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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

Crono said:
Connor stepped off while the vehicle was slow. The vehicle turned before parking, the soldiers unloading out of it, "That'd be why." Connor said nodding his head towards it. "They also don't seem to know Massacres at the bridge..which is probably a good thing because if they did there would be alot more collateral damage if a fight breaks out."
Connor listened to Finn over the comm, "That's your call Finn, if things get out of control you might need to intervene. We'll be there as quick as possible." Then he smiled at Ivory, "I've got a friend who says he has a spare. You can get it when we meet up with him. And I should really consider taking a spare with me from now on as well...yeah that's probably a good idea."
Ivory does a little jump, "YES! YES! YES! I CAN FINALLY BE COO-" He remembers where he is and stops and clears his throat, "I mean I appreciate the gesture, thank you."

Savage does what can only be described as a laugh, "Oh my god, I wish I watch that over and over again."

Ivory puts a bit and says,"Shut up Savage, you can't judge me, I'm the closest thing you have to a physical presence!" realizing he made a similar mistake twice, he once again turns to Conner, "So do we just wait here then, for your friend?"
Cyrus walked of the jeep still disguised, "At least Dimitri had the decency to have a spare." He said jokingly. He looked up into the clouds, "It might rain soon." He said almost completely out of random,
"Shoot. I can't run well in the rain. Have you ever slipped going the speed of sound? I wouldn't recommend it." He said as he remembered how his last altercation with massacre went.
The hulking dymbiote loomed over the hordes of people below, as ciivilians began to flee in terror, and the military began preparing to fight. Multiple soldiers with weapons drawn, visibly frightened at the monster they faced. Massacre was ready to lunge right there, start tearing the humans limb from limb. Yet, something he could not place stopped him, something familiar, yet alien, a sort of prescense... Almost like, another ssymbiote... But that was impossible, Massacre had been the last remnants of Venom, there were no others!
Connor gave a light chuckle at Ivory's sudden burst of joy. "No, he'll be meeting us there."

He glanced up at the sky following Cyrus' gaze. "Of course mother nature would want to get in on this, why not? Here's some advice Dimitri. Don't slip." Connor cocked a smirk at the silver haired boy. "We should probably stop standing around. We wouldn't want Finn to fight that thing alone would we?" He raised an eyebrow.
Finn watched the symbiote on the bridge from a safe vantage point where he could still jump in. Massacre seemed confused almost. "He's just standing there. He's not attacking, but he's not making an effort to run either. He's not trying to kill the people running or anything. Now would be a good time to neutralize him, but what if he snaps out of it. Should I go for it or wait?"

From their last meeting he knew well enough that he may not be strong enough to take him on, but at the same time he was simply standing there and was a good opportunity.
Crono said:
Connor gave a light chuckle at Ivory's sudden burst of joy. "No, he'll be meeting us there."
He glanced up at the sky following Cyrus' gaze. "Of course mother nature would want to get in on this, why not? Here's some advice Dimitri. Don't slip." Connor cocked a smirk at the silver haired boy. "We should probably stop standing around. We wouldn't want Finn to fight that thing alone would we?" He raised an eyebrow.
Ivory thinks for awhile and pipes up, "If we wanted to get there faster, I have a way, it'll just be a bit..." He shudders a bit, "Unsettling"
sitanomoto said:
Cassie went back to Kyu. "Her name is Raven," she said. "Or at least, that' sweat she calls herself." She looked at the boy. "Looks like a bad broken leg," she said softly. "I can bind it up for you."
"Y-yeah, thanks. " Kyuma said, smiling through his pain. Man, was this girl cute. He'd seen her before, somewhere, but he was coming up blank on where. Anyways, it felt nice to have a cute avenger take care of him...but it was also sad that he totally looked like a mess in his dirty school clothes when it happened.
Connor listened to Finn through the comm and opened his mouth to speak but nothing came out as he thought about what to say. Finn was looking to them for advice and Connor found himself in that familiar place of being nervous about giving it. If he suggested Finn attack now, what if Finn got seriously injured? If he suggested Finn hang back then what if Massacre got to the civilians before anything could be done? Connor wasn't sure if he could deal with the consequences.

"Just uh...act as you see fit. We trust you." He finally choked out. Really? That sounded almost like something dad would say. It felt so half-assed and Connor cursed himself for it.

