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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

((My skills as a roleplayer do not know how to deal with this! What do I do? What does Aedan do! I did not expect that reply... Walking back would be the most humane thing of course, but kind of goes against that warped mentality Aedan has... But I might have a personal heartattack just walking away and leaving cassie like that, she has ALOT on her shoulders to deal with... Curses! My hardest RP decision so far... I need some time to think this through ... xD ))
Cassie turned and looked at Phoenix gratefully. "Yes," She said, her voice soft. "Could you Help me out with the glass in the livingroom?" she asked. "Since those didn't break, I think that would be a good place to start." She turned back to Aedan. "Please," she said.

(Whatever you want to do is fine! Personally, I can work with anything you give me. It keeps my writer's brain busy! )

(I'll be back around Five-ish!)
Connor sat on the bench still speaking with Kai and Rosaline at the park. Sirens in the distance had him pulling the phone from his pocket out of habit. Clicking the screen on he could see there we're no new messages and no missed calls, if something serious we're happening they'd have gotten ahold of him somehow.

Shoving back into his pocket he looked up as he focused on the two of them again, re-entering the conversation.

(I almost wish Connor had been there. xD He would have reacted similar to Aedan except he would have sat and watched Fenrir like a hawk instead of leaving.)
Aedan looked down as if trying to stare through the earth itself, his mind wrestling with both her plead and her patient... Though having been stopped Aedan had time to think, so he opted to do neither going back with her or walking away...

Slowly, he turned to face her, his face impassive. "Before, in the tower..." He took a breath before continuing. "What did you mean?"

He paused once more, aware that he may potentially be treading on thin ice. "What did you mean by you've seen enough death?"

((Yes! Connor has the 'hero' syndrome! xD ))
sitanomoto said:
Cassie turned and looked at Phoenix gratefully. "Yes," She said, her voice soft. "Could you Help me out with the glass in the livingroom?" she asked. "Since those didn't break, I think that would be a good place to start." She turned back to Aedan. "Please," she said.
(Whatever you want to do is fine! Personally, I can work with anything you give me. It keeps my writer's brain busy! )

(I'll be back around Five-ish!)
"Do you know a good place to get tougher glasssss?" He asked, wanting to do something properly. "So that way we will not experience any broken Glassssss and broken ssssssanity."
CasualDragon said:
Finn's jogging brought him around the side of Avengers Tower where he saw the smashed glass. He looked around suspiciously for any villians hiding before he noticed the crater and the person in it. He approached the person with caution, not sure if he was friend or foe, but after seeing his injuries thoughts of good and evil fled his mind. He rushed to the side of the other guy and knelt down. He didn't really know anything about first aid, but he knew enough to know that this kid was in bad shape. He pulled out a spare shirt from his bag and tied it to his head tightly to stop some of the bleeding. He apologized to the unconscious teen before he set the kid's leg back in place.
After looking around he grabbed two branches that had fallen off at some point and ripped half of the fabric from one leg of his sweatpants. He took a brief moment to thank himself for having not been able to find any shorts. Quickly he tied the sticks to either side of the leg as a splint and gently shook the guy to see if he would wake up. He also dumped half a bottle of water onto the kid just in case.

@Kalin Scarlet
Kyuma awoke with a yell. "MAN, THAT HURTS!!!" He reached for his broken leg, but touching it only added to his pain.
Karcen said:
" Then the place where you are is the only place you could have a home, you will kill and hurt others for long as the symbiotes can control your body , to get what you want you will have to obtain what you need. " she said honestly if he wanted a place to live he had it if he didn't want to kill her had it that city was prefect and he would never hurt anyone there, they had enough symbiote problems " for long as you can become another venom, a monster this is the best place for you'
Kalin hearing the word monster didn't really go very well for him, he clutched his head and lied down there in the snow, "I'm not a monster, the real monster is who I am here to capture. I know Riot and Phage decided to attack spider-man there is nothing i can say that will make up for that violent act, but We are here for a good reason..."

