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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

[QUOTE="Archangel Galdrael](You were going to kill off your character by getting her wings cut on glass? That's like... Worse than Tywin Lannisters death...)

(lol ravens wings are very fragile and they bleed a lot if cut and there is a really big cut)


sitanomoto said:
((Or you can have her die just as i get there. Maybe make an new character! OOOh yeah! that would TEAR CASSIE APART!!!))
((Her death, I mean.)
and maybe near death then u save her?)

Cassie ran down the stairs after noticing Raven falling out of the window. "RAVEN!" She yelled. She made it outside and skidded to the girl's side in record time. "Come on, Come on Raven, stay with me," she said, beginning to wrap her wing. "You're going to be fine."
((Sorry this is late! I had school)) Something sped past Alodia. It was almost as if a gust of air had rushed down the staircase, and she would have chosen to believe this, as it the most logical explanation, had she not seen a boy materialize near the base of the stairs. A gasp escaped her lips as he exclaimed something that went entirely unheard by her. How fast could this boy possibly be and was he perhaps like her..? As he sprinted upward she too resumed her climb upward, now extremely curious as to what lay ahead.
"Alright Raven," she said, gently rolling her to her other side. She bit her lip when she saw a large glass shard in her other wing. "Ok, grab my hand," she said. "This is going to hurt, and squeezing my hand will help you, ok?" She held out one hand and grabbed the glass shard with the other.
I grab her hand and squeeze it and cry out in pain as Cassie pulls out the glass shard. The wound starts to bleed even worse.
Ivory's breathing became normal as he finally calmed down, noticing the girl treating him was gone, he got up to leave, as he approached the window, he looked down and saw a girl lying in blood, he was about to leap off and help, but Savage stopped him...

"Wait Ivory, look"

Ivory turned around and looked at the TV, nearly vomiting, he saw a large number of troops facing off against a hulking Symbiote

"Even though it's stupid considering you were just shot, if you want to do good, start by swinging over there and stopping that thing! That girl has the other one covered, trust me"

Ivory bit his lip, he wanted to help, he liked the feeling of easing people's pain but...

Looking back at the TV one last time he made his decision.

He jumped out the window, his mask sliding back on as he did so, and shot a web, pulling himself towards the other Symbiote...
Alodia ascended the last few steps of the staircase, hoping she wasn't intruding too terribly. It would be far from ladylike to interrupt anything of great importance. Alodia found herself wondering anxiously if she should simply retreat from these steps, leave this tower, and forget all that she saw. It wouldn't be terribly difficult to pretend that she had simply visited a few shops when her mother inquired where she had been. However, she remembered the impossibly fast boy, the teens all gathered on this shining tower, and the possibilities that Stark Industries itself symbolized. Steeling her nerves, she took one, final step upwards and was more than surprised to see a young lady donned in a glinting, scarlet and gold, iron suit clutching the hand of a raven haired girl with bloodied, ebony wings. For the second time that day, a gasp escaped her lips. "Oh....Oh my.... I...You...I'm sorry....Uh.." She stuttered, her eyes the size of saucers.
Connor eventually stopped in an alley to take a moment and catch his breath. Putting his finger to his ear to turn his com device on, "Anyone on Comm's? Someone wanna catch me up on what's going on and why the military is combing through the city?" Booted stomps caught his attention and turned to see a group running by the entrance to the alleyway.
Cassie grimaced. "Ok, ok," she muttered. She grabbed a bandage and began to wrap it tightly around the other wing. She looked towards the sound of the gasp and spotted Alodia. "Oh!" She said. "Hello there..." She looked nervously at Raven and then back at the girl. "Do you.... Do you think you could go up to my lab and ask my AI for my synthetic skin? She should know what you're talking about. Her name is Friday." She looked at Raven. "And could you do it quickly?"
Finn walked between the injured people to check up on them but found that outside of binding things his knowledge on medical procedures was limited. "First not having goggles is an issue, now not being a doctor is an issue. Can't we have like, one week where we all have the skills we need?" He mumbled to himself. He heard his earpiece go off and heard Connor asking about the military. Military? Finn sighed. "Looks like the world's going insane again, all I wanted was a week..." He pushed the button for his earpiece. "What's up Connor? And what do you mean by military?"
Cassie knew what she had to do, otherwise Raven would never make it. She cupped her hands around her mouth and yelled out as loud as she could. "STEPH!!!!!"
Alodia shook herself of her stunned state, and nodded hurriedly. It would be extremely rude of her to do otherwise. She turned on her heel before speeding back down the stairs in the direction of the guest area. The sound of her hurried footsteps echoed throughout the stairway, as she made her way past the office floors, the private floors, and finally the laboratories. She darted into the first lab she saw, examining her surroundings curiously for a moment. Metallic equipment lined the walls, half of which she didn't fully understand. Alodia cleared her throat, and called out, "Umm.. Friday..? I was sent by a young lady upstairs to acquire sythethic skin.. It would be quite helpful if you could aid me in this endeavor.."