Ivory's words caught Connor's attention, "How fast?" Connor raised a brow at the slight tremble Ivory gave off at his own words. "Unsettling..?"
Crono said:
Connor listened to Finn through the comm and opened his mouth to speak but nothing came out as he thought about what to say. Finn was looking to them for advice and Connor found himself in that familiar place of being nervous about giving it. If he suggested Finn attack now, what if Finn got seriously injured? If he suggested Finn hang back then what if Massacre got to the civilians before anything could be done? Connor wasn't sure if he could deal with the consequences.
"Just uh...act as you see fit. We trust you." He finally choked out. Really? That sounded almost like something dad would say. It felt so half-assed and Connor cursed himself for it.

Ivory's words caught Connor's attention, "How fast?" Connor raised a brow at the slight tremble Ivory gave off at his own words. "Unsettling..?"
Ivory was nervous, he hadn't used the skill in so long, mainly because it was just annoying, but he knew people were getting hurt, so he had to suck it up, "Well, lets just say that Savage and I are... Special. When we last measured the fastest we went was maybe, 100 miles per hour, I think. If you agree, just remember, what you see and hear may be a bit weird."
[QUOTE="Kalin Scarlet] "Y-yeah, thanks. " Kyuma said, smiling through his pain. Man, was this girl cute. He'd seen her before, somewhere, but he was coming up blank on where. Anyways, it felt nice to have a cute avenger take care of him...but it was also sad that he totally looked like a mess in his dirty school clothes when it happened.

After binding up Raven, Cassie thanked the girl and went upstairs and began to bind up Kyu's leg. She noticed him looking at her and she looked at the ground with a blush.

Hypnas grinned at the military gathered below and noticed Dimitri running. She laughed and wall-jumped from the top of the bridge and landed in front of the army. "Laideeees and gentlemen," she said dramatically, and several of the people dropped to the floor. "Let me introduce myself," several more collapsed. "I," three more, "am Hypnas." Now everyone but the general was asleep. "And I have a proposition for you." She approached the general and looked him in the eyes without her powers.
"I'm sorry you have to do this for me. I probably should have prepared a proper landing strategy. Y'know, instead of flail and crash..." he said, truly apologetic for his condition. He kept a smile on his face, however, and scratched the back of his head nervously, as the girl looked away. "So...whats your name, again?"

General Roland

Within a matter of moments, reports had flooded in that the Symbiote had been sighted a mere few blocks away, he had been shouting orders at every sould nearby. He wanted the thing alive, that was the orders. Yet for whatever reason, the thing also seemed to be unresponsive, neither trying to cause harm - like its last showing - or trying to escape, it didn't add up...

"Get me the Pentagon on the line! We need to know what the hell they know if we'll stand a chance!" He ordered, now determined to subdue the symbiote and emerge victorious.

"Already on it Sir!" Was the curt response.

Most of the soldiers in this vicinity were headed towards Massacre, only leaving a handful with Roland, which unfortunately turned out incredibly badly... Nobody saw it coming, a normal-appearing girl had appeared on the bridge, and before Roland could ask her what the hell she was doing, at least half of the men with him had collapsed, and by the time he got his head around her likely place as a villain, the rest collapsed. Now she wanted a proposition... Roland's hands were effectively tied, he had little option but to hear her out. He'd be on the floor with the rest before he could draw his gun.

"What proposition would I possibly want with you?" He answered, ever defiant in the face of danger. But all the bravado in the world meant nothing, he would listen, the alternative was probably death.
Cassie smiled. "I probably would have done the same thing, flail and crash." She looked Kyu in the eyes. "My name is Cassie. Some call me Cass, some call me Tin Can, others call me Iron Girl." She looked at him with a smile. "I really prefer Cass or Cassie, but if you really want to be formal, you can call me Iron Girl."

[QUOTE="Archangel Galdrael]General Roland
Within a matter of moments, reports had flooded in that the Symbiote had been sighted a mere few blocks away, he had been shouting orders at every sould nearby. He wanted the thing alive, that was the orders. Yet for whatever reason, the thing also seemed to be unresponsive, neither trying to cause harm - like its last showing - or trying to escape, it didn't add up...

"Get me the Pentagon on the line! We need to know what the hell they know if we'll stand a chance!" He ordered, now determined to subdue the symbiote and emerge victorious.

"Already on it Sir!" Was the curt response.

Most of the soldiers in this vicinity were headed towards Massacre, only leaving a handful with Roland, which unfortunately turned out incredibly badly... Nobody saw it coming, a normal-appearing girl had appeared on the bridge, and before Roland could ask her what the hell she was doing, at least half of the men with him had collapsed, and by the time he got his head around her likely place as a villain, the rest collapsed. Now she wanted a proposition... Roland's hands were effectively tied, he had little option but to hear her out. He'd be on the floor with the rest before he could draw his gun.