Reaper said:
"I'll think of a better one, but for now you're just P! Oh yea, I forgot about fire bird too. I don't give mister stark any nicknames because he's pretty dangerous."
Cyrus shrugged, "Call me what you want." He looked over at Cassie who us just blowing up, he whispered under his breath, "Yeah she completely lost it..."
"Well, maybe she is on a rampage right now, but I agree with what she's getting at. She had the opportunity to save a life and she did. No matter who the life is, that's a good thing, right?" Dimitri said to Cyrus
Cyrus thought about that, "Maybe but you're never going to catch me trying to save someones life who tried to destroy an entire universe."
He shrugged. "I trust Cassie. I'm sure she knows what she's doing. Right now though, I'm doing something about this broken glass." He stood up and zoomed about the tower, picking up all the glass he could.
" I am sure I can guess who you mean, the question is if those two will attack those who haven't hurt you, if they will attack the innocent how do we know they won't just make you the next massacre or if they leave you they won't just slaughter and kill " She said to her she wasn't asking much just that they not go off killing innocent people just because they were symbiotes.
"They won't attack the innocent, only those who cause them hatred. And those who threaten my life." Kalin began to drift into slumber, "Massacre must be taken back to the life foundation...."
" Yes and that could easily be a random man woman or child who just happens to draw their ire, they have already shown they will attack just because a person is there " She said really if the symbiotes could control themselves she could let them go, even if it meant those that didn't want to kill random people keeping those that did suppressed.
He heaved a sigh of relief. "Oh man, I thought you might be dead. I forgot to check your pulse. How did I forget that." He mumbled. "I'm going to need your help. If we can get you to your foot, then I can carry you, or help you, get to the Stark's place where they'll have better medical equipment. That is assuming that you don't want to go to the hospital, or do you? Either way, you'll have to get up. I'm Finn, would be nice to meet ya if you weren't lying here dying." He pushed out his hand to help him up.
CasualDragon said:
He heaved a sigh of relief. "Oh man, I thought you might be dead. I forgot to check your pulse. How did I forget that." He mumbled. "I'm going to need your help. If we can get you to your foot, then I can carry you, or help you, get to the Stark's place where they'll have better medical equipment. That is assuming that you don't want to go to the hospital, or do you? Either way, you'll have to get up. I'm Finn, would be nice to meet ya if you weren't lying here dying." He pushed out his hand to help him up.
Ivory slowly woke up, the yell of pain awoke him, he had lost allot of blood, and was going to die if he didn't get attention, using all of his strength to get up, he went to the window he came through, and using all the force he could manage screamed, "HELP... Puh-PLease ohhh" having done all he could he fell, sure that this was his end.
"Women and children don't interest them..." Kalin completely fell asleep a few seconds later
CasualDragon said:
He heaved a sigh of relief. "Oh man, I thought you might be dead. I forgot to check your pulse. How did I forget that." He mumbled. "I'm going to need your help. If we can get you to your foot, then I can carry you, or help you, get to the Stark's place where they'll have better medical equipment. That is assuming that you don't want to go to the hospital, or do you? Either way, you'll have to get up. I'm Finn, would be nice to meet ya if you weren't lying here dying." He pushed out his hand to help him up.
Kyuma reached up, and grasped his saviors hand. "I'm Kyuma...Kyu. Thanks for the help."
"No problem." He slung Kyuma's arm over his shoulder and began to slowly walk towards the building. "It would be a little quicker if I carried you, plus it seems like there's another pit stop we have to make before we get to the rest of the gang. Permission to carry you?" The last thing he wanted to do was make Kyuma uncomfortable after having just met him.
CasualDragon said:
"No problem." He slung Kyuma's arm over his shoulder and began to slowly walk towards the building. "It would be a little quicker if I carried you, plus it seems like there's another pit stop we have to make before we get to the rest of the gang. Permission to carry you?" The last thing he wanted to do was make Kyuma uncomfortable after having just met him.
"Anything to make the pain stop..." Kyuma said, before yelling in pain when the guy lifted him.

"Its not stopping, its not stopping!" He screamed.
Cassie faltered and her eyes grew wide. "I saw.... all of them.... all of my friends... dead...." She looked at Aedan and a tear slid down her cheek, but her voice never faltered. "In my nightmare... all of them... my whole team...." She wiped away the tear quickly and smiled as the blur that was Dimitri zoomed about picking up the glass. She turned to Phoenix with a deep breath "You can check with Friday." She turned back to Aedan and shrugged. "I just don't want that to be a reality. For anyone."

((We all have a little hero in us.))
Finn winced and tried to set him in a more comfortable position over his shoulder as he moved towards the building. "I really am sorry about this. I would piggy back you but with a broken leg that won't be fun. How about this, I'm going to bring you to the main room for the Stark's to look at or something, then I'll go after the other person." He pushed open the front doors and calmly entered a waiting elevator. He pushed the button to the floor that the group had hung out at last time and calmly waited for the elevator to rise. "So. Where are you from? And how come you were lying in a pile of rubble?"
Aedan could barely bring himself to look her in the eyes when she began speaking, each word was heavy with fear and dread. Even if he couldn't understand why she was helping Fenrir, who could potentially be the cause of the dream, her own state of mind made it clear that the nightmare had impacted her heavily, and was more than enough justification for her actions. "I'm sorry... I had no idea of what you were going through... we can..." Aedan grimaced, still not wanting to go, but decided to make an exception. "We can go back, I'll play patient... Even if I have to endure being near that... man, I'll be watching though."
CasualDragon said:
Finn winced and tried to set him in a more comfortable position over his shoulder as he moved towards the building. "I really am sorry about this. I would piggy back you but with a broken leg that won't be fun. How about this, I'm going to bring you to the main room for the Stark's to look at or something, then I'll go after the other person." He pushed open the front doors and calmly entered a waiting elevator. He pushed the button to the floor that the group had hung out at last time and calmly waited for the elevator to rise. "So. Where are you from? And how come you were lying in a pile of rubble?"
Kyuma was holding back tears, but he'd managed to ignore the pain a bit, so that it wasn't making him scream like a child anymore.

"Well, I'm from , and as for...wait, what? I'm from...from... I can't think of it. Why can't I remember that?" he said, his pain replaced with a much worse feeling.

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[QUOTE="Archangel Galdrael]Aedan could barely bring himself to look her in the eyes when she began speaking, each word was heavy with fear and dread. Even if he couldn't understand why she was helping Fenrir, who could potentially be the cause of the dream, her own state of mind made it clear that the nightmare had impacted her heavily, and was more than enough justification for her actions. "I'm sorry... I had no idea of what you were going through... we can..." Aedan grimaced, still not wanting to go, but decided to make an exception. "We can go back, I'll play patient... Even if I have to endure being near that... man, I'll be watching though."

Cassie looked at Aedan and nodded. "Thank you." She smiled tentatively at him as she walked back into the room. Tony looked at his daughter with a concerned expression and a raised eyebrow but said nothing, deciding to keep an eye on her.
(why do i get no notifs for this?) Raven is in a cold cave far away. I look at one of the walls covered in my paintings. "needs more yellow" her mind strays to the boy she tried to wake up "shut up brain you get no thanks thats just the way people are"

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