((Should I write Friday's reply?))
Connor was relieved to hear Finn's voice, rather than the possibility of just talking to himself. "Other than the fact that soldiers seem to be spreading out through the city? Not much Finn." He scratched his head while pacing slowly in the alley. "I thought I saw Dimitri, decided to head in the same general direction he had. Though that's easier said than done." Following a speedster, not easy, even if he'd been on a motorcycle instead.
Steph had been debating if she could just cancel this whole test thing as well the boy had said they would go venom, but well there had been good symbiotes gone bad and these ones could at any time if he didn't have the ability to take control from them. She would solve this latter as she was just trying to protect others and the symbiotes it would be a shame to lose a hero to symbiotes bestial nature.

These thoughts were interrupted however, by a call from the Stark tower, well the need was heard and as Steph had been thinking about them in the back of her mind and left her scryign to there she was quick on the up take, they needed her help. She of course would have to ask how they knew her name as she had failed to really get to know any of the others, but for now she had a life to save.

Steph appeared in stark tower in her normal poof of smoke. " I already know and you don't need to shout so loud" She said with a sigh before handing Cassie a small vial " The Serum of the Seraphim the most powerful healing agent in the occult, use only a drop" she instructed.
"Hold on, I'm on my way. Look on the ground, if he's not wearing his special shoes then he'll leave feet shaped skid marks as he runs. If he is wearing his suit then look at plant life in the area, plants tend to either flop over or fold almost in half when he runs by. The force of the wind bows them over." He scratched the back of his neck as he hurried down to the first floor. Once outside he broke into a sprint but he was quickly stopped by a police barrier. "Erm, maybe I'm not on your way. Police barricade in the way, I'll have to find a way around."
"Well uh, that's the thing. Dimitri wasn't on foot, he was riding a motorcycle?" Connor still found it hard to believe himself as he ran out of the alley, heading north through the city. He came upon a street being partially blocked off, a large military truck rolling through. Without hesitating Connor jumped up grabbing onto the back of it, hanging off partially and giving a wave to the civilians staring at him as the truck drove by. "Look, I got a ride on one of their trucks. I'll see where it takes me."
Cassie thanked Steph with a smile and took the vial. "Thanks." She opened the vial and took a deep breath to steady her hands.

KeyKitten13 said:
Alodia shook herself of her stunned state, and nodded hurriedly. It would be extremely rude of her to do otherwise. She turned on her heel before speeding back down the stairs in the direction of the guest area. The sound of her hurried footsteps echoed throughout the stairway, as she made her way past the office floors, the private floors, and finally the laboratories. She darted into the first lab she saw, examining her surroundings curiously for a moment. Metallic equipment lined the walls, half of which she didn't fully understand. Alodia cleared her throat, and called out, "Umm.. Friday..? I was sent by a young lady upstairs to acquire sythethic skin.. It would be quite helpful if you could aid me in this endeavor.."
((Should I write Friday's reply?))
"Lab table to your left. It's the long peach-colored strip of cloth," Friday said politely. A flashlight dropped from the ceiling and lit up on the syntho-skin. "Here."


Crono said:
"Well uh, that's the thing. Dimitri wasn't on foot, he was riding a motorcycle?" Connor still found it hard to believe himself as he ran out of the alley, heading north through the city. He came upon a street being partially blocked off, a large military truck rolling through. Without hesitating Connor jumped up grabbing onto the back of it, hanging off partially and giving a wave to the civilians staring at him as the truck drove by. "Look, I got a ride on one of their trucks. I'll see where it takes me."
(("Hi everybody! Just doing my normal, everyday hero thing in totally normal civilian clothing!" Lol))
"Would you like me to find him? Or go get some more glassssss?" Phoenix piped up, wanting to get up and move around. "Bessssides, I still need to know a good place to get some glassss." he added, looking at cassie for an answer he long awaited for. @sitanomoto
sitanomoto said:
(("Hi everybody! Just doing my normal, everyday hero thing in totally normal civilian clothing!" Lol))
(Guess you missed the part where Connor went home and changed. :P )
Ivory continued swinging and about halfway there felt a agonizing pain in his side, he looked down and saw what he had feared, the bullet was still in his body, in his rush to leave, he had only put off his pain, not stopped it. He went down to a alley to rest for a moment, bandaging his torso, he went to begin swinging again, but stopped when he noticed a teenage boy, clad in a uniform that had an American flag print with a shield in his hand right next to him, he waved and said, "Uh, hi?"

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