"What proposition would I possibly want with you?" He answered, ever defiant in the face of danger. But all the bravado in the world meant nothing, he would listen, the alternative was probably death.

Hypnas smiled. "Oh relax," she said jovially. "I'm not going to hurt you. I just took out your men so that I won't get shot while I'm talking." She laughed. "I'd like to turn your attention to Stark Tower." She pointed to the tall building. "I'm sure you've been by the street that it's on, and the damage there is enormous." She looked at him with a raised eyebrow. "Now, tell me honestly: who does the greater damage in this city?" She pointed to herself. "Us?" And then at the tower. "Or them?" She smiled. "If you say 'them,' then I have a deal for you: I bring the heroes to you trussed up like turkeys and then you'll never have to see me again and you can turn your attention back to your little Symbiote chase." She held up a finger. "But, If you say 'us,' then the destruction will continue. I promise I won't be involved, I'm a peaceful soul and I will continue to try to capture the heroes myself."
Kyu blushed, turning his face slightly to hide it. "C-Cassie works just fine...I'm Kyuma. Kyu, if you prefer. Nice to meet you." He looked at her again, when he felt the blush leave his face. "So, you're Tony Stark's daughter? Or is that a publicity stunt, or something?" Kyu had heard alot about Tony Stark. Or, at least, all the women Tony Stark had supposedly slept with. So the fact that he'd settled down enough to have a kid was surprising.

"Oh man. If only you were seeing this." Finn breathed out. From his vantage point not only could he see the bridge, but if he turned ninety degrees he could see the largest gathering of military folks in the city. Turning his head so that he could better reach an itch on his shoulder, he had turned just in time to see most of the soldiers drop to the ground. "I think it's that sleep girl that you guys were talking about. Somebody's still standing, not sure who though." He whispered. "I'm going to move in to see if I can hear them." He slowly stalked forward to the group and cursed when he saw that he would have to cross a large open space. He quickly turned onto the first street he came across with the intent of following small alleyways until he was closer. He froze though after turning again. By going this way he was leaving Massacre unattended on the bridge. What was more important?

He tapped his fingers against his thigh anxiously before turning around and jogging back to his point. "Too risky to get closer, I'll keep watch over Massacre until further notice."

Aedan, still plopped in the chair, rejuvenating his energy, had given up on trying to figure out heroes, within the last hour he had seen a friendly symbiote, a guy fall from the sky, apparently there was some commotion with Raven being critically injured... And now the living meteor was putting the moves onto Cassie, it was quite strange. Despite all the death, destruction, news of the military and the obvious threat from Fenrir, Ultron, Massacre and the nightmare girl, Cassie seemed to find small moments to be the stereotypical teenage girl... Not to mention she had just revealed her utterly awesome new nickname to Aedan.

"So, Tin Can, I don't suppose you thought to contact Connor, or Finn? With the military around, and Massacre's potential attack I'm sure they may need you later... Unless of course, you want me to take the Iron Man suit, sure I'll probably crash and obliterate a building whilst nearly killing myself and several people but eventually I'd get the hang of it." He said sarcastically, hoping that his actual advice was listened to.

General Roland

The General scoffed and folded his arms at the woman before him, not believing the venom pouring from her lips. "Then you'd better carry on destroying things girl, I have my orders, and they're to catch the Symbiote! Nothing more! If you think I'd start a civil was with the Avengers... You're insane!" The proud General straightened himself, not caring whether she harmed him or not, but still inwardly worried about her reaction.

((If Hypnas knows about the good symbiote Savage, she could use him as leverage, which would get Roland to agree with the proposition.))


The Symbiote's eyes followed the sixth sense supposedly pressuring it, until Massacre noticed in the far distance what appeared to be a huge retinue of collapsed soldiers, a woman - the same one who had offered him the speedy Avenger, and another military man... Massacre did not take action, but instead watched the scene, and also continued trying to pinpoint the unmistakable aura of a symbiote...
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So the chick was getting in on this now too? She seemed to be showing up whenever Massacre did, we're they working together? And Finn was practically alone with the two of them. Though Dimitri could get there to back him up in seconds. "Just, be careful." Connor said into the ear piece before turning his attention back to Ivory, the description he was being given was vague but they did need to get there quickly.

