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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

Dimitri slowed and layed down on the couch after his chore was finished. "When that chick knocked me out, I heard a female voice telling me to wake up, but since then every time I sleep I've had nightmares. I think it does have to do with that redhead. Does anyone know who she is?"
Aedan reluctantly entered after Cassie, glaring at Fenrir with more ferocity than all the gods combined, before collapsing himself ono one of the nearby chairs. It was strange that Tony didn't seem to have an opinion on this, it was almost as if Cassie was officially the Avengers leader. Perhaps her father passed on the torch a while ago, honestly, Aedan really didn't know much about any of the new Avengers.
"I need to go for a fly my wings need to be used" I open my wings and stretch them "having a fourteen foot wing span isnt helping much in this cave" I walk to the mouth of the cave and look out over the ocean
Cassie shook her head. "I wish I did," she said vehemently. "If she is the cause of this....." She couldn't finish. She walked over to Aedan and looked him over. "Where did he hurt you?" She asked. Then she turned and looked at Fenrir (@GimmickPuppet). "If you try anything to hurt him or anyone else in this tower, those bandages are coming off," she said with a warning glare to make her point. She heard Dimitri's words run through her head as fast as he did. "Wait.... You've been having nightmares too?"
"Woah, don't worry about it! You're in a building with the world's top scientists in my opinion, mention it to someone and they may be able to help!" The elivator dinged the stop and he walked into the group of people. He pulled over a chair and carefully set the injured teen into it. "I'll be back." He addressed Kyuma. "Hey everybody." He waved once at the group before awkwardly walking back out again.

He hurried back into the stairwell and jumped down the stairs until he was on the the floor with the other person. Quickly he scoped out the other injured teen and pulled out what was left of his bottle of water. He dumped the contents of the bottle onto the boy's head before tearing strips of fabric from his other pant leg to bind the wounds. He shook the boy with the hopes of waking him up. "Hey. Can you hear me? Are you even going to wake up." He mumbled half to himself. He didn't want to pick the kid up right away, what if he woke up and he was being carried somewhere? Finn knew that would freak him out so he didn't want to do it to someone else. He would if necessary though.

@Kalin Scarlet @LokiofSP
Dimitri shrugged. "Yea I've been talking about it for.. Hey Finn!" After Finn turned to leave... "Bye Finn! Anyways, I can't remember what exactly happens in the dreams, I just remember waking up terrified."
Aedan continued to glare at Fenrir, who was responsible for almost killing him. "I'm almost certain he severed my chest tendon... I'd already have died from internal bleeding if I couldn't slow my own blood loss down..." He groaned, the pain catching up as adrenaline quickly left his system. "And what's this about nightmares?" He inquired at both Cassie and Dmitri, suspecting there's more to it than they're letting on.
CasualDragon said:
"Woah, don't worry about it! You're in a building with the world's top scientists in my opinion, mention it to someone and they may be able to help!" The elivator dinged the stop and he walked into the group of people. He pulled over a chair and carefully set the injured teen into it. "I'll be back." He addressed Kyuma. "Hey everybody." He waved once at the group before awkwardly walking back out again.
He hurried back into the stairwell and jumped down the stairs until he was on the the floor with the other person. Quickly he scoped out the other injured teen and pulled out what was left of his bottle of water. He dumped the contents of the bottle onto the boy's head before tearing strips of fabric from his other pant leg to bind the wounds. He shook the boy with the hopes of waking him up. "Hey. Can you hear me? Are you even going to wake up." He mumbled half to himself. He didn't want to pick the kid up right away, what if he woke up and he was being carried somewhere? Finn knew that would freak him out so he didn't want to do it to someone else. He would if necessary though.

@Archangel Galdrael

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CasualDragon said:
"Woah, don't worry about it! You're in a building with the world's top scientists in my opinion, mention it to someone and they may be able to help!" The elivator dinged the stop and he walked into the group of people. He pulled over a chair and carefully set the injured teen into it. "I'll be back." He addressed Kyuma. "Hey everybody." He waved once at the group before awkwardly walking back out again.
He hurried back into the stairwell and jumped down the stairs until he was on the the floor with the other person. Quickly he scoped out the other injured teen and pulled out what was left of his bottle of water. He dumped the contents of the bottle onto the boy's head before tearing strips of fabric from his other pant leg to bind the wounds. He shook the boy with the hopes of waking him up. "Hey. Can you hear me? Are you even going to wake up." He mumbled half to himself. He didn't want to pick the kid up right away, what if he woke up and he was being carried somewhere? Finn knew that would freak him out so he didn't want to do it to someone else. He would if necessary though.

