground and she turned to look at Connor. Her eyes narrowed and she stood, robotically raising her arm and charging a Freon Beam.

From inside her head, the control of Ultron pressed on her mind like a million daggers as she struggled to regain her will. She was fighting, that was obvious on the outside, because of her rapidly dilating and contracting pupils. It was a battle of will and mental strength, which Cassie lacked because of the nightmares, so it was easily Ultron's fight.
Knowing that Cassie is under his control, Ultron commands her to kill Connor as he begins to fire both of his energy beam weapons at Finn as Ultronhovers in the air.
As Cassie's arm raised robotically, it faltered for a moment before charging, then it fired. It missed Connor by about a quarter of an inch. Was it on purpose? Inside, the struggle for Cassie's will continued. Ultron's control was steadily increasing, but she managed to choke out two words of her own accord: "Connor..... Run....."
sitanomoto said:
Cassie felt herself get hit with the ray and felt her mind being taken over. C'mon Cass.... Block it out..... Finn... Connor... Ivory..... They need you now! Don't give up yet! It was nearly impossible..... No.... It was impossible. She could feel herself giving in slowly, despite her will. She tried to grasp the edges of her consciousness, but to no avail. She dropped like a stone to the floor and landed on her back. She gripped her head, trying to fight it, but couldn't. Her hands dropped to the ground and she turned to look at Connor. Her eyes narrowed and she stood, robotically raising her arm and charging a Freon Beam.
From inside her head, the control of Ultron pressed on her mind like a million daggers as she struggled to regain her will. She was fighting, that was obvious on the outside, because of her rapidly dilating and contracting pupils. It was a battle of will and mental strength, which Cassie lacked because of the nightmares, so it was easily Ultron's fight.
Ivory watched as Cassie struggled to fight Ultron, he saw her fear, her desperation to keep fighting and he remembered his mom, her final moments were filled with a desperate struggle to stay alive, a struggle she lost. With one final bang on his chest he yelled, " I SAID WAKE UP! I'M NOT LOSING ANYONE ELSE!" Suddenly Ivory was covered in the suit, and he could do everything a Symbiote could regularly do, but Savage and the animals were still resting. Just then he saw that Cassie had lost her mental battle and he flew into a rage as he leaped forward and shot a web line at Ultron and pulled himself closer, before shooting another web line to the concrete and using his momentum to slam Ultron into the bridge.
Steph saw the iron girl go down to ultron, and sighed really already she was getting rather annoyed by this when she had taken over from her father there had been weeks of months between major events like this and now they seemed to happen every other day. Really she was starting to see why people like her great uncle just took over everything and held everyone under their thumb at least then this kind of stuff didn't happen.

Eye of Agamotto free her mind " She said as the amulet opened it's eye and shot a white beam at iron girl releasing her form the mind control
Connor watched Cassie drop, not able to do a thing to help. The way she looked at him when she stood told him everything he needed to know, Ultron had hit her with the same thing he'd used on Smasher. "Caaasss." He said drawing out her name slowly and uncomfortably as she raised her arm, seeing the beam charge up in her gauntlet he tensed as he prepared to dodge. The moment it did Connor dove to the right with a roll, narrowly dodging the attack. Followed quickly with rushing headlong at her, grabbing his shield out of the air along the way.

He swept the shield towards her shin as he ran by her, knowing the suit would prevent her from actually getting hurt by such a hit and just simply wanting to bring her down and grabbing at the back collar of her suit. "Don't let him in your head. Your too smart for that!" He called, attempting to keep her from turning on him. "Friday, shut down the weapons to Cassie's suit!"
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