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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

Karcen said:
" Move the wall from where it is to " She said moving here hand to the other side of the courtyard the wall protruded into " Over there, the task is not impossible I have done it, as has my father, and Mr. Wong, and many before them" She said remembering the trick to this wall had been more of a mental thing as it was now it was a way to understand to accept the impossible and overcome what blocked ones path. " if I wished to cage you I could easily send you plane of fire or ice places you could not survive, there is a way back but you are not ready to see it, when the human part of you finishes the task then you may leave with my blessing" she said not mentioning that the wall tended to rebuild itself when one looked away or slept, it was after all a mental thing more than a physical thing , it took her a month to figure that out. " if you want you can start now or I can lead you to where you can sleep ".
"Wait She can hear us??" "I guess??....." "No that's impossible." Kalin looked at the giant wall, "So you wan't me to move that wall....over there." He said pointing his fingers to both areas where she had pointed just to make sure he heard everything correctly
Steph nodded to both questions she could in this case see into the mind of the group though she kept it to surface thoughts, it was all for training this was all about the mind and their mixture so she felt it was reasonable to read his mind passively if it helped to know when they were ready. " Yes , you will have the use of the sleds, and whatever you can control, but not anything that is not subject to your human mind, this is a challenge for the man not the symbiotes" She said barely holding off the word monster because that was what was most said in such a line and that really didn’t apply here.
(I'm not getting updated sorry)

Ivory wakes up slowly, the wound making it nearly impossible to speak or move.

"Please,someone,anyone help"
Kalin was pretty thin and it was a pretty big wall, "Well then....This is going to be fun." He sighed as he stared at the sleds for a few minutes.
Steph did wonder how well the boy would do with the task, as it was never truly completed, you just realized the solution, in some it was that the goal you wanted wasn't what you needed, others it was that there was no reality that wasn't changeable that reality held more than just science. She did wonder just what realization the boy would come to while he worked, the stones where heavy, meant to be hard to move and they left a lot of time to think. She would watch him from a far and she simply vanished back to the sanctum proper to make sure threats were monitored. She of course would still be in contact with the boy she would be there in mind , just not body.
Savage looked back down at Ivory,

"Ivory, you have to get up, if you don't, we might die here!"

Ivory groaned in response
Finn tossed a small bag over his shoulders with water and some snacks before he headed out. After the previous fights he decided that maybe he should be in a little bit better shape. He plugged his earbuds in and headed out onto the streets at a brisk jog. After a matter of minutes he found himself tiring. Man, why is Smasher so fit but I'm not? This is why I always get the snot beaten out of me. Repeating over in his ears was a downloaded Japanese course he was listening to to make up for his last missed lesson.

As he made his way down the sidewalks and sort of competed with other joggers he thought about all of the life choices he regretted including his new found fitness regime, his refusal to wear contacts, and his guilty pleasure of listening to Taylor Swift. His Japanese ended and he put on his regular music with Bad Blood leading the charge. Maybe Taylor Swift wasn't something he regretted, but nobody had to know that. When two more songs ended Finn stopped and bent over, trying to catch his breath. So maybe I'm not in super bad shape after all. He thought as he picked up his rhythm again.
Jin watched as iron girl had her meltdown and calmly floated towards one of the broken windows before cautiously squeezing through the broken glass, trying not to cut himself. He soon landed and simply told the girl,"Now now, we don't need that temper destroying any more property now do we?"
With a few more pained breaths, Kyuma passed out in front of the tower, and died from blood loss...at least, that would have been the case if he were still a normal human being. However, with his new status as a soulless pawn of mephisto(literally), he simply passed out from the pain of the possible fractured skull and broken leg he'd received. Of course, without some help, his condition probably wasn't going to improve.
"Tough day, I imagine..." Fenrir said, sighing. "Thank you for doing this... I doubt I can go home now. Dad will have disowned me."
Karcen said:
Steph did wonder how well the boy would do with the task, as it was never truly completed, you just realized the solution, in some it was that the goal you wanted wasn't what you needed, others it was that there was no reality that wasn't changeable that reality held more than just science. She did wonder just what realization the boy would come to while he worked, the stones where heavy, meant to be hard to move and they left a lot of time to think. She would watch him from a far and she simply vanished back to the sanctum proper to make sure threats were monitored. She of course would still be in contact with the boy she would be there in mind , just not body.
Kalin looked up into the clouds, "This is almost completely pointless." He said sighing. "Even if i could lift a piece of this, the terrain makes it almost impossible to pull from the sleigh." He leaned against the wall looking out into the distance, "What am I going to do now?"
After observing numerous news sites for any hero activity for a few hours, Ultron begins to discreetly hack into the Stark tower's security system in order to monitor the Avengers and learn about their plans.
Steph had watched and the guy and he seemed to give up quickly , that was most likely why the symbiote ran rough shot all over him when it came to life. Still perhaps a few hints were in order.

