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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

"You were always good with children, anyways, is that armor that I asked about done or..." Perry waited for a response. @sitanomoto
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Teri slowed the jet she was piloting. She activated her on board communication module. "Stark Tower, this is Shield Jet 467, requesting permission to land on the roof top. Do you copy?" She announced through the module. "I repeat, this is Shield Jet 467, requesting permission to land. Do you read me?"
Cass got Teri's incoming Message, and knowing that her dad

[QUOTE="Skylar Black]((What's happening?))

everyone's in the Sanctum Sanctorum except for a few people who are in Stark Tower.))
((So after yet another huge battle some of the young heroes are currently at the Sanctum Sanctorum being healed up before they head back to New York. Other heroes such as Perry, Dimitri and some others are still in New York and are either going about their own business or are at Stark Tower awaiting the return of the currently away heroes for any reason, such as Perry who is waiting to hear news about a suit he ordered, and Dimitri who took a villain hostage and is holding her at the tower.))
Aedan stood as the communications to Stark tower went off, at first he figured that the others were back, but alas, it was somebody else. Luckily, he had quite a high security clearance, as Cassie left Stark tower in his hands. "Friday, grant permission to land."


[QUOTE="The Regal Rper](Dudes sorry this is gonna be random but here goes nothing)
Jack: "Slowly pops head from corner watching what ensues"

((It makes no sense because he can't be where they are,it'snot possible at the moment.))
sitanomoto said:
Cass got Teri's incoming Message, and knowing that her dad
everyone's in the Sanctum Sanctorum except for a few people who are in Stark Tower.))
(So everyone is at the Sanctum and a few are at Stark right? Should I just pick where I want to go or does it not matter?)

(And now I feel like I should just delete that first post I'll just wait for an opportunity to present itself
Ivory looked around, embarrassed at his previous words that no one was injured as he had already been proven wrong. He finally asked what he had been dying to know, "So what now?"
Skylar walked up to the doors of Stark tower and walked right past Security, not even bothering to listen to them shouting after her as she made her way to the top floor.

Karcen said:
( go to the tower you aren't going to b e able to get in the sanctum
"Now arriving at Stark Tower Jack takes his time as he enters the docking spot to take a look at his surroundings"
Finn thanked Steph for bringing them all to such a sacred place before he lurched to his feet. "Do you happen to have something for burns?" He made a point to turn and look directly into Connor's eyes as he prodded at the burn again. He nodded. "Yeah, Dimitri can handle himself I guess, but I think we've learned the hard way that nothing good happens when you try to deal with a villain on your own." He shuddered thinking of the numerous fights that had occurred within the last couple of days. The moment a villain caught someone on their own doom and misfortune were soon to follow. Well that might be a little melodramatic but still...
Skylar walked into the room and crossed her arms, looking around the room at the Avenger's kids. She didn't say a word, wondering if they'd noticed her yet.
"Upon sneaking in and looking around seeing a few of the other heroes Jack decides to wander around for a bit at least something happens"

Jack: *When DP told me to check this place out I thought things would be.... different ... guess I'll wait and see* he thought grinning
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"Alrighty then...nice and easy..." Teri said as she eased the jet into the landing on the roof. The jet landed safely and she got off and put on an ear piece. "Landing successful, unloading supplies." She said as she started to cart a large supply box out of the jet and into the room where everyone was.

(Nope, she'd notice if someone was on the jet.)
Metaphysics said:
"Alrighty then...nice and easy..." Teri said as she eased the jet into the landing on the roof. The jet landed safely and she got off and put on an ear piece. "Landing successful, unloading supplies." She said as she started to cart a large supply box out of the jet and into the room where everyone was.
(Nope, she'd notice if someone was on the jet.)
(Wait so do I have to delete that also? Or do i just edit it)
Aedan's hands shot up, and immediately prevented Skylar from moving another step, as all momentum was taken from her. Aedan glared at the intruder, "You better start talking, or it won't be good for you." He threatened menacingly, already on edge from the missing avengers. Though he took some solace in the fact that an ally had just landed, he knew Nick Fury's own daughter was here. At least he wasn't alone in the tower, if it was a villain attack.

@Metaphysics @Skylar Black

[QUOTE="The Regal Rper](Wait so do I have to delete that also? Or do i just edit it)

((Why don't you just, sneak into the tower from outside?))
@Skylar Black[/URL]

((Why don't you just, sneak into the tower from outside?))
[QUOTE="Skylar Black]Skylar walked into the room and crossed her arms, looking around the room at the Avenger's kids. She didn't say a word, wondering if they'd noticed her yet.

(I'm cool with that)

"Wonders when the others will notice his presence as he continues to circle the surrounding area from the shadows"

Jack: *Should I start something? These guys do look like they could use some fun* he stated while looking through the heroes in the vicinity.

"Oooh but who's this" he mutters after spotting Skylar.
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[QUOTE="The Regal Rper](I'm cool with that)
"Wonders when the others will notice his presence as he continues to circle the surrounding area from the shadows"

Jack: *Should I start something? These guys do look like they could use some fun* he stated while looking through the heroes in the vicinity.

"Especially the guy with that villain, he sure looks impatient, oh but who's this" he mutters after spotting Skylar.

((There is no villain in the tower, Skylar entered without permission, so Aedan,currently in charge of Stark Tower, has froze her on the spot, and confronted her, Teri is a hero child of Nick Fury. If Deadpool 2 is spotted, he'll be stopped by Aedan too, his powers (Momentum manipulation) work to his advantage over any humanoid.))
[QUOTE="Archangel Galdrael]((There is no villain in the tower, Skylar entered without permission, so Aedan,currently in charge of Stark Tower, has froze her on the spot, and confronted her, Teri is a hero child of Nick Fury. If Deadpool 2 is spotted, he'll be stopped by Aedan too, his powers (Momentum manipulation) work to his advantage over any humanoid.))

(So I'm presuming the one I read was for the Sanctum then alright then thanks for clearing that up)

Jack: *Crap!* he thought. "Ahem, I come in peace" I say as with my hands raised up. "Please oh wondrous magic man don't use your wumbo-jumbo on me" exclaiming as I walk towards Aedan
Aedan, more startled by a second intruder in the tower, also halts Jack's movement. "Funny, real funny, but I'll tell you what I told her, start talking, or it gets bad." He growled, agitated by the two new individuals. Normally he wouldn't use his ability unless he knew they were threats, but currently, after almost all the Avengers just vanished - potentially forever - he was more than a little jumpy.

@The Regal Rper @Skylar Black

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