@Kalin Scarlet @LokiofSP
Savage watched as the teen splashed water on his host, but he didn't wake up, finally as a last resort, Savage reached out a tendril to talk to the boy
Finn reeled back at the sight of the tendril. He had not had many good experiences with symbiotes recently. He shook himself and continued to look at the guy's wounds, he had no right to judge him based on the fact that he was a symbiote. He counted to three before heaving the teen onto his shoulder, trying not to jostle him around too much. He hurried back to the stairwell to get back to the other room.

As he hefted Ivory on his shoulder, Savage finally got a tendril on the boys shoulder, finally able to communicate with him, "Thank you" he spoke,"I thought my friend may die, you have no idea how much what you've done means to me"
sitanomoto said:
"Friday," Cassie said, "can you multi-task?"
"Yes, I can. What do you need me to do?"

"Help Phoenix with the glass, and scan Aedan for the internal bleeding." With that said, she walked over to the boy on the chair and knelt next to him. "I'm going to need to play doctor for a while, aren't I?"


("Avengers did their Avenging and stuff" lol
"U-uh, sorry you have to do this for me. I honestly didn't think getting kicked out of hell would be so painful..." Kyuma said, laughing for a moment, before the pain stopped him. "I'm Kyuma. And you're...an actual superhero...wow, I should probably be freaking out, but the pain is way too bad for me to fanboy, hehe..."

Alodia stared avidly at her surroundings. She had never had the pleasure of visiting this particular area of New York, and it truly was a sight to see. Stark tower loomed over the shorter, less pertinent buildings, glowing with an almost beatific, ethereal quality in the irradiant sun. The blue lettering shone like a beacon of hope among the dismal, grey buildings. However, Alodia noticed, her head tilting to the side in curiosity, there were quite a few...teenagers? There seemed to be teenagers, all in varying states of distress on the roof. Alodia glanced at the surrounding streets, searching for someone, anyone who could take control of this peculiar situation. She found entirely empty sidewalks, abandoned shops, and suddenly earsplitting silence. For how long the paths that she had been wandering had been desolate she did not know. It was quite odd that she had even managed to stroll obliviously this far without noticing. She had half a mind to turn and run as fast as her legs could possibly take her, however she was terribly curious as to how this had a occurred. It really couldn't hurt to approach the building, come just a few paces closer, now could it? And, she argued, would it not be the most chivalrous option to help those in need? Her decision made, Alodia cautiously stepped closer to the infamous tower, her eyes fixed on it's rooftop. Upon closer inspection, it was not just the adolescents who were wounded, but the building as well. Certain sections of it metallic siding were scorched slightly and she could make out several scratches near the tower's base. Feeling slightly nervous at the obvious signs of foreboding, Alodia hesitantly pushed open a pair of glass doors adorned with the words, 'Stark Industries'. The main visitors room seemed to be intact. It's cushy chairs were still unscathed as was the mahogany desk and the several electronics that lined it. After a careful inspection of the area Alodia mounted the staircase to the upper floors, fearful of what horrors might await her.
Dimitri spat his gum out of the broken window. "Watch this!" He sprinted down the stairs, passing Alodia, before he reached the bottom and stood underneath where he spat, catching it in his mouth. "Woohoo yea! I'm that fast!" He said. He sprinted back up past Alodia again to meet the rest. "And I didn't even litter!"
Cassie looked a Dimitri with a grin. "That was both really disgusting and really awesome," she said, laughing.
Dimitri looked at Cassie. "Hey! Look who's smiling again! Good to have you back, Cass." He said, nudging her.
The tendril was... Thanking him? That was a first. He looked down at the tendril and nodded its way, not sure if it could see. "Er. No problem. I mean, saving lives is our thing." He watched in surprise as Dimitri sped past him both on his way down then up the stairs. "Ah yes, thank you oh mighty one for that great display of power." He mumbled when he reached the top of the stairs. He set down the other unconscious person gently and went back to work on binding until there was nothing left to bind.

Dimitri looked at raven. "Hey, wait." He turned to Cassie. "I think she's the one from my dream... I remember that much. She looked just like her."
Cassie tilted her head. "Hm." She stood from Kyu with a gentle pat on his shoulder and turned to face Raven. She smiled at the girl. "Hey."
I tuck one of my wings in leaving only one wing and i run my fingers through the feathers "Hey"

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