"Just tell me what to do." He said with a breath, any part of him that was nervous about it being cast aside for the moment. He gave a hesitant glance at Cyrus wondering if this was a one man proposition or if he'd be coming along as well.
Crono said:
So the chick was getting in on this now too? She seemed to be showing up whenever Massacre did, we're they working together? And Finn was practically alone with the two of them. Though Dimitri could get there to back him up in seconds. "Just, be careful." Connor said into the ear piece before turning his attention back to Ivory, the description he was being given was vague but they did need to get there quickly.
"Just tell me what to do." He said with a breath, any part of him that was nervous about it being cast aside for the moment. He gave a hesitant glance at Cyrus wondering if this was a one man proposition or if he'd be coming along as well.
Ivory took a deep breath, "Savage, give me the biggest, fastest wings you got."

Savage was disappointed, realizing what he ment, but he delt with it, "On it"

With that, Ivory felt a familiar shifting in his back, as two Eagle like wings emerged covered in tendrils. He grabbed Conner and said, "Hang on!" As he flew up into the sky, a third voice appeared.

"Dive, mice,rodent,consume" as it droned on about various things related to those things.
Connor had little time before being scooped up by the symbiote after he'd watched the wings spread from it's body. The new voice was a surprise, though he had been warned about it, to a degree. As they flew up Connor couldn't help but look down, "We're flying..." He mumbled silently watching as the figures of Dimitri and Cyrus grew smaller and he averted his gaze to look at the sky more. No one mentioned anything about flying.

He'd have closed his eyes except for the fact that flying with eyes closed typically only made it worse so instead he stuck to focusing. Ignore it, focus. He told himself in a mantra as they soared through the air.
Crono said:
Connor had little time before being scooped up by the symbiote after he'd watched the wings spread from it's body. The new voice was a surprise, though he had been warned about it, to a degree. As they flew up Connor couldn't help but look down, "We're flying..." He mumbled silently watching as the figures of Dimitri and Cyrus grew smaller and he averted his gaze to look at the sky more. No one mentioned anything about flying.
He'd have closed his eyes except for the fact that flying with eyes closed typically only made it worse so instead he stuck to focusing. Ignore it, focus. He told himself in a mantra as they soared through the air.
Ivory was irritated and worried, he had forgotten that using their abilities awakened their conciseness, and he also realized that he was probably going to need more to win this fight.

Savage tried to soothe Conner, "Sorry, Ivory should have said something before pulling this" If he could have glared he would have, "And just ignore the bird's voice, and be glad you're not the one who has to constantly worry about things like him breaking loose"
"No, no. It's fine, I did basically ask for it.." Connor said trying to concentrate on not looking down as he felt the wind against his face. His voice calm and collected even if his heart rate wasn't. "...flying just isn't really my thing." The comment about the possibility of the third voice breaking loose wasn't helping as his concentration went more into thoughts about what it was he'd gotten himself into and what exactly Ivory and Savage we're as a whole. "Just do what you gotta do, don't worry about me." A light chuckle with a tad of regret mixed in, though he wasn't sure how convincing he sounded.
Crono said:
"No, no. It's fine, I did basically ask for it.." Connor said trying to concentrate on not looking down as he felt the wind against his face. His voice calm and collected even if his heart rate wasn't. "...flying just isn't really my thing." The comment about the possibility of the third voice breaking loose wasn't helping as his concentration went more into thoughts about what it was he'd gotten himself into and what exactly Ivory and Savage we're as a whole. "Just do what you gotta do, don't worry about me." A light chuckle with a tad of regret mixed in, though he wasn't sure how convincing he sounded.
Savage wasn't convinced, but soon realized they were over the bridge and Ivory wasn't paying attention, "Ivory, we're here."

Ivory shook his head, "Oh, sorry." He began to land, the wings going back into his body as he set Conner down. The third voice began to fade, repeating lines of dives and mice. Ivory stood behind the giant Massacre, a good 25 feet separating them. He began to call out, "HEY YOU!" As he attempted to get the beasts attention, "YOU CAN'T JUST KILL PEOPLE NOT FOR THE SAKE OF KILLING, THEY HAVE LIVES,DREAMS EVEN-" His voice choked up on the last one, "FAMILIES! YOU CAN'T JUST DECIDE YOU WANT TO TAKE THAT AWAY FROM THEM!"
Finn slapped his forehead and stood up. No point in trying to be discreet now. He quickly pulled out his extra com device and tossed it Connor's way before gesturing to the little two man party with the military. "I'm going down to accidentally overhear something I shouldn't." Making air quotes around accidentally. He turned and started heading down to the two of them before stopping at a safe distance.

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