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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

Alodia stepped cautiously towards the indicated, flesh colored pile. It sat on a frigid, metallic table, looking like a foreign, clinical cure of some kind in the fluorescent light. She scooped it up carefully in her arms and smiled, before looking upward, at the softly glowing circuitry and stated,

"Thank you Friday." She then left the lab and returned to the staircase, climbing it quickly in hopes of saving the raven haired girl in time. A few minutes later Alodia was once again on the highest level of Stark Tower. She hastily handed the iron clad girl the fake flesh with a short,

"Here you are." Before stepping back and waiting for the next step, whatever that may be.

When Ivory swung and latched onto the back of the military truck across from Connor, he was shocked to say the least. His immediate thought was 'symbiote', but alot smaller, and then came the greeting that let Connor know he wasn't a threat. Or so he hoped. "Hi?..you alright?" He asked seeing Ivory bandaging himself.

(Erm. Connor wasn't in the alley anymore so I kinda just went with it. I can delete this post if you want. lol)
Dimitri switched on his earpiece. "WAAAZAAAAAAAAAAAAAAP?" Dimitri said, leaving a resounding feedback noise after his outburst.
Cyrus flinched at the sound of Dimitri, "Why on earth would you do that?" He kept walking around the area searching for the general.
"Agh!" Connor flinched at the sudden amount of noise coming through the ear piece. Instinctively leaning his head as if he could escape it as well as trying to swipe at it with his hand, pull it out and such. Coincidentally the hand he'd attempted to use to make such effort was the only thing keeping him on the truck. Thus, losing his balance he almost went ass over tea-kettle into the pavement below if not for the fact that he'd swung his other hand to grab at the truck.

"You are literally the worst." Connor huffed out a relieved breath as he held on tightly to the truck once again.
"Literally?? What about hitler? I'm nowhere near the literal worst! It's not my fault you can't hang on!" At this point, Connor would hear dimitri's voice in person too, as he was running alongside the truck Connor was on.
"Yeah but you almost spooked him off of it." Cyrus said chuckling, he hopped onto the same jeep Conner was on
Crono said:
"Agh!" Connor flinched at the sudden amount of noise coming through the ear piece. Instinctively leaning his head as if he could escape it as well as trying to swipe at it with his hand, pull it out and such. Coincidentally the hand he'd attempted to use to make such effort was the only thing keeping him on the truck. Thus, losing his balance he almost went ass over tea-kettle into the pavement below if not for the fact that he'd swung his other hand to grab at the truck.
"You are literally the worst." Connor huffed out a relieved breath as he held on tightly to the truck once again.
(Sorry, didn't notice that)

Ivory was nervous, the last times he had actual contact with a person recently, he had gotten shot, then freaked out at the person who tried to help him, he decided to be cautiously optimistic , "So, uh I don't know much about people, but I don't think they normally have a shield and armor. So unless I'm wrong, which I don't think I am, you can help us mister...?"
"I guessssss I will go then." Phoenix said as he headed to the ground floor, to go out into the city and get some tough glass. And deeper into the city, Joan has just finished her lovely banquet that was the meats on the display. "mmmm..... So Yummy." she said with a loud belch. She then goes out into the city, where people look at her in fear. "Well, Time to show who is the dominant one, as old man Magneto always told me." She thought as she head an evil grin on her face.
Connor turned his head at the sound of Dimitri's voice. Surprised at how fast he had located the truck, and then the guy from before...the one that had eaten the elevator at stark tower hoped on as well. What was his name? Had he even gotten his name? That day was a heap of confusion anyways. Connor then turned back to Ivory, "No, not usually. What is it you and your..partner need help with?"

(Oddly displaced conversations, my fault entirely. :x )
Finn face palmed himself at the nickname green machine. The agonizing pain from that name had dulled the pain of his shrieking to a low thrum. "Yes, I'm on, no need to shout. Have any news of what the police are up to? Anyone have a plan?" He looked at the long stretching barricade and the police pushing people back. "You know what, forget this." He mumbled. He squared his shoulders and ran right into the closest police guy, shoving past him before booking it away. "Oh man I hope they didn't see my face, that is a whole slew of charges if they did. Where are you guys at?" He asked a bit louder.
Crono said:
Connor turned his head at the sound of Dimitri's voice. Surprised at how fast he had located the truck, and then the guy from before...the one that had eaten the elevator at stark tower hoped on as well. What was his name? Had he even gotten his name? That day was a heap of confusion anyways. Connor then turned back to Ivory, "No, not usually. What is it you and your..partner need help with?"
(Oddly displaced conversations, my fault entirely. :x )
(Not a problem)

Ivory smiled but realized something, he wasn't sure if he was going to be to forward asking, but he really wanted someone to trust, someone to rely on besides Savage, and to do that, this guy need to trust him AND his friend, "Before I even tell you anything about us, or what we know, I need you to trust us, both of us. That being said..." A long black and red tendril came out and approached the boy, "...If you want to know anything, take his hand-tendril-thing."
"On a jeep for the military, Just look for the dweeb hanging on the back... That's Conner." Cyrus said looking around
"No plan yet though. Massacre isn't here, so we should stay flexible until we know where he is. If he reveals himself, we should converge there."
Connor watched Ivory curiously and when the tendril approached him he had to admit he was apprehensive. He momentarily glanced at the other two before looking back at Ivory, he didn't have a reason to really trust or distrust him yet. Breathing in he sighed, "What the heck." He said, reaching out his free hand and touching the tendril.