" It is impossible because you believe it is, you have more than I did when I completed this task, you need only use what you have already " She said telepathically.
Karcen said:
Steph had watched and the guy and he seemed to give up quickly , that was most likely why the symbiote ran rough shot all over him when it came to life. Still perhaps a few hints were in order.
" It is impossible because you believe it is, you have more than I did when I completed this task, you need only use what you have already " She said telepathically.
Kalin looked up, "So if I believe that the rock is as light as a feather it will be?" He responded, he shook his head, "That just doesn't seem right. nothing is ever that easy, I should know.."
" it is that hard if you think it is many have done this before you without the gifts you have , though to think and to believe are different, just like to have a power is different from mastering it, If you do not try you will never leave. humans have passed this trial and you are more than just human, but that is what makes it harder for you " She said telepathically being cryptic and vague but really being a jerk about this task seemed to be a tradition
Kalin sighed, "Well you said I can't use my symbiotes." He looked at one of the rocks and attempted to lift it.
" I said you can only use what your human controls, that doesn't mean that you can't use your gifts but that you must control them. " Steph explained mentally being rather kind with answers, but some needed things more directly than others, as the stones for him were large and heavy but for her they had been smaller and numerous.
"Woaaaah Cass? I thought this glass was fixed!" Dimitri said after zipping to them, blissfully unaware of what happened before.
Kalin sat down and began to control his breathing, "Activating protocol 251 code-name: Hybrid" His body was taken by the symbiote but this time it was an orange-ish color, "Hybrid is now Active.." Kalin stood up and began to spawn a few tendrils they began to grab blocks and stack them onto the sleds.
GimmickPuppet said:
"Tough day, I imagine..." Fenrir said, sighing. "Thank you for doing this... I doubt I can go home now. Dad will have disowned me."
Cassie growled at Jin and glared at Dimitri but said nothing. She heard Fenrir say "Tough day," and she snapped her head up to look at him. "Oh, you think?" She looked at the ceiling and then back at him. "I just finished repairing these, I burned my lunch, I missed out on my math homework, and,"She grabbed one of the flesh-colored strips from the little table and began to wrap it around the cuts on Fenrir's arm "I had a horrible nightmare." She looked at the boy. "Why am I telling you this?" She mumbled. "Never mind." She finished up the wrapping. "That's synthetic skin," she told him. "It'll adhere to your real skin and cover the cuts, then dissolve away when your skin is repaired. I've been designing it for times like this. It should congeal the cuts. Let me see your other arm."
Steph watched, and while the boy could control this form that would not be enough to get rid of the wall, it was not just controlling what you did before but gaining a true control of the symbiotes that mattered.

" Very good you can control one form but you are not of one mind " She said.
"Hybrid is not one but all, We are a combined form of Riot, Phage, Lasher, and Agony" Kalin continued to move the rocks, "Hybrid is the origin, the center for the 4 corners."

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