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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

GimmickPuppet said:
((Your character won't bleed to death if cut. Fenrir will.))
((I believe internal bleeding trumps external wounds, Aedan is durable but he isn't invincible))
(all good dude)


Pyosimros said:
Perry looked below him. It looked like a rough fall and landing on it wouldn't give me an opportunity to strike back because of the pain. He quickly created a net between them and two lamp posts to break his fall. "Friends..?" he laughed nervously. He didn't exactly think of how he would get the symbiote off.
Phage whipped his arm back to cut perry until something stopped him, "I guess we shall continue this another time Parker..." Phage jumped away and into the distance unable to be seen. soon after when he was out of vision he moved under a pile of rubbleand turned back into kalin, "CALL FOR HELP!" Riot screamed. Kalin began to hyperventilate as he called out, "Somebody help me!!"
Crono said:
Connor gave the slightest of an eyeroll with his head turned away from Dimitri. "I shouldn't have mimicked him, shouldn't have mocked him. All that did was summon the devil." He whispered to Rosaline with a smile before turning to face Dimitri and his friend. Well, there goes my peace and quiet out the window. "Hey, Dimi--" Connor stopped mid-sentence as Dimitri disappeared and groaned. Not again...

"Hi." He greeted the silver haired boy. Connor's mouth going agape at the mention of being the best frizbee player. "You did, huh?" Connor resisting the urge to face palm then and there but instead settling for a gently few seconds of closing his eyes. I am so getting him back for this later. Connor raised an eyebrow, "I guess you could say that I'm pretty good with one."
[QUOTE="Aura Of Twilight]Rosaline had been about to answer when she heard a another voice. "Hey Connor and rosey!" She turned to see Dimitri waving at them with a unknown boy about his age at his side. Like Dimitri, he had silver hair that gleamed in the sunlight and wore a black coat with a purple shirt under it. "Fancy meeting you guys here!" Dimitri said with a grin as the two made their way over. If Rosaline had have known better the two could have been twins.
The new boy started talking a million miles an hour, his pale blue eyes full of excitement. "Uh...hi." Rosaline said, blinking slowly as she tried to process what he just said. "Wings? Who told you-" She stopped, her eyes looking over to Dimitri only to realize he was no longer there. Conner looked bewildered at the stranger's words before stuttering out a reply of his own. She shook her head. "Nevermind. Who are you, if I may ask?"

Well,My name is Kai,Kai Miyata Kai said giving a thumbs up and a smile to The male and Female
After the symbiote ran off he sighed in relief. Well hopefully that's the last fight of the day, he got up from his web net and he looked over at his house. He should probably grab some other stuff before he left. The streets seemed to be fine. There was no crime running rampant. Which means a safe passage back home without getting grabbed by another creature. Perry went into his house, all his previous thoughts came to life, except for the fighting part because that'll probably happen later. "Hey dad, remember that battle with a bunch of other Spider-men and there was that dead version of you from a war between a bunch of superheroes?" he looked at him. "Yah, why?" his father seemed to still be engrossed in the TV. "Where are the schematics for the suit?" the retired Spider-Man pointed at a closet. It seemed to be where he stuffs a bunch of random things these days. Perry opened the closet and it was a slip of paper on the top shelf. He grabbed it and examined the sheet.

Steph had been researching ways to stop the annoying hands of that asguardain, and looking for better ways to cause him harm that couldn't be easily blocked by the same cutting hands. She had also been watching the fight from the sanctum and she saw that others did better against him than here, well she just didn't know how to fight him he was not something her skills were strong against, but she had ways around it. She had also seen the other fights. really stark tower was like a magnet for fights and super villains, she wondered how they ever got a day off when it seemed like villains would stop by for tea if they wanted. However one fight that she should not be interested in did interest her the symbiote while many had more than one mind , the host and the symbiote, this one had many more all in chaos, with the human deep inside. While Steph thought it might be a bad idea she did think she could help as she had heard such creatures could be brought to heel and she had a few spells that would be very effective against them.

Steph appeared a distance away, she did not want to get into easy range of the symbiote, of the creature and she could almost feel the struggle. " You have called and I have come tell me your troubles" She said actually wanting to hear the problems the human part had rather than just assuming.
Phoenix walks around stark tower, as he was unaware that the others were off and about. He decided to explore his new home, and discover new things he has never seen before. "I wish I had my forge, I could make weapons for everyone, and even maintain them if needed." He thought, but alas, he did not see anything that resembled a forge. He eventually came across the kitchen and then rummaged about, wanting to make a sandwich.
"Haha, Very funny. I am jusssssst looking to making a sssssssandwich." He said as he grabbed some peanut butter, jelly, and some bread. "What do you need? I am in no mood for any quick quips, for my hunger is not yet sssssated." he said as he made the sandwich, the eyes on his blades staring at dimitri. @Reaper
"Oh I don't need anything. I'm just boooored out of my mind. You know how sometimes you're at the ATM or something and there's a guy in front of you taking forever? It just infuriates you how slow he is? That's how life is to me. Will somebody pleeeeease rob a bank or something?" He said, plopping down on the couch.
"I prefer ssssssilence over anything elsssssse. I like to do thingssssss in the quiet." Phoenix said as he took a bite of his sandwich. "Although, I do misssssss vampire hunting with my dad, The DayWalker." he added with a sigh of reminiscence. @Reaper
"Badasssss. We hunted evil Vampiressssss everyday, and we enjoyed it. Until he recently died by flames. I missssss him so much." Phoenix said as he wiped a tear from his eye, not wanting to show any emotion. "all I have now, isssss my mother in russia." he added. @Reaper
"I'm... Sorry to hear that. I didn't even know. My mom is dead too. She had cancer though, so I don't have much of a dramatic story. Me

And my dad don't talk about it much... I guess it's because it still feels like somehow, she is still around." Dimitri stood and walked to the window.
"SSSSSSame here. And what's funny issssss, you are the first perssssson to ask me about him." he said in a pained tone, but his face shows no emotion at all. "All that remindssssss me of him are my Claws." he said as he took the blades on his back and stood in a fighting stance, giving off a threatening feel. @Reaper
GimmickPuppet said:
Fenrir screamed as several shards of glass cut him, blood pouring violently from the wounds. "FUCK!" Fenrir shouted before he noticed Cassie, sending several Vectors at her.
Cassie nimbly dodged. "DUDE!" She yelled. "Are either of you even going to APOLOGIZE?"

Tony, fully in his Iron Man suit, ran into the room and shot several beams at Fenrir and Arner.
Powered by Stark technology... I should go over to ask Cassie's dad about it, Perry rolled the paper and he slipped it into his coat pocket. "I'm heading over to Stark Tower!" he waved goodbye. As he headed out he noticed two things with Stark Tower. First, was that there was some sort of battle going on. And second, was that he'll probably have to wait until the battle's over. Perry kept swinging to the tower, hopefully he can help. Unlike the battle two days ago when he pretty much did nothing. There seemed to be four people in sight. There was probably more. There were these two magical types of people and there was Cassie and his dad. Perry shot two webs connecting him to the upper part of the hole. He swung from there and he kicked Fenrir before landing. "Hi, Cassie and family."
Fenrir quickly pushed his brother out of the way, screaming as he was hit by the beam, dropping to his knees. He stood up and began too try and rip off Iron Man's suit before Perry kicked him, he shouted before trying to throw Perry out of the window.
The resemblence between Kai and Dimitri was almost jarring. Not only physically with the hair but they we're both bright and energetic individuals. "Nice to meet you Kai. I'm Connor Rogers." With his glasses loose, Connor reached up and pushed them back up the bridge of his nose. "So what brings the two of you to the park today?" He asked looking from Kai to Rosaline.
Karcen said:
Steph had been researching ways to stop the annoying hands of that asguardain, and looking for better ways to cause him harm that couldn't be easily blocked by the same cutting hands. She had also been watching the fight from the sanctum and she saw that others did better against him than here, well she just didn't know how to fight him he was not something her skills were strong against, but she had ways around it. She had also seen the other fights. really stark tower was like a magnet for fights and super villains, she wondered how they ever got a day off when it seemed like villains would stop by for tea if they wanted. However one fight that she should not be interested in did interest her the symbiote while many had more than one mind , the host and the symbiote, this one had many more all in chaos, with the human deep inside. While Steph thought it might be a bad idea she did think she could help as she had heard such creatures could be brought to heel and she had a few spells that would be very effective against them.
Steph appeared a distance away, she did not want to get into easy range of the symbiote, of the creature and she could almost feel the struggle. " You have called and I have come tell me your troubles" She said actually wanting to hear the problems the human part had rather than just assuming.
Kalin took a deep breath his clothes were still tattered, "I need someplace to stay, I can't go back." he put his hands on top of his head, "they wanted me to do horrible things. I can't go back...."
Cassie growled. "Oh no you don't!" She jumped in front of Perry and punched Fenrir in the face. It was then she noticed something: Fenrir's cuts weren't congealing or forming scabs. "Dad, STOP!" She yelled after hauling Perry safely inside. She approached Fenrir cautiously. "You're going to keep bleeding out if you don't let me help you...." She said as she stepped carefully forward. "I promise I won't hurt you if you don't hurt me."
Fenrir glared at Cassie, one of his Vectors went to Tony's throat. "I-If you try anything, he's dead..." Fenrir said, scared and untrusting.

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