(LMAO You called Connor a dweeb, I died. So rewd, haha.)
Crono said:
Connor watched Ivory curiously and when the tendril approached him he had to admit he was apprehensive. He momentarily glanced at the other two before looking back at Ivory, he didn't have a reason to really trust or distrust him yet. Breathing in he sighed, "What the heck." He said, reaching out his free hand and touching the tendril.
(LMAO You called Connor a dweeb, I died. So rewd, haha.)
Ivory breathed a breath of fresh air, feeling he finally had someone to connect to, "Alright" Ivory said, "Savage can explain this better than I can, I'm just following him for now."

"Hello" the Symbiote began, "Lets make this quick, basicaly the reason for all of this military, is because Massacre is on a bridge nearby, they're here just in case something goes wrong. Before you ask me how, it's a weird Symbiote thing I think, it's like...He's pulling me, like we're being drawn closer together, ya know?"
"A dweeb hanging onto the back of a military vehicle. Well that's not the worst description that could have been given." He glanced around at the passing military vehicles but wasn't sure if he could hop onto the back of one, they seemed for the most part full of people. He noticed an abandoned bike lying on its side and thanked himself for his workout routine that he had actually followed through on for two whole days. He stood the bike up on two flat tires and began to pedal.
The sudden voice in his head caught Connor off guard, he wasn't sure exactly what he thought was going to happen but it was still a surprise. "Sooo..." His first instinct was to ask about the two of them living in the same body but now clearly wasn't the time. "Massacre is on the bridge." He said loud enough so that everyone including those on the ear piece could hear. "It's nice meeting you uh...Savage." Connors head cocked to the side. He wasn't fully sure he should trust the information but it would seem that Ivory and Savage we're trusting him to an extent and so he decided to do the same.
Crono said:
The sudden voice in his head caught Connor off guard, he wasn't sure exactly what he thought was going to happen but it was still a surprise. "Sooo..." His first instinct was to ask about the two of them living in the same body but now clearly wasn't the time. "Massacre is on the bridge." He said loud enough so that everyone including those on the ear piece could hear. "It's nice meeting you uh...Savage." Connors head cocked to the side. He wasn't fully sure he should trust the information but it would seem that Ivory and Savage we're trusting him to an extent and so he decided to do the same.
Savage sounded happy, if Symboites could smile, you would've heard the smile in his voice, "No problem, just happy to help!" and with that, the tendril slid back into Ivory.

Ivory cocked his head after realizing something was in Conner's ear, it looked weird, but yet strangely...Cool, he felt jealous, like he wanted one just to have it, to show that he was cool to, just like his new friend...That he just met and didn't even know his name, "So mister." He said, seeing whether or not he could find out his name, while trying to remain respectful, "What's that cool thing you have in your ear, and can I get one?" Ivory sounded to eager, like a child who didn't want people to know he knew about his surprise party, but couldn't contain his excitement.
Connor frowned at the realization he had yet to even introduce himself. "You can just call me Connor....and this," Connor pointed to the small black ear piece inside his ear, "is a comm device. We use it to talk to each other...and I only have the one." He gave Ivory an apologetic smile. The truck now started slowing down as it reached its destination and Connor wasn't entirely sure why they we're still riding it. "Think we should probably get off now."
Crono said:
Connor frowned at the realization he had yet to even introduce himself. "You can just call me Connor....and this," Connor pointed to the small black ear piece inside his ear, "is a comm device. We use it to talk to each other...and I only have the one." He gave Ivory an apologetic smile. The truck now started slowing down as it reached its destination and Connor wasn't entirely sure why they we're still riding it. "Think we should probably get off now."
Ivory leaped off the truck, slightly peeved that he couldn't get one of the cool earpiece thingies "*grumbling*Thinks he's so much cooler than me, well I'll show him*Grumbling stops*" Ivory waits for the now named Conner as he hears Savage ask,"Why are we stopping? Massacre is further ahead still"

"That's a good question." He turns to Conner, "Hey mister Conner, why are we getting off?"
"Bridge? I can get there quickly." He jogged around a corner and saw the bridge close by. "Are we meeting at the bridge or is it the first one who gets there keeps Massacre at bay? Oh and I heard that last bit, I keep an extra one on me in case something happens to mine but you can have it for communication purposes."
Connor stepped off while the vehicle was slow. The vehicle turned before parking, the soldiers unloading out of it, "That'd be why." Connor said nodding his head towards it. "They also don't seem to know Massacres at the bridge..which is probably a good thing because if they did there would be alot more collateral damage if a fight breaks out."

Connor listened to Finn over the comm, "That's your call Finn, if things get out of control you might need to intervene. We'll be there as quick as possible." Then he smiled at Ivory, "I've got a friend who says he has a spare. You can get it when we meet up with him. And I should really consider taking a spare with me from now on as well...yeah that's probably a good